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(Tap footnote to read it. Old Testament quotations are underlined. "Love" with a caret ("^love") is agapé.1"agapé" The Greek words ἀγάπη (agapé, noun), and ἀγαπάω (agapaó; verb) are typically translated "love". However, unlike our English word "love" – which primarily speaks of affection and feelings – agapé centers on choice and behavior. It’s the "love" based on will, choice, behavior, and action; not feelings. (Feelings-based love is the Greek word φιλέω (phileó), which properly means "brotherly love/affection".) Thus, you could hate someone passionately and still treat him with "agapé". Agapé "love" is best understood as the pursuit of what is most beneficial to someone or something, regardless of the cost to yourself or the type of response received from the person or thing. It can also indicate a preference for someone or something over other things. )
The Old Testament (Translation not started yet.)
The New Testament:
New Testament History
Matthew Chapter 1
Jesus’ Genealogy
- The genealogy scroll of Jesus the Anointed;1Most translations say “Jesus Christ” here. Contrary to popular belief, “Christ” is not Jesus’ last name; it’s a descriptive title. “Christ” is a transliteration of the Greek word “Χριστός” (Christos), with “Christ” being the Greek word and the “os” ending indicating its function in the sentence. Christ(os) literally means “anointed one” or “one who has been anointed”. the son of David, the son of Abraham.
- Abraham fathered Isaac. And Isaac fathered Jacob. And Jacob fathered Judah and his brothers.
- And Judah fathered Perez and Zerah from Tamar. And Perez fathered Hezron. And Hezron fathered Ram.
- And Ram fathered Amminadab. And Amminadab fathered Nahshon. And Nahshon fathered Salmon.
- And Salmon fathered Boaz from Rahab. And Boaz fathered Obed from Ruth. And Obed fathered Jesse.
- And Jesse fathered David the king. And David fathered Solomon from the widow of Uriah.
- And Solomon fathered Rehoboam. And Rehoboam fathered Abijah. And Abijah fathered Asa.
- And Asa fathered Jehoshaphat. And Jehoshaphat fathered Joram. And Joram fathered Uzziah.
- And Uzziah fathered Jotham. And Jotham fathered Ahaz. And Ahaz fathered Hezekiah.
- And Hezekiah fathered Manasseh. And Manasseh fathered Amos. And Amos fathered Josiah.
- And Josiah fathered Jeconiah and his brothers before the deportation to Babylon.
- And after the deportation to Babylon, Jeconiah fathered Shealtiel. And Shealtiel fathered Zerubbabel.
- And Zerubbabel fathered Abiud. And Abiud fathered Eliakim. And Eliakim fathered Azor.
- And Azor fathered Zadok. And Zadok fathered Achim. And Achim fathered Eliud.
- And Eliud fathered Eleazar. And Eleazar fathered Matthan. And Matthan fathered Jacob.
- And Jacob fathered Joseph, the husband of Mary, from whom was born Jesus, the One called “the Anointed”.
- Therefore, all the generations from Abraham until David were 14 generations. And from David until the deportation to Babylon were 14 generations. And from the deportation to Babylon until the Anointed were 14 generations.
Jesus’ Conception and Birth
- Now, the birth of Jesus the Anointed was like this: having been betrothed2“betrothed” is literal, though sometimes it’s mistranslated as “engaged”. Betrothal is an ancient way to contract marriage. In a betrothal, a man goes to a girl’s father and asks to marry the girl. If the father agrees, a “bride price” was given to the father by the man. Once the bride price changed hands, the girl was legally considered the man’s wife. (For example, in Deuteronomy 22:23-24, a betrothed virgin is called a wife. Also, Joseph is called Mary’s husband in verse 19.) Despite legally being the man’s wife, they lived apart until the wedding ceremony. If a betrothed woman engaged in sexual activity with another man, she was considered an adulteress. Thus, Mary would have been considered an adulteress by those who didn’t know of Jesus’s origin. Notably, according to Deuteronomy 22:23-24, the penalty for a betrothed woman who committed adultery was death. to Joseph, His mother Mary was found having a child in her womb from the Holy Spirit before they were to come together.
- Yet Joseph her husband – being righteous and not wishing to publicly disgrace her – resolved to send her away secretly.
- And having been greatly troubled3“having been greatly troubled” is a single word in Greek. This difficult to translate word literally means being in a state of passionate response/thinking, typically producing inner turmoil. by these things, behold; an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying; “Joseph, son of David, don’t be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child which was conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
- “And she will bear a son and you will call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.
- “And all this has happened so it might be fulfilled, what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying:
- “Behold! The virgin will carry a child in her womb and will bear a son. And they will call His name Immanuel;”4quotation/allusion to Isaiah 7:14 which is translated: “God with us”.
- And having been woken from his sleep, Joseph did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took her as his wife.
- Also, he wasn’t knowing her intimately until she gave birth to a son, and he called His name Jesus.
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Matthew Chapter 2
The Magi Visit
- Now, Jesus was born in Bethlehem1the Hebrew word “Bethlehem” translates as “house of bread”, aka: a bakery. God arranged it so the bread of life (Jesus) was born in a town named “bakery”. of Judea in the days of Herod the king. And Behold, Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem
- saying: “Where is the One who was born King of the Jews? For we perceived His star in the east and came to bow down at His feet.”2“bow down at… …feet” is one word in Greek, often translated “worship”. It comes from the Greek words: “pros” (meaning “towards”) and “kyneo” (meaning “to kiss”). It literally refers to bowing down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground in front of a superior or authority figure. Some Egyptian pictographs have the hand outstretched, as if to send the “kiss” toward the one being revered.
- And having heard this, King Herod was perplexed and deeply shaken,3“perplexed and deeply shaken” is a single word in Greek, with that exact definition. and all Jerusalem with him.
- And having gathered all the chief priests and scribes4“scribes” In the New Testament, this Greek word is typically applied to those learned in the Mosaic Law. of the people, he was asking them where the Anointed is born.
- And they answered him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for it’s *written through the prophet this way:
- “And you Bethlehem, land of Judah, are by no means least among the leaders of Judah. For the One leading will go out from you, He who will shepherd My people Israel.”5quotation/allusion to Micah 5:2
- Then having secretly called the Magi, Herod learned from them the precise time of the star’s appearing.
- And having sent them to Bethlehem, he said: “Having traveled there, search carefully for the young child. And as soon as you find Him, report back to me so that having come, I also might bow down at His feet.”6“bow down at… …feet” is one word in Greek, often translated “worship”. It comes from the Greek words: “pros” (meaning “towards”) and “kyneo” (meaning “to kiss”). It literally refers to bowing down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground in front of a superior or authority figure. Some Egyptian pictographs have the hand outstretched, as if to send the “kiss” toward the one being revered.
- And they listened to the king and traveled there. And behold, the star which they saw in the east was going before them until it arrived, then it stood over where the child was.
- And having seen the star, they rejoiced with extremely great joy.
- And having gone into the house, they saw the child with Mary His mother. And having fallen down they bowed low at His feet.7“bowed low at… …feet” is one word in Greek, often translated “worship”. It comes from the Greek words: “pros” (meaning “towards”) and “kyneo” (meaning “to kiss”). It literally refers to bowing down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground in front of a superior or authority figure. Some Egyptian pictographs have the hand outstretched, as if to send the “kiss” toward the one being revered. And having opened their store of treasures, they offered Him gifts of gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.
- And having been divinely warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they returned to their land by another way.
The Escape to Egypt
- Now, after they left, behold, an angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph saying, “After waking up, take the child and His mother and flee to Egypt and live there until I tell you, for Herod intends to seek the child to kill Him.”
- And having been woken, he took the child and His mother by night and fled into Egypt.
- And he was living there until the death of Herod so it might be fulfilled, what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: “I called My Son out of Egypt.”8quotation/allusion to Hosea 11:1
Herod’s wrath
- Then Herod – having seen that he was mocked by the Magi – was greatly enraged. And having sent orders, he killed all the boys in Bethlehem and all in its districts, from two years old and under according to the precise time that he learned from the Magi.
- Then it was fulfilled: what was spoken through the prophet Jeremiah, saying:
- “A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and much wailing, Rachel weeping for her children and she wasn’t wanting to be comforted because they are no more.”9quotation/allusion to Jeremiah 31:15
- Now, when Herod died, behold, an angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,
- saying: “After waking up, take the child and His mother and travel into the land of Israel, for the men seeking the life of the child have died.
- And having been woken, he took the child and His mother and entered into the land of Israel.
- But having heard that Archelaus is reigning as king over Judea in place of his father Herod, he was frightened to go there. And having been divinely warned in a dream, he departed into the regions of Galilee.
- And having arrived, he settled down in a city called Nazareth so what was spoken through the prophets might be fulfilled, that He will be called a Nazarene.10quotation/allusion to Isaiah 11:1 “Nazarene” refers to the inhabitants of the town of Nazareth, which likely takes it’s name from the Hebrew word “Netzer”. Netzer refers to a shoot that springs up from a stump and thus this is likely a reference to Isaiah 11:1, which foretells that the Messiah will be a “netzer” from the trunk of Jesse (David’s father). Thus, in this sense Jesus was a “netzer-ene” (Nazarene, with “ene” indicating origin; thus, originating from a netzer.)
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Matthew Chapter 3
John The Baptizer
- Then in those days, John the Baptizer comes preaching in the desert of Judea
- and saying: “Repent!1“Repent” this Greek word doesn’t speak of remorse or guilt for wrong actions. Rather, it literally means to “think differently after” or to “reconsider”, with an assumed change in behavior. To both the Hebrews and 1st century Greeks/Romans, a change in mind was synonymous with a change in behavior; you couldn’t have the first without the second. for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”
- For this is the man spoken of through the prophet Isaiah, saying; “The voice imploring in the desert: prepare the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.”2quotation/allusion to Isaiah 40:3
- And John himself was wearing his robe made from camel’s hair and had a leather belt around his waist,3quotation/allusion to 2 Kings 1:8, which describes the prophet Elijah as “a hairy man with a leather belt around his waist”. and his food was locusts and wild honey.
- At that time, Jerusalem was going out to him; and all Judea, and all the region neighboring the Jordan.
- And they were being baptized by him in the Jordan River and openly confessing their sins.
- And having seen many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism, he said to them; “You offspring of serpents!4“You offspring of serpents!” This isn’t mere name calling. Satan is always represented as a serpent. Therefore, calling them the “offspring of serpents” is akin to saying they are Satan’s children/followers. Further, this understanding makes John’s comment in 3:9 make much more sense. Who warned you to flee from the wrath5“wrath” the Greek word refers to anger or wrath that has built up over a longer period. This isn’t an outburst of anger in the moment; it’s matured over time. about to come?”
- “Therefore, produce fruit worthy of repentance.”6See note on 3:2
- “And don’t presume to say among yourselves; “We have Abraham as a father”. For I tell you that God has the power to raise up children of Abraham from these stones.”
- “And already, the axe is laid near the root7“root” the Greek word here can also mean “descendant”, which is quite relevant considering the context. of the trees. Therefore, every tree not producing good fruit is cut off and thrown into the fire.”
- “Indeed, I baptize you in water toward repentance. But the One coming after me is mightier than I; He whose sandals I’m not worthy to carry. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire.”
- “He whose winnowing fork8“winnowing fork” is a literal translation of the Greek word here. A “winnowing fork” is used for “winnowing”. Winnowing is the process of separating the useful/edible grain from the useless chaff. Chaff is the husks and stem fragments of a grain plant that are useless for anything. You “winnow” by using a winnowing fork to throw the mixture up into the air. The wind blows away the lighter chaff, while the heavier grain falls back down to be collected. This process was done on a “threshing floor”, which had to be cleaned prior to use because food was prepared (winnowed) there. is in His hand. And He will thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor and will gather His grain into the barn. But the chaff He will burn completely with unquenchable fire.
Jesus’ baptism
- Then Jesus comes from Galilee to the Jordan, to John to be baptized by9“by” the Greek word here can also mean “under”, sometimes with the connotation of authority; i.e. “under” in the sense of authority. him.
- But John was stubbornly hindering Him, saying; “I have a need to be baptized by10see previous note. you, and you come to me?”
- But answering, Jesus said to him; “Allow it for now, for it’s proper for us to fulfill all righteousness in this way.” Then he allows Him.
- And having been baptized, Jesus immediately came up away from the water. And behold; the heavens were opened [to Him] and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming upon Him.
- And behold; there was a voice from the heavens saying; “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
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Matthew Chapter 4
Jesus’ Temptation
- Then Jesus was led up into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted by the Accuser.1“Accuser” The Greek word used here is “διάβολος” (diabolos), and it’s the root of our English word “devil”. Much like “Christ” (see note on Matt 1:1) “devil” isn’t a name but a descriptive title.
- And having fasted2“fasting” doesn’t always refer to a complete denial of food. Long fasts were often done with little or unpleasant food. Jesus might not have forgone food and drink entirely, but rather was living on little or unpleasant food. forty days and forty nights, He was hungry afterwards.
- And having approached, the one tempting Him told Him; “If you are God’s Son, command these stones so they become bread.
- But answering, He said; “It is *written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every spoken word3“spoken word” the Greek word here refers only to words that are spoken, never to words that are written. proceeding from God’s mouth.”4quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 8:3
- Then, the Accuser takes Him to the holy city and stood Him on the pinnacle of the temple.
- And he tells Him; “If you are God’s Son, throw yourself down. For it is *written: “He will give orders to His angels concerning you.”5quotation/allusion to Psalm 91:11 Also, “They will raise you up on their hands, lest you stumble when your foot strikes against a stone.”6quotation/allusion to Psalm 91:12
- Jesus was declaring to him; “Again, it is *written: you shall not test the Lord your God.”7quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 6:16
- Again, the Accuser takes Him to a very high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
- And he told Him; “I will give you all these things if, having bowed down, you worship me.”
- Then Jesus tells him; “Depart Satan! For it is *written: You shall worship the Lord your God, and you shall serve Him alone.”8quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 6:13
- Then the Accuser leaves Him and behold, angels came and were serving Him.
- Now, because He heard that John was arrested, He went back into Galilee.
- And having left Nazareth, He came and settled down in Capernaum by the sea in the region of Zebulun and Naphtali,
- so the word spoken through Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, saying;
- “Land of Zebulun and land of Naphtali, the way of the sea across the Jordan; Galilee of the gentiles.
- “The people sitting in darkness saw a great light. And to the men sitting in the land and shadow of death, a light rose on them.”9quotation/allusion to Isaiah 9:1-2
Jesus Begins Teaching and Healing
- From that time on, Jesus began to proclaim and say; “Repent!10“Repent” this Greek word doesn’t speak of remorse or guilt for wrong actions. Rather, it literally means to “think differently after” or to “reconsider”, with an assumed change in behavior. To both the Hebrews and 1st century Greeks/Romans, a change in mind was synonymous with a change in behavior; you couldn’t have the first without the second. All that meaning is captured by a single Greek word here. for the kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”
- Now, while walking beside the Sea of Galilee He saw two brothers – Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother – casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.
- And He tells them; “Come! Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”
- And having immediately dropped the nets, they followed Him.
- And having gone forward from there, He saw others. Two brothers – James the son of Zebedee and John his brother – were in a boat with Zebedee their father adjusting their nets and He called them.
- And having immediately left the boat and their father, they followed Him.
- Further, He was going through all Galilee; teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every chronic disease and every sickness in the people.
- Now, the news about Him went out into all of Syria and they brought all the sick to Him: those having various chronic diseases, and persisting torments, and being demon possessed, and having seizures, and paralytics, and He cured them.
- Further, many crowds followed Him from Galilee, and the Decapolis, and Jerusalem, and Judea, and beyond the Jordan.
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Matthew Chapter 5
The Sermon on the Mountain
- Then having seen the crowds, He went up to the mountain. And having sat down, His disciples approached Him.
- And having opened His mouth, He was teaching them, saying:
- “Blessed are the poor in spirit, because theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.
- “Blessed are the men who are mourning, because they will be comforted.
- “Blessed are the strong but gentle,1“strong but gentle” this Greek word is often translated “meek” or “gentle”. However, it doesn’t mean the absence of power as “meek” would suggest. Instead, it specifically refers to strength or power that is gently exercised without undue harshness. i.e. some who is strong but applies their strength gently. because they will inherit the land.
- “Blessed are the men hungering and thirsting for righteousness, because they will be satisfied.
- “Blessed are the merciful, because they will receive mercy.
- “Blessed are the pure of heart, because they will see God.
- “Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called sons of God.
- “Blessed are the men who have been persecuted on account of righteousness, because theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.
- “Blessed are you when they disgrace and accuse2“disgrace and accuse” is one word in the Greek. It can mean either, but both definitions were included because they both fit the context, and it seems likely that both were intended. you, and persecute you, and say every evil thing against you, lying about you on account of Me.
- “Rejoice and jump for joy because your reward is numerous in the heavens, for they persecuted the prophets before you in the same way.
- “You are the salt of the land, but if the salt has become tasteless,3“become tasteless” is literally “become foolish”, as in “a fool is tasteless”. The double meaning here of foolish and tasteless is probably intended, and demonstrates some clever wordplay on Jesus’ part. by what will it be salted? It’s potent enough for nothing any longer except being thrown outside to be trampled under foot by men.
- “You are the light of the world. A city laying on a hill isn’t able to be hidden.
- “And they don’t light a lamp and put it under a measuring basket, but on the lampstand and it shines light to all men in the house.
- “In the same way, let your light shine before men so they might see your good works, and might glorify your Father in the heavens.
Jesus and the Law
- “Don’t think that I came to relax4“relax” the Greek word here literally means “loosen thoroughly”, often with the connotation of overthrowing or destroying because “loosen” can also mean dissolve. It comes from “thoroughly loosening” the straps of a pack animal at the end of a night or journey. Thus, it also has the connotation of ending something. The translation “relax” was chosen here because it best fits the context. Jesus spend the rest of the chapter “tightening” the moral standard of God’s (moral) law. the law or the prophets. I didn’t come to relax, but to fulfill.5“fulfill” could also be translated “complete”. The following verses do not touch on the Mosaic Law, but rather moral behavior. Jesus “completed” God’s moral law in this passage because He extended guilt to our hearts, not just our actions. Jesus didn’t relax God’s moral standard as revealed by the law and the prophets here; He completed our understanding of it.
- “For amen I tell you: until heaven and earth pass away, one iota6“iota” is the smallest letter of the Greek alphabet, and the term can be applied to the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet (yod) as well. or one diacritic mark7“diacritic marks” are little lines or dots that change the meaning or sound of a word. For example, in the word “fiancé”, the little line above the “e” indicates a change of pronunciation. English rarely uses them, but Greek does. Hebrew sometimes does, but they weren’t introduced into Hebrew until the mid first millennium. However, this more likely refers to the slight extensions on certain Hebrew letters that distinguish them from other letters. definitely won’t pass away from the law until it all happens.
- “Therefore, if someone relaxes8“relaxes” literally “loosens”; see note on verse 17. the least one of these commandments – and teaches others the same – he will be called least in the kingdom of the heavens. But whoever keeps and teaches it, he will be called great in the kingdom of the heavens.
- “For I tell you, unless your righteousness abounds greater than the scribes9“scribes” In the New Testament, this Greek word is typically applied to those learned in the Mosaic Law. and Pharisees, you definitely won’t enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
- “You heard that the ancients were told: “you shall not murder“,10quotation/allusion to Exodus 20:13 and whoever commits murder will be liable to judgement.
- “But I tell you, every man being angry with his brother[without cause]11“without cause” This phrase is present in the majority of manuscripts, including some early and important ones, but isn’t present in several earlier manuscripts. Some of the earliest church fathers such as Irenaeus of Lyon (died 202 AD), Cyprian (died 258 AD), and Origen (died 253 AD) quoted it, and it’s present in the Diatessaron of Tatian (late 100s), Apostolic Constitutions (late 300s), and some early Syrian and Coptic translations as well. However, several church fathers from slightly later explicitly argued against including it, saying it was a spurious addition to soften Jesus’s words. Modern scholarly consensus is that it isn’t original, but most scholars will admit that it “is widespread from the second century onwards” (Metzger). will be liable to judgement. And whoever might say to his brother “You airhead”12“airhead” the word used here is transliterated, apparently from Aramaic. It literally means “empty-headed”, or a fellow who is stupid or without sense. will be liable to the Sanhedrin.13The Sanhedrin was the highest Jewish court of the day. And whoever might say “You fool” will be liable to the fire of the Valley of Hinnom.14Most translations render this “hell” but any lexicon will tell you it’s a proper noun referring to a specific valley – the Valley of Hinnom – just outside Jerusalem. Symbolically, it’s where the Jews believed the wicked were punished in the afterlife. But this might refer to Israel’s history instead. Two kings of Israel sacrificed babies as burnt offerings to the pagan gods Baal and Moloch in the Valley of Hinnom. (2 Chronicles 28:1-3, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Jeremiah 7:30-31) As a result, God sentenced them to judgement through the prophet Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 19:1-11) Their sentence was carried out about 20 years later when Nebuchadnezzar sacked Jerusalem. He burned almost everything and enslaved all Judah. (2 kings 25:1-12) It was the worst sentence/judgement Israel had yet seen. This happened again a few decades after Jesus’ death when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.
- “Therefore, if you offer your gift on the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you,
- “leave your gift there before the altar and depart; first be reconciled to your brother and then go offer your gift.
- “Be reconciling quickly with your opponent at law while you are with him on the way to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the officer, and you will be thrown into prison.
- “Amen I tell you, you definitely won’t depart from that place until you pay the last penny.15“penny” the Greek word here refers to the smallest Roman coin, made from copper.
- “You heard that it was said: “You shall not have sex with another man’s wife.”16quotation/allusion to Exodus 20:14. “have sex with another man’s wife” is one word in the Greek, typically translated “commit adultery”. However, the Greek word (and Hebrew too) is more limited in scope than our English word adultery. In English, “adultery” means illicit sex between a married person – man or woman – and someone who isn’t their spouse. In Greek (and Hebrew also), it meant “a man having sex with another man’s wife”. A married man having sex with an unmarried woman was typically called fornication.
- “But I tell you, every man looking at a wife17“wife” in Greek, there is no separate word for “woman” versus “wife”. They are the exact same word, and only context determines which is meant. Given the context of the preceding verse (see note on previous verse) “wife” is contextually more likely. in order to yearn for18“to yearn for” the Greek word used here is also used twice in quoting the 10th commandment. (“You shall not covet”, in Romans 7:7 and Romans 13:9) It properly refers to any strong desire whether good or bad, and is typically translated “craving” or “yearning” in the BOS Bible. her, already had sex with the other man’s wife19“had sex with the other man’s wife” see note on previous verse. in his heart.
- “And, if your right eye makes you stumble, remove it and throw it away from you. For it’s better for you that one of your organs might perish rather than your whole body being thrown into the Valley of Hinnom.20“Valley of Hinnom” is literal; see note on Matthew 5:22.
- “And if your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it away from you. For it’s better for you that one of your organs might perish and not have your whole body go into the Valley of Hinnom.21“Valley of Hinnom” is literal; see note on Matthew 5:22.
- “And it was said: “whoever sends away22“send away” is literal here, though it’s typically translated divorce in this passage. The same word is used of Jesus “sending away” crowds and Pilate “sending away” (releasing) Barabbas. Paul uses a different Greek word when talking about divorce in 1 Corinthians. For the relation between “send away” and divorce, see note(s) in next verse. his wife must give her a divorce certificate.23quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 24:1
- “And I tell you: every man only sending away24“sending away” is literal; see note on previous verse his wife – except for the reason of fornication – makes her commit adultery.25The Hebrew divorce procedure is found in Deut 24:1 and had three parts: 1) write a divorce certificate. 2) Give it to your wife. 3) Send her away from your house. However, if a man “sent her away” (kicked her out of his house) without a divorce certificate in that culture, she was destitute. She was still legally married because she didn’t have a divorce certificate, so she couldn’t marry anyone else without being an adulteress. Often, her only resort to feed herself was prostitution… which resulted in her committing adultery anyway. He “makes her commit adultery” (sex with another man while still married) to feed herself. And whoever might marry a woman who has been merely26“merely” see previous note sent away is guilty of sex with another man’s wife.27“he is guilty of sex with another man’s wife” see note on Matthew 5:27
- “Again, you heard that the ancients were told: “You shall not make false oaths.”28quotation/allusion to Leviticus 19:12 And: “You shall fulfill your oaths to the Lord.29quotation/allusion to Numbers 30:2, and Deuteronomy 23:21-23
- “But I tell you not to make oaths at all. Not by heaven because it’s the throne of God,
- “nor by the land because it’s a footstool for His feet, nor by Jerusalem because it’s the city of the great King.
- “Nor shall you make an oath on your head, because you aren’t able to make one hair white or black.
- “So, let your word be meaningful; yes, if yes – no, if no. More than these is from evil.
- “You heard that it was said: “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”30quotation/allusion to Leviticus 24:20
- “But I tell you not to forcefully resist31“forcefully resist” the Greek word used here is also a military term referring to troops “holding the line” against the opposing army, typically by fighting back. i.e. taking a firm stand and refusing to be moved. the wicked. On the contrary, whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn and offer him the other.32“the one who strikes your right cheek”. Jesus was almost certainly side-specific on purpose. In that culture, the right hand was used for clean tasks at the left was used for “dirty” tasks. (Such as wiping yourself; remember, there was no toilet paper.) Therefore, you would never hit someone with your left hand. If someone strikes your right cheek with their right (clean) hand, they must be giving you a backhanded slap. Backhanded slaps are only given to inferiors, never equals. If you offer your other cheek (your left) they are faced with a dilemma. If they strike you again with their right hand, they’ve slapped you as one slaps an equal, essentially making you their equal. But to backhand you as an inferior, they must use their left (unclean) hand– which would dishonor them as much as you. This was a non-violent way of resisting and simultaneously asserting your humanity.
- “And to the man intending to sue you and take your tunic, give him your cloak also.
- “And whoever will force you to go one mile, go with him two.
- “Give to the man asking of you and don’t turn away from the man wanting to borrow from you.
- “You heard that it was said: You shall ^love your neighbor33quotation/allusion to Lev 19:18 and you shall hate your enemy.
- “But I tell you, ^love your enemies and pray for the men persecuting you. [Bless the men cursing you. Do good to the men insulting and slandering34“insulting and slandering” is one word in Greek. It can mean either, and both meanings were likely intended. you and hating you]
- “so that you might become sons of your Father in the heavens, because He makes His sun rise on evil and good and He sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
- “For if you ^love the men ^loving you, what reward do you have? Don’t even the tax collectors do the same?
- “And if you only greet your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Don’t even the pagans do the same?
- “Therefore, you shall be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.
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Matthew Chapter 6
Don’t Seek the praise of men
- “Now, beware not to do your righteousness in front of men in order to be seen1“be seen” The Greek word here is “θεάομαι” (theaomai), which refers to spectators who watch something, like a theater. In fact, theaomai is the root of the Greek word “θέατρον” (theatron); which both means “theater” and is the root of our English word “theater”. by them. Otherwise, you have no reward from your Father in the heavens.
- “Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, don’t sound a trumpet in front of you like the hypocrites2“hypocrites” the Greek word here literally refers to a “theater actor”. In those days, actors often wore masks during their performances and thus were (figuratively) a “two-faced” person; i.e. they say one thing and do another. Jesus was using some clever wordplay here. (see note on previous verse) do in the synagogues and on the crowded streets so they might be glorified by men. Amen I tell you; they trade away3“trade away” is a single word in Greek meaning “to have something, because far away from something else“. their reward.
- “But when you’re doing a charitable deed, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
- “so your charitable deed might be done in secret. And your Father – the One seeing what’s done in secret – will reward you.
- “And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love *standing to pray in the synagogues and on the corners of wide streets so they might be seen by men. Amen I tell you; they trade away4“trade away” is a single word in Greek meaning “to have something, because far away from something else“. their reward.
- “But when you pray, go into your inner room. And having shut your door, pray to your Father in secret, and your Father – the One seeing what’s done in secret – will reward you.
- “And, when praying, don’t prattle endlessly like the pagans, for they assume that they will be listened to in their long-windedness.
- “Therefore, don’t become like them, for God your Father has seen what you have a need for before you ask Him.
The Lord’s Prayer
- “Therefore, you pray this way; “Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.
- “Let your kingdom come. Let your will be done on earth, even as it is in heaven.
- “Give us our daily bread today,
- “and forgive us our debts to sin,5“debts to sin” is one word in Greek, which has the primary connotation of debt and a secondary connotation of sin. The parallel passage of the Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11:4 uses the normal Greek word for “sin”, thus indicating that sin is certainly in view here. just as we also forgave those indebted to us.
- “And don’t lead us into temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.6“the evil one” or simply “evil”; either sense could be intended. However, for simply “evil”, a neuter construction is more likely, whereas these are masculine words here. This implies that “the evil one” is intended, but the implication isn’t certain. [For yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory through the ages. Amen.]
- “For if you forgive men their missteps,7“missteps”. The Greek word used here doesn’t quite mean “sin”. It’s the word “παράπτωμα” (paraptóma) which is also used in Ephesians 2:1 in the phrase: “dead in your ‘paraptóma’ and sins”. It carries the connotation of a “slip-up” with the strong implication – but not certainty – that it was unintentional. your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
- “But if you don’t forgive men [their missteps], neither will your Father forgive your missteps.
- “And, when you fast; don’t become gloomy like the hypocrites. For they neglect their faces so they might be seen as fasting to men. Amen I tell you; they trade away8“trade away” is a single word in Greek meaning “to have something, because far away from something else“. their reward.
- “When you’re fasting however, anoint your head with oil and wash your face,
- “So that you might not appear as fasting to men, but to your Father in secret. And your Father – the One seeing what’s done in secret – will reward you.
Treasure in heaven
- “Don’t store up treasures for yourselves on the earth where moth and eating consume, and where thieves break in and steal.
- “But, store up treasures for yourselves in heaven; where neither moth nor eating consumes, and where thieves don’t break in or steal.
- “For wherever your treasure is, your heart will be there also.
- “The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, if your eye isn’t warped,9“eye isn’t warped” According to some sources, this is an idiom which means “to be generous”, in the sense of giving to others/charity. This makes excellent sense when you consider the context. The phrase is literally “is not warped”, with “not warped” being a single Greek word that literally means “without folds” (Thayers). It carries a similar moral connotation of “upright”, in the sense of not being crooked, bent, evil, etc. While “isn’t folded” would be more literally correct, it would be confusing because we don’t associate “folding” with crooked morals. However, we do associate “warped” with them; hence the translation choice here. your whole body will be full of light.
- “But if your eye is evil,10“eye is evil” according to some sources, this is an idiom which means “to be stingy”. i.e. hoarding your wealth in an unhealthy way. your whole body will be full of darkness. Therefore, if the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness?11In Greek, an interrogative pronoun (similar to our word “how”) is used, making it a question. Many translations end this sentence with an exclamation point, which makes it a statement rather than a true question. Jesus may have intended it as a rhetorical question, but it’s hard to be certain from the text. Therefore, it has been translated as a question here.
- “No one can serve as a slave for two lords. For either he will hate one and he will ^love the other, or he will be devoted to one and will despise the other. You cannot serve as a slave to God and the treasure you trust in.12“the treasure you trust in” is a single word in Greek, with that exact meaning.
Don’t be anxious
- “Because of this I tell you: don’t be anxious about your life, what you might eat or what you might drink; nor about your body and how you might clothe yourselves. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothes?
- “Look at the birds of the sky, that they don’t plant, nor harvest, nor gather into barns, and your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you more valuable than they are?
- “And who among you is able to add one hour to his life by being anxious?
- “And about clothes; why are you anxious? Study to fully understand13“Study to fully understand” is one word in Greek. It means to understand something by studying it thoroughly. This word is related to the Greek word for “disciple”, but has the added force of an intensifying prefix. the lilies of the field; how do they grow? They don’t exhaust themselves with work nor do they spin.14Spinning is an ancient process of turning animal fibers (hair) into thread, which was then woven into fabric, which was made into clothes. Spinning was a very labor intensive process before modern machinery.
- “But I tell you: not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.
- “And, if God clothes the grass of the field like this – despite it being here today and tomorrow being thrown into a furnace – won’t He much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
- “Therefore don’t be anxious, saying: what will we eat? Or, what will we drink? Or, how will we clothe ourselves?
- “For the nations diligently seek all of these, for your heavenly Father *knows that you need them all.
- “But seek first the kingdom [of God] and His righteousness, and all these will be added to you.
- “Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble on its own.
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Matthew Chapter 7
Judging Hypocritically
- “Do not judge, so you might not be judged.
- “For you will be judged by whatever verdict you judge. And you will be measured by whatever standard you measure.
- “And why do you look at the splinter in your brother’s eye but don’t consider the log in your eye?
- “Or how will you tell your brother: “Let me remove the splinter from your eye.” and look: the log is in your eye.
- “You hypocrite! First, remove the log from your eye and then you will see clearly to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye.
Asking, gifts, and the narrow way
- “Don’t give what’s holy to dogs,1Wild dogs were regarded as scavengers and loathed much like coyotes or raccoons are today. The lexicon even mentions that dog could refer to “a man of impure mind, an impudent man” (Thayer’s Greek lexicon) or even a “spiritual predator” (HELPS Word Studies). nor throw your pearls in front of pigs, lest they will trample them with their feet and having turned, they might tear you to pieces.
- “Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you.
- “For every man asking, receives; and the man seeking, finds; and to the man knocking, it will be opened.
- “Or what man is among you who – when his son will ask for bread – he won’t give him a stone, will he?
- “Or if he will ask for a fish, he won’t give him a snake, will he?
- “Therefore, if you being evil *know to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in the heavens give good things to the men asking Him?
- “In all things therefore – whatever you desire that men might do for you – you must also do thusly to them, for this is the law and the prophets.
- “Enter through the narrow gate, because wide is the gate, and broad is the way leading to ruin,2“ruin” this word is often translated “destruction”, but it more accurately implies a “loss of well-being” rather than a “loss of being” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary). i.e. they don’t cease to exist (which would be “destruction”) but rather their quality of life is destroyed. The word “destruction” can also have that connotation, but “ruin” seems to fit the Greek word better. and the men entering through it are many.
- “For narrow is the gate, and *constricting is3“constricting is” is a single word in the Greek. It refers to compressing via pressure, in a way that makes you feel constricted, restricted, or hemmed in. the way leading to life, and the men finding it are few.
Know them by their fruit
- “Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothes, but inside they are marauding wolves.
- “You will know them from their fruit. They don’t gather grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles, do they?
- “So every good tree produces noble fruit, but a rotten tree produces bad fruit.
- “A good tree isn’t able to produce bad fruit, nor is a rotten tree able to produce noble fruit.
- “Every tree not producing noble fruit is cut off and thrown into the fire.
- “Therefore, you will know them from their fruit.
- “Not every man saying to Me: “Lord, Lord” will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but only the man doing the will of My Father in the heavens.
- “Many will say to Me on that day, “Lord, Lord; didn’t we prophesy in your name, and in your name didn’t we cast out demons, and in your name didn’t we perform many miracles?”
- “And then I will agree with them but say: “I never knew you. Depart from Me, you men working without regard for God’s commands.4“without regard for God’s commands” is one word in Greek, and is more literally “ignoring God’s law”. It’s a noun, and literally means “those who are without law”; i.e. those who – either by ignorance or by rebellion – don’t obey God’s (moral) law. 5quotation/allusion to Psalm 6:8
Foundations compared
- “Therefore, every man who hears these words of Mine and does them will be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock.
- “And the rain fell down, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they battered that house. And it didn’t fall, for its foundation had been built on the rock.
- “And every man hearing these words of Mine and not doing them, he will be compared to a foolish man who built his house on the sand.6In Israel, heavy rains from the hills cut long “trenches” through the limestone rock. One of these water-cut trenches is called a “wadi”. Most of the time, these are essentially dry riverbeds. However, when heavy rains come, they turn back into streams or rivers for a time. Often, the water comes through the wadi so fast that it resembles a flash-flood. At the bottom of a wadi is sand. Its likely Jesus was talking about someone who built a house in a (temporarily dry) riverbed – a wadi – that is known to flood. That would be foolish indeed.
- “And the rain fell down, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they battered that house. And it fell, and its fall was great.
- And it happened, when Jesus finished these words, that the crowds were stunned in amazement at His teaching.
- For He was teaching them like one having authority,7“authority” It’s possible that the “authority” that stunned the crowd was a technical term. Properly called “semikhah”, the Jewish word literally means “laying on of hands”. Its origins (as a technical term of authority) go back to Moses. Moses was given authority by God, and God commanded him to pass some of that “authority” to Joshua by “laying hands on him” in the sight of the people. (Num27:15-23, Deut 34:9) The Jews believed this authority was then passed down through “laying on of hands” to Jesus’ day. Rabbis with semikhah had the authority to make decisions in the meaning of the Law and other spiritual matters. In Jesus case, that meant a new interpretation of the Law. However, ordinary scribes (Torah teachers) could only teach what those with semikhah had established. and not like their scribes.8This Greek word literally means a “scribe”, or someone who writes as their profession. However, it’s often used in the New Testament for those learned in the Mosaic Law.
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Matthew Chapter 8
Jesus heals a leper
- And Him having come down from the mountain, many crowds followed Him.
- And behold, a leper1A “leper” is a person suffering from “leprosy” (also called “Hansen’s Disease” in modern times). The disease is caused by the bacteria “M. leprae“. Symptoms includes the outbreak of unsightly skin sores and nerve damage. It was a great social stigma in the ancient world and remains so to this day in many places. The Jews believed that leprosy was caused by sin. Therefore they believed that only the promised messiah would be able to cure leprosy, because only God could forgive sin. The leper coming to Jesus could be construed as an act of faith on his part. approached and was bowing down at His feet, saying: “Lord, if you want to, you are able to cleanse me.”
- And having extended His hand, He touched him saying, “I want to, be cleansed.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
- And Jesus tells him, “See that you tell no one. But go show yourself to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded as evidence for them.”
The Centurion’s faith
- And Him having entered Capernaum, a centurion2“centurion” was a rank in the Roman military. A normal centurion was in charge of 80 soldiers, plus ~20 support staff. However, there were different levels of centurion. The highest ranking centurions could be in charge of up to 1000 men. approached Him, imploring Him
- and saying: “Lord, my servant boy has been lying sick in the house, paralyzed and horribly tormented.
- And He tells him: “I will go heal him.”
- But answering, the centurion was saying: “Lord, I’m not worthy that you might enter under my roof. But only say the word and my servant boy will be healed.
- “For I’m also a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I tell this one “Go”, and he goes. And to another “Come”, and he comes. And to my slave “Do this”, and he does it.”
- And having heard this, Jesus marveled and told the men following Him: “Amen I tell you; I found no one in Israel with such great faith.
- “And, I tell you that many from the east and the west will arrive and will recline at the table3“recline” is literal. In ancient times, they laid down on a low table to eat. Thus, “reclining” in those days is similar to “sitting down” today to share a meal. with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of the heavens.
- “But the sons of this kingdom will be thrown into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.”
- And Jesus told the centurion, “Go, let it happen to you just as you believed.” And his servant boy was healed in that hour.
Jesus heals many
- And having come into Peter’s house, Jesus saw his4“his” that is, Peter’s mother-in-law, which is clear in Greek but less so in English. mother-in-law *lying sick with a fever.
- And He touched her hand and the fever left her, and she got up and was serving Him.
- And when it became evening, they brought many demon-possessed men to Him and He cast out the spirits with a word, and He healed all having a sickness,
- so what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet it might be fulfilled, saying: “He took our infirmities and carried away our diseases.”5quotation/allusion to Isaiah 53:4
- And having seen a great crowd around Him, Jesus gave orders to depart to the other side of the sea.
The Cost of following Jesus
- And having approached Him, one scribe told Him: “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.”
- And Jesus tells him: “The foxes have dens and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere He might rest His head.”
- And another of His disciples said to Him: “Lord, first allow me to go and bury my father.”
- But Jesus tells him: “Follow Me and leave the dead to bury their own dead.”
Jesus Calms the Storm
- And having stepped into the boat, His disciples followed Him.
- And behold, a great storm began on the sea so that the boat is covered by the waves, but He was sleeping.
- And having approached Him, they woke Him up sayin: “Lord, save us! We are perishing!”
- And He tells them: “Why are you fearful? O, you men of little faith.” Then having woken up He scolded the winds and the sea, and a great calm began.
- Then the men marveled, saying: “What kind of man6“What kind of man” is one word in Greek. It can also be mean “from what country/region?” And in that case is used to inquire about someone’s origins. Thus, they could be asking where He’s from. is this? Because even the winds and the sea listen to Him.”
Demons sent into pigs
- And having come to the other side of the sea to the land of the Gadarenes,7The Gadarenes lived in the city Gadara, which was south-east of the Sea of Galilee. It was an important Hellenized (Greek) city, and one of the ten cities of the Decapolis. two demon-possessed men met Him after coming out of the tombs. They were very violent, so someone isn’t able to pass through that way.
- And behold, they cried out saying: “What’s between you and us, Son of God? Did you come here to torment us before the proper season?”
- Now, far away from them was a large herd of pigs feeding.
- So the demons were imploring Him, saying: “If you cast us out, send us into the herd of pigs.”
- And He told them “Go.” And having gone out, they went into the pigs. And behold, all of the herd dashed down the steep bank into the sea and died in the waters.
- Now, the men feeding them fled. And having gone into the city, they reported all of this, even about the demon-possessed men.
- And behold, all of the city went out to meet Jesus. And having seen Him, they begged that He might depart from their region.8“region” is literally “regions”
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Matthew Chapter 9
Jesus heals a paralyzed man
- And having stepped into a boat, He crossed over the sea and came to His own city.
- And behold, they were bringing to Him a paralyzed man *lying on a bed mat. And having seen their faith, Jesus told the paralyzed man: “Have courage child; your sins are forgiven.”
- And behold, some of the scribes1“scribes” In the New Testament, this word is often used of those learned in the Mosaic Law. said to themselves “This man blasphemes!”
- And *knowing their thoughts, Jesus said: “Why do you ponder evil in your hearts?
- “For which is easier to say: ‘Your sins are forgiven’ or to say: ‘Get up and walk’?
- “However, so you might *know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins…” Then He tells the paralyzed man: “Get up, pick up your bed mat, and go to your house.”
- And after getting up, he went to his house.
- And having seen this, the crowds were alarmed and they glorified God, the One who gave such authority to men.
Jesus and the Tax Collectors
- And passing on from there, Jesus saw a man called Matthew sitting in a tax-collector’s office. And He says to him: “Follow Me.” And having stood up, he followed Him.
- And it happened that He’s reclining2“reclining” is literal. In ancient times, they didn’t sit at a table, they “reclined” at a low table. Thus, reclining often meant eating together. at the table in the house and behold: many tax collectors and sinners came and were reclining at the table with Jesus and His disciples.
- And having seen this, the Pharisees were saying to His disciples: “Why is your teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?”
- But having heard this He said: “Healthy men don’t have a need of a doctor, but sick men do.
- “But having departed, learn what is true: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice‘,3quotation/allusion to Hosea 6:6 for I didn’t come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Fasting and Wineskins
- Then the disciples of John come to Him, saying: “Why do we and the Pharisees often fast, but your disciples don’t fast?”
- And Jesus told them: “The groomsmen4“groomsmen” is literally “sons of the bridal chamber”. In that age, this referred to the men who helped the groom prepare whatever was needed for the wedding, especially the “bridal chamber” (honeymoon suite). The closest modern equivalent is groomsmen. aren’t able to mourn as long as the groom is with them, are they? But the days will come when the groom is taken away from them, and then they will fast.
- And no one puts an unshrunk cloth patch on an old cloak, for its patch pulls away from the cloak and it becomes a worse tear.
- Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins.5“wineskins” is literal, and refers to a leather “bag” used to hold liquids. The phrase “new wine” refers to un-fermented grape juice. As it ferments, it releases gas which causes the wineskin to stretch. However, if an “old wineskin” is used with “new wine” (unfermented grape-juice), the gasses from the fermentation will stretch the already stretched leather bag so that it splits. This makes the leather bag useless and the wine is spilled out and lost. Old wineskins could be used for already fermented wine or other liquids, and thus were still useful. And if they do, the wineskins tear, and the wine spills out, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.
Raising the Dead and healing an issue of blood
- While He’s telling them these things, behold, one of the Jewish elders came. He was bowing low on his knees before Him, saying: “My daughter died just now. But come lay your hand on her and she will live.”
- And having stood up, Jesus and His disciples were following him.
- And behold, there was a woman suffering from constant menstrual bleeding6“suffering from constant menstrual bleeding” is one word in the Greek. It refers to a continuous flow of blood, aka: a hemorrhage. It doesn’t specifically mean menstrual blood, but this exact word is used to refer to a menstrual blood in the Septuagint in Leviticus 15:33 and by medical writers. for twelve years. Having approached from behind, she touched the edge of His cloak,
- for she was saying within herself: “If I only touch His cloak, I will be healed.”7In Malachi 4:2, it says that “the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings.” The Hebrew word translated “wings” in that verse is “כָּנָף” (kanaph). It means any extremity, including wings and also the edge of a garment. It could be accurately translated “healing in the edge of His clothes”. This woman likely knew this verse, and that’s probably why she specifically touched the edge of His cloak. The Jews believed Malachi 4:2 was a prophecy about the Messiah, so by touching His cloak, she was almost certainly expressing her faith that Jesus was the Messiah. This is quite possibly why Jesus said her faith healed her.
- And having turned and seen her, Jesus said: “Have courage daughter; your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed from that hour on.
- And having come to the house of the Jewish elder, and having seen the flute players and the crowd making a noisy outcry,
- Jesus was saying: “Leave. For the girl didn’t die, but is sleeping.” And they were laughing at Him.
- And, when the crowd was sent outside, He entered, grabbed her hand, and the girl was raised up.
- And the news of this went through that whole land.
Jesus Heals the Blind and Demon Possessed
- And passing on from there, two blind men followed Jesus, crying out and saying: “Show us mercy, Son of David8“Son of David” was a title of the promised messiah in Jewish eyes. This stems from 2 Samuel 7:12-13, in which God promised David would have a descendant who would sit on the throne forever. This could be construed as an act of faith by the blind men..”
- And having come into the house, the blind men approached Him and Jesus says to them: “Do you believe that I’m able to do this?” They say to Him: “Definitely Lord.”
- Then He touched their eyes, saying: “Let it happen to you according to your faith.”
- And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them, saying: “See that you let no one know.”
- But after going out, they spread the news about Him in that whole land.
- And while they are leaving, behold, they brought a mute, demon-possessed man to Him.
- And when the demon was cast out, the mute man spoke. And the crowds marveled, saying: “Something like this was never seen in Israel.”
- But the Pharisees were saying: “He casts out demons by the ruler of the demons.”
The Harvest
- And Jesus was going around to all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and announcing the good news of the kingdom, and healing every chronic disease and every sickness.
- And having seen the crowds, He was moved with compassion for them because they were *troubled and *cast away, like sheep not having a shepherd.
- Then He says to His disciples: “Truly, the harvest is great but the workers are few.”
- “Therefore, implore the Lord of the harvest so that He might send out workers into His harvest.”
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Matthew Chapter 10
Instructing the Twelve
- And having summoned His twelve disciples, He gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out, and to heal every chronic disease and every sickness.
- And these are the names of the twelve apostles. First, Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother. Also, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother.
- Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus;
- Simon the Zealot; and Judas Iscariot, the man who also betrayed Him.
- Jesus sent out these twelve, having commanded them by saying: “Don’t go near the way of the gentiles and don’t go into a city of the Samaritans.”
- “But rather go to the *lost sheep of the house of Israel.
- “And while traveling, proclaim saying: ‘The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near’.
- “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.
- “Don’t acquire gold, nor silver, nor copper in your money belts.1“money belts” in that age, belts were often hollow and used as a safe way to store money.
- “Don’t bring a food pouch for the way, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff. For the worker is worthy of his food.
- “Now, whatever city or village you enter into, carefully inquire who is worthy in it, and remain there until you leave.
- “Then entering into the house, greet it.
- “And if the house is truly worthy, let your peace come on it. But if it’s not worthy, let your peace return to you.
- “And whoever didn’t welcome you nor hear your words, then going outside that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
- “Amen I tell you: it will be more bearable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgement than that city.
Warning about Persecution
- “Behold, I send you out like sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore, become shrewd as serpents and pure as doves.
- “But beware of men, for they will hand you over to the Sanhedrins,2A Sanhedrin was a Jewish court that had authority in both civil and religious matters. There was a lesser Sanhedrin in cities of significant size, and the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem. The Great Sanhedrin functioned like a Supreme Court over the lesser Sanhedrins. and will flog you in their synagogues.
- “And also, you’ll be brought to governors and kings because of Me, to be a witness to them and to the gentiles.
- “And when they hand you over, don’t be anxious about how or what you might say, for you will be given what to say in that very hour.
- “For you aren’t the men speaking, but the Spirit of your Father is the One speaking through you.
- “And brother will betray brother to death, and a father will betray his child, and children will rise up against parents and will put them to death.
- “And you will be hated by all because of My name. But the man who endured to the end, he will be saved.
- “And when they persecute you in that city, flee to another. For amen I tell you: you definitely won’t have finished fleeing through the cities of Israel until the Son of Man comes.
- “A disciple isn’t above the teacher, nor a slave above his master.
- “It’s enough for the disciple to become like his teacher, and the slave like his master. If they called the master of the house Beelzebub,3From the Hebrew phrase “Baal Zebub” that translates as “lord of the flies”. It’s likely a play on words for the pagan Canaanite god Baal. One of his names was “Ba’al Zevul”, which roughly translates as “Lord of the exalted house”. Since “Ba’al Zevul” sounds very similar to “Baal Zebub”, it was likely a derogatory Hebrew nickname for the Canaanite god. Apparently, the title was later applied to an actual demon. There is some debate on whether Beelzebub is a nickname for Satan, or for another high ranking demon. how much more the members of his household?
Fear God, not Man
- “Therefore, don’t be scared of them. For nothing is *hidden which won’t be uncovered, and there’s nothing secret which won’t be known.
- “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light. And what you hear whispered in the ear, preach on the rooftops.
- “And don’t fear the men killing the body, but not able to kill the life.4“life” the Greek word here is “ψυχή” (psuché), usually translated “soul” here. However, it does not mean the part of us which survives death and goes to reward or punishment (Biblically that’s our spirit. In Revelation 8:9, animals are said to have “psuché”.) Psuché literally means “breath” and is usually translated “life”. It refers to the life; the vital force which – together with the body – enables a person to live. It can also refer to mind, will, emotions, and desires, which together make up a person’s identity. The exact same word is used in verse 39. where we must lose our psuché to gain it. But rather, fear the One able to destroy5“destroy” the Greek word here is “ἀπόλλυμι” (apollumi). It means to utterly lose (as in Matthew 10:6), to ruin, or to destroy. Its root word emphasizes the loss incurred, not the destruction. both body and life6“life” see note earlier in verse in the Valley of Hinnom.7“the Valley of Hinnom” Most translations render this “hell” but any lexicon will tell you it’s a proper noun referring to a specific valley – the Valley of Hinnom – just outside Jerusalem. Symbolically, it’s where the Jews believed the wicked were punished in the afterlife. But this might refer to Israel’s history instead. Two kings of Israel sacrificed babies as burnt offerings to the pagan gods Baal and Moloch in the Valley of Hinnom. (2 Chronicles 28:1-3, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Jeremiah 7:30-31) As a result, God sentenced them to judgement through the prophet Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 19:1-11) Their sentence was carried out about 20 years later when Nebuchadnezzar sacked Jerusalem. He burned almost everything and enslaved all Judah. (2 kings 25:1-12) This happened again a few centuries later when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. See following note. 8Verse Note: While Jesus might have been referring to judgement in the afterlife, it’s unlikely. (See note on the word “soul” in this verse.) He might’ve been referring to the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. If you look at “soul” here in the sense of “identity” (again, see note) it makes some sense. Some of those trapped inside Jerusalem during the siege became so depraved, what they did isn’t fit to be put into print. That could count as a destruction of “body and soul/identity”.
- “Aren’t two sparrows sold for a brass coin?9“a brass coin” is literally and specifically an “assarion”. It was worth one tenth of a drachma. And one among them won’t fall to the ground without your Father willing it.
- “And even the hairs on your head are all *numbered.
- “So don’t fear; you have more value than many sparrows.
- “Therefore, every man who will endorse Me in front of men, I will also endorse him in front of My Father in the heavens.
- “But whoever denies Me in front of men, I will also deny him in front of My Father in the heavens.
- “Don’t assume that I came to bring peace on the earth. I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword.
- “For I came to divide: a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a bride against her mother-in-law.
- “And a man’s enemies will be the members of his household.10quotation/allusion to Micah 7:6
- “The man loving his father or mother more than Me isn’t worthy of Me. And the man loving his son or daughter more than Me isn’t worthy of Me.
- “And whoever doesn’t take his cross and follow after Me isn’t worthy of Me.
- “The man who found his life11“life”The Greek word here is “ψυχή” (psuché). (see note on verse 28 above.) It refers to the life; the vital force which – together with the body – enables a person to live. It can also refer to mind, will, emotions, and desires, which together make up a person’s identity. This latter sense adds an interesting nuance of meaning to this verse. will lose it. And the man who lost his life12“life” see previous note. because of Me will find it.
- “The man welcoming you welcomes Me. And the man welcoming Me welcomes the One who sent Me.
- “The man welcoming a prophet because13“because” literally “in the name of”, which in that culture was an idiom that was equivalent to “because”. he’s a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward. And the man welcoming a righteous man because14“because” literally “in the name of”, which in that culture was an idiom that was equivalent to “because”. he’s righteous will receive a righteous man’s reward.
- “And whoever merely gives one of these little ones a cup of cool water to drink because15“because” literally “in the name of”, which in that culture was an idiom that was equivalent to “because”. he’s a disciple, amen I tell you, he definitely won’t lose his reward.
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Matthew Chapter 11
- And it happened that when Jesus finished instructing His twelve disciples, He left there to teach and to proclaim in their cities.
John the Baptizer’s Question
- Now John – having heard of the works of the Anointed while in prison – sent two of his disciples and
- said to Him: “Are you the Coming One,1“The Coming One” There are several Old Testament passages that the Jews believed referred to the messiah, which talk of Him “coming”. (For example, Psalm 118:26, Psalm 40:7-8, and Malachi 3:1). John was probably referring to Zechariah 9:9, which talks about the “coming King”, and in verse 11 speaks of setting prisoners free. Therefore, John was probably asking if Jesus was the messiah, and if so would he be freed. or should we wait for another?”
- And answering them, Jesus said: “When you go, report to John what you hear and see:
- “The blind see, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised, and the poor are given good news.2Verse note: Jesus answered John’s question using a Jewish Rabbinic method called “remez” (or hint). Jesus quotes portions of Isaiah 35:5-6, (blind, lame, deaf), Isaiah 42:6-7 (blind again) and Isaiah 61:1 (good news). All three passages refer to the coming messiah/king, so Jesus was confirming that He was indeed Him. However, in all three passages Jesus left off a part about setting prisoners free. This was likely Jesus telling John that He was indeed the messiah, but John wouldn’t be set free. This last part explains the following verse.
- “And blessed is he who doesn’t stumble at Me.”
- And while those men are leaving, Jesus began to tell the crowds about John: “What did you come out to the desert to watch?3“to watch” The Greek word here is “θεάομαι” (theaomai), which refers to spectators who watch something, like in a theater. In fact, theaomai is the root of the Greek word “θέατρον” (theatron), which both means “theater” and is the root of our English word “theater”. A reed shaken by the wind?
- But what did you go out to see? A man *clothed in soft clothes? Look, the men wearing soft clothes are in the houses of kings.
- But what did you go out to see? A prophet? I tell you, yes! And far more than a prophet.
- “This is he about whom it is *written: “Behold, I send out My messenger before your presence, he who will carefully prepare your way before you.”4quotation/allusion to Malachi 3:1
- “Amen I tell you: among those born from women, none has risen greater than John the Baptizer. Yet the least in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he is.
- “And from the days of John the Baptizer until now, men force their way into5“men force their way into” is a single word in Greek. Most translations render it in the passive voice here (“suffers violence”). However, the endings for the Greek middle voice and passive voice are the same in many verbs, this one included. Therefore, it can be accurately translated as either passive or middle voice. In the middle voice, it means to “use force” or to “force your way”. When compared with a parallel passage in Luke 16:16 (which uses a verb that’s definitely middle voice) it seems the middle voice was intended. However, that’s not certain and the passive voice is a legitimate translation here. the kingdom of the heavens, and zealous men seize it. 6Verse note: the latter half of this verse likely refer to the zeal with which John’s (and later Jesus’) disciples followed them. In Luke 5:18-19, some men literally tore up a roof to get someone to Jesus. In John 6:15, they wanted to make Jesus king by force.
- “For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
- “And if you desire to accept it, he is Elijah, the man about to come.
- “The man having ears, let him hear.
This Wicked Generation
- “And to what will I compare this generation? It’s like small children sitting in the markets who are calling to others,
- “They say: ‘We played the flute for you and you didn’t dance. We cried out in mourning and you didn’t grieve.’
- “For John came neither eating nor drinking and they say: ‘he has a demon.’
- “The Son of Man came eating and drinking and they say: ‘Look, this man is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ Indeed, wisdom was declared righteous by her deeds.”
- Then He started to condemn the cities in which most of His miracles happened because they didn’t repent.7“”Repent” this Greek word doesn’t speak of remorse or guilt for wrong actions. Rather, it literally means to “think differently after” or to “reconsider”, with an assumed change in behavior. To both the Hebrews and 1st century Greeks/Romans, a change in mind was synonymous with a change in behavior; you couldn’t have the first without the second.
- “Woe to you Chorazin! Woe to you Bethsaida! For if the miracles which happened in you had happened in Tyre and Sidon,8Tyre and Sidon were ancient cities against which God prophesied destruction at length, especially against Tyre. (Isaiah 23, Ezekiel chapters 26-28) they would’ve repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.9Sackcloth and ashes was a common way for Jews to mourn or express great regret. The “sackcloth” was a rough weave, probably equivalent to modern day burlap or canvas. They would throw ashes on their heads and clothes to indicate the regret or grief.
- “Further I tell you: it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgement than for you.
- “And you Capernaum. You won’t be raised up to heaven, but will go down to the underworld,10The Greek word here is “ᾍδης” (Hades). Hades was the name of the Greek god of the underworld, and the word became synonymous with the underworld itself. In Greek mythology, the underworld (Hades) was the place that all departed spirits went, whether good or bad. It is directly equivalent to the Hebrew world “sheol”. because if the miracles which happened in you had happened in Sodom, it would’ve remained to this day.
- “Further I tell you that it will be more bearable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgement than for you.
Rest for the Weary
- At that time, Jesus began to speak and said: “I praise11“Praise”. The Greek word here has a primary connotation of confession and agreement. It also has a nuanced meaning of praise and thanks. Given the context, “praise” was chosen. However, the other meanings are certainly applicable and probably intended. you, Father – Lord of heaven and earth – because you hid these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to children.
- “Yes Father, because it happening this way was pleasing before you.
- “All things were delivered to Me by My Father. And no one truly knows the Son except the Father, nor does anyone truly know the Father except the Son, and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.
- “Come to Me, all you men exhausting yourselves working12“exhausting yourselves working” is one word in Greek. It literally means to tire yourself out – to become weary – from doing hard work or labor. Interestingly, this doesn’t say working is bad. It refers to exhausting yourself from working. and *overloaded with burdens, and I will give you rest.13quotation/allusion to Exodus 33:14, which says (in context it’s Yahweh/God speaking) “and He said: “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Jesus was almost certainly making a claim to His deity by saying that He would do what God promised to do.
- “Take up My yoke14A “yoke” is shaped like an upside-down “U”, and was put over the necks of oxen to enable them to pull with their shoulders. It’s what enables them to do hard work because they can put their full strength into the effort. upon you and learn from Me. For I’m strong but gentle and humble of heart,15this is a double quotation/allusion to two different verses. In Deuteronomy 18:15, Moses says that God will raise up a prophet like him, and concludes with “you must listen to him.” The Jews believed this was a messianic prophecy. Numbers 12:3 says that Moses was the most humble man on the earth. By quoting Moses here, Jesus was saying He was the promised Messiah, and that they should listen to/obey Him. and you will find rest for your souls.16quotation/allusion to Jeremiah 6:16. Jesus statement here cannot be properly understood without reading that verse. The verse reads: “Thus says Yahweh, “Stand at the road and look. Ask for the ancient paths – the good way – and walk in it, and you will find rest for your soul. But they said, “We won’t walk in it.” Jesus was saying they would only find rest if they were obedient. Further, the ending of the verse is “we won’t walk in it”, which is likely an allusion to their disobedience.
- “For My yoke17see note on previous verse. is pleasant and My burden is easy to bear.
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Matthew Chapter 12
Working on the Sabbath
- At that time, Jesus went through the grain fields on the Sabbaths, and His disciples were hungry and began to pick and eat heads of grain.
- And having seen this, the Pharisees said to Him: “Look, your disciples are doing what isn’t lawful to do on the Sabbath.”
- So He told them: “Didn’t you read what David did when he and the men with him were hungry?”
- “How he entered God’s house and they ate the consecrated bread, which wasn’t lawful for him nor for the men with him to eat, but was only for the priests?
- “Or didn’t you read in the law that the priests in the temple violate the Sabbath1The Mosaic law required sacrifices to be made in the temple twice a day, every day. (Exodus 29:38) Even on the Sabbath they were offered. Of course, the priests had to work to perform the sacrifice. on the Sabbaths and yet are innocent?
- “And I tell you that One greater than the temple is here.
- “And if you had understood what is written: “I desire mercy and not sacrifice.”2quotation/allusion to Hosea 6:6 you wouldn’t have condemned the innocent.
- “For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”
Healing on the Sabbath
- And having departed from there, He went into their synagogue.
- And behold, a man having a withered hand was there. And so they might accuse Him, they asked Him saying: “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbaths?”
- Then He said to them: “What man will be among you who will have only one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on one of the Sabbaths, won’t he grab it and lift it out?
- “Therefore, how much more valuable is a man than a sheep? So then, it’s lawful to do good on the Sabbaths.”
- Then He tells the man, “Reach out your hand.” And he reached it out and it was restored to health like his other.
- And having gone out, the Pharisees held a council against Him, so they might destroy Him.
- But having known this, Jesus departed from there. And many crowds followed Him and He healed them all.
- And He warned them, so they might not make Him known.
- This was so it might be fulfilled, what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying:
- “Behold, My servant whom I chose, My beloved in whom My soul found pleasure. I will put My Spirit on Him and He will announce justice to the nations.
- “He won’t argue angrily, nor will He cry out,3“cry out” Is one word in Greek. It can mean any sort of loud “cry”, shout, or shriek, but especially those made by animals. It’s root comes from the “caw” sound a raven makes. nor will someone hear His voice in the wide streets.
- “He won’t crush a reed that has been broken, and He won’t quench a smoldering wick until He leads justice into victory.4quotation/allusion to Isaiah 42:1-4
- “And in His name, the gentiles will hope.”
A Divided House
- Then a blind and mute demon-possessed man was brought to Him, and He healed him so the mute man was able to speak and to see.
- And all the crowds were marveling and were saying: “This man can’t be the Son of David,5“Son of David” was a title of the promised messiah in Jewish eyes. This stems from 2 Samuel 7:12-13, in which God promised David would have a descendant who would sit on the throne forever. can He?”
- But having heard this, the Pharisees said: “This man doesn’t cast out demons except by Beelzebub,6From the Hebrew phrase “Baal Zebub” that translates as “lord of the flies”. It’s likely a play on words for the pagan Canaanite god Baal. One of his names was “Ba’al Zevul”, which roughly translates as “Lord of the exalted house”. Since “Ba’al Zevul” sounds very similar to “Baal Zebub”, it was likely a derogatory Hebrew nickname for the Canaanite god. Apparently, the title was later applied to an actual demon. There is some debate on whether Beelzebub is a nickname for Satan, or for another high ranking demon (see following note). a ruler7“a ruler” The Greek word here could mean the one of greatest authority, but it doesn’t have to. It means any “ruler”, not necessarily the one of highest authority. The traditional interpretation of this word in this verse is “prince”. of the demons.”
- But *knowing their thoughts, He said to them: “Every kingdom that’s divided against itself is desolated. And every city or house that’s divided against itself won’t stand.
- “And if Satan casts out Satan, he was divided against himself, how then will his kingdom stand?
- “And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, then by whom do your sons cast them out? Because of this, they will be your judges.
- “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God came upon you.
- “Or how is someone able to enter a mighty man’s house and to openly steal his goods unless he first ties up the mighty man? And then he will plunder his house.
- “The man who isn’t with Me is against Me, and the man not assembling with Me scatters.
- “Because of this, I tell you that every sin and blasphemy towards men will be forgiven. But blasphemy against the Spirit won’t be forgiven.
- “And whoever might speak a word against the Son of Man, he will be forgiven. But whoever might speak against the Holy Spirit, he won’t be forgiven; neither in this age, nor in the age about to come.
Know them by their fruit
- “Either make the tree lovely and its fruit lovely, or make the tree rotten and its fruit rotten. For a tree is known by the fruit.
- “You offspring of serpents!8Satan is typically represented as a serpent. Therefore, calling them “offspring of serpents” is akin to saying they are Satan’s children or followers. How are you able to speak good things while being evil? For the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart.
- “The good man brings out good things from the good storehouse of his heart.9“storehouse of his heart” is one word in Greek. It refers to a place where treasure is stored, and can include things “treasured” in the heart or mind of a person. And the wicked man brings out wicked things from the wicked storehouse of his heart.10“storehouse of his heart” is one word in Greek. It refers to a place where treasure is stored, and can include things “treasured” in the heart or mind of a person.
- “But I tell you that every careless word that men will speak, they will give an account of it in the day of judgement.
- “For by your words, you will be declared righteous. And by your words, you will be condemned as guilty.
The Sign of Jonah
- Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered Him, saying: “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.”
- But answering, He told them: “A wicked generation and an adulteress11The traditional interpretation here is “a wicked and adulterous generation”. However, the word translated “adulteress” is a noun here, not an adjective. Additionally, a feminine singular pronoun – “she” in English – is used later in the verse. In order to make the traditional interpretation fit, “she” must be changed to the neuter pronoun, “it”. Jesus was calling that whole generation an “adulteress”, or a woman guilty of adultery. seeks a sign, and a sign won’t be given to her, except the sign of Jonah the prophet.
- “For just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights.
- “The men of Nineveh will stand up with this generation in the judgement and will condemn it because they repented,12“repented” this Greek word doesn’t primarily speak of remorse or guilt for wrong actions. Rather, it literally means to “think differently after” or to “reconsider”, with an assumed change in behavior. To both the Hebrews and 1st century Greeks/Romans, a change in mind was synonymous with a change in behavior; you couldn’t have the first without the second. at the preaching of Jonah. And behold; One greater than Jonah is here.
- “The queen of the south will be raised in the judgement with this generation, and she will condemn it because she came from the ends of the earth to hear Solomon’s wisdom. And behold; One greater than Solomon is here.
The Evil Spirit Returns
- “Now, when the unclean spirit comes out of the man, it travels through waterless places seeking rest and doesn’t find it.
- “Then it says: “I’ll return to my house from where I left.” And having gone back, it finds the house vacant, having been *swept and beautifully *decorated.
- “Then it goes and takes with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself. And having entered the house, they settle down there and the end of that man becomes worse than the beginning. It will also be like that for this wicked generation.
Sons do the Father’s will
- Now, while He’s speaking to the crowds, behold, His mother and brothers had been standing outside seeking to speak to Him.
- So someone told Him: “Look, your mother and your brothers are *standing outside seeking to speak to you.”
- But answering the man telling Him this, He said: “Who is My mother? And who are My brothers?”
- And having reached His hand toward His disciples, He said: “Look, My mother and My brothers.
- “For whoever does the will of My Father in the heavens; he is My brother and sister and mother.”
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Matthew Chapter 13
The Parable of the Sower
- Later in that day, Jesus left the house and was sitting beside the sea.
- And many crowds were gathered to Him, so He stepped into a boat to sit down, and the whole crowd had stood on the seashore.
- And He told them many things in parables, saying: “Behold, the man sowing seed went out to sow.
- “And in his sowing, some seeds indeed fell beside the road.1“the road” is literal. However, it can also be translated “the way”, which is how it’s typically translated in the BOS Bible for good reason. In the early Christian church, they often referred to the Christian life as “The Way”. Interestingly, the seed fell “beside” or “next to” “the way”. And having come down, the birds devoured them.
- “And other seed fell on rocky places where it didn’t have much soil. And it sprang up at once because it doesn’t have depth in the soil.
- “But it was scorched when the sun rose, and it was dried up because it doesn’t have a root.
- “And other seed fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them.
- “And other seed fell on the good soil and they were bearing fruit; indeed, some a hundredfold, and some sixty, and some thirty.
- “The man having ears, let him hear.”
Why Jesus Spoke in Parables
- And having approached Him, the disciples said to Him: “Why do you speak to them in parables?”
- And answering, He told them: “Because it has been granted for you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens. But it hasn’t been granted to those men.
- “For whoever has, more will be given to him and he will have abundance. But whoever doesn’t have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
- “I speak to them in parables because of this, because while seeing, they don’t see. And while hearing, they don’t hear, nor do they understand.
- “And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, saying: “You will hear in your ear and definitely won’t understand; and you will see, and despite seeing you definitely won’t perceive.
- “For the heart of this people grew calloused and their ears barely listened, and their eyes shut. Lest, when they see with the eyes, and hear with the ears, and understand with the heart, and they return, and I will heal them.”2quotation/allusion to Isaiah 6:9-10
- “But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.
- “For amen I tell you that many prophets and righteous men yearned to see what you see and didn’t see it, and yearned to hear what you hear and didn’t hear it.
The Parable Explained
- “Therefore, you must hear and understand3“must hear and understand” is one word in the Greek. It literally means to hear, sometimes with the connotation of understanding what is being said. In this passage, it’s in the imperative mood, making it a command. the parable of the man who sowed seed.
- “To every man hearing the word of the kingdom and not understanding it, the evil one comes and openly steals what has been sown in his heart. This is the seed which was sown beside the road.
- “Now, the seed which was sown on the rocky places: this is the man hearing the word and immediately receiving it with great joy.
- “But he doesn’t have root in himself, but only lasts for a season. And when constricting distress4“constricting distress ” The Greek word here focuses on the internal distress of an external situation. It refers to a narrow place that makes someone feel confined, trapped, and without options. This could indicate that Jesus was referring to the rocky seed falling away because they find the Christian life is too restricting/confining. or persecution happened because of the word, he immediately falls away.
- “Now, the seed which was sown among the thorns: this is the man hearing the word, and the anxiety of this age and the deception of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
- “Now, the seed which was sown on good soil: this is the man hearing the word and understanding it who truly bears fruit and produces. Indeed, some produce a hundredfold, and some sixty, and some thirty.
The Wheat and False Wheat (tares)
- He set another parable before them, saying: “The kingdom of the heavens can be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field.”
- “But when the men laid down to sleep, his enemy came and sowed false wheat5“False wheat” is one word in Greek. It refers to the plant “Lolium temulentum”, commonly called darnel, cockle, tares, and false wheat. Darnel looks almost identical to wheat until the ear appears at maturity (the ear is different from wheat). Further, wheat is brown when ripe, whereas darnel is black. The differences between wheat and darnel are subtle and hard to spot while growing, but obvious and easily spotted when the plants mature. This made it a frustrating weed for much of human history. among the true wheat and departed.
- “And when the crop sprouted and made fruit, then the false wheat was also revealed.
- “So having come to the master of the house, the slaves said to him: “Master, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? So how does it have false wheat?”
- “And he was telling them: “A man – an enemy – did this.” And the slaves say to him: “Then, do you want us to go out and gather them?”
- “And he says: “No, lest when gathering the false wheat you might uproot the true wheat with them.
- “Allow both to grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I will tell the harvesters: “First gather the false wheat and tie them into bundles to burn them, but gather the true wheat into my barn.”
The Mustard Seed, Leaven, and Reason for Parables
- He set another parable before them, saying: “The kingdom of the heavens is like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field,
- “which is truly smaller than all the common6The word “common” is not in the Greek, but was added to provide cultural context. The mustard seed was the smallest seed of all the plants that the Jews cultivated. seeds. But when it’s grown, it’s greater than the garden plants and becomes a tree. Therefore, the birds of the air come and make nests on its branches.”
- He told them another parable: “The kingdom of the heavens is like leaven, which a woman took and mixed into three measures of flour until it was all mixed and began to rise.”7“was… …mixed and began to rise” is one word in Greek. It means to mix some type of leaven (such as yeast, sourdough, etc.) into dough in order to make it rise.
- Jesus said all these things to the crowds in parables, and He was speaking nothing to them without a parable,
- so that it might be fulfilled, what was spoken through the prophet, saying: “I will open My mouth in parables. I will declare things which have been hidden from the foundation of the world.”8quotation/allusion to Psalm 78:2
The Parable of the False Wheat (Tares) Explained
- Then having sent away the crowds, He went into the house. And His disciples approached Him saying: “Explain to us the parable of the false wheat in the field.”
- Then answering, He said: “The man sowing the good seed is the Son of Man;
- “and the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the false wheat, these are the sons of the evil one,
- “and the enemy who sowed them is the Accuser;9“the Accuser” The Greek word used here is “διάβολος” (diabolos), and it’s the root of our English word “devil”. Much like “Christ” (see note on Matt 1:1) “devil” isn’t a name but a descriptive title. Matthew uses the name “Satan” only 4 times in his gospel, far less than Mark and Luke, but even more than John (who only uses it once). and the harvest is the culmination of the age, and the harvesters are the angels.
- “So just as the false wheat is gathered and completely burned by fire, it will be this way in the culmination of the age.
- “The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather all the baits that ensnare10“baits that ensnare” is a single word in the Greek. It specifically refers to a “bait stick”, meaning the trigger stick of a trap or snare to which the bait is attached. Think of the part of a mouse trap to which you affix the cheese. On reaching for the bait, the “bait stick” triggers the trap and ensnares the unsuspecting victim. out of His kingdom and the men acting without regard for God’s commands,11“without regard for God’s commands ” is one word in Greek, and is more literally “without regard for God’s law”. It’s a noun, and literally means “those who are without law”; i.e. those who – either by ignorance or by rebellion – don’t obey God’s (moral) law.
- “and they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
- “Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun12quotation/allusion to Daniel 12:3 in the kingdom of their Father. The man having ears, let him hear.
The kingdom is like: treasure, pearl, dragnet
- “The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure that has been hidden in a field, which having found it, a man hid again. And for the joy of finding it, he departs and sells all that he has and buys that field.
- “Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a traveling merchant searching for magnificent pearls.
- “And having found one extremely valuable pearl, he left and *sold all that he had and bought it.
- “Again, the kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet13“dragnet” is literal. It’s a slang term for a type of fishing net that’s properly called a “seine”. A dragnet is a long net with weights at the bottom and floats at the top. It’s dragged through the sea either by men walking or boats. Notably, it catches everything between the surface and the bottom of the net, regardless of the type of fish the fishers want to catch. cast into the sea and gathered every kind of fish.
- “Which when it was filled, they pulled it up to the shore. And having sat down, they collected the good fish into containers, but they threw out the rotten fish.
- “It will be like this in the culmination of the age. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the midst of the righteous,
- “and they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.”
- “Did you understand all these things?” They tell Him: “Yes.”
- Then He told them: “Because of this, every scribe14“scribe” in the New Testament, this Greek word is typically applied to those learned in the Mosaic Law. discipled into the kingdom of the heavens is like a man – a master of a house – who brings out new and old things from the treasury of his heart.”15“the treasury of his heart” is one word in Greek. It refers to a place where valuable things are stored, which can include thoughts or ideas stored in the heart or mind.
Jesus returns to Nazareth
- And it happened, when Jesus finished these parables, that He left that place.
- And having come into His hometown,16“hometown” is literally “fatherland”, as in the place his father lived/lives. This was another way of saying the place He came from, i.e. His hometown. He was teaching them in their synagogue so that they are stunned in amazement and saying: “From where did this man get this wisdom and the power to perform miracles?
- “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Judas?
- “And aren’t all His sisters with us? So then, where did He get all these things?”
- And they were being offended at Him. But Jesus told them: “A prophet isn’t without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.”
- And He didn’t do many miracles there because of their unbelief.
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Matthew Chapter 14
The Death of John the Baptist
- At that time, Herod the tetrarch1“tetrarch” is composed of two Greek words; the first means “four”, the second means “ruler”. Properly, it means someone who rules over a fourth part of a region. Essentially, this means a minor governor. heard the news of Jesus.
- And he told his servants: “This is John the Baptist. He was raised from the dead and these miraculous powers are working in him because of this.”
- For having seized John, Herod bound him and put him in prison because of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip.
- For John was saying to him: “It’s not lawful for you to have her.”
- Although wishing to kill him, Herod was frightened of the crowd because they were regarding him as a prophet.
- And having celebrated Herod’s birthday feast, the daughter of Herodias2“daughter of Herodias” History tells us that her name was Salome, who had become Herod’s stepdaughter at this point. A common estimate for her birth year is 14 AD, meaning she was in her mid-teens when she danced before Herod. One common theory is that Salome danced sensually to entice, but that seems unlikely given these two facts. danced in their midst and pleased Herod.
- For this reason, he promised with a vow to give her whatever she asked.
- But having been urged by her mother, she says: “Give me John the Baptist’s head, here on a platter.”
- And the king – having been deeply grieved because of his vows and the men reclining3“recline” in the first century, you didn’t “sit” at a table in chairs. Rather, you laid down with your feet sticking out in a reclining position. at the table with him – commanded John’s head to be given.
- And having sent orders, he had John beheaded in the prison.
- And his head was brought on a platter, and it was given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother.
- And having come forward, his disciples took the body and buried it. And having gone to Jesus, they told Him.
Feeding the Five Thousand
- And having heard this, Jesus withdrew from there on His own by boat to a desolate place. And having heard this, the crowds followed Him on foot from the cities.
- And having gone out, He saw a great crowd and was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.
- Now, it having become evening, the disciples approached Him saying: “This place is desolate, and the dinner hour has already passed. Therefore, dismiss the crowds so that after going into the towns, they might buy food for themselves.”
- But Jesus told them: “They have no need to leave. You give them something to eat.”
- And they tell Him: “We don’t have anything here except five loaves and two fish.”
- And He said: “Bring them here to Me.”
- And having commanded the crowds to sit down on the grass, He took the five loaves and the two fish. Having looked up to heaven, He spoke a blessing. And having broken the loaves, He gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.
- And all ate and were satisfied. And they picked up the pieces left over, twelve baskets full.
- Now, the men eating were about five thousand men, without counting women and children.
Jesus Walks On Water
- And He immediately compelled the disciples to step into the boat and to go before Him to the other side of the sea, until He sent away the crowds.
- And having sent away the crowds, He went up to the mountain on His own to pray. And it having become evening, He was there alone.
- Now, the boat was already many stadia4a “stadia” is ~606 English feet, or ~185 meters. from the land, and it was being buffeted by the waves for the wind was hostile.
- And in the fourth watch of the night,5“fourth watch of the night” Both the Jews and Romans divided the night into four “watches”, each approximately three hours long. The fourth watch was between 3am and 6am. Depending on the specific time that this took place and the time of year, it could’ve pitch black or during the fairly light dawn hours. He went to them walking on the sea.6quotation/allusion to Job 9:8 and Job 38:16
- And having seen Him walking on the sea, the disciples were deeply shaken, saying: “It’s a ghost!” and they cried out from fear.
- And immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying: “Have courage: I Am.7“I Am” the Greek construction here is identical to John 8:58, where Jesus proclaims His Deity, thus the translation “I Am” here. This is a reference several Old Testament passages, primarily Exodus 3:14 where God appears to Moses and reveals Hisself as “I Am”. Don’t fear.”
- And answering Him, Peter said: “Lord, if it’s you, command me to come to you on the waters.”
- And He said: “Come.” And having come down out of the boat, Peter walked on the waters and came to Jesus.
- But seeing the violent wind, he was frightened. And having begun to sink into the sea, he cried out saying: “Lord save me!”
- And having reached out His hand, Jesus immediately caught him and says to him: “O you of little faith; why did you doubt?”
- And as they entered into the boat, the wind ceased.
- And the men in the boat bowed down at His feet,8“bowed down at… …feet” is one word in Greek, often translated “worship”, which isn’t inaccurate (Jesus is God, and thus is worthy of our worship). It comes from the Greek words: “pros” meaning “towards”, and “kyneo” meaning “to kiss”. It literally refers to bowing down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground in front of a superior or authority figure. Some Egyptian pictographs have the hand outstretched, as if to send the “kiss” toward the one being revered. saying: “Truly, you are God’s Son.”
Healing at Gennesaret
- And having crossed over the sea, they came to the land of Gennesaret.
- And having recognized Him, the men of that place sent messengers into that whole neighboring region, and they brought all the men being sick to Him.
- And they were begging Him, so they might merely touch the fringe of His robe, and as many as touched it were completely cured.9Malachi 4:2 speaks of the “sun of righteousness” which has “healing in it’s wings”. The Jews believed this prophecy referred to the Messiah. The Hebrew word translated “wings” literally means any extremity (wing, arm, leg, etc.), including the “extremity” – or fringe – of a garment. Thus they believed touching the fringe of the Messiah’s robe would bring healing. This is almost certainly an indication that they believed Jesus was the Messiah, because they applied a Messianic prophecy to Him.
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Matthew Chapter 15
Man’s Tradition vs God’s Commandments
- Then some scribes and Pharisees from Jerusalem approach Jesus, saying;
- “Why do your disciples defy the tradition of the elders? For, they don’t wash their hands when they eat bread.”
- But answering, He said to them; “And why do you defy the command of God because of your tradition?
- “For God commanded; ‘Honor your father and mother‘,1quotation/allusion to Exodus 20:12 and: ‘The man cursing2“cursing” the Greek word which means to curse literally means to speak evil of. Likewise, the Greek word for bless literally means to speak well of. Therefore, in this verse it could also be translated “speaks evil of”. Either or both could be intended. his father or mother must end in death.’3quotation/allusion to Exodus 21:17
- “But you say; ‘Someone may tell his father or mother; ‘If you might be helped by something from me, it’s a gift to God instead.’4“it’s a gift to God instead”. In Greek, this phrase is only one word, “δῶρον” meaning “gift” or “sacrifice”. Mark 7:11 uses the word “Corban”, which is specifically a gift consecrated/devoted to God. The Pharisees believed that it was wrong to use something which was devoted/consecrated to God for “normal” use. Therefore, the Pharisees said if a man devoted (gave) everything he owned to God, he couldn’t use it for another purpose (such as helping family). However, there was no time requirement to deliver his goods, so he could keep them indefinitely while avoiding his obligations. This loophole was apparently invented by the Pharisees to allow men to shirk the Biblical and moral obligation of taking care of their own parents.
- “He definitely won’t honor his father [or his mother], and thus you nullified God’s command because of your tradition.
- “You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied about you rightly, saying;
- “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me
- “and they worship Me pointlessly, teaching the precepts of men as doctrines.”5quotation/allusion to Isaiah 29:13
What Defiles A Man
- And having summoned the crowd, He told them; “Listen and understand:
- “It’s not something entering into the mouth that defiles a man, but something coming out of the mouth; this defiles the man.”
- Then having approached Him, the disciples say; “Do you *know that the Pharisees were offended after hearing this word?”
- And answering, He said; “Every plant that My heavenly Father didn’t plant will be pulled up by the roots.
- “Leave them alone. They are blind guides of the blind; and if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
- And answering, Peter said to Him; “Explain this parable to us.”
- But He said; “Are you men also without understanding,6“without understanding” is one word in Greek. It specifically refers to those who are unable or unwilling to put facts together in a coherent manner. Thus it also has the connotation of being foolish or stupid. even now?”
- “Don’t you recognize that everything entering into the mouth proceeds into the stomach and is expelled into a sewage pit.7“sewage pit” the Greek word here literally means “a place of sitting apart”, referring to a drain or latrine for human waste.
- “But the things coming out of the mouth come out of the heart, and these defile a man.
- “For from the heart come out wicked thoughts,8“thoughts” the Greek word here indicates back-and-forth reasoning, sometimes with yourself. It also carries the connotation of leading to confusion or doubting. murders, men having sex with other men’s wives,9“men having sex with other men’s wives” is one word in Greek, usually translated “adulteries” in this verse. However, the Greek (and Hebrew) words specifically mean a man (married or unmarried) having sex with another man’s wife. The Hebrews divided sexual sins into two classes based on the marital status of the woman. A man having sex with another man’s wife (or betrothed) was adultery. A man having sex with an unmarried woman was fornication. Both are serious sins, but they are differentiated by the Greek and Hebrew words. fornications, thefts, perjuries, and blasphemies.
- “These are the things defiling a man. But to eat with unwashed hands doesn’t defile a man.”
The Canaanite Woman’s Faith
- And having departed from there, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon.
- And behold; a Canaanite woman from that region came to Him. She was crying out and saying; “Have mercy on me Lord, Son of David.10“Son of David” was a title of the promised messiah in Jewish eyes. This stems from 2 Samuel 7:12-13, in which God promised David would have a descendant who would sit on the throne forever. This could be construed as declaration of faith by the Canaanite woman. My daughter is grievously demon possessed.”
- But He didn’t answer her a word. And having approached Him, His disciples were urging Him saying; “Send her away because she cries out after us.”
- But answering her, He said; “I wasn’t sent to anyone except to the *lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
- But having come to Him, she was bowing down at His feet, saying; “Lord, help me.”
- But answering, He said; “It’s not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the pet dogs.”11“pet dogs” The Greek word here is the diminutive form of the Greek word that means “dog”. Hence, a small dog or a puppy. The implication is of a household pet (which would probably be beloved), but it doesn’t have to be a pet.
- But she said; “Yes Lord, for even the pet dogs eat from the breadcrumbs falling from their masters’ table.”
- Then answering, Jesus said to her; “O woman, your faith is great! Let it happen to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Feeding Four Thousand
- And having departed from there, Jesus went along the Sea of Galilee. And having gone up to the mountain, He was sitting there.
- And many crowds approached Him, having with themselves lame, crippled, blind, mute, and many others. And they dropped12“dropped” is literal. The Greek word means to throw or set down carelessly (drop). It’s used 7 times in the New Testament, 6 of which it’s typically translated “throw” or “cast”. them at His feet, and He healed them.
- So the crowd marveled at seeing the mute speaking, and the crippled made whole, and the lame walking, and the blind seeing. And they glorified the God of Israel.
- And having summoned His disciples, Jesus said; “I’m moved with compassion for the crowd, because they already remain with Me three days and don’t have anything they could eat. And I don’t wish to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way.”
- And the disciples say to Him; “From where in this wilderness would we get so much bread as to satisfy so numerous a crowd?”
- And Jesus says to them; “How many loaves of bread do you have?” And they said; “Seven, and a few small fish.”
- And having commanded the crowd to recline13“recline” is literal. In the 1st century, they didn’t sit at a table. Rather, they laid down with their feet sticking out. on the ground,
- He took the seven loaves and the fish. And having given thanks, He broke them. And He was giving them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.
- And all ate and were satisfied. And they picked up the leftover pieces, seven large baskets full.
- Now, the men eating were four thousand men, without counting women and children.
- And having sent away the crowds, He stepped into the boat and came to the region of Magadan.
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Matthew Chapter 16
Looking For A Sign
- And having approached Jesus intent on testing Him, the Pharisees and Sadducees asked Him to show them a sign from heaven.
- And answering, He told them; “It having become evening, you say: ‘It’ll be good weather, for the sky is red’.
- And in the morning you say: ‘today will be a storm, for the sky is red cloudy’. Indeed, you know how to discern the sky’s appearance, but you aren’t able to discern the signs of the times.
- A wicked generation and an adulteress1“adulteress” the traditional interpretation here is “a wicked and adulterous generation”. However, the word translated “adulteress” is a noun here, not an adjective. Additionally, a feminine singular pronoun – “she” in English – is used later in the verse. In order to make the traditional interpretation fit, “she” must be changed to the neuter pronoun, “it”. Jesus was calling that whole generation an “adulteress”, or a woman guilty of adultery.seeks a sign. And a sign won’t be given to her except the sign of Jonah.” And having left them behind, He departed.
The Leaven of the Pharisees
- And having come to the other side of the sea, the disciples forgot to take bread.
- Then Jesus told them; “Look out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
- And they were reasoning among themselves, saying; “He said this because we didn’t bring bread.”
- But having known this, Jesus said; “Why are you reasoning among yourselves? Because you don’t have bread? O you men of little faith.
- “You don’t yet understand nor remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many baskets you picked up?
- “Nor the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many large baskets you picked up?
- “How do you not understand that I didn’t speak to you about bread? Now, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
- Then they understood that He didn’t say to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the Pharisees’ and Sadducees’ teaching.
Jesus, the Rock on Which the Church is Built
- Then having come to the region of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus was questioning His disciples, saying; “Who do men declare the Son of Man to be?”
- And they said; “Indeed, some say John the Baptizer, but others Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
- He says to them; “But who do you declare Me to be?”
- And answering, Simon Peter said; “You are the Anointed; The Son of the living God.”
- And answering, Jesus told him; “Blessed are you Simon son of Jonah, because flesh and blood didn’t reveal this to you, but My Father in the heavens.
- And I also tell you that you are Peter. And on that2“that”, the Greek demonstrative pronoun is traditionally translated “this” here. While some say that the church was build on the ‘rock’ of Peter (since his name means rock), that’s impossible because in Greek, the word here is grammatically feminine, while Peter is grammatically masculine. In order for the demonstrative pronoun to refer to Peter, it would need to match grammatical gender with the word Peter by being masculine, which it isn’t. rock I will build My church, and the gates of the underworld3“underworld” the Greek word here is “ᾍδης” (Hades). Hades was the name of the Greek god of the underworld, and the word became synonymous with the underworld itself. In Greek mythology, the underworld (Hades) was the place that all departed spirits went, whether good or bad. It is directly equivalent to the Hebrew world “sheol”. won’t overpower her.
- I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens. And whatever you bind on earth will have been bound4“will have been bound” is two words in Greek. The first is the Greek word for “to exist” in the future tense, so “will be”. The second is the Greek work for “bind”. Here it’s in the Greek Perfect tense here, which indicates an action that was completed in the past that results in a state that’s ongoing until the present. in the heavens. And whatever you loose on earth will have been loosed5“will have been loosed” Is two words in Greek. The first is the Greek word for “to exist” in the future tense, so “will be”. The second is the Greek work for “loosen”, which is in the Greek Perfect tense here. The perfect tense is (sort of) a combination of our past and present tenses. It indicates an action that was completed in the past that results in a state that’s ongoing until the present. in the heavens.
- Then He clearly ordered the disciples, so they would tell no one that He is the Anointed.
- From that time on, Jesus the Anointed began to show His disciples that it’s essential for Him to go to Jerusalem, and to suffer many things from the elders, and chief priests, and scribes, and to be killed, and to be raised up on the third day.
- And having taken Him aside, Peter began to scold Him, saying; “God be merciful6“God be merciful” is one word in Greek. The primary meaning is “merciful” and it’s only used one other place: Hebrews 8:12 where it’s typically translated “merciful”. A more colloquial meaning was “God have mercy”, in the sense of forbidding something because God was merciful. A modern expression to that effect might be “Lord have mercy”. to you, Lord; this definitely won’t happen to you.”
- But having turned around, He said to Peter; “Get behind Me Satan! You’re an offense to Me because you aren’t thinking the things of God, but the things of men.”
The Cost of Discipleship
- Then Jesus told His disciples; “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, and pick up his cross, and follow Me.
- “For whoever wants to save his life7“life” the Greek word here is “ψυχή” (psuché). It literally means “breath” and is usually translated “life”, though sometimes it’s translated “soul”. It refers to the life; the vital force which – together with the body – enables a person to live. It can also refer to mind, will, emotions, and desires, which together make up a person’s identity. This latter sense adds an interesting nuance of meaning to this verse. will lose it. But whoever loses his life8“life” see previous note for My sake will find it.
- “For how will a man be benefited if he gains the whole world but loses his life?9“life” the Greek word here is “ψυχή” (psuché). It’s typically translated “soul” in this verse, but “life” in the previous verse. That destroys the parallelism and distorts this verse, making it sound like this verse is about the afterlife. However, psuché does not mean the part of us which survives death and goes to reward or punishment. (Biblically that’s our spirit. In Revelation 8:9, animals are said to have “psuché”.) Psuché literally means “breath” and is usually translated “life”. It refers to the life; the vital force which – together with the body – enables a person to live. It can also refer to mind, will, emotions, and desires, which together make up a person’s identity, or soul in that sense. Or what will a man give in exchange for his life?10“life” see previous note
- “For the Son of Man is about to come in the glory of His Father with His angels. And then ‘He will pay back each according to his deeds’.11quotation/allusion to Psalms 62:12 and Proverbs 24:12
- “Amen I tell you: some who are *standing here definitely won’t taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.”
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Matthew Chapter 17
The Transfiguration
- And after six days, Jesus takes Peter, and James, and John his brother with Him and He leads them up to a high mountain on their own.
- And He was transfigured in front of them, and His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white as the light.
- And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, discussing with Him.
- Then answering, Peter said to Jesus: “Lord, it’s good for us to be here. If you want, I’ll make three tabernacles1A tabernacle is a moveable structure like a tent. However, they are typically much more rigid, expensive, and much nicer. In the Old Testament, God didn’t have a temple until Solomon’s day. Before that, He “dwelled” in a tabernacle built to exacting standards. here: one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
- While he’s still speaking, behold, a shining cloud overshadowed them. And behold, a voice came from the cloud saying: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him.”
- And having heard this, the disciples fell on their face and were extremely terrified.
- And Jesus approached, and having touched them He said: “Stand up and don’t fear.”
- And having lifted their eyes, they saw no one except Jesus Himself alone.
- And while coming down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying: “Tell no one of the vision until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.”
- And the disciples questioned Him, saying: “Then why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?”
- And answering, He said: “Indeed, Elijah comes first and will restore all things.
- “But I tell you that Elijah already came. And they didn’t recognize him, but did whatever they wished to him. In the same way also, the Son of Man is about to suffer under them.”
- Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them about John the Baptizer.
Healing a Demon Possessed Boy
- And having come to the crowd, a man approached Him, falling on his knees before Him
- and saying: “Lord, have mercy on my son because he is epileptic and suffers terribly. For he often falls into the fire, and often into the water.
- “And I brought him to your disciples, and they couldn’t heal him.”
- Then answering, Jesus said: “O, you unbelieving and *perverted generation. How long will I be with you? How long will I put up with you? Bring him here to Me.”
- And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon went out from him, and the boy was healed from that very hour.
- Then having approached Jesus in private, the disciples said: “Why weren’t we able to cast it out?”
- And He tells them: “Because of your weak faith. For amen I tell you: if you have faith like a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain: “Move from here to there” and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.
- [“But this kind doesn’t go out except by prayer and fasting.]2This textual variant is essentially identical to Mark 9:29 – so it changes nothing doctrinally – but the authenticity of this verse to Matthew’s gospel is disputed. There are strong arguments on both sides, but the argument doesn’t center on theology. It is merely about if this verse was copied over from Mark’s gospel by scribes, or original to Matthew.
- And while they’re assembled in Galilee, Jesus told them: “The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men.
- “And they will kill Him, and on the third day He will be raised up.” And they were deeply grieved.
The Temple Tax
- And when they came to Capernaum, the men collecting the two-drachma3A “drachma” is an ancient Greek silver coin that weighed 4.3 grams, or 0.15 ounces. tax approached Peter and said: “Doesn’t your teacher pay the two-drachma tax?”
- He says: “Yes.” And having gone into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying: “What do you think Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take taxes or tribute? From their sons or from strangers?”
- And Peter said: “From the strangers.” Jesus was saying to him: “Then the sons are free.”
- “But, so that we don’t offend them, having gone to the sea, cast a fishhook and pick up the fish that comes up first. And having opened its mouth, you’ll find a statér4“statér”, an Greek coin worth four drachma. worth four drachma. Having taken that coin, give it to them for Me and you. “
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Matthew Chapter 18
The Greatest in the Kingdom
- In that hour, the disciples approached Jesus saying: “Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens?”
- And having summoned a young child, He stood the child in their midst,
- and He said: “Amen I tell you: If you aren’t changed and become like the little children, you definitely won’t enter the kingdom of the heavens.
- “Therefore, whoever will humble himself like this young child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens.
- “And whoever welcomes one such young child in My name, he welcomes Me.
- “But whoever lays bait to ensnare1“lays bait to ensnare” is a single word in the Greek. It specifically refers to a “bait stick”, meaning the trigger stick of a trap or snare to which the bait is attached. Think of the part of a mouse trap to which you affix the cheese. On reaching for the bait, the “bait stick” triggers the trap and ensnares the unsuspecting victim. It can also refer to offending someone or someone stumbling, and is often used those ways. one of these little ones believing in Me, it’s better for him that a heavy millstone should be hung around his neck and be drowned in the depth of the sea.
- “Woe to the world for the baits that ensnare.2“baits that ensnare” the noun form of the verb used in verse 6, see note on verse 6 For it’s necessary for the baits that ensnare to come, yet woe to the man through whom this bait that ensnares comes.
- “And if your hand or your foot ensnares3“ensnares” see footnote on “bait that ensnares” in verse 6, since this is the same Greek word. you, cut it off and throw it from you. It’s better for you to enter into the life maimed or lame, than having two hands or two feet and to be thrown into the fire of ages.4“fire of ages” is literal, though it’s traditionally translated “eternal fire” here. However, that’s less literal and “fire of ages” captures the severity of the fire, which the traditional interpretation doesn’t. The word translated “ages” (αἰώνιον) here is the adjective form of the Greek word “αἰών” (aion), which is used – for example – in Matthew 24:3 when the disciples asked about the “culmination of the age“.
- “And if your eye ensnares you, pluck it out and throw it from you. It’s better for you to enter into the life one-eyed, than having two eyes and to be thrown into the fire of the Valley of Hinnom.5Most translations render this “hell” but any lexicon will tell you it’s a proper noun referring to a specific valley – the Valley of Hinnom – just outside Jerusalem. Symbolically, it’s where the Jews believed the wicked were punished in the afterlife. However, it also has historical significance which is lost when it’s merely translated “hell”. Two kings of Israel sacrificed babies as burnt offerings to the pagan gods Baal and Moloch in the Valley of Hinnom. (2 Chronicles 28:1-3, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Jeremiah 7:30-31) As a result, God sentenced them to judgement through the prophet Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 19:1-11) Their sentence was carried out about 20 years later when Nebuchadnezzar sacked Jerusalem. He burned almost everything and enslaved all Judah. (2 kings 25:1-12) It was the worst judgement Israel had yet seen. This happened again a few decades after Christ when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.
- “See that you don’t scorn one of these little ones. For I tell you: their angels in the heavens continually see the face of My Father in the heavens.
- [“For the Son of Man came to save the *lost.]6It’s unclear whether this verse was originally part of Matthew or added later, and there are good arguments on both sides of the debate. It’s nearly identical to Luke 19:10, so it changes nothing doctrinally.
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
- “What do you think? If any man happens to have one hundred sheep and one of them was led astray, won’t he surely7“won’t… …surely” The Greek here is a stronger word for “no” than is typically used and always carries an emphatic sense. leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and having departed from there, seek the one led astray?
- “And if he happens to find it, amen I tell you that he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which haven’t been led astray.
- “Thus, it’s not the will of your Father in the heavens that one of these little ones should perish.
Church Discipline
- “Now, if your brother sins [against you],8There is a great debate on whether the words “against you” were original to Matthew. Several of the earliest manuscripts don’t contain “against you”, but the vast majority of later manuscripts do. The context of verse 21 (with Peter asking how many times to forgive someone who sins “against me”) would support the longer reading. However, the context of the previous verse is about sheep who are “led astray” and those who hurt “little children”, which wouldn’t include offenses “against you”. There is also Galatians 6:1, which – though a different book – would seem to support the shorter reading. On the other hand, the sheer volume of manuscripts that support the longer reading can’t be ignored. The debate is ongoing. go rebuke him with evidence of his fault9“rebuke him with evidence of his fault” is one word in Greek. It means to correct or expose something (typically bad/wrong), which includes the idea of supporting evidence for the correction or exposition. between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you won over your brother.
- “But if he doesn’t listen, take one or two more with you so that “By the mouth of two or three witnesses, every spoken word might be confirmed.”10quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 19:15
- “But if he disregards them, tell the church assembly. But if he also disregards the church assembly, let him be exactly like a pagan and a tax collector to you.
- “Amen I tell you all: Whatever you bind11“Binding and Loosing” were recognized legal terms in the Jewish faith. Binding and loosing meant to “forbid” or to “permit” a practice in the faith. Josephus says that that the Pharisees “became the administrators of all public affairs so as to be empowered to banish and readmit whom they pleased, as well as to loose and to bind.” Jesus gave the church assembly to the authority to do what previously only the Pharisees – the religious elite – had been permitted to do. Given the context here, it likely means to bind (forbid) or to loose (permit) associating with someone who has fallen into sin. However, it could also refer to forbidding or permitting religious practices, though that idea isn’t contained in the immediate context. on earth will have been bound12“will have been bound” is two words in Greek. The first is the Greek word for “to exist” in the future tense, so “will be”. The second is the Greek work for “bind”. Here it’s in the Greek Perfect tense here, which indicates an action that was completed in the past that results in a state that’s ongoing until the present. in heaven. And whatever you loose13“loose”, see note on “bind” earlier in this verse on earth will have been loosed14“will have been loosed is two words in Greek. The first is the Greek word for “to exist” in the future tense, so “will be”. The second is the Greek work for “loose”. Here it’s in the Greek Perfect tense here, which indicates an action that was completed in the past that results in a state that’s ongoing until the present. in heaven.
- “Again, amen I tell you all: If two of you on earth agree about any matter – if they ask for that – it will become so for them through My Father in the heavens.
- “For where two or three are *gathered together in My name, I’m there in their midst.”
Forgiveness and the Unforgiving Slave
- Then having approached Jesus, Peter said to Him: “Lord, how often shall I forgive my brother when he will sin against me? Up to seven times?”
- Jesus tells him: “I don’t tell you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
- “Because of this, the kingdom of the heavens can be compared to a man – a king – who wished to settle accounts with his slaves.
- “And having begun to settle his accounts, one debtor who owed ten thousand talents15A “talent” is not a coin but a measure of weight. It was about 75lbs, or 3000 silver shekels in weight. A talent of silver was worth about 6,000 denarii, which was the going rate for a day’s worth of unskilled labor. However, the Greek word translated “ten thousand” here can also mean “countless” in a figurative sense, so the exact number might not be important. was brought to him.
- “But with him having nothing to repay the debt, the master ordered him to be sold, and his wife and children, and all that he has, and the debt to be repaid.
- “So having fallen down, the slave was bowing at his feet,16“was bowing at… …feet” is one word in Greek, often translated “worship”. It comes from the Greek words: “pros” (meaning “towards”) and “kyneo” (meaning “to kiss”). It literally refers to bowing down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground in front of a superior or authority figure. Some Egyptian pictographs have the hand outstretched, as if to send the “kiss” toward the one being revered. saying: “Be patient with me and I will repay all of it to you.”
- “And having been moved with compassion, that slave’s master released him and forgave him the debt.
- “But having departed, that slave found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii.17“denarii” is the plural of “denarius”, an ancient silver coin. It was the going wage for a day’s worth of manual labor. And having seized him, he was choking him, saying: “Pay back what you owe!”
- “Then having fallen down, his fellow slave was begging him, saying: “Be patient with me and I will pay you back.”
- “Yet he wasn’t willing. But having departed, he threw him into prison until he paid back what’s owed.
- “So having seen the things which happened, his fellow slaves were extremely grieved. And having gone to their master, they explained all that happened.
- “Then having summoned him, his master says to him: “You wicked slave! I forgave all that debt for you because you begged me.
- “Weren’t you also required to have mercy on your fellow slave, just like I also had mercy on you?
- “And having been provoked to anger, his master handed him over to the prison torturers18“prison torturers” is one word in Greek. It refers to a prison guard whose job it was to extract information from prisoners through torture. until that man paid back all that’s owed [to him].
- “And My heavenly Father will do likewise to you, unless each of you forgives his brother from your heart.”
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Matthew Chapter 19
- And it happened, when Jesus finished these words, He departed from Galilee and went to the region of Judea beyond the Jordan.
- And many crowds followed Him, and He healed them there.
Marriage and Separation
- And some Pharisees approached Him, testing Him and saying: “Is it lawful for a man to send away1“send away” is literal here, though it’s typically translated divorce in this passage. The same word is used of Jesus “sending away” crowds and Pilate “sending away” (releasing) Barabbas. Paul uses a different Greek word when talking about divorce in 1 Corinthians. The Hebrew divorce procedure is found in Deut 24:1 and had three parts: 1) write a divorce certificate. 2) Give it to your wife. 3) Send her away from your house. However, if a man “sent her away” (kicked her out of his house) without a divorce certificate, in that culture she was destitute. She was still legally married because she didn’t have a divorce certificate, so she couldn’t marry anyone else without being an adulteress. Often, her only resort to feed herself was prostitution. There was a debate as to whether this was lawful according to the Mosaic Law. This was one of the two great debates centering on divorce. (See following note for the other debate) The Pharisees cleverly asked about both in a single question here. Jesus’ response makes it clear that spouses should live together as long as they are married. his wife for every2“every reason” is literal. During Jesus day, there was a great debate between the rabbinic schools of Shammai and Hillel on what was an acceptable reason for a divorce (or merely “sending away”; see previous note). The Hebrew divorce procedure is found in Deut 24:1 and includes this preamble: “When a man takes a wife and marries her, and she doesn’t find favor in his eyes because he finds some indecency in her…“. The school of Shammai took the “indecency” part to mean there must be some kind of sexual indiscretion/exposure before a man could divorce her. While Hillel’s school focused on the “not finding favor” part. They said anything he didn’t like – even burning his dinner – could be grounds for divorce. Essentially, Hillel’s school said a man could divorce his wife for “every reason”. This was one of the two great debates centering on divorce. (See previous note for the other debate) The Pharisees cleverly asked about both in a single question here. reason?”3“reason” The Greek word here is often used in the judicial sense of an accusation of a crime.
- And answering, He said: “Didn’t you read that from the beginning, the One who created them made them male and female?4Quotation/allusion to Genesis 1:26-27
- “And He said: For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and will be joined to his wife, and the two will be5 Most translations use the word “become” here, but the Greek word for “become” isn’t in this passage despite Matthew using it with great latitude elsewhere. In this verse, it’s simply the Greek word that means is/are/am/be/being/etc. in one flesh,6Quotation allusion to Genesis 2:24. Jesus appears to be talking solely about a physical union here (not a spiritual one). Paul makes this clearer in 1 Corinthians 6:16, where the Genesis 2:24 is also applied to sex with prostitutes.
- “so they’re no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God yoked together,7“yoked together” is literal. A “yoke” is a contoured wooden beam used to join two beast of burden (cows, oxen, etc.) together so they can pull a heavy load together. man must not separate.8“separate” the Greek word here literally means to depart, vacate, or “create space”; or to “place room between” (Strong’s). See note on “send away” in verse 3. Paul uses this word in 1 Corinthians 7 in the section on divorce, but it’s not translated divorce there. There, it’s typically translated “leave” instead.
- They say to Him: “So why did Moses command to give her a scroll of divorce and to send her away?”9quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 24:1, which lists the three things a man must do to divorce his wife. The final two parts of the divorce procedure were to give the wife a scroll of divorce and send her away from his house. See note on verse 3.
- He tells them: “Moses allowed you to send away10see note on “send away” in verse 3. your wives because of your hardness of heart, but from the beginning it hasn’t happened this way.
- “But I tell you that whoever sends away11see note on “send away” in verse 3. his wife not on account of sexual immorality and marries another woman of the same kind12“another woman of the same kind” is one word in Greek, with that exact definition. The “of the same kind” part likely refers to a woman who is merely “sent away” and not properly divorced. See note on “send away” in verse 3. is guilty of sex with another man’s wife.13“is guilty of sex with another man’s wife” is one word in the Greek, typically translated “commits adultery”. However, the Greek word (and Hebrew too) is more limited in scope than our English word adultery. In English, “adultery” means illicit sex between a married person – man or woman – and someone who isn’t their spouse. In Greek (and Hebrew also), it meant “a man having sex with another man’s wife”. A married man having sex with an unmarried woman was still a serious sin, but the not the specific sin of adultery. [And the man who marries the woman who has been merely sent away is guilty of sex with another man’s wife.]14This textual variant is essentially identical to Mathew 5:32. There is debate over whether it was copied over from that verse, or Matthew wrote it in both places.
- His disciples say to Him: “If the accusation against15“accusation against“, the Greek word here is usually used in the judicial sense of an accusation of a crime. a man with wife is like this, it’s better not to marry.”
- And He told them: “Not all receive this word, but only those to whom it has been given.
- For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother’s womb. And there are eunuchs who were made into eunuchs by men. And there are eunuchs16“eunuchs”, the Greek word for eunuch literally means “alone in bed”, and can refer either to a man who is castrated, or to one who voluntarily abstains from marriage and sex. who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of the heavens. The man able to receive this, let him receive it.
Let the Children Come
- Then some young children were brought to Him so He might lay hands on them and pray, but the disciples scolded them.
- But Jesus said: “Allow the young children, and don’t forbid them to come to Me. For the kingdom of the heavens is of such a kind.
- And having laid hands on them, He departed from there.
The Rich Young Man
- And behold; having approached Him, one man said: “Teacher, what good should I do so that I might have the life of ages?17“life of ages” is literal, and captures the duration as well as the quality of the life, which the traditional interpretation of “eternal life” doesn’t. The word translated “ages” (αἰώνιον) is the adjective form of the Greek word “αἰών” (aion), which is used – for example – in Matthew 24:3 “what are the signs of your coming and the end of the age?”
- And He said to him: “Why are you asking Me about good? Only one is good. But if you wish to enter into the life, keep the commandments.”
- He says to Him: “What sort of commandments?” And Jesus said: “You shall not murder, you shall not have sex with another man’s wife,18“have sex with another man’s wife” is one word in the Greek, typically translated “commit adultery”. However, the Greek word (and Hebrew too) is more limited in scope than our English word adultery. In English, “adultery” means illicit sex between a married person – man or woman – and someone who isn’t their spouse. In Greek (and Hebrew also), it meant “a man having sex with another man’s wife”. A married man having sex with an unmarried woman was typically called fornication or sexual immorality. you shall not steal, you shall not commit perjury.19quotation/allusion to Exodus 20:13-16
- “honor your father and mother,20quotation/allusion to Exodus 20:12 and you shall ^love your neighbor as yourself.”21quotation/allusion to Leviticus 19:18
- The young man says to Him: “I vigilantly observed all of these; what do I still lack?”
- Jesus was declaring to him: “If you desire to be perfect, go, sell the things you’re possessing, and give the money to the poor, and you will have stored-up treasure in the heavens, and come follow Me.
- But having heard this word, the young man departed grieving, for he was a man having many properties.22“properties” the Greek word here can refer to possessions, but more properly refers to land or real estate with buildings.
- And Jesus told His disciples: “Amen I tell you: A rich man will enter into the kingdom of the heavens with difficulty.
- “And again I tell you: It’s easier for a camel23“camel”. The Greek word for camel is almost identical to the Greek word for a rope. (“καμιλου vs. καμήλου”) Some contest that Jesus said “rope”. However, there’s very little manuscript evidence for this and all of them are 9th century or later. Others contest that Jesus was referring to a small gate – called a “eye of the needle” gate – in Jerusalem that was only large enough for an unladen camel to pass through. The story goes, these smaller gates allowed entrance after dark when the main gates closed, but it was difficult because you had to unpack the camel before it could fit through the tiny “needle gate”. However, there is no historical evidence for this and the story only dates to the 9th century at the earliest. to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
- And having heard this, the disciples were incredibly stunned, saying: “Then who’s able to be saved?”
- And having scrutinized them, Jesus said to them: “This is impossible with men: but all things are possible with God.”
- Then answering, Peter said to Him: “Look, we left everything24“everything” is literally “all things“ and followed you. Therefore, what will our reward be?”
- And Jesus said to them: “Amen I tell you: in the renewal when the Son of Man sits down on His glorious throne, you men who followed Me, you will also sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
- “And every man who left houses, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, [or wife,] or children, or lands, for My name’s sake will receive a hundredfold and will inherit the life of ages.”25“life of ages” is literal, and captures the duration as well as the quality of the life, which the traditional interpretation of “eternal life” doesn’t. The word translated “ages” (αἰώνιον) is the adjective form of the Greek word “αἰών” (aion), which is used – for example – in Matthew 24:3 “what are the signs of your coming and the end of the age?” Virtually all lexicons define αἰών (the noun form) as “age”, but some want to change the adjective form’s meaning to “eternal” instead of “age-long” or “of ages”. This despite “of ages” conveying a similar – and more literally accurate – meaning.
- “But many who are first will be last; and the last, first.
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Matthew Chapter 20
Parable of the Worker’s Pay
- “For the kingdom of the heavens is like a man – a master of a house – who at dawn immediately went out to hire workmen for his vineyard.
- “And having agreed with the workmen to pay a denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard.
- “And having gone out about the third hour,1“The third hour”, the Jews counted hours from dawn, which was typically around 6:00 in the morning. Therefore, “the third hour” is about 9:00am. he saw other workmen *standing idle in the marketplace.
- “And he told those men: “You also go into the vineyard, and I will give you whatever is right.”
- “And they went. And having gone out again about the sixth and the ninth hour, he did the same thing again.
- “And having gone out at about the eleventh hour, he found other workmen *standing idle. And he says to them: “Why have you stood here idle all day?
- “They tell him: “Because no one hired us.” He tells them: “You also go into the vineyard. [And you will receive whatever is right.]
- “And when it became evening, the master of the vineyard says to his foreman: “Call the workmen and pay them their wage, beginning from the last, up to the first.
- “And having come forward, the men hired about the eleventh hour received a denarius each.
- “And having come forward, the men hired first assumed that they would receive more, but they also received a denarius each.
- “And having received it, they were grumbling against the master of the house,
- “saying: “These last men only worked one hour, and you made them equal to us: the men who bore the whole day’s burden and the scorching heat.”
- “But answering one of them, he said: “Friend,2“Friend” this Greek word is only used three times on the Bible. All of them are in Matthew, and all are in the sense of a false friend. One lexicon says it refers to someone posing as a friend, but who really has their own interests in mind. I don’t wrong or hurt3“wrong or hurt” is one word in Greek, and can mean either or both depending on the context you. Didn’t you agree with me on a denarius?”
- “Take what’s yours and go. But I wish to give this last man the same as you.
- “Or, isn’t it lawful for me to do what I desire with what’s mine? Or, is your eye evil with greed4“eye evil with greed” the phrase “evil eye” is an idiom which means “to be stingy” or “to be greedy”. See also, Matthew 6:23. because I’m generous?”
- “In this way, the last will be first, and the first last. [for many are called, but few are chosen.]
Jesus Predicts His Death again
- And going up to Jerusalem, Jesus took the twelve disciples aside privately and He told them on the way: “Behold,
- “we go up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death.
- And they will hand Him over to the gentiles to mock, and to flog, and to crucify; and on the third day He will be raised again.
The Greatest in the Kingdom
- Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee approached Him with her sons, bowing down at His feet5“bowing down at his feet” is one word in Greek, often translated “worship”. It comes from the Greek words: “pros” (meaning “towards”) and “kyneo” (meaning “to kiss”). It literally refers to bowing down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground in front of a superior or authority figure. Some Egyptian pictographs have the hand outstretched, as if to send the “kiss” toward the one being revered. and asking something from Him.
- And He said to her: “What do you desire?” She says to Him: “Say that in your kingdom, these two sons of mine might sit down with one at your right hand, and one at your left hand.”
- But answering, Jesus said to them: “You don’t *know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I’m about to drink? [Or to be baptized in the baptism that I’m baptized?] They tell Him: “We are able.”
- He tells them: “Indeed, you will drink My cup [and you will be baptized in the baptism that I’m baptized.] But to sit on My right hand and on My left hand: this isn’t Mine to give. But that’s for whom it has been prepared by My Father.”
- And having heard this, the ten were indignant about the two brothers.
- And having summoned them, Jesus said: “You *know that the rulers of the gentiles exercise authority over them, and their great men dominate them.
- “It shall not be this way among you, but whoever desires to become great among you, he will be your servant.
- “And whoever desires to be first among you, he will be your slave,
- “just as the Son of Man didn’t come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a purchase price6“purchase price” this Greek word often referred to the price required to buy a slave’s freedom. for many.”
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
- And while departing from Jericho, a great crowd followed Him.
- And having heard that Jesus is passing by, behold: two blind men sitting along the road cried out saying: “Lord, have mercy on us Son of David.”7“Son of David” was a title of the promised messiah in Jewish eyes. This stems from 2 Samuel 7:12-13, in which God promised David would have a descendant who would sit on the throne forever. This could be construed as an act of faith by the blind men.
- But the crowd scolded them so they might be silent, but they cried out louder, saying: “Lord, have mercy on us Son of David.”
- And having stopped, Jesus called them and said: “What do you want Me to do for you?”
- They say to Him: “Lord, we ask that our eyes might be opened.”
- and having been moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes and at once they recovered their sight, and they followed Him.
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Matthew Chapter 21
The Triumphal Entry
- And when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent out two disciples,
- saying to them: “Go into the village before you, and at once you’ll find a donkey which has been tied, and a colt with her. Having untied them, bring them to Me.
- “And if someone says anything to you, you will say that: ‘The Lord has need of them.’ and he will send them immediately.”
- And this has happened so what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled, saying:
- “Tell the daughter of Zion: Behold! Your King comes to you,“1Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 62:11. strong but gentle2“strong but gentle” this Greek word is often translated “meek” or “gentle”. However, it doesn’t mean the absence of power as “meek” would suggest. Instead, it specifically refers to strength or power that is gently exercised without undue harshness. i.e. some who is strong, but applies his strength gently. and *mounted on a donkey, even on a colt; the foal of a beast of burden.”3Quotation/allusion to Zechariah 9:9
- Then having gone and done as Jesus instructed them, the disciples
- brought the donkey and the colt, and they put their cloaks on them, and He sat on them.
- And the largest crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others were cutting branches from the trees and were spreading them on the road.
- And the crowds preceding Him and the crowds following Him were crying out, saying: “Hosanna4“Hosanna” A Hebrew word which means “save now”, or “please save now”. It was originally a cry for help, but apparently indicates exultation or joy. The “na” suffix indicates intense emotion, hence the emphatic sense here. to the Son of David!5“Son of David” was a title of the promised messiah in Jewish eyes. This stems from 2 Samuel 7:12-13, in which God promised David would have a descendant who would sit on the throne forever. This could be construed as an act of faith by the crowds. *Blessed is the One coming in the name of the Lord!6Quotation/allusion to Psalm 118:26 Hosanna in the highest!”
- And with Him having entered into Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up, saying: “Who is this?”
- And the crowds were saying: “This is the prophet, Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee.”
Cleansing the Temple
- And Jesus entered into the temple and threw out all the men buying and selling in the temple, and He overturned the money-changers’ tables, and the chairs of the men selling the doves.
- And He tells them: “It is *written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer‘,7Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 56:7 but you are making it a den of robbers.”8Quotation/allusion to Jeremiah 7:11
- And the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them.
- But having seen the wondrous deeds that He did, and the children crying out in the temple and saying: “Hosanna to the Son of David!”, the chief priests and scribes were incensed.
- And they said to Him: “Do you hear what these children say?” And Jesus tells them, “Absolutely. Did you never read: “From the mouth of infants and nursing babes, you prepared praise for yourself.”9quotation/allusion to Psalm 8:2?”
- And having left them behind, He went out of the city to Bethany and spent the night there.
The Fig Tree Withers
- And while returning to the city early in the morning, He was hungry.
- And having seen one fig tree on the road, He went to it and found nothing on it except leaves alone. And He says to it: “Fruit won’t come from you any longer, not through the age.” And the fig tree instantly withered.
- And having seen this, the disciples marveled, saying: “How did the fig tree wither instantly?”
- And answering, Jesus said to them: “Amen I tell you: If you have faith and don’t doubt, you’ll not only do the miracle of the fig tree, but even if you tell this mountain: ‘be lifted up and thrown into the sea’, it will happen.
- “And all things – as many as you ask in prayer while believing – you will receive.
Jesus’ Authority Challenged
- And after He went into the temple, the chief priests and the elders of the people approached Him while He’s teaching, saying: “By what authority are you doing these things? And who gave you this authority?”
- But answering, Jesus told them: “I’ll also ask you one question, which – if you answer Me – I’ll also tell you by what authority I do these things.
- “From where was the baptism of John: from heaven, or from men?” And they were reasoning among themselves, saying: “If we say ‘from heaven’, He will say to us: “Then why didn’t you believe him?”.
- But if we say ‘from men’ we fear the crowd, for all regard John as a prophet.
- And answering Jesus, they said: “We don’t *know.” And He was also telling them: “Then neither am I telling you by what authority I do these things.
A Parable of Two Sons
- “But what do you think? A man had two children. And having approached the first, he said: “Child, go work in the vineyard today”.
- “And answering, he said: “Sir, I’m not willing.” But having regretted it later, he went.
- “And having approached the second, he said the same thing. And answering, he said: “I will sir.” and he didn’t go.
- “Which of the two did the will of the father?” They say: “The first.” Jesus says to them: “Amen I tell you: the tax collectors and prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God before you.
- “For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you didn’t believe him, but the tax collectors and prostitutes believed him. And having seen this, you didn’t even regret it afterwards to believe him.
The Wicked Vinegrowers
- “Hear another parable: There was a man, a master of a house, who planted a vineyard. And he placed a fence around it, and dug a winepress in it, and built a fortified tower,10Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 5:1-2 and hired it out to vinegrowers, and traveled to a foreign country.
- “And when the season of fruit drew near, he sent his slaves to the vinegrowers to receive his fruit.
- “And the vinegrowers took his slaves: and indeed they beat one, and killed another, and another they stoned.
- “Again, he sent other slaves, more than the first time, and they did the same to them.
- “But afterwards, he sent his son to them, saying: “They will be turned in shame and revere11“will be turned in shame and revere” is one word in Greek. It means “to turn about”, often in shame or away from shame and to revere something else. my son”.
- “But having seen the son, the vinegrowers said among themselves: “This is the heir. Come: we should kill him and gain his inheritance.
- “And having seized him, they threw him outside the vineyard and killed him.
- “Therefore, when the lord of the vineyard comes, what will he do to these vinegrowers?”
- They tell Him: “He will horribly destroy those horrible men.12“He will horribly destroy those horrible men” is literally “He will wickedly destroy those wicked men”, but not in the sense of the destruction being wicked. Rather, the sense is “let the punishment fit the crime”. i.e. let “the wicked meet a wicked end”. Therefore, “horribly/horrible” was chosen to avoid this confusion, and to avoid making the reader think the lord’s actions were wicked. And he will hire out the vineyard to other vinegrowers, who will give him the fruit in their seasons.
- Jesus says to them: “Did you never read in the scriptures? The stone which the men building rejected; this became the head corner stone. This happened from the Lord, and it’s marvelous in our eyes.13Quotation/allusion to Psalm 118:22-23
- “Because of this, I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you, and will be given to a people14“people” is literal. It’s the Greek word ” ἔθνος” (ethnos), which is typically translated “Gentiles” or “nations”. producing its fruit.
- “And the man who falls on this stone will be shattered, but whomever it falls on, it will crush him to pieces and scatter him like chaff.”15“will crush… …to pieces and scatter him like chaff” is one word In Greek. It refers to the process of winnowing, where the whole grain is slightly crushed to break the (useless) chaff from the (useful) grain. Then, the mixture is thrown into the air so the wind carries the chaff away, while the heavier (useful) grain falls back to the earth. See note on Matthew 3:12 for more information on winnowing,
- And having heard His parables, the chief priests and Pharisees knew that He speaks about them.
- And they’re seeking to seize Him, but they were frightened of the crowds because they were regarding Him as a prophet.
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Matthew Chapter 22
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
- And answering, Jesus again spoke to them in parables, saying:
- “The kingdom of the heavens can be compared to a man – a king – who prepared a wedding feast for his son.
- “And he sent his slaves to call the men who have been invited to the wedding feast, and they weren’t willing to come.
- “Again, he sent other slaves, saying: “Tell the men who have been invited: “behold, I have prepared my dinner. My oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered and everything is1“everything is” is literally “all things are“ ready. Come to the wedding feast.”
- “But having not cared, they departed: one to his own farm, and another to his business.
- “And having seized his slaves, the rest spitefully injured and killed them.
- “And the king was enraged. And having sent his armies, he destroyed those murderers and burned their city.
- “Then he says to his slaves: “The wedding feast is indeed ready, but the men who have been invited weren’t worthy.
- “Therefore, travel on the highways and roads, and invite as many as you find to the wedding feast.
- “And having gone out to the roads, those slaves gathered all whom they found – both evil and good – and the wedding feast was filled with the men reclining at the table.
- “And having entered to observe the men reclining at the table, the king saw a man there not *dressed in wedding clothes.
- “And he says to him: “Friend,2“Friend” this Greek word is only used three times on the Bible. All of them are in Matthew, and all are in the sense of a false friend. One lexicon says it refers to someone posing as a friend, but who really has their own interests in mind. how did you enter here without having wedding clothes?” But he was speechless.
- “Then the king told the servants: “Having bound his hands and feet, throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
- “For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Paying Caesar’s tax
- Then having left, the Pharisees held a council on how they might trap Him in a word.
- And they send their disciples to Him, along with Herod’s supporters, saying: “Teacher, we *know that you are true and you teach the way of God in truth. And you don’t worry about anyone, for you don’t look at the appearance of men.
- “Therefore tell us what you think: Is it lawful to pay the poll tax3A “poll tax” (also called a “head tax or “capitation”) is a tax on every liable individual in a nation. This specific tax was paid yearly, and could only be paid in Roman money, not Jewish money. to Caesar, or not?
- But having known their wickedness, Jesus said: “You hypocrites; Why do you test Me?
- “Show Me the coin used for the poll tax.” And they brought Him a denarius.
- And He says to them: “Whose image is this, and whose inscription?”
- They tell Him: “Caesar’s.” Then He tells them: “Therefore, repay the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God.”
- And having heard this, they marveled. And having left Him, they departed.
Marriage in the Resurrection
- On that same day, some Sadducees (the men saying there is no resurrection) approached Him and questioned Him,
- saying: “Teacher, Moses said that If any man dies without having children, his brother shall marry his wife, and he shall raise up seed for his brother.”4Quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 25:5
- “Now, seven brothers were among us, and the first died after he married. And not having seed, he left his wife to his brother.
- “And the second did the same, and the third, until the seventh.
- “Then last of all, the woman died.
- “Therefore in the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven? For all had her.”
- And answering, Jesus told them: “You go astray, not *knowing the scriptures nor the power of God.
- “For in the resurrection, they neither marry nor are their daughters given in marriage: but they are like angels of God in heaven.
- “But concerning the resurrection of the dead, didn’t you read what was spoken to you by God, saying:
- “I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”5Quotation/allusion to Exodus 3:6 He isn’t the God of the dead, but of the living.”
- And having heard this, the crowds were stunned at His teaching.
The Greatest Commandment
- And the Pharisees – having heard that He silenced the Sadducees – were gathered together at the same place.
- And testing Him, one lawyer from among them questioned Him, saying:
- “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?”
- And He was declaring to him: “You shall ^love the Lord your God in your whole heart, and in your whole soul, and in your whole mind.6Quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 6:5
- “This is the great and foremost commandment,
- “and the second is similar to it: You shall ^love your neighbor as yourself.7Quotation/allusion to Leviticus 19:18
- “The whole law hangs on these two commandments, and the prophets do also.”
Whose Son is The Anointed?
- And while the Pharisees were *gathered together, Jesus questioned them,
- saying: “What do you think about the Anointed? Whose son is He?” They tell Him: “David’s.”
- He says to them: “Then how does David call Him Lord while in the Spirit, saying:
- “The Lord said to my Lord: sit at My right hand until I place your enemies underneath your feet.8Quotation/allusion to Psalm 110:1
- “Therefore, if David calls Him Lord, how is He his son?”
- And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor did anyone dare to question Him any longer from that day on.
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Matthew Chapter 23
Do As They Say, Not As They Do
- Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and His disciples,
- saying: “The scribes and Pharisees sat down on Moses’ seat.
- “Therefore in all things – as many as they tell you – do and observe. But don’t act according to their deeds, for they speak and don’t act.
- “They tie up heavy [and oppressive] burdens and lay them on the shoulders of men, but they aren’t willing to move them with their finger.
- “And they do all their deeds to be seen by men, for they broaden their phylacteries1a “phylactery” was a small leather case worn on the body like an amulet. It contained four important passages of scripture (Ex 13:1-10, Ex 11-16, Duet 6:4-9 , Deut 13-21). They were strapped to left arm facing the heart, or to the head and/or wrist to signify that God through the scriptures should guide all thoughts and actions. They did this as an extremely literal way of looking at Deuteronomy 6:8. and enlarge their tassels.2“Tassels” In Numbers 15:37-40, God commanded Israel to put blue tassels on the corners of their garments so they would remember to obey Him when they saw them. These tassels were called “tzitzit”, and apparently the Pharisees preferred large ones to ensure everyone knew that they were complying with that command.
- “And they love the chief place at dinners, and the chief seats at the synagogues,
- “and the greetings in the assemblies or markets,3“assemblies or markets” is one word in Greek. It can mean either a place of assembly by men, or by implication a market. Technically, including both translations is double translating (translating the same word twice two different ways). However, both meanings were included because both are relevant and equally likely. and to be called ‘Rabbi’ by men.
- “But you shouldn’t be called ‘Rabbi’, for only One is your teacher and all of you are brothers.
- “And you shouldn’t call anyone on the earth your father, for One is your Father, and He’s in heaven.
- “Nor should you be called master teachers,4“master teacher” is one word in Greek, referring to a leader who guides by instructing. In Modern Greek, this word refers to a “professor”. because One is your master teacher; the Anointed.
- “But the greatest among you will be your servant.
- “And whoever will exalt himself will be humbled, and whoever will humble himself will be exalted.
Woe to the scribes and Pharisees
- “But woe to you scribes and Pharisees – you hypocrites – because you shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men. For you don’t enter, nor allow the men entering to enter.
- [“Woe to you scribes and Pharisees – you hypocrites – because you devour widows’ houses and are praying long prayers for appearance’s sake. Because of this, you will receive a greater judgement.]
- “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees – you hypocrites – because you travel across the sea and dry land to make one convert to Judaism. And when he becomes one, you make him twice as much a son of the Valley of Hinnom5“the Valley of Hinnom” most translations render this “hell” but any lexicon will tell you it’s a proper noun referring to a specific valley – the Valley of Hinnom – just outside Jerusalem. Symbolically, it’s where the Jews believed the wicked were punished in the afterlife. However, it also has historical significance which is lost when it’s merely translated “hell”. Two kings of Israel sacrificed babies as burnt offerings to the pagan gods Baal and Moloch in the Valley of Hinnom. (2 Chronicles 28:1-3, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Jeremiah 7:30-31) Because of this, God sentenced them to judgement through the prophet Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 19:1-11) Their sentence was carried out about 20 years later when Nebuchadnezzar sacked Jerusalem. He burned almost everything and enslaved all Judah. (2 kings 25:1-12). Jesus words here about “sons of the Valley of Hinnom” likely indicates He was condemning them as being just as guilty as those kings. as you are.
- “Woe to you blind guides, you men saying: “Whoever swears by the temple, it’s nothing. But whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obligated.”
- “You foolish and blind men! For which is greater: the gold, or the temple that sanctified the gold?
- “And you say: “Whoever swears by the altar, it’s nothing. But whoever swears by the gift that’s on it, he is obligated.
- “You blind men! For which is greater: the gift, or the altar sanctifying the gift?”
- “Therefore, the man who swore by the altar, he swears by it and by all the things upon it.
- “And the man who swore by the temple, he swears by it and by the One inhabiting it.
- “And the man who swore by heaven, he swears by the throne of God and by the One sitting upon it.
- “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees – you hypocrites – because you pay tithes of mint, and dill, and cumin, and neglected the weightier parts of the law: justice, and mercy, and faithfulness. But it was necessary to do these without neglecting those.
- “You blind guides! You men straining out a gnat but swallowing a camel!
- “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees – you hypocrites – because you clean the outside of the cup and the dish,6“dish”, this Greek word refers to a dish in/on which light food or appetizers are served. Specifically, expensive or choice food which is delightful, but doesn’t satisfy hunger. but within they’re full of robbery and no self-control.
- “You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup [and the dish], so its outside might also become clean.
- “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees – you hypocrites – because you are like tombs which have been whitewashed. Which indeed appear beautiful outside, but inside they are full of dead bones and all impurity.
- “And in the same way, you indeed appear outwardly righteous to men, but within are full of hypocrisy and have no regard for God’s commands.7“no regard for God’s commands ” is one word in Greek, and is more literally “no regard for God’s law”. It’s a noun, and literally means “those who are without law”; i.e. those who – either by ignorance or by rebellion – don’t obey God’s (moral) law.
- “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees – you hypocrites – because you build the tombs of the prophets and beautifully decorate the mausoleums8“mausoleums” the Greek word here refers to a monument and/or memorial tomb. The word “mausoleum” means a free-standing tomb constructed as a monument or memorial for a deceased person. of the righteous.
- “And you say: “If we were living in the days of our fathers, we wouldn’t be partners with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.
- “So then, you yourselves testify that you’re sons of the men who murdered the prophets.
- “And you; complete the standard of your fathers.
- “You snakes! You offspring of serpents! How will you escape from the sentence of the Valley of Hinnom?9“Valley of Hinnom” most translations render this “hell” but any lexicon will tell you it’s a proper noun referring to a specific valley – the Valley of Hinnom – just outside Jerusalem. Symbolically, it’s where the Jews believed the wicked were punished in the afterlife. However, it also has historical significance which is lost when it’s merely translated “hell”. Two kings of Israel sacrificed babies as burnt offerings to the pagan gods Baal and Moloch in the Valley of Hinnom. (2 Chronicles 28:1-3, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Jeremiah 7:30-31) As a result, God sentenced them to judgement through the prophet Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 19:1-11) Their sentence was carried out about 20 years later when Nebuchadnezzar sacked Jerusalem. He burned almost everything and enslaved all Judah. (2 kings 25:1-12) It was the worst judgement Israel had yet seen. This happened again a few decades after Jesus when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. Here, Jesus was likely making a double reference to punishment in the afterlife and earthly judgement.
Lament Over Jerusalem
- “Because of this, behold! I send prophets, and wise men, and scribes to you. You will kill and crucify some of them, and some of them you will flog in your synagogues, and some you will persecute from city to city,
- “so that all the righteous blood being shed on the earth will come upon you: from the blood of righteous Abel up to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.
- “Amen I tell you: all these things will come upon this generation.
- “O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem; you’re the one killing the prophets and stoning the men who have been sent to her. How often I wished to gather your children the way that a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and yet you didn’t want to.
- “Behold! Your house is left to you desolate.
- “For I tell you: you definitely won’t see Me from now until you say: *Blessed is the One coming in the Lord’s name.”
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Matthew Chapter 24
The Temple’s Destruction Prophesied
- And having gone out from the temple, Jesus was departing and His disciples approached Him to show Him the temple buildings.
- But answering, He told them: “Don’t you see all these things? Amen I tell you: there definitely won’t be one stone left upon another stone here which won’t be torn down.
- And while He’s sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached Him in private saying; “Tell us: when will these things be? And what’s the sign of your coming and the culmination1“culmination” is literal, though many translations render it “end”. It refers to an end which is not merely a cessation, but rather the completion and can indicate ushering in the next time era. of the age?
- And answering, Jesus told them; “Watch out, lest someone leads you astray.
- “For many will come in My name, saying; “I am the Anointed” and they will lead many astray.
- “And you will be about to hear of wars and rumors of wars. Behold, don’t be alarmed for it must happen, but it’s not yet the end.
- “For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines and earthquakes in various places,
- “but all these things are merely the beginning of the birth pains.
- Then they will hand you over into persecution, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all the nations because of My name.
- “And then many will fall away, and they will betray one another, and they will hate one another.
- “And many false prophets will arise and will lead many astray.
- “And because disregard for God’s commands2“disregard for God’s commands” is one word in Greek, and is more literally “disregard for God’s law”. It’s a noun, and literally means “those who are without law”; i.e. those who – either by ignorance or by rebellion – don’t obey God’s (moral) law. is to be multiplied, the ^love of many will grow cold.
- “But the man who endured to the end, he will be saved.
- “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole inhabited world3“inhabited world” is one word in Greek, and is more literally “the world inhabited by Romans”. This Greek word originally referred to those who lived in Greece, excluding all others. Later – after they were absorbed into the Roman Empire – it came to mean those who lived in the Roman Empire, excluding those outside it. However, it’s occasionally used in a broader context to mean the entire inhabited world. as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
- “Therefore, when you see that the abomination of desolation4Quotation/allusion to Daniel 9:27 (the one spoken of through Daniel the prophet) *standing in the holy place, (let the man reading this understand)
- “then let the men in Judea flee to the mountains.
- “The man on the housetop must not come down to take things from his house,
- “and the man in the field must not turn back to take his cloak.
- “But woe to the women having a child in their womb, and to the women nursing in those days.
- “And pray that your flight won’t happen in winter, nor on a Sabbath.
- “For then there will be a great tribulation, such as hasn’t happened from the beginning of the world until now; and it most definitely won’t5“and it most definitely won’t”. In Greek, this is a triple negative (and not, no, not) to add very strong emphasis. While double negatives are occasionally used to add emphasis in Greek, triple negatives are extremely rare and make the statement even more definitively negative. Since English double negatives cancel each other out (instead of adding emphasis) the words “most definitely” were added to keep the very strong emphatic sense of the Greek. happen again.
- “And unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.
- “Then if someone tells you; “behold, here is the Anointed”, or “He’s here” don’t believe it.
- “For false anointed ones and false prophets will arise. And they will give great signs and wonders in order to lead many astray; if possible, even the elect.
- “Behold; I have forewarned you.
The Coming of the Son of Man
- “So if they tell you; “Behold; He’s in the wilderness!” don’t go out. Or if they say “Behold; He’s in the inner rooms!” don’t believe it.
- “For just as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
- “Wherever the carcass might be, the vultures will be gathered there.
- “And immediately after the tribulation of those days: The sun will be darkened and the moon won’t give its light.6Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 13:10 And the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.7Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 34:4
- “And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes8“tribes” the Greek word here refers to a people descended from a common ancestor. In the New Testament, it’s almost exclusively applied to the twelve tribes of Israel, who descended from Jacob. of the land will mourn. And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.9Quotation/allusion to Daniel 7:13
- “And He will send His angels with a great trumpet call. And they will gather His elect from the four winds; from the ends of the heavens10“heavens” the Greek word for “sky” is the exact same as the word for “heaven”. Only context determines which is intended, so “sky” is equally correct here. as far as their other ends.
The Fig Tree Explained
- “Now, learn from the parable of the fig tree. When its branch at last becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near.
- “And likewise, when you see all these things, you know that He is near; right at the doors.
- “Amen I tell you: this generation definitely won’t pass away until all these things happen.
- “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words definitely won’t pass away.”
Keep Watch
- “But concerning that day and hour, no one *knows except the Father alone; not even the angels of the heavens nor the Son.
- “For just as the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be.
- “For as in those days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving daughters in marriage, until that day Noah entered into the ark,
- “and they didn’t know until the flood came and took all of it away; the coming of the Son of Man will also be like this.
- “At that time, two men will be in the field; one is taken, and one is left.
- “Two women are grinding at the mill; one is taken, and one is left.
- “So keep watch because you don’t *know what day your Lord comes.
- “And know this: if the master of the house had known what watch of the night the thief comes in, he would’ve watched and not allowed his house to be broken into.
- “Because of this, you also must become ready, because the Son of Man comes in that hour you don’t expect.
- “Who then is the faithful and prudent slave whom the lord set over his household of servants to give them food in the proper season?
- “Blessed is that slave whom his lord will find doing likewise when he comes.
- “Amen I tell you: he will set him over all of his possessions.
- “But if that wicked slave says in his heart: “My lord delays”,
- “and he begins to beat his fellow slaves, and he eats and drinks with the drunkards,
- “Then the lord of that slave will come on a day which he doesn’t expect and in an hour which he doesn’t know.
- And he will cut him in two and will set his place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
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Matthew Chapter 25
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
- “At that time, the kingdom of the heavens will be compared to ten virgins, who having taken their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom.
- “And five of them were foolish and five were prudent,
- “for the foolish took their lamps but didn’t take oil with them.
- “But the prudent took oil in flasks with their lamps.
- “And while the bridegroom is delaying, they all became drowsy and were sleeping.
- “And in the middle of the night, a great cry *happened: “Behold the bridegroom! Go out to meet him!”
- “Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.
- “And the foolish said to the prudent; “Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out.”
- “But the prudent answered, saying; “Never. There definitely isn’t enough for both us and you. Instead, go to the men selling oil and buy it for yourselves.”
- “But while they’re going away to buy oil, the bridegroom came. And the virgins who were ready entered into the wedding feast with him and the door was shut.
- “And later the remaining virgins also come, saying; “Lord, lord; open for us.”
- “But answering, he said; “Amen I tell you: I don’t *know you.”
- “Therefore, keep watch because you don’t *know the day nor the hour [in which the Son of Man comes].
The Parable of the Talents
- “For it’s just like a man traveling to a foreign country, who called his own slaves and handed over his possessions to them.
- “And indeed, he gave five talents1A “talent” is not a coin but a measure of weight. It was about 75lbs, or 3000 silver shekels in weight. A talent of silver was worth about 6,000 denarii, which was the going rate for a day’s worth of unskilled labor. to one, and two talents to another, and one talent to another; to each according to his own ability. And he immediately traveled to a foreign country.
- “Having gone, the man who received five talents traded with them and gained another five.
- “Likewise, the man with two gained another two.
- “But having departed, the man who received one talent dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s silver.
- “And after much time passed, the master of those slaves comes and settles accounts with them.
- “And having approached, the man who received five talents brought another five talents, saying; “Master, you handed me five talents. Behold, I gained another five talents.”
- “His master was telling him; “Well done good and faithful slave. You were faithful over a few things; I will set you over many. Enter into the joy of your master.”
- “And having also approached, the man who received two talents said; “Master, you handed me two talents. Behold, I gained another two talents.
- “His master was telling him; “Well done good and faithful slave. You were faithful over a few things; I will set you over many. Enter into the joy of your master.”
- “And having also approached, the man who has received one talent said; “Master, I knew you, that you’re a harsh man, reaping where you didn’t sow and gathering where you didn’t scatter seed.”
- “And having been afraid, I departed and hid your talent in the ground. Behold, you have what’s yours.”
- “But answering, his master told him; “You wicked and lazy slave! You had known that I reap where I didn’t sow, and gather where I didn’t scatter seed.
- “Therefore, it was proper for you to invest my silver with the bankers, and having come back I would’ve recovered my money with interest.
- “Therefore, take the talent from him and give it to the man having ten talents.
- “For to every man who has, more will be given and he will have abundance. But the man who doesn’t have, even what he has will be taken away from him.
- “Also, cast out the useless slave into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
The Sheep and the Goats
- “And when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit upon His glorious throne.
- “And all the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, just as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
- “And indeed, He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on the left.
- “Then the King will tell the men on His right; “Come, you men who have been blessed by My Father; inherit the kingdom *prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
- “For I hungered, and you gave Me food to eat. I thirsted, and you gave Me a drink. I was a foreigner, and you were hospitable to Me.
- “I was naked, and you clothed Me. I was sick, and you visited Me. I was in prison, and you came to Me.”
- “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying; “Lord, when did we see you hungering and fed you, or thirsting and gave you a drink?
- “And when did we see you as a foreigner and were hospitable, or see you naked and clothed you?
- “And when did we see you being sick or in prison and came to you?
- “And answering, the King will tell them; “Amen I tell you: whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.
- And then He will tell the men on His left; “Depart from Me, you men who have been cursed into the fire of ages2“fire of ages” is literal. It’s traditionally translated “eternal fire” here, but that’s less literal and “fire of ages” also captures the severity of the fire, which the traditional interpretation doesn’t. *prepared for the Accuser3“The Accuser” is literal. The Greek word used here is “διάβολος” (diabolos), and it’s the root of our English word “devil”. Much like “Christ” (see note on Matt 1:1) “devil” isn’t a name but rather a descriptive title. and his angels.
- For I hungered and you didn’t give Me food to eat. I thirsted, and you didn’t give Me a drink.
- I was a foreigner, and you weren’t hospitable to Me; naked, and you didn’t clothe Me; sick and in prison, and you didn’t visit Me.
- “And then they will answer, saying; “Lord, when did we see you hungering, or thirsting, or a foreigner, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and didn’t serve you?”
- “Then He will answer them, saying; “Amen I tell you: whatever you didn’t do for one of the least of these, you didn’t do for Me.
- And these will depart into the punishment of ages,4“punishment of ages” is literal. It’s traditionally translated “eternal punishment” here, but that’s less literal and “punishment of ages” also captures the severity of the punishment, which the traditional interpretation doesn’t. but the righteous into the life of ages.”5“life of ages” is literal, and captures the duration as well as the quality of the life, which the traditional interpretation of “eternal life” doesn’t.
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Matthew Chapter 26
- And it happened when Jesus finished all these words, that He said to His disciples,
- “You have known that the Passover happens after two days, and the Son of Man is handed over to be crucified.”
(More) Plotting to Kill Jesus
- Then the chief priests and the elders of the people were gathered together in the courtyard of the high priest called Caiaphas.
- And they held a council so they might seize and kill Jesus by treachery.
- But they were saying; “Not during the feast, so it won’t become a riot among the people.”
The Woman Anoints Jesus with Scented Oil
- And while Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper,1A “leper” is a person suffering from “leprosy” (also called “Hansen’s Disease” in modern times). The disease is caused by the bacteria “M. leprae“. Symptoms includes the outbreak of unsightly skin sores and nerve damage. It was a great social stigma in the ancient world and remains so to this day in many places. The Jews believed that leprosy was caused by sin. Therefore they believed that only the promised messiah would be able to cure leprosy, because only God could forgive sin.
- a woman having an alabaster bottle of very expensive scented oil approached Him. And she poured it on His head while He’s reclining at the table.
- But having seen this, the disciples were indignant, saying; “For what purpose was this waste?
- “For this was able to be sold for much and the money to be given to the poor.
- But having known this, Jesus told them; “Why do you cause trouble for the woman? For, she did a lovely deed to Me.
- “For you always have the poor with you, but you don’t always have Me.
- “For this woman who poured this scented oil on My body did it to prepare Me for burial.
- “Amen I tell you: wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman did will also be spoken of as a memorial of her.
Judas Betrays Jesus
- Then having departed, one of the twelve – the man called Judas Iscariot – went to the chief priests.
- He said; “What do you intend to give me if I will hand Him over2“hand… …over” The Greek word here can also be translated “betray” to you?” And they paid thirty pieces of silver to him.
- And from then on, he was seeking an opportunity so he might hand Him over.
The Last Supper
- Now, on the first day of unleavened bread, the disciples approached Jesus, saying; “Where do you intend that we should prepare for you to eat the Passover?”
- And He said; “Go into the city to a specific3“specific” this Greek word is used when someone’s name is known, but not used. Likely because it’s not important in this case. man and tell him: “The teacher says: My time is near. I am celebrating the Passover at your house with My disciples.”
- And the disciples did as Jesus instructed them and prepared the Passover.
- And when it became evening, He was reclining at the table with the twelve disciples.
- And while they’re eating, He said to them; “Amen I tell you: one of you will betray Me.”
- And being deeply grieved, each one of them began to say to Him; “It’s not I Lord, is it?”
- And answering, He said; “The man who dipped his hand in the bowl with Me, he will betray Me.
- “Indeed the Son of Man departs, just as it’s *written about Him. But woe to that man through whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It would be better for him if that man wasn’t born.”
- But answering, Judas – the man betraying Him – said; “It’s not I Rabbi, is it?” He tells him; “You said it.”
- And while they’re eating, Jesus took bread and after a blessing, He broke it. And having given it to the disciples, He said; “Take, eat; this is My body.”
- And having taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, saying; “Drink from it, all of you.”
- “For this is My blood of the covenant poured out for the benefit of many, for the forgiveness of sins.
- “And I tell you: I definitely won’t drink of this fruit of the vine from now until that day when I drink it fresh with you in My Father’s kingdom.
- And having sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
Peter’s Denial Predicted
- Then Jesus tells them; “All of you will stumble because of Me on this night, for it’s *written: I will strike the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.4Quotation/allusion to Zechariah 13:7
- “But after being raised, I will go before you into Galilee.”
- But answering, Peter told Him; “If all others will stumble because of you, I will never stumble.”
- Jesus was telling him; “Amen I tell you: on this night – before a rooster crows – you will deny Me three times.”
- Peter tells Him; “Even if it’s necessary for me to die with you, I definitely won’t deny you.” And all the disciples said the same thing.
The Garden of Gethsemane
- Then Jesus comes with them to a place called Gethsemane and tells the disciples; “Sit here while I go over there and pray.”
- And having taken along Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, He began to be deeply grieved and troubled.
- Then He tells them; “My soul is engulfed in sorrow, even to death. Stay here and keep watch with Me.”
- And having gone forward a little farther, He fell on His face, praying and saying; “My Father; let this cup pass from Me if it’s possible. Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.
- And He goes to the disciples and finds them sleeping. And He says to Peter; “Couldn’t you keep watch like this for one hour with Me?
- “Keep watch and pray so you won’t enter into temptation. Indeed, the spirit is eager but the flesh is weak.”
- Again, having departed for a second time, He prayed saying; “My Father, if it’s not possible for this cup to pass unless I drink it, let your will be done.”
- And having come again, He found them sleeping, for their eyes were *burdened.
- And having left them again, He departed and prayed for a third time, saying the same word again.
- Then He comes to the disciples and tells them; “You can sleep and rest later. Behold; the hour has drawn near, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
- “Wake up, we should go. Behold; the man betraying Me has drawn near.”
Jesus is Arrested
- And while He’s still talking, behold; Judas – one of the twelve – came, and with him was a great crowd with swords and clubs from the chief priests and elders of the people.
- And the man betraying Him gave them a sign, saying; “He is whomever I kiss; seize Him.”
- And having approached Jesus immediately, he said; “Hello Rabbi” and kissed Him.
- And Jesus said to him; “Friend, why are you here?” Then having approached Him, they laid hands on Jesus and seized Him.
- And behold; having reached out his hand, one of the men with Jesus drew his sword. And having struck the high priest’s slave, he cut off his ear.
- “Then Jesus tells him; “Return your sword to its place, for all who take up a sword will perish by a sword.”
- “Or, do you think that I’m not able to call on My Father, and right now He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?
- “How then could the scriptures be fulfilled, that say it must happen this way?”
- In that hour, Jesus said to the crowds; “Why did you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me as you would against a violent robber?5“violent robber” is one word in Greek. It refers to someone who steals through force, as opposed to a burglar or thief who steals through stealth. I was sitting every day in the temple teaching, and you didn’t seize Me then.
- “And all this has happened so the prophets’ writings might be fulfilled.” Then having left Him, all the disciples fled.
Jesus’ Trial
- Then the men who seized Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas, the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled.
- But Peter was following Him from afar, until the high priest’s courtyard. And having gone inside, he was sitting with the servants to see the outcome.
- Now, the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin6The Sanhedrin was the highest Jewish court of the day. were seeking false testimony against Jesus so they might put Him to death.
- And they didn’t find any, though many approached as false witnesses. But having approached later, two said:
- “This man was saying: “I’m able to destroy the temple of God and to rebuild it in three days.”
- And having stood up, the high priest said to Him; “You answer nothing? Why are these men testifying against you?”
- But Jesus was remaining silent. And the high priest said to Him; “I put you under oath7“I put… …under oath” is one word in Greek, with that exact meaning. by the living God, so tell us if you are the Anointed, the Son of God.
- Jesus tells him; “You said it. Nevertheless, I tell you: from now on you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.8Quotation/allusion to Daniel 7:13
- “Then the high priest tore his robes, saying; “He blasphemed! Why would we still have need of witnesses? Behold; you heard His blasphemy just now.
- “What do you think?” And answering, they said; “He’s guilty and deserves9“guilty and deserves” is one word in Greek. It was a legal/forensic term which indicated guilt for a crime, and thus also that the accused was deserving of punishment. death.”
- Then they spat in His face, and punched Him, and the synagogue attendants10“synagogue attendants” In Greek, this clause simply reads “and the slapped Him”, with no referent to who this other party is. However, the parallel passage in Mark 14:65 tells us, hence the translation here. slapped11“slapped”. The Greek word here could also mean “to strike with a rod” Him,
- saying; “Prophesy to us Anointed One: who is the man who hit you?”
Peter Denies Jesus
- Now, Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard, and one servant girl approached him, saying; “You also were with Jesus the Galilean.”
- But he denied it before all of them, saying; “I don’t *know what you’re talking about.”
- Then having departed out to the gateway, another servant girl saw him and tells the men there; “This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.”
- And again, he denied it with an oath, saying; “I don’t *know the man.”
- But having approached him after a little while, the men *standing there said to Peter; “Surely you’re also one of them, for even your accent makes you obvious.”
- Then he began to curse and to make an oath, saying; “I don’t *know the man!” And immediately a rooster crowed.
- And Peter was reminded of the word Jesus had *spoken, that: “Before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” And having gone outside, he wept bitterly.
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Matthew Chapter 27
- And it having become morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people held a council against Jesus so they could put Him to death.
- And having bound Him, they led Him away and delivered Him to Pilate the governor.
Judas Hangs Himself
- Then having seen that He was condemned and regretting it, Judas – the man betraying Him – returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
- saying: “I sinned by betraying innocent blood.” And they said: “What’s that to us? You will see to it.”
- And having thrown the pieces of silver into the temple, he departed. And having left, he hanged himself.
- But having picked up the pieces of silver, the chief priests said: “It’s not lawful to put them into the temple treasury,1“temple treasury” is one word in Greek. The word is “κορβᾶν” (corban) and is also used in Mark 7:11. It specifically refers to gifts that were devoted/consecrated to God, and hence could also mean the place where such gifts were stored. since it’s the price of blood.”
- Then having taken counsel, they bought the potter’s field with them, to be a burial place for foreigners.
- For this reason, that field was called “field of blood” up to this day.
- Then it was fulfilled, what was spoken through the prophet [Jeremiah],2There is a textual variant here. Some manuscripts don’t give the prophet’s name, some identify it as Jeremiah, and some as Zechariah. The quote is from Zechariah, but sometimes a scroll was identified by the first book in that scroll, and Zechariah could’ve been part of a scroll that started with Jeremiah. saying: “And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of the One who has been priced by the sons of Israel, on whom they set a price,
- and they gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord directed me.3Quotation/allusion to Zechariah 11:12-13
Jesus Before Pilate
- Then Jesus stood before the governor, and the governor questioned4“questioned” the Greek word here could also be translated “interrogated”. Him, saying: “Are you King of the Jews?” And Jesus was declaring: “You said5“You said” is literally “You say” or “You are saying”. However, “you said” conveys the idomatic sense better in English it.”
- And during His accusation by the chief priests and elders, He answered no one.
- Then Pilate says to Him: “Don’t you hear how many things they testify against you?”
- And He didn’t answer him, not even in regard to one word, so the governor began to marvel greatly.
- Now at the festival, the governor had been accustomed to release one prisoner to the crowd whom they were wanting.
- And at that time, they were holding a notorious prisoner called [Jesus] Barabbas.
- Therefore, while having them *assembled, Pilate said to them: “Whom do you wish I would release to you: [Jesus] Barabbas, or Jesus called the Anointed?”
- For he had known that they betrayed Him because of malicious envy.6“malicious envy” is one word in Greek. It refers to envy/jealousness that doesn’t seek to take what another has, but rather to tear down the object of the envy.
- And while he’s sitting on the judgement seat, his wife sent word to him, saying: “Let nothing happen between you and that righteous man, for today I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him.”
- But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds so they might ask for Barabbas, but kill Jesus.
- And answering, the governor said to them: “Which of the two do you wish I would release for you?” And they said: “Barabbas.”
- Pilate says to them: “Then what should I do with Jesus called the Anointed?” They all say: “Let Him be crucified.”
- But he was saying: “For what evil that He did?” But they were vehemently crying out, saying: “Let Him be crucified!”
- And having seen that nothing is helping – but rather it’s becoming a riot – Pilate took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying: “I’m innocent of this man’s blood. You will see to it yourselves.”
- And answering, all the people said: “His blood is on us and on our children.”
- Then Pilate released Barabbas for them. And having flogged Jesus, he handed Him over so He would be crucified.
Jesus is Mocked and Crucified
- Then having taken Jesus with them into the Praetorium,7“Praetorium” could refer to either the governor’s residence or the camp of the Roman military. In this case, context tells use the latter is intended. the governor’s soldiers gathered the whole cohort8“cohort”. The cohort was a basic unit of the Roman military, which consisted of 480 soldiers, plus 120 servants. A standard cohort was comprised of 6 “centuries”, which consisted of 80 men, plus 20 servants. However, the first cohort in every Roman Legion was composed of five double strength centuries, or 800 soldiers plus 200 servants. against Him.
- And having stripped off His clothes, they clothed Him in a scarlet ruler’s robe.9“ruler’s robe” is one word in Greek (chlamys). It refers to a short robe or cloak often worn by various rulers, such as kings, governors, or even emperors. It was also worn by soldiers and military officers.
- And having woven a crown of thorns, they put it on His head and put a reed in His right hand. And having fallen on their knees before Him, they mocked Him, saying: “Hail King of the Jews!”
- And having spit on Him, they took the reed and were hitting Him on His head.
- And when they finished mocking Him, they stripped the ruler’s robe off of Him, and clothed Him in His clothes, and led Him away to crucify Him.
- And going out, they found a man from Cyrene named Simon. They forced this man so he would carry His cross.
- And having come to a place called Golgotha (which is called: “Place of a Skull”),
- they gave Him wine which has been mixed with gall10gall is a bitter herb. to drink. And having tasted it, He didn’t want to drink it.
- And having crucified Him, they distributed His clothes by casting a lot [so it might be fulfilled, what was spoken by the prophet: “They split My garments among themselves, and they cast a lot for My clothing“].11The second half of this verse is present in some Greek manuscripts, but not the majority. It is strongly attested by Old Latin evidence however. Further, this variant ends with the same Greek word as the first half of the verse (κλῆρον). This makes it very susceptible to accidental omission, because one of the more common errors is when two lines end with the same word, scribes were liable to accidentally skip everything in between. Further, it’s a quotation/allusion to Psalm 22:18, which Jesus quotes a few verses later in verse 46.
- And sitting down, they were guarding Him there.
- And they put His accusation above His head, *written this way: “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.”
- At that time, two violent robbers12“violent robber” is one word in Greek. It refers to someone who steals through force, as opposed to a burglar or thief who steals through stealth. are crucified with Him: one on the right hand, and one on the left.
- Now, the men passing by were slandering13“slandering” this word is typically translated “blaspheme”, but also means slander. It’s quite possible this double meaning was intentional by Matthew. Him, shaking their heads
- and saying: “You man destroying the temple and rebuilding it in three days; save yourself. And if you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”
- And likewise mocking, the chief priests with the scribes and elders were saying:
- “He saved others, but He isn’t able to save Himself. He’s the King of Israel? Let Him come down from the cross right now and we’ll believe in Him.”
- “He *trusts in God; let Him rescue Him now if He desires to.14Quotation/allusion to Psalm 22:8 For He said: “I am God’s Son”.”
- And likewise even the robbers who were crucified with Him were insulting Him.
Jesus’ Death
- Then darkness came over all the land from the sixth hour until the ninth hour.
- And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, saying: “Eli, Eli; lama sabachthani.” That is translated: “My God, My God; why did you abandon Me?“15Quotation/allusion to Psalm 22:1
- And having heard this, some of the men *standing there were saying: “This man calls for Elijah.”
- And having immediately run up and taken a sponge, one of them both filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed, and he was giving Him a drink.
- And the rest were saying: “Leave Him alone. We’ll see if Elijah comes and will save Him.” 16Some manuscripts add: “But having taken a spear, another pierced His side and water and blood came out.” to the end of this verse. However, this is regarded as a later addition by nearly all New Testament scholars, probably in an attempt to harmonize with John 19:34. The vast, overwhelming majority of manuscripts don’t support this addition.
- And having cried out again in a loud voice, Jesus gave up His spirit.
- And behold; the veil in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, and the land was shaken, and the rocks were split.
- And the tombs were opened and many of the saints’ bodies who have fallen asleep were raised.
- And having gone out of the tombs after His resurrection, they entered into the holy city and appeared to many.
- Then the centurion17“centurion” was a rank in the Roman military. A normal centurion was in charge of 80 soldiers, plus ~20 support staff. However, there were different levels of centurion. The highest ranking centurions could be in charge of up to 1000 men. and the men keeping watch over Jesus with him – having seen the earthquake and the things which happened – were awestruck and terrified,18“awestruck and terrified” is literally “extremely afraid/awestruck”, with “extremely” being a separate Greek word. The Greek verb “φοβέω” here can mean to “fear” or “awe” or “revere” depending on the context. Sometimes more than one meaning is intended, as is likely the case here. Technically, including both awe and fear is double translating (translating the same word twice two different ways). However, both meanings were included because both are relevant, equally likely, and it’s likely that Matthew intended both. saying: “Truly this man was God’s Son.”
- Now, many women were there watching from afar who followed Jesus from Galilee while ministering to Him,
- among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.
Jesus is Buried
- And it having become evening, a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph (who himself was also discipled by Jesus) came forward.
- Having approached Pilate, this man asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded it to be delivered to him.
- And having taken the body, Joseph wrapped it in a clean linen cloth
- and put it in his new tomb, which he cut in the rock. And having rolled a great stone over the door of the tomb, he departed.
- And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the tomb.
- Now, on the next day (which is after the Sabbath preparation day) the chief priests and the Pharisees were gathered before Pilate,
- saying: “Lord, we remembered that that man – the deceiver – said while still living: “After three days, I rise again.”
- Therefore, order the tomb to be secured until the third day, lest having come at some time, His disciples steal Him and tell the people He was raised from the dead, and the last deception will be worse than the first.”
- Pilate was declaring to them: “You have a guard. Go, secure it as you have seen fit.
- And having gone, they secured the tomb by setting a seal19“setting a seal” is one word in Greek. Commonly, this was done by melting wax and using a signet ring to make an impression before the wax had fully cooled. If the wax seal was broken, it was impossible to fix without using the signet ring again. This served as a form of signature in the ancient world. on the stone, along with a guard.
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Matthew Chapter 28
Jesus’ Resurrection
- And after the Sabbaths – it being dawn on the first day of the week – Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.
- And behold; a great earthquake happened. For having descended from heaven and approached the tomb, an angel of the Lord rolled away the stone and was sitting on top of it.
- And his appearance was like lightning and his clothes were white as snow.
- And the men guarding the tomb trembled from fear of him and became like dead men.
- But answering, the angel told the women: “Don’t fear, for I *know that you seek Jesus, the man who has been crucified.”
- “He isn’t here, for He was raised from the dead, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.
- “And having gone quickly, tell His disciples that He was raised from the dead. And behold; He is going before you into Galilee; you will see Him there. Behold; I told you.”
- And having quickly gone away from the tomb with reverent fear and great joy, they ran to tell His disciples.
- And [also, as they were going to tell His disciples,] behold; Jesus met them, saying: “Rejoice!” And having approached Him, they bowed down at His feet and grabbed His feet.
- Then Jesus tells them: “Don’t fear. Go, tell My brothers so they go into Galilee, and they will see Me there.”
The Soldiers’ Deception
- And while they’re leaving, behold; some of the guard went into the city and reported all the things which happened to the chief priests.
- And having been assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave the soldiers sufficient silver coins,
- saying: “Say that His disciples came by night and stole Him while we’re sleeping.”
- “And if this is heard by the governor, we will persuade him and will keep you out of trouble.”
- And having taken the silver coins, they did as they were instructed. And this report was spread widely among the Jews up until the present day.
The Great Commission
- And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus directed them.
- And having seen Him, they bowed down at His feet.1“bowed down at… …feet” is one word in Greek, often translated “worship”. It comes from the Greek words: “pros” (meaning “towards”) and “kyneo” (meaning “to kiss”). It literally refers to bowing down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground in front of a superior or authority figure. Some Egyptian pictographs have the hand outstretched, as if to send the “kiss” toward the one being revered. But some doubted.
- And having approached them, Jesus spoke to them saying: “All authority in heaven and on the earth was given to Me.
- So go2“Go” In Greek, this is a passive aorist participle. However, when a passive aorist participle is followed by an imperative aorist verb (a command), the passive participle should be understood as a command of instrumentality. That is, the participle is commanded so that the main imperative verb’s action can be accomplished. Thus, the word “go” isn’t a focus in this verse; the entirety of the focus is on the following verb “disciple”. See following note. (Note: in some passages, the Holy Spirit inspired an aorist passive participle + an imperative in one place but inspired a double imperative in a parallel verse. Examples include: Matt 28:7 + Mark 16:7, Matt 9:6 + Mark 2:11, and Mark 11:2 + Luke 19:30.) disciple3“disciple” most translations translate it “make disciples” here. However the Greek verb focuses on the process of raising current disciples up to maturity, not just creating new disciples. The word is used only four times in the Bible: Matthew 13:52, Matthew 27:57, Matthew 28:19, and Acts 14:21. In each case, the focus is on raising disciples to maturity, not creating new disciples. While it certainly can include the idea of turning non-disciples into disciples, that’s not the word’s primary focus. all the nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit
- “and teaching them to observe all things, as many as I commanded you. And behold: I’m with you on all days until the culmination of the age.
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Mark Chapter 1
John the Baptizer
- The beginning of the gospel of Jesus the Anointed, God’s Son.
- Just as it is *written in [Isaiah the prophet]:1“Isaiah the prophet” many manuscripts have “the prophets” instead “Behold, I am sending My messenger before your face; he who will fully prepare your way.”2quotation/allusion to Malachi 3:1, which Mark appears to be using as a ‘preface’ of sorts to the following verse, which is a quote from Isaiah. Also, see previous note.
- “The voice of one crying: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness; make His paths straight.”3quotation/allusion to Isaiah 40:3
- John appeared; the man baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance4“repentance” this Greek word it doesn’t speak of remorse or guilt for wrong actions. Rather, it literally means to “think differently after” or to “reconsider”, with an assumed change in behavior. To both the Hebrews and 1st century Greeks/Romans, a change in mind was synonymous with a change in behavior; you couldn’t have the first without the second. for forgiveness of sins.
- And the whole region of Judea was going out to him, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and all were being baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.
- And John was *clothing himself with camel’s hair clothes and had a leather belt around his waist,5quotation/allusion to 2 Kings 1:8, which describes the prophet Elijah as “a hairy man with a leather belt around his waist”. and eating locusts and wild honey.
- And he was proclaiming, saying: “He who is coming after me is mightier than I; He whom I’m not worthy of stooping down to untie the strap of His sandals.
- “I baptized you in water; but He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit.”
Jesus is baptized, tempted, and calls disciples
- And it happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan.
- And immediately coming up from the water, He saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit coming down on Him like a dove.
- And a voice came from the heavens: “You are My beloved Son, in you I’m well pleased.”
- And immediately the Spirit drives Him out into the wilderness.
- And He was in the wilderness for forty days, being tempted by Satan. And He was with the wild animals, and the angels were serving Him.
- And after John was handed over to prison, Jesus came into Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God,
- and saying that: “The time has been fulfilled and the kingdom of God has drawn near. Repent!6“Repent” this Greek word doesn’t speak of remorse or guilt for wrong actions. Rather, it literally means to “think differently after” or to “reconsider”, with an assumed change in behavior. To both the Hebrews and 1st century Greeks/Romans, a change in mind was synonymous with a change in behavior; you couldn’t have the first without the second. and believe in the gospel.
- And passing along the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew (Simon’s brother) casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.
- And Jesus told them: “Come, follow Me and I will make you become fishers of men.”
- And having immediately left the nets, they followed Him.
- And having gone a little further, He saw James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, and they were in the boat mending the nets,
- and He called them immediately. And having left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, they went away after Him.
Jesus heals many
- And they enter into Capernaum; and having entered immediately into the synagogue on the Sabbaths, He was teaching.
- And they were being stunned on account of His teaching, for He was teaching them like a man having authority7“authority” It’s possible that the “authority” that stunned the crowd was a technical term. Properly called “semikhah”, the Jewish word literally means “laying on of hands”. Its origins (as a technical term of authority) go back to Moses. Moses was given authority by God, and God commanded him to pass some of that “authority” to Joshua by “laying hands on him” in the sight of the people. (Num27:15-23, Deut 34:9) The Jews believed this authority was then passed down through “laying on of hands” to Jesus’ day. Rabbis with semikhah had the authority to make decisions in the meaning of the Law and other spiritual matters. In Jesus case, that meant a new interpretation of the Law. However, ordinary scribes (Torah teachers) could only teach what those with semikhah had established. and not like the scribes.
- And immediately there was a man with an unclean spirit in their synagogue, and he cried out
- saying: “What’s between you and us, Jesus of Nazareth? Did you come to ruin us? I *know who you are, the Holy One of God.”
- And Jesus rebuked him saying: “Be silent and come out of him.”
- And the unclean spirit made him convulse, and having cried out in a loud voice, it came out of him.
- And all of them were amazed, so as to discuss to themselves, saying: “What is this new teaching with authority? He even commands the unclean spirits and they obey Him.
- And the report about Him immediately went out everywhere into the whole neighboring region of Galilee.
- And having come out of the synagogue, they immediately went into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.
- Now, Simon’s mother-in-law was lying sick with a fever, and immediately they speak to Him about her.
- And having approached and grasped her hand, He raised her up and the fever left her, and she was serving them.
- Now, it having become evening after the sun set, they were bringing to Him all the men being sick and the demon-possessed men.
- And the whole city was *gathering together at the door.
- And He healed many sick with various diseases and cast out many demons; and He wasn’t permitting the demons to speak because they had known Him [to be the Anointed].
Jesus leaves and heals a leper
- And having risen very early in the morning with much night remaining, He went out and departed into a desolate place, and He was praying there.
- And Simon and the men with him went after Him.
- And when they found Him, they also tell Him that: “Everyone is8“everyone is” is literally “all are” seeking you.”
- And He tells them: “We should depart into the neighboring towns by another way so I might proclaim there also, for I came for this.
- And He went, proclaiming in their synagogues and in the whole of Galilee, and casting out demons.
- And a leper comes to Him, imploring Him, and falling on his knees, and saying to Him: “If you want to, you are able to cleanse me.”
- And having been moved with compassion and extended His hand, He touched him and tells him: “I want to; be cleansed.”
- And immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was cleansed.
- And having sternly warned him, He immediately sent him away.
- And He tells him: “See that you say nothing to anyone, but go show yourself to the priest and offer what Moses commanded for your cleansing,9quotation/allusion to Leviticus 14:2-32 for a testimony for them.”
- And having gone out, he began to proclaim it often and to widely report the matter, so that He was no longer able to openly enter into a city, but He was out at solitary places, and they were going to Him from all sides.
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Mark Chapter 2
The paralyzed man and forgiving sins
- And having entered into Capernaum again after some days, it was heard that He’s in a house.
- And many were assembled, so it was no longer possible to make space, not even at the door, and He was speaking the word to them.
- And they come, bringing a paralyzed man to Him carried by four men.
- And not being able to bring him near Him because of the crowd, they removed the roof over where He was. And having dug through it, they lower the bed-mat on which the paralyzed man was lying.
- And having seen their faith, Jesus tells the paralyzed man: “Child, your sins are forgiven.”
- Now, some of the scribes are sitting there and reasoning in their hearts:
- “Why is this man speaking this way? He is blaspheming. Who is able to forgive sins except God alone?”
- And having immediately known in His Spirit that they are reasoning in themselves this way, Jesus says to them: “Why are you reasoning these things in your hearts?
- “Which is easier to say to the paralyzed man: ‘your sins are forgiven’, or to say: ‘Rise, and pick up your bed mat, and walk’?
- “But so you might *know that the Son of Man has authority on the earth to forgive sins…” He tells the paralyzed man:
- “I tell you: rise, pick up your bed mat and go to your house.”
- And he was raised immediately. And having picked up the bed mat, he went out in front of all, for all to be astonished and to glorify God, saying: “We never saw anything like this!”
Calling Levi (Matthew)
- And He went out again along the sea, and all the crowd was coming to Him and He was teaching them.
- And while passing by, He saw Levi (the son of Alphaeus) sitting at the tax collector’s booth. And He tells him: “Follow Me.” And having risen, he followed Him.
- And it happens that He went to recline at the table1“recline” is literal. In ancient times, they laid down on a low table to eat. Thus, “reclining” in those days is similar to “sitting down” today to share a meal. in his house. And many tax collectors and sinners were reclining at the table with Jesus and His disciples, for they were many and were following Him.
- And having seen Him eating with sinners and tax collectors, the scribes of the Pharisees were saying to His disciples: “Why is He eating with tax collectors and sinners?”
- And having heard this, Jesus tells them: “The healthy men have no need of a physician, but the sick men do. I didn’t come to call righteous men, but sinners.”
Fasting and wineskins
- And the disciples of John and the Pharisees were fasting. And they come and say to Him: “Why do the disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples don’t fast?”
- And Jesus told them: “The groomsmen2“groomsmen” is literally “sons of the bridal chamber”. In that age, this referred to the men who helped the groom prepare whatever was needed for the wedding, especially the “bridal chamber” (honeymoon suite). The closest modern equivalent is groomsmen. aren’t able to fast while the bridegroom is with them, are they? For as long a time as they have the bridegroom with them, they aren’t able to fast.
- “But the days will come when the bridegroom was taken away from them, and then they will fast in that day.
- “No one sews an unshrunk cloth patch on an old cloak. And if he does, the patch pulls away from it (the new from the old) an even worse tear happens.
- “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. And if he does, the wine will break the wineskins and the wine is ruined, and the wineskins too. But new wine is put into new wineskins.
Lord of the Sabbath
- And it happened that He used to pass through the grain fields on the Sabbaths. And His disciples began to make their way, plucking the heads of grain.
- And the Pharisees were saying to Him: “Behold, why are they doing what’s not lawful to do on the Sabbaths?”
- And He tells them: “Did you never read what David did when he had a need and hungered, he and the men with him?”
- “How he entered into the house of God in the time of Abiathar the high priest and ate the bread of presentation, which isn’t lawful for anyone to eat except the priests; and he even gave it to the men being with him.”
- And He was telling them: “The Sabbath came into being because of man, and not man because of the Sabbath.”
- “So then, the Son of Man is Lord even over the Sabbath.”
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Mark Chapter 3
Healing on the Sabbath and casting out demons
- And He entered into the synagogue again, and a man having a *withered hand was there.
- And they were watching Him closely to see if He will heal him on the Sabbaths so they might accuse Him.
- And He tells the man having the withered hand: “Rise, stand in our midst.”
- And He says to them: “Is it lawful to do good or evil on the Sabbaths? To save a life or to kill?” But they were keeping silent.
- And having looked around at them with anger, grieved at the hardness of their heart, He tells the man: “Extend your hand.” And he stretched it out, and his hand was restored.
- And having gone out, the Pharisees immediately were offering counsel against Him with the Herodians, on how they might destroy Him.
- And Jesus withdrew to the sea with His disciples, and a great crowd followed from Galilee, and from Judea,
- and from Jerusalem, and from Idumea, and beyond the Jordan, and around Tyre and Sidon; hearing how much He was doing, a great crowd came to Him.
- And He instructed His disciples so a boat might wait on Him because of the crowd, so they don’t constrict Him.
- For He healed many, so others tried to press upon Him so that as many as had diseases might touch Him.
- And whenever the unclean spirits were seeing Him, they were falling down before Him and were crying out, saying: “You are the Son of God.”
- And He was rebuking them often, so they wouldn’t make Him known.
The twelve
- And He ascends up to the mountain and summons whom He Himself was wanting, and they went to Him.
- And He appointed twelve [whom He also called apostles] so they might be with Him, and so He might send them to proclaim,
- and to have authority to cast out demons.
- And He appointed the twelve, and added the name Peter to Simon,
- and James the son of Zebedee, and John the brother of James (He also added to them the name Boanerges, which is translated: “Sons of Thunder”),
- and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Zealot,
- and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him.
Divided against itself
- And He goes into a house and the crowd assembles again, so they aren’t even able to eat bread.
- And having heard this, the men from His family went out to grab Him, for they were saying: “He’s out of His mind.”
- And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying: “He has Beelzebul.”1“Beelzebul” from the Hebrew phrase “Baal Zebub” that translates as “lord of the flies”. It’s likely a play on words for the pagan Canaanite god Baal. One of his names was “Ba’al Zevul”, which roughly translates as “Lord of the exalted house”. Since “Ba’al Zevul” sounds very similar to “Baal Zebub”, it was likely a derogatory Hebrew nickname for the Canaanite god. Apparently, the title was later applied to an actual demon. There is some debate on whether Beelzebub is a nickname for Satan, or for another high ranking demon. And: “He casts out demons by the ruler of demons.”
- And having summoned them, He was speaking to them in parables: “How is Satan able to cast out Satan?
- “And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom isn’t able to stand.
- “And if a house is divided against itself, that house won’t be able to stand.
- “And if Satan rose against himself and was divided, he isn’t able to stand, but is coming to an end.
- “But having entered into the house of the strong man, no one is able to plunder his goods unless he first ties up the strong man, and then he will plunder his house.
- “Amen I tell you that all things will be forgiven the sons of men; their sins and their blasphemies, whatever they blasphemed.
- But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit doesn’t have forgiveness through the age,2“through the age” this Greek phrase “εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα” is omitted from most modern translations, despite it being present in all three the source texts from which the vast majority of modern translations are translated. Including this phrase makes the verse harmonize perfectly with Matthew and Luke’s account. but is guilty of the sin of ages.”
- (He said this because they were saying: “He has an unclean spirit”.)
- And His mother and His brothers come; and standing outside, they sent word to Him, summoning Him.
- And a crowd was sitting around Him, and they tell Him: “Behold; your mother, and your brothers, and your sisters are outside seeking you.”
- And answering them, He says: “Who is My mother and My brothers?”
- And having looked around at the men who are sitting in a circle around Him, He says: “Behold, My mother and My brothers.
- “For whoever does the will of God; this is My brother, and sister, and mother.”
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Mark Chapter 4
The parable of the sower
- And again He began to teach along the sea. And the largest crowd assembles to Him, so He stepped into a boat to sit in the sea, and all the crowd was on the land facing toward the sea.
- And He was teaching them many things in parables, and He was telling them in His teaching:
- “Listen! Behold: the man sowing seed went out to sow.
- “And it happened when he went to sow that some seed fell beside the road, and the birds came and devoured it.
- “And other seed fell on a rocky place where it didn’t have much soil. And it immediately sprang up because it didn’t have1“because it didn’t have” is literally: “because it not to have” a deep root in the soil.
- “And it was scorched when the sun rose, and it withered because it didn’t have2“because it didn’t have” is literally: “because it not to have” a deep root.
- “And other seed fell into the thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked it, and it gave no fruit.
- “And other seed fell into the good soil. And springing up and increasing, it was giving fruit; and one was bearing thirtyfold, and one sixtyfold, and one a hundredfold.”
- And He was saying: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
The parable explained
- And when He was alone, the men around Him with the twelve were asking Him about the parables.
- And He was telling them: “The mystery of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those outside, all teaching happens in parables,
- “so that: While seeing they might see and not discern; and while hearing they might hear and not understand; lest at some time they turn and it might be forgiven them.”3quotation/allusion to Isaiah 6:9-10
- And He tells them: “Haven’t you understood this parable? And how will you understand all the parables?
- “The man sowing seed sows the word.
- Now, these are the ones where the word is sown beside the road; and when they heard, Satan immediately comes and removes the word which has been sown into them.
- And likewise, these are the ones sown on the rocky places; who when they heard the word, they immediately receive it with joy.
- And they don’t have root in themselves, but are temporary; only lasting for a season.4“temporary; only lasting for a season” is one word in the Greek. Its’ colloquial meaning is “temporary”, but the full technical meaning is “lasting (only) for a season”. Technically, including both is double translating a Greek word. However, the additional nuance of the full definition adds meaning to the verse, therefore it was included. Afterwards when tribulation or persecution happened because of the word, they immediately fall away.
- And others are the ones sown into the thorns. These are the men who heard the word,
- and the cares of the age, and the deception of wealth, and the rest of their cravings entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
- And these are the men sown on the good soil: all who hear the word, and receive it, and bear fruit; one thirtyfold, and one sixtyfold, and one a hundredfold.”
- And He was telling them: “The lamp isn’t brought in so it might be put under a measuring basket or under the bed, is it? Isn’t it brought in so it might be put on the lampstand?
- “For nothing is hidden except so it might be revealed, nor did a secret thing happen, but that it might come to light.
- “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”
The Kingdom of God is like…
- And He was telling them: “Watch out what you listen to. It will be measured to you by whatever standard you measure, and more will be added to you.
- For whoever has, more will be given to him. And whoever doesn’t have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”
- And He was saying: “The kingdom of God is like this: like a man who throws the seed on the soil,
- “and he sleeps and rises night and day, and how the seed might sprout and grow, he doesn’t *know.
- “Of its own accord the soil bears fruit; first a sprout, next a head, next full grown grain in the head.
- Yet when the fruit allows, he immediately sends the sickle because the harvest has arrived.”
- And He was saying: “How might we compare the kingdom of God? Or by what parable might we establish it?
- “It’s like a mustard seed, which is smaller than all the cultivated5The word “cultivated” is not in the Greek, but was added to provide cultural context. The mustard seed was the smallest seed of all the plants that the Jews cultivated. seeds on the earth when it is sown on the earth.
- And when it is sown, it grows up and becomes greater than all the garden plants and makes great branches so the birds of the air are able to nest under its shade.”
- And He was speaking the word to them through many such parables, as they were able to hear.
- Yet He wasn’t speaking to them without a parable, but He was explaining all things in private to His own disciples.
Jesus calms the storm
- And it having become evening on that day, He tells them: “Let us pass to the other side of the sea.“
- And having sent away the crowd, they take Him with them since He was in the boat. And other boats were with Him.
- And a great storm of wind comes, and the waves were rushing into the boat, so the boat is already being filled.
- And He was in the stern of the ship, sleeping on a cushion. And they wake Him and say to Him: “Teacher, don’t you care that we are perishing?!”
- And having been awakened, He scolded the wind and told the sea: “Silence; be still.”6quotation/allusion to Psalm 107:28-29 And the wind ceased raging, and it became a great calm.
- And He said to them: “Why are you fearful? Don’t you have faith yet?”
- And they were terrified with great fear, and were saying to one another: “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?”
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Mark Chapter 5
Casting out Legion
- And they came to the other side of the sea, into the land of the Gerasenes.
- And Him having gone out of the boat, a man with an unclean spirit immediately went out of the tombs and met Him,
- a man who had his dwelling in the tombs. And no one was able to bind him any longer, not even with a chain,
- because he often was *bound with shackles and chains and the chains were *broken by him, and the shackles were *shattered, and no one was strong enough to subdue him.
- And all through the night and day in the tombs and in the mountains, he was crying out and cutting himself with stones.
- And having seen Jesus from far away, he ran and bowed down before Him.
- And having cried out in a loud voice, he says: “What’s between you and me Jesus; Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God not to torment me.”
- For He was saying to him: “Unclean spirit, come out of the man.”
- And Jesus was asking him: “What’s your name?” And he says to Him: “My name is Legion, because we are many.”
- And he was begging Him many times so He might not send them out of the region.
- Now, a large herd of pigs was there, feeding near the mountain.
- And they begged Him saying: “Send us into the pigs so we might enter into them.”
- And He allowed them. And having come out, the unclean spirits entered into the pigs, and rushed the herd down the steep bank into the sea, and about 2000 were drowning in the sea.
- And the men feeding them fled and reported this in the city, and in the country, and they went out to see what’s *happened.
- And they come to Jesus and see the demon-possessed man sitting *clothed and sober-minded (the man who *had the Legion) and they were frightened.
- And the men who saw it described to them how it happened with the demon-possessed man, and about the pigs.
- And they began to beg Him to depart from their region.
- And with Him entering into the boat, the man who was demon possessed was begging Him that he might be with Him.
- And He didn’t permit him, but tells him: “Go to your home, to your own people, and report to them how much the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.
- And the man departed and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus did for him, and all were marveling.
Jairus’ Daughter, and healing a bloody flow
- And Jesus having crossed over to the other side of the sea in the boat again, a great crowd was gathered to Him, and He was beside the sea.
- And one of the synagogue rulers named Jairus comes to Him. And having seen Him, falls at His feet.
- And he begs Him repeatedly saying: “My little daughter is holding herself at the point of death. So having come, would you lay hands on her so she might be healed and live?”
- And He departed with him, and a numerous crowd was following Him and pressing in on Him.
- And there’s a woman living with a bloody flow1“bloody flow” is literal, almost certainly a reference to constant menstrual bleeding. This made her ceremonially unclean; see Leviticus 15:19-24. Additionally, what to do about menstrual bleeding that went on for an extended time was covered in Leviticus 15:25-30. for twelve years,
- and having suffered much under many physicians, and having spent all of her money, and yet she benefitted nothing; but rather she became2“became” is literally “became into” worse.
- Having heard about Jesus, and having come up behind Him in the crowd, she touched His cloak.
- For she was saying, “If I only touch His clothes, I will be healed.”3quotation/allusion to Malachi 4:2, which says that “the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings.” The Hebrew word translated “wings” in that verse is “כָּנָף” (kanaph). It means any extremity, including wings and also the edge of a garment. It could be accurately translated “healing in the edge of His clothes”. This woman likely knew this verse, and that’s probably why she specifically touched the edge of His cloak in Matthew’s account. The Jews believed Malachi 4:2 was a prophecy about the Messiah, so by touching His cloak, she was almost certainly expressing her faith that Jesus was the Messiah. This is quite possibly why Jesus said her faith healed her.
- And immediately the flow of her blood was dried up, and she realized that her body has been healed of the scourge.
- And immediately having known in Himself that power went out of Him, and having turned in the crowd, Jesus was saying: “Who touched My clothes?”
- And His disciples were saying to Him: “You see the crowd pressing in on you, and you say ‘Who touched Me’?”
- And He was looking around to see the woman who did this.
- Now, having been frightened and trembling, *knowing what has happened to her, the woman came and fell down before Him and told Him the whole truth.
- And He told her: “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be healthy from your scourge.”
- While He’s still speaking, messengers come from the synagogue ruler’s house saying: “Your daughter died; why still trouble the teacher?”
- Now, having heard this word spoken, Jesus says to the synagogue ruler: “Don’t fear, only believe.”
- And He didn’t allow anyone to follow with Him except Peter, and James, and John (the brother of James).
- And they come to the synagogue ruler’s house, and He sees a commotion, and weeping, and much wailing.
- And having entered into the house, He says to them: “Why do you make a commotion and weep? The child didn’t die, but is sleeping.”
- And they were derisively laughing at Him. Now, having thrown all of them out, He takes the father and mother of the child with Him, and the men with Him, and enters into where the child was.
- And having taken the child’s hand, He tells her: “Talitha koum.” Which is translated: “Little girl, I tell you: rise.”
- And immediately the little girl rose and was walking (for she was twelve years old). And they were immediately overwhelmed with great amazement.
- And He instructed them often so no one might know this, and He commanded her to be given food to eat.
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Mark Chapter 6
Jesus in His hometown
- And He went out from there and comes into His hometown,1“hometown” is literally “fatherland”, as in the place his father lived/lives. This was another way of saying the place He came from, i.e. His hometown and His disciples are following Him.
- And it having become the Sabbath, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many of the men listening were being stunned, saying: “From where did this man get these teachings, and what’s this wisdom that was given to Him? And such miracles are happening through His hands.
- “Isn’t this the carpenter, the son of Mary, and brother of James, and Joseph, and Judas, and Simon? And aren’t His sisters here with us?” And they were being offended by Him.
- And Jesus was telling them: “A prophet isn’t without honor except in his hometown, and among his kinsmen, and in his household.”
- And He wasn’t able to do even one miracle there, except having laid hands on a few sick, He healed them.
- And He was marveling because of their unbelief. And He was traveling around the villages teaching.
Sending out The Twelve
- And He summons the twelve, and began to send them out two-by-two, and He was giving them authority over the unclean spirits.
- And He instructed them that they should take nothing for the road, except a staff only; not bread, not a traveler’s bag, not money in the belt,
- but *putting sandals on their feet, and not to clothe themselves with two tunics.
- And He was telling them: “Wherever you enter into a house, remain there until you go out from that town.
- “And whatever place didn’t welcome you nor listen to you; departing from there, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. [Amen I tell you: it will be more tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah in the day of judgement than for that town.]”
- And having gone out, they proclaimed that all should repent.
- And they were casting out many demons, and were anointing many sick with oil and were healing them.
The death of John the Baptizer
- And King Herod heard, for His name became well known. And they were saying: “John the Baptizer has been raised from the dead and these miraculous powers are working in Him because of this.”
- But others were saying: “He’s Elijah.” Yet others were saying: “He’s a prophet like one of the prophets.”
- And having heard of it, Herod was saying: “John whom I beheaded; that man was raised from the dead.”
- For having sent men, Herod himself seized John and bound him in prison because of Herodias, the wife of Philip his brother, because he married her.
- For John was saying to Herod: “It’s not lawful for you to have the wife of your brother.”
- Now, Herodias was holding a grudge against him and was wanting to kill him, and wasn’t able to
- for Herod was fearing John, *knowing him to be a righteous and holy man, and he was keeping him safe. And having heard him, he was perplexed often and was hearing him gladly.
- And an opportune day came when Herod made a dinner on his birthday for his nobles, and commanders, and the leading men of Galilee.
- And having come in and danced, the daughter of Herodias2“daughter of Herodias” History tells us that her name was Salome, who had become Herod’s stepdaughter at this point. A common estimate for her birth year is 14 AD, meaning she was in her mid-teens when she danced before Herod. One common theory is that Salome danced sensually to entice, but that seems unlikely given these two facts. pleased Herod and the men reclining at the table with him. And the king told the young girl: “Ask me for whatever you desire and I will give it to you.”
- And he swore an oath to her: “Whatever that you ask me for, I will give it to you; up to half my kingdom.”
- And having gone out, she said to her mother: “What shall I ask for?” Now, she said: “The head of John the Baptizer.”
- And having immediately entered with haste to see the king, she asked saying: “I desire that you give me the head of John the Baptizer on a platter at once.”
- And having become deeply grieved because of his oaths and the men reclining at the table with him, the king didn’t want to refuse her.
- And having immediately sent an executioner, the king commanded him to bring his head. And having gone, he beheaded him in the prison.
- And he brought his head on a platter and gave it to the young girl, and the young girl gave it to her mother.
- And having heard this, his disciples came and picked up his body and put it in a tomb.
The apostles return from being sent out
- And the apostles assemble themselves to Jesus and reported to Him all things; whatever they did and whatever they taught.
- And He tells them: “You come here by yourselves to a secluded place on your own and rest a little.” For the men coming and the men going were many and they weren’t even having an opportunity to eat.
- And they departed in the boat into a secluded place on their own.
- And many saw them traveling and recognized them. And they ran with them there on foot from all the cities and arrived before them.
- And having gone out, He saw a numerous crowd and was moved with compassion on them because they were like sheep not having a shepherd, and He began to teach them many things.
Feeding 5000
- And the hour was already late, so having approached Him, His disciples were saying: “This place is secluded and the hour is already late.
- “Send them away, so that having gone into the surrounding country and villages, they might buy something to eat for themselves.”
- But answering, He told them: “You give them something to eat.” And they tell Him: “Having departed, should we buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give it to them to eat?”
- But He says to them: “How many loaves do you have? Go see.” And having learned, they say: “Five, and two fish.”
- And He commanded them to make all the groups recline by groups on the green grass.
- And the groups reclined by groups of hundreds and of fifties.
- And having taken the five loaves and the two fish, and having looked up to heaven, He blessed and broke the loaves, and He was giving them to His disciples so they might set it before them. And He divided the two fish among all of them.
- And all ate and were satisfied.
- And they picked up twelve baskets full of bread pieces and of fish.
- And the men who ate the bread were five thousand men.
Jesus calms a storm
- And He immediately compelled His disciples to embark into the boat and to go before Him to the other side of the sea, to Bethsaida, while He dismisses the crowd.
- And having withdrawn from them, He departed to the mountain to pray.
- And it having become evening, the boat was in the middle of the sea and He was alone on the land.
- And having seen them being buffeted while rowing (for the wind was hostile to them), He comes to them walking on the sea3quotation/allusions to Job 9:8 at about the fourth watch of the night,4The fourth watch of the night was from 3am until 6am. and He was intending to pass by them.
- But having seen Him walking on the sea, they thought that it’s a ghost and cried out,
- for all saw Him and were deeply shaken. And He immediately spoke with them and tells them: “Be courageous; I Am; don’t be frightened.”
- And He came up into the boat to them, and the wind ceased raging. And they were exceedingly abundantly marveling in themselves,
- for they didn’t understand from the bread, but their hearts were *hardened.
Jesus heals many
- And having crossed over to the land, they came to Gennesaret and were anchored,
- and having immediately recognized Him as they departed from the boat,
- some men ran around that whole region and began to carry the men having afflictions on bed mats to wherever they were hearing that He is.
- And wherever He was entering – into villages, or into cities, or into countrysides – they were putting the sick men in the marketplaces, and were begging Him so they might just touch the fringe of His clothing; and as many as touched Him were being healed.5In Malachi 4:2, it says that “the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in his wings.” The Hebrew word translated “wings” in that verse is “כָּנָף” (kanaph). It means any extremity, including wings and also the edge of a garment. It could be accurately translated “healing in the edge of His clothes”. These people likely knew this verse, and that’s probably why they specifically wanted to touch the fringe of His cloak. The Jews believed Malachi 4:2 was a prophecy about the Messiah, so by touching His clothing, they were almost certainly expressing their faith that Jesus was the Messiah.
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Mark Chapter 7
What defiles a man
- And having come from Jerusalem, the Pharisees and some of the scribes assemble themselves to Him,
- and having seen that some of His disciples are eating bread with unclean hands (that is, unwashed;
- for holding fast to the tradition of the elders, the Pharisees and all the Jews don’t eat unless they wash their hands ceremonially with the fist.1“with the fist” is one word in Greek, with that exact literal meaning. However, there is some debate as to what that means. Some contend that it means vigorously, diligently, or ‘with strength’ as implied by the fist. Some contend that it means from the elbow down to the fist, and there are other interpretations. Regardless, most scholars agree that this goes beyond just washing the hands for cleanliness before you eat and ventures into ceremonial tradition that had to be done a specific way to count.
- And after returning from the market, they don’t eat unless they wash. And there are many other traditions that they received to hold fast to; washings of cups, and pitchers, and utensils, and couches for eating.)
- And the Pharisees and the scribes interrogate Him: “Why don’t your disciples walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat the bread with unwashed hands?”
- But He told them: “Isaiah prophesied rightly about you hypocrites, as it is *written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, yet their heart keeps far away from Me.
- ” ‘Yet they worship Me vainly, teaching the precepts of men as doctrines’.2quotation/allusion to Isaiah 29:13
- “Having disregarded the command of God, you are holding to the tradition of men [washings of pitchers and cups, and you do many other similar such things].”
- And He was telling them: “You ‘nobly’3“nobly” this word is used here in the sense of “bitter irony” (Thayers), or sarcasm. do away with the commandment of God so you might keep your tradition.
- “For Moses said: ‘honor your father and your mother‘,4quotation/allusion to Exodus 20:12, and Deuteronomy 5:16 and ‘The man cursing father or mother must end in death‘.5quotation/allusion to Leviticus 20:9 and Exodus 21:17
- “But you say that if a man says to his father or his mother: ‘If you might be helped by something from me, it’s Corban6“Corban” is specifically a gift consecrated/devoted to God. The Pharisees believed that it was wrong to use something which was devoted/consecrated to God for “normal” use. Therefore, the Pharisees said if a man devoted (gave) everything he owned to God, he couldn’t use it for another purpose (such as helping family). However, there was no time requirement to deliver his goods, so he could keep them indefinitely while avoiding his obligations. This loophole was apparently invented by the Pharisees to allow men to shirk the Biblical and moral obligation of taking care of their own parents. (that is, a gift to God).
- “You no longer permit him to do anything for his father or his mother,
- annulling the word of God through your tradition which you handed down. And you do many similar such things.”
- And having summoned the crowd again, He was telling them: “All of you listen to Me and understand.
- “There’s nothing from the outside of a man which is able to defile him after entering into him. But the things coming out of the man are the things defiling the man.
- “[If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.]”
- And when He went away from the crowd into the house, His disciples were asking Him about the parable.
- And He says to them: “So, are you also undiscerning? Don’t you comprehend that nothing entering into a man from the outside is able to defile him?
- That’s because it doesn’t enter into his heart, but into the stomach and goes out into the sewage pit.” 7“sewage pit” the Greek word here literally means “a place of sitting apart”, referring to a drain or latrine for human waste. (Thus cleansing all foods.)8“cleansing all foods” There are two basic interpretations of this phrase. (1) Says the body cleanses the food by extracting the good and expelling the bad. (2) Says that this is Jesus abolishing the distinction between clean and unclean foods that was laid down in the Mosaic Law.
- And He was saying: “What’s coming out of a man; that defiles the man.
- “For from within the heart of men come out evil deliberations, fornications, thefts, murders, men having sex with other men’s wives,9“men having sex with other men’s wives” is one word in Greek, usually translated “adultery” in this verse. However, the Greek (and Hebrew) words specifically mean a man (married or unmarried) having sex with another man’s wife. The Hebrews divided sexual sins into two classes based on the marital status of the woman. A man having sex with another man’s wife (or betrothed) was adultery. A man having sex with an unmarried woman was fornication. Both are serious sins, but they are differentiated by the Greek and Hebrew words.
- “covetousness, wickedness, deceit, wanton debauchery, an evil eye of envy,10“of envy” This was added to indicate the “evil eye” had an idiomatic meaning of being envious or even greedy. blasphemy, arrogant pride, and foolishness.
- “All these evils come out from within, and they defile a man.”
The Syrophoenician Woman
- And having risen, He departed from there into the region of Tyre [and Sidon]. And having entered into a house, He wasn’t wanting anyone to know, and He wasn’t able to escape notice.
- But having heard about Him, a woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit immediately came and fell at His feet.
- Now the woman was a gentile, Syrophoenician by ethnicity, and she was asking Him so He might cast the demon out of her young daughter.
- And He was telling her: “First allow the children to be satisfied, for it’s not good to take the children’s bread and to throw it to the pet dogs.11“pet dogs” The Greek word here literally means a “little dog”, which has a diminutive connotation, and thus an affectionate sense. It could also mean a literal “little dog”, which could indicate a puppy. Translating it “pet puppies” is possible. Regardless there is an affectionate sense here and Jesus didn’t use this in a derogatory way.
- But she answered and says to Him: “Yes Lord, and the pet dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.”
- And He told her: “Because of this statement, go; the demon has come out of your daughter.”
- And having departed to her house, she found the child *lying on the bed and the demon *departed.
Jesus heals a deaf man
- And having gone out of the region of Tyre again, He came through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee in the midst of the region of the Decapolis.
- And they bring a man to Him who is deaf and has a speech impediment, and they implore Him so He might put a hand on him.
- And having taken him aside from the crowd on his own, He put His fingers into his ears; and having spit He touched his tongue.
- And having looked up to heaven, He sighed12“sighed” could also be translated “groaned” and tells him: “Ephphatha!” (That is, “Be opened!”)
- And immediately his ears were opened and the impediment of his tongue was undone, and he was speaking correctly.
- And He instructed them that they tell no one. But the more He was instructing them, the more abundantly they were proclaiming it.
- And they were stunned beyond measure, saying: “He has done all things nobly; He even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.”
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Mark Chapter 8
Feeding four thousand
- In those days – with the crowd again being great and not having anything they could eat – He summoned the disciples and tells them:
- “I’m moved with compassion for the crowd because they already remain with Me three days and don’t have something they could eat.
- “And if I send them away to their homes without eating, they will grow weary on the way, and some of them have come from afar.”
- And His disciples answered Him: “From where will anyone here be able to satisfy these men with bread on account of this wilderness.
- And He was asking them: “How many loaves do you have?” And they said “Seven.”
- And He instructs the crowd to recline on the ground. And having taken the seven loaves and having given thanks, He broke them and was giving them to His disciples so they might set the food before the crowd, and they set it before the crowd.
- And they also had a few small fish. And having blessed them, He directed these fish to be set before them too.
- And they ate and were satisfied. And they picked up seven large baskets full of leftover pieces.
- Now, there were about four thousand men and He sent them away.
If a sign will be given
- And having immediately entered into the boat with His disciples, He came to the region of Dalmanutha.
- And the Pharisees came out and began to dispute with Him, testing Him by seeking a sign from heaven from Him.
- And having sighed deeply in His spirit, He says: “Why is this generation seeking a sign? Amen I tell you: may God do such to Me and more1“may God do such to Me and more” This phrase was added because the Greek literally reads ” Amen I tell you: if this generation will be given a sign”. This is in imitation of a Hebrew idiom often found in the Old Testament which is usually phrased “May God do ____ to me and more if I do ____”, which is an extremely strong negative statement in the Old Testament. if this generation will be given a sign.”
Forgetting Bread
- And having left them, He again embarked into a boat and departed to the other side of the sea.
- And they forgot to take bread, and except one loaf they didn’t have any with themselves in the boat.
- And He was instructing them saying: “Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”
- And they were reasoning to one another that He said this because they don’t have bread.
- And having known this, He tells them: “Why are you reasoning because you don’t have bread? Don’t you yet understand nor comprehend? Do you have *hardening in your heart?
- “Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not listen?2quotation/allusion to Ezekiel 12:2 and/or Jeremiah 5:21 And don’t you remember?
- “When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of pieces did you pick up?” They tell Him: “Twelve”
- He said: “And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of pieces did you pick up?” And they say: “Seven”
- And He was saying to them: “Do you not yet understand?”
Healing a blind man
- And they come to Bethsaida. And they bring a blind man to Him and implore Him so He might touch him.
- And having taken the blind man’s hand, He brought him out of the village. And having spit on his eyes and having put His hands on him, He was asking him: “Do you see anything?”
- And having looked up, he was answering: “I see men that look like trees, I see them walking around.”
- Then He put His hands on his eyes again, and he looked and he was restored, and he was seeing each and every thing clearly.
- And He sent him to his home, saying: “Don’t even enter into the village, [nor tell anyone in the village].”
Who Jesus is
- And Jesus and His disciples went out into the villages of Caesarea Philippi. And on the way, He was questioning His disciples, saying to them: “Who do men declare Me to be?”
- And they answered Him, saying: “Some say John the Baptizer, and others say Elijah, but others say one of the prophets.”
- And He was questioning them: “But who do you declare Me to be?” Answering, Peters tells Him: “You are the Anointed.”
- And He warned them so they might tell no one about Him.
- And He began to teach them that it’s necessary for the Son of Man to suffer many things; and to be rejected by the elders, and the chief priests, and the scribes; and to be killed; and after three days to rise from the dead,
- and He was stating this word plainly. And having taken Him aside, Peter began to rebuke Him.
- But having turned and looked at His disciples, He rebuked Peter and says: “Get behind Me Satan, because you aren’t minding the things of God, but the things of men.
How to follow Jesus
- And having summoned the crowd along with His disciples, He told them: “If anyone wants to come follow after Me, he must utterly deny himself, and pick up his cross, and follow Me.
- “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever will lose his life on account of Me and the good news; He will save it.
- “For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his life?3“life” the Greek word here is “ψυχή” (psuché), usually translated “soul” here. However, it’s the same world that’s universally translated “life” in the preceding verse. Further, it does not mean the part of us which survives death and goes to reward or punishment (Biblically that’s our spirit. In Revelation 8:9, animals are said to have “psuché”.) Psuché literally means “breath” and is usually translated “life”. It refers to the life; the vital force which – together with the body – enables a person to live. It can also refer to mind, will, emotions, and desires, which together make up a person’s identity.
- “For what might a man give as a price in exchange for his life?4“life” see previous note
- “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”
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Mark Chapter 9
- And He was telling them: “Amen I tell you that there are some men *standing here who definitely won’t taste death until they see that the kingdom of God has come in power.
The Transfiguration
- And after six days, Jesus takes Peter and James and John with Himself and leads them up to a high mountain alone on their own, and He was transfigured in front of them.
- And His clothes became an exceedingly radiant white, such as a launderer on the earth isn’t able to whiten this way.
- And Elijah with Moses appeared to them, and they were discussing with Jesus.
- And answering, Peter tells Jesus: “Rabbi, it’s good for us to be here, and should we make three tabernacles; one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah?”
- (For he hadn’t known how he should respond, for they were frightened.)
- And a cloud formed, overshadowing them and a voice came from the cloud: “This is My beloved Son; Listen to Him.”
- And having looked around, they suddenly no longer saw anyone with them but Jesus alone.
- And while they’re descending from the mountain, He commanded them that they describe what they saw to no one until the Son of Man rose from the dead.
- And they held onto that statement, discussing among themselves what is meant by ‘to rise from the dead’.
- And they were questioning Him, saying: “Why do the scribes say that it’s necessary for Elijah to come first?”
- And He was declaring to them: “Having come first, Elijah indeed restores all things. And yet how is it *written of the Son of Man, that He should suffer many things and be despised?
- “but I tell you that Elijah has also come, and they did to him whatever they were wanting, just as it has been written of him.”
Casting out a mute demon
- And having come to the rest of the disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and some scribes disputing with them.
- And having seen Him, immediately all the crowd were stunned. And running to Him, they were welcoming Him.
- And He asked them: “What are you disputing with them?”
- And one man from the crowd answered Him: “Teacher, I brought my son having a mute spirit to you.
- “And wherever it seizes him, it throws him down, and he foams at the mouth, and grinds his teeth, and he is wasting away.1“wasting away” is literal, but this could also be understood as rigid, since dried/withered things often become rigid. And I spoke to your disciples so they might cast it out, and they weren’t strong enough.”
- And answering him, He says: “Oh unbelieving generation! How long will I be with you? How long will I put up with you? Bring him to Me.”
- And they brought him to Him. And having seen Him, the spirit immediately made him convulse violently. And having fallen on the ground, he was rolling and foaming at the mouth.
- And He questioned his father: “It’s *happened like this with him for how long a time?” And he said “From childhood.
- “And it also often threw him into fire and into waters so it might destroy him. But if you’re able to do something, then having been moved with compassion on us, help us.”
- And Jesus said to him: “If you are able? All things are possible to the man who’s believing.”
- Having immediately cried out, the child’s father was saying: “I believe, help my unbelief.”
- And Jesus, having seen that a crowd is running to them, He rebuked the unclean spirit, telling it: “Mute and deaf spirit, I order you: come out of him and you should enter into him no more.”
- And having cried out and with much convulsing, it came out and he became like a dead man, enough for many to say that he died.
- And having taken hold of his hand, Jesus raised him up and he arose.
- And with Him having entered into a house, His disciples were questioning Him on His own: “Why weren’t we able to cast it out?”
- And He told them: “This kind is able to go out by nothing, except by prayer [and fasting].”
Jesus predicts His death again
- Having gone out from there, they were passing through Galilee and He wasn’t wanting anyone to know,2“He wasn’t wanting anyone to know” is more literally “He wasn’t wanting that anyone should know”
- for He was teaching His disciples and was telling them: “The Son of Man is handed over into the hands of men and they will kill Him. And having been killed, He will rise on the third day.”
- Yet they weren’t understanding the matter and were fearing to question Him about it.
Who is the greatest?
- And they went to Capernaum. And having been in the house, He was questioning them: “What were you discussing on the way?”
- But they were keeping silent, for on the way they discussed with one another who was the greatest.
- And having sat down, He summoned the twelve and tells them: “If someone wants to be first, he will be last of all and a servant of all.”
- And having taken a young child, He stood him in their midst. And having embraced him, He told them:
- “Whoever welcomes one of the children such as this in My name welcomes Me. And whoever welcomes Me doesn’t welcome Me, but the One who sent Me.”
- John was reporting to Him: “Teacher, we saw someone [who doesn’t follow us] casting out demons in your name, and we were hindering him because he wasn’t following us.”
- But Jesus said. “Don’t hinder him, for there’s no one who will do a miracle in My name and then will be able to quickly speak evil of Me.
- “For whoever isn’t against us is for us.
- “For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you are the Anointed’s in name, amen I tell you that he definitely won’t lose his reward.
- “And whoever makes one of these little ones believing in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a large millstone is put around his neck and he was *thrown into the sea.
- “And if your hand makes you stumble, cut it off; it’s better for you to enter into the life maimed than having two hands and to depart into the Valley of Hinnom,3“the Valley of Hinnom” Most translations render this “hell” but any lexicon will tell you it’s a proper noun referring to a specific valley – the Valley of Hinnom – just outside Jerusalem. Symbolically, it’s where the Jews believed the wicked were punished in the afterlife. It was also very significant in judgement in Israel’s history as well. Two kings of Israel sacrificed babies as burnt offerings to the pagan gods Baal and Moloch in the Valley of Hinnom. (2 Chronicles 28:1-3, 2 Chronicles 33:6, Jeremiah 7:30-31) As a result, God sentenced them to judgement through the prophet Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 19:1-11) Their sentence was carried out about 20 years later when Nebuchadnezzar sacked Jerusalem. He burned almost everything and enslaved all Judah. (2 kings 25:1-12) This happened again a few centuries later when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. into the unquenchable fire.
- [“Where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire isn’t quenched.]4Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 66:24
- “And if your foot makes you stumble, cut it off; it’s better for you to enter into the life crippled than having two feet and to be cast into the Valley of Hinnom, [into the unquenchable fire].
- [“Where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire isn’t quenched.]5Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 66:24
- “And if your eye makes you stumble, cast it out; it’s better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye than having two eyes and to be cast into the Valley of Hinnom,
- “Where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire isn’t quenched.6Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 66:24
- “For everyone will be salted with fire, [and every sacrifice will be salted with salt].
- “The salt is good, but if the salt becomes tasteless, by what will you season it? Have salt in yourselves and be peaceful with one another.”
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Mark Chapter 10
Marriage and Separation
- And having arisen from there, He goes into the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan. And the crowds assemble to Him again, and as He had been accustomed, He was teaching them again.
- And having approached intent on testing Him, the Pharisees were questioning Him about if it’s lawful for a husband to send away1“send away” is literal here. It’s typically translated “divorce” in this verse, though properly translated as “send away” in verse 4. The same word is used of Jesus “sending away” crowds and Pilate “sending away” (releasing) Barabbas. Paul uses a different Greek word when talking about divorce in 1 Corinthians. The Hebrew divorce procedure is found in Deut 24:1 and had three parts: (1) write a divorce certificate. (2) Give it to your wife. (3) Send her away from your house. However, if a man “sent her away” (kicked her out of his house) without a divorce certificate, in that culture she was destitute. She was still legally married because she didn’t have a divorce certificate, so she couldn’t marry anyone else without being an adulteress. Often, her only resort to feed herself was prostitution. There was a debate as to whether this was lawful according to the Mosaic Law. This was one of the two great 1st century Jewish debates centering on divorce. (See note on Matthew 19:3 for the other debate) a wife.
- And answering, He said to them: “What did Moses instruct you?”
- And they said: “Moses allowed us to write a scroll of divorce and to send her away.”2quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 24:1
- And Jesus told them: “He wrote this commandment for you because of your hardness of heart.”
- “But from the beginning of creation He made them male and female.3quotation/allusion to Genesis 1:27
- “For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother [and will be joined to his wife],
- “And the two will be4Most translations use the word “become” here, but the Greek word for “become” isn’t in this passage despite Mark using it with great latitude elsewhere. In this verse, it’s simply the Greek word that means is/are/am/be/being/etc. in one flesh.5quotation/allusion to Genesis 2:24 Jesus appears to be talking solely about a physical union here (not a spiritual one). Paul makes this clearer in 1 Corinthians 6:16, where Genesis 2:24 is also applied to sex with prostitutes. So then they are no longer two, but one flesh.
- “Therefore what God joined together, man must not separate.”
- And when in the house again, the disciples were asking Him about this.
- And He tells them: “Whoever sends away his wife and marries another woman of the same kind,6“another woman of the same kind” is one word in Greek with that exact definition. The “of the same kind” part is often omitted in translation for readability, but is essential in this passage. The “of the same kind” part likely refers to a woman who is merely “sent away” and not properly divorced. See note on “send away” in verse 2. he is guilty of sex with another man’s wife7“is guilty of sex with another man’s wife” is one word in the Greek, typically translated “commits adultery”. However, the Greek word (and Hebrew too) is more limited in scope than our English word adultery. In English, “adultery” means illicit sex between a married person – man or woman – and someone who isn’t their spouse. In Greek (and Hebrew also), it meant “a man having sex with another man’s wife”. A married man having sex with an unmarried woman was still a serious sin, but the not the specific sin of adultery. on account of her.
- “And if a wife sends away her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.8“commits adultery” the Greek word here specifies that she was still married to someone other than the new husband, presumably to the husband she “sent away”; see notes on previous verse and also verse 2.
Jesus and the little children
- And they were bringing little children to Him so He might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them.
- But having seen this, Jesus was indignant and told them: “Allow the little children to come to Me. Don’t hinder them, for the kingdom of God is of such a kind as this.
- “Amen I tell you: whoever doesn’t welcome the kingdom of God like a little child definitely won’t enter into it.”
- And having embraced them, He was blessing them, laying hands on them.
The rich young ruler
- And while traveling on His journey, one man ran up and having fallen on his knees before Him was questioning Him: “Good teacher, what should I do so I might inherit the life of ages?”
- But Jesus told him: “Why call Me good? No one is good except God alone.
- “You *know the commandments: you should not murder, you should not have sex with another man’s wife,9quotation/allusion to Exodus 20:14 “have of sex with another man’s wife” is one word in the Greek, typically translated “commits adultery”. However, the Greek word (and Hebrew too) is more limited in scope than our English word adultery. In English, “adultery” means illicit sex between a married person – man or woman – and someone who isn’t their spouse. In Greek (and Hebrew also), it meant “a man having sex with another man’s wife”. A married man having sex with an unmarried woman was still a serious sin, but the not the specific sin of adultery. you should not steal, you should not commit perjury, you should not defraud,10“you shall not defraud” this statement is unique to Mark’s gospel. It’s possible that this was an expansion of “you shall not commit perjury”, in the sense of swearing to do something and then not doing it, which would be fraud. you must honor your father and mother.11quotation/allusion to Exodus 20:12-16
- And he was telling Him: “Teacher, I kept all these commandments from my youth.”
- And having looked at him, Jesus ^loved him and told him: “You fall short in one thing. Go sell whatever you have, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow Me.”
- But his face having fallen at this word, he departed grieving, for he was a man having many properties.
- And having looked around, Jesus tells His disciples: “Oh, how the men having riches will enter into the kingdom of God with difficulty.”
- And the disciples were dumbfounded at His words. But answering again, Jesus tells them: “Children, how difficult it is [for the men who have trusted in riches] to enter into the kingdom of God.
- “It’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
- And the men were exceedingly stunned, saying to themselves: “And who then is able to be saved?”
- Having looked at them, Jesus says: “It’s impossible with men, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.”
- Peter began to tell Him: “Behold, we left all things and have followed you.”
- Jesus was saying: “Amen I tell you, there’s no man who left house, or brothers, or sisters, or mother, or father, [or wife,] or children, or fields for My sake and the sake of the good news,
- “unless he receives a hundred times more now in this season: houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and fields, with persecutions; and in the coming age, the life of ages.
- “But many of the first will be last; and the last, first.”
Jesus predicts His death again
- And they were on the road going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was going before them and they were dumbfounded, and the men following were frightened. And having taken the twelve alongside again, He began to tell them the things about to happen to Him.
- “Behold, We are going up to Jerusalem and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes, and they will sentence Him to death, and they will hand Him over to the gentiles.
- “And they will ridicule Him, and will spit on Him, and will flog Him, and will kill Him, and on the third day He will rise again.
Christian leadership
- And James and John (the two sons of Zebedee) approach Him, saying to Him: “Teacher, we want that whatever we ask of you, you would do it for us.”
- And He said to them: “What do you want Me to do for you?”
- And they told Him: “Grant to us that one of us would sit at your right hand and one at your left hand in your glory.”
- But Jesus told them: “You don’t *know what you’re asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, and to be baptized in the baptism which I am baptized in?”
- And they told Him: “We are able.” And Jesus told them: “You will drink the cup which I drink, and you will be baptized in the baptism with which I am baptized.
- “But to sit at My right hand or at My left hand isn’t Mine to give, but for whom it has been prepared.”
- And having heard this, the ten began to be indignant about James and John.
- And having summoned them, Jesus tells them: “You *know that the men seeming to rule the gentiles exercise authority over them and their great men dominate them.
- “But it isn’t this way among you, but whoever wants to become great among you will be your servant.
- “And whoever wants to become first among you will be a slave of all.
- “For even the Son of Man12quotation/allusion to Daniel 7:13 didn’t come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a purchase price13“purchase price” this Greek word often referred to the price required to buy a slave’s freedom. in exchange for many.”
Healing Bartimaeus the blind beggar
- And they come to Jericho. And while He and His disciples and a large crowd are departing from Jericho, Bartimaeus the son of Timaeus (a blind beggar) was sitting along the road.
- And having heard that it’s Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and to say: “Son of David14“Son of David” was a title of the promised messiah in Jewish eyes. This stems from 2 Samuel 7:12-13, in which God promised that David would have a descendant who would sit on the throne forever. This could be construed as an act of faith by Bartimaeus., Jesus; have mercy on me.”
- And many were rebuking him so he might be silent, but he was crying out much more: “Son of David, have mercy on me.”
- And having stood, Jesus commanded: “Invite him to Me.” And they invite the blind man, telling him: “Have courage, get up; He is inviting you.”
- And having thrown off his cloak, he leapt up and went to Jesus.
- And answering him, Jesus said: “What do you want Me to do for you?” And the blind man told Him: “Rabbi, I ask that I might recover my sight.”
- And Jesus told him: “Go, your faith has healed you.” And immediately he recovered his sight, and he was following Him on the road.
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Mark Chapter 11
The Triumphal Entry
- And when they draw near to Jerusalem, to Bethphage and Bethany near the Mount of Olives, He sends out two of His disciples
- and tells them: “Go into the village in front of you, and immediately after entering into it you will find a colt *tied, on which no one among men sat yet. Untie it and bring it here.
- “And if anyone says to you: ‘Why are you doing this?’ Reply: ‘Because the Lord has need of it, and He sends it back here soon.”
- And they departed and found the colt *tied by the door outside on the street, and they untie it.
- And some of the men *standing there were saying to them: “What are you doing, untying the colt?”
- And they spoke to them just as Jesus commanded, and they allowed them.
- And they bring the colt to Jesus, and they throw their cloaks on it and He sat on it.
- And many spread their cloaks on the road, and others spread branches cut from the fields.
- And the men preceding Him and the men following Him were crying out: “Hosanna!1“Hosanna” A Hebrew word transliterated into Greek. Originally a cry for help roughly translating to “save now!”, it eventually became a cry of adoration and/or exultation. *Blessed is the One coming in the Lord’s name!”2quotation/allusion to Psalm 118:26
- “*Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!”
- And He entered into Jerusalem, into the temple. And having looked at all things and the hour already being late, He went out into Bethany with the twelve.
The fig tree
- And all of them having gone out from Bethany the next day, He was hungry.
- And having seen a fig tree having leaves from afar, He went to see if perhaps He will find something on it. And having come to it, He found nothing except leaves, for it wasn’t the season of figs.
- And answering, He told it: “May no one eat fruit from you anymore through the age.” And His disciples were listening.
Cleansing the temple
- And they go into Jerusalem. And having entered into the temple, He began to cast out the men selling and the men buying in the temple, and He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the chairs of the men selling doves.
- And He wasn’t allowing that anyone would carry a vessel through the temple.
- And He was teaching and was telling them: “Hasn’t it been written: My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations‘?3quotation/allusion to Isaiah 56:7 But you have made it a robbers’ den.”4quotation/allusion to Jeremiah 7:11
- And the chief priests and the scribes heard this, and were seeking how they might kill Him, for they were fearing Him, for everyone in the crowd was being stunned on account of His teaching.
- And when it became evening, they were departing to go outside the city.
Return to the fig tree and prayer
- And passing by in the morning, they saw the fig tree *withered from the roots up.
- And having remembered, Peter says to Him: “Rabbi, look; the fig tree that you cursed has withered.”
- And answering, Jesus tells them: “Have faith in God.
- “Amen I tell you that whoever says to this mountain: ‘Be removed and cast into the sea’ and didn’t doubt in his heart but believes that what he says happens, it will be so for him.
- “Because of this, I tell you that all things whatsoever you pray and ask for, believe that you received it and it will be so for you.
- “And when you stand firm in praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive them so your Father in the heavens might also forgive you of your missteps.5“missteps” The Greek word used here doesn’t quite mean “sin”. It’s the word “παράπτωμα” (paraptóma) which is also used in Ephesians 2:1 in the phrase: “dead in your ‘paraptóma’ and sins”. It carries the connotation of a “slip-up” with the strong implication – but not certainty – that it was unintentional.
- [But if you don’t forgive, neither will your Father in the heavens forgive your missteps.]”
The Pharisees test Jesus again
- And they come again into Jerusalem. And while He’s walking in the temple, the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders come to Him.
- And they were saying to Him: “By what sort of authority are you doing these things? Or who gave you this authority so you might do these things?”
- But Jesus told them: “I will ask you one question and you answer Me, and then I will tell you by what authority I do these things.
- “The baptism of John; was it from heaven or from men? Answer Me.”
- And they were reasoning to themselves saying: “[What might we say?] If we say ‘from heaven’, He will say ‘So why didn’t you believe him?’.
- “But if we say ‘from men’…” they were fearing the people, for all were holding that John was truly a prophet.
- And answering Jesus, they say: “We don’t *know.” And Jesus tells them: “Then neither am I telling you by what authority I do these things.”
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Mark Chapter 12
The Wicked Vinegrowers
- And He began to speak to them in parables: “A man planted a vineyard, and he placed a fence around it, and dug a wine-vat,1a “wine-vat” is where the juice collects after being pressed out in a wine press. and built a tower,2quotation/allusion to Isaiah 5:2 and rented it out to vinegrowers, and went to another country.
- “And he sent a slave to the vinegrowers at the proper season so he might receive the fruit of the vineyard from the vinegrowers.
- “But having seized him, they beat him and sent him away empty-handed.
- “And again he sent another slave to them, and they struck that man on the head and shamefully mistreated him.
- “And he sent another and they killed him. And he sent many others, indeed they are beating some but killing others.
- “Even more, he had one beloved son, he sent him to them last, saying: “They will be turned in shame and revere3“will be turned in shame and revere” is one word in Greek. It means “to turn about”, often in shame or away from shame and to revere something else. my son.”
- “Yet those vinegrowers said to themselves: “This is the heir. Come, we should kill him and the inheritance will be ours.”
- “And having seized him, they killed him and threw him outside the vineyard.
- “Therefore, what will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and will destroy the vinegrowers and will give the vineyard to others.
- “Did you not even read this scripture: “The stone which the men building rejected, this became the head corner stone.
- “This happened from the Lord, and is marvelous in our eyes.4quotation/allusion to Psalm 118:22-23
- And they were seeking to seize Him, and were frightened of the crowd for they knew that He spoke the parable against them. And having left Him, they departed.
Paying Caesar’s Tax
- And they send some of the Pharisees and Herod’s supporters to Him so they might entrap Him in a statement.
- And having come, they say to Him: “Teacher, we *know that you are true and you don’t worry about anyone, for you don’t look at the appearance of men, but you teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to pay the poll tax5A “poll tax” (also called a “head tax or “capitation”) is a tax on every liable individual in a nation. This specific tax was paid yearly, and could only be paid in Roman money, not Jewish money. to Caesar or not? Should we pay or should we not pay?
- But *knowing their hypocrisy, He said to them: “Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denarius so I might see it.”
- And they brought one, and He says to them: “Whose image is this, and whose inscription?” And they told Him: “Caesar’s”
- And Jesus told them: “Repay the things of Caesar to Caesar, and the things of God to God.” And they were marveling on account of Him.
Marriage and the resurrection
- And some Sadducees (who say there is no resurrection) come to Him and were questioning Him, saying:
- “Teacher, Moses wrote to us that if anyone’s brother dies and leaves a wife behind, and doesn’t leave a child, that his brother should take the wife and raise up seed for his brother.“6quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 25:5-6
- “There were seven brothers, and the first took a wife and before dying he didn’t leave seed.”
- “And the second took her and died, not having left behind seed; and the third did likewise.
- “And the seven brothers didn’t leave seed. Last of all, the woman also died.
- “In the resurrection when they rise, of them whose wife will she be? For all seven had her as a wife.”
- Jesus was telling them: “Don’t you mislead yourselves because of this: that you haven’t understood the scriptures nor the power of God?”
- “For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in the heavens.
- “But concerning the dead, that they rise, didn’t you read in the book of Moses how God spoke to him at the bush, saying: “I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”7quotation/allusion to Exodus 3:6
- “He isn’t the God of the dead, but of the living. You greatly mislead yourselves.”
The greatest commandment
- And having approached, one of the scribes heard them discussing together. Having seen that He answered them well, he questioned Him: “Which commandment is foremost of all?”
- Jesus answered: “The foremost commandment is: Listen O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
- “And you shall ^love the Lord your God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with your whole mind, and with your whole strength.8quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 6:4
- “The second is this: you shall ^love your neighbor as yourself.9quotation/allusion to Leviticus 19:18 There isn’t another commandment greater than these.”
- And the scribe told Him: “Teacher, you spoke nobly on this truth, that He is One and there isn’t another except Him,
- “And to ^love Him with your whole heart, and with your whole intellect, and with your whole strength, and to ^love your neighbor as yourself is abundantly better than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.”
- And having seen him – that he answered prudently – Jesus told him: “You aren’t far from the kingdom of God.” And no one was daring to question Him any longer.
Is the Anointed David’s son?
- And answering in teaching, Jesus was saying in the temple: “How are the scribes saying that the Anointed is David’s son?
- “David himself said in the Holy Spirit: ‘The Lord said to my Lord, sit at My right hand until I put your enemies underneath your feet.10quotation/allusion to Psalm 110:1
- “David himself calls Him Lord, and so how is He his son?” And the numerous crowd was gladly listening to Him.
Of Scribes and widows
- And He was saying in His teaching: “Watch out for the scribes, the men wanting to walk about in expensive robes,11“expensive robes” this Greek word refers to a stolé, which was primarily worn by the upper classes. and want greetings in the marketplaces,
- and chief seats in the synagogues, and chief places at suppers;
- the men devouring the houses of widows and praying long prayers as a pretense. These men will receive abundantly more judgement.”
- And having sat down opposite the treasury, He was observing how the crowd throws money into the treasury. And many rich men were throwing in much money.
- And having come, one poor widow threw in two lepta, which is equal to a penny.
- And having summoned His disciples, He told them: “Amen I tell you that this poor widow threw in more than all the men throwing money into the treasury.
- For all others threw in money from their overflow, but she gave from her poverty. She threw in all of whatever she had; her whole livelihood.
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Mark Chapter 13
The temple’s destruction foretold
- And while He’s departing from the temple, one of His disciples tells Him: “Teacher, behold what kind of stones and what kind of buildings!”
- And Jesus told him: “You see these great buildings? There definitely won’t be one stone left upon another stone here which won’t be torn down.”
- And while He’s sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew were questioning Him in private,
- “Tell us, when will these things be? And what’s the sign when all these things are about to be fulfilled?”
- And Jesus began to tell them: “Watch out, lest someone misleads you.”
- “Many will come in My name saying “I am the Anointed“, and they will mislead many.
- “And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, don’t be shaken. It must happen, but it’s not yet the end.
- “For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places. There will be famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.
- “But you, watch out for yourselves; they will hand you over to the Sanhedrins and to synagogues, you will be flogged, and you will stand before rulers and kings for My sake, for a testimony to them.
- “And it’s necessary for the good news to be proclaimed to all nations first.
- “And when they lead you away, handing you over, don’t be anxious beforehand about what you might say. But whatever is given to you in that hour, say that. For you aren’t the men speaking, but the Holy Spirit is.
- “And brother will hand over brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against their parents and will put them to death.
- “And you will be hated by all men because of My name. But the man who endured to the end, that man will be saved.
- “And when you see the Abomination of Desolation,1quotation/allusion to Daniel 9:27, Daniel 11:31, and Daniel 12:11 [the one which was spoken of by the prophet Daniel], *standing where it shouldn’t be – let the man reading this understand – then let the men in Judea flee into the mountains.
- “Yet the man on the roof must not come down, nor go in to take anything from his house.
- “and the man in the field must not turn back to the things behind him to take his cloak.
- “But woe to the women having a child in their womb, and to the women nursing in those days.
- “And pray that it won’t happen in winter,
- “for in those days there will be a tribulation of such a kind that something like it hasn’t happened from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and it definitely won’t happen again.
- “And if the Lord didn’t cut those days short, no flesh would be saved. But for the sake of the elect whom He selected, He cut the days short.
- “And then if someone tells you: ‘Look, the Anointed is here’ or ‘Look He is there’, don’t believe him.
- “For false anointed ones and false prophets will arise, and they will give signs and wonders in order to mislead the elect, if possible.
- “But you, watch out; I have forewarned you of all these things.”
- “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t give its light.2quotation/allusion to Isaiah 13:10
- “And the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.3quotation/allusion to Isaiah 34:4
- “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with much power and glory.4quotation/allusion to Isaiah 7:13-14
- “And then He will send the angels, and He will gather His elect from the four winds;5quotation/allusion to Zechariah 2:6 and Deuteronomy 30:4 from earth’s end as far as heaven’s end.
- “And learn from the parable of the fig tree: When its branch at last becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near.
- “In this way also, you know that He is near at the doors when you see these things happening.
- “Amen I tell you that this generation definitely won’t pass away until all these things happen.
- “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words [definitely] won’t pass away.
- “But concerning that day or hour, no one *knows except the Father, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son.
- “Watch out, be vigilant; for you don’t *know when the time is.
- “It’s like a man traveling to another country who left his house and gave his slaves authority for each to do his work, and he commanded the doorkeeper that he should keep watch.
- “So keep watch, for you don’t *know when the master of the house is coming: whether at evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn,
- “lest having come unexpectedly, He might find you sleeping.
- “And what I tell you, I tell all men: keep watch.”
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Mark Chapter 14
The plot to kill Jesus
- Now, after two days it would be the Passover and the feast of unleavened bread. And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how they might kill Him after having taken Him by covert trickery.
- For they were saying: “Not at the feast, lest then there will be a riot among the people.”
The woman anoints Jesus
- And Him being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper while He’s reclining at the table, a woman having a very expensive alabaster bottle of scented oil of pure nard came to Him. Having broken the alabaster bottle, she poured it on His head.
- But some were indignant to one another, saying: “For what purpose has this waste of scented oil happened?
- “For this scented oil was able to be sold for more than 300 denarii1300 denarii was approximately 1 years’ worth of wages for a laborer, a single denarius being the going wage for a day’s labor. and the money to be given to the poor.” And they were sternly admonishing her.
- But Jesus said: “Leave her alone. Why do you cause trouble for her? She did a noble thing to Me.”
- “For you always have the poor with you, and you are able to do good to them whenever you want, but you don’t always have Me.
- “She did what she was able. She did this beforehand to anoint My body for embalming.
- “And amen I tell you, wherever the good news might be proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman did will also be mentioned for a memorial of her.”
Judas plans to betray Jesus
- And Judas Iscariot (one of the twelve) departed to the chief priests so he might betray Him to them.
- And having heard this, they rejoiced and promised to give him silver. And he was seeking how he might betray Him at an opportune moment.
Passover preparations
- And on the first day of unleavened bread, at the time they were sacrificing the Passover lamb, His disciples say to Him: “Having departed, where do you intend that we should prepare so you might eat the Passover?”
- And He sends two of His disciples and tells them: “Go into the city and a man carrying a jug of water will meet you. Follow him.
- “And wherever he enters, tell the master of the house that the teacher says: ‘where is My guest room where I might eat the Passover with My disciples?’
- “And he will show you a large upper room that’s *furnished and prepared, and prepare for us there.”
- And the disciples went out, and came into the city, and found things just as He told them, and they prepared the Passover.
- And it having become evening, He comes with the twelve.
The last supper
- And while they’re reclining at the table and eating, Jesus said: “Amen I tell you that one of you will betray Me, the man eating with Me.”
- They began to be grieved and to tell Him one-by-one: “Surely not I?”
- But He told them: “It’s one of the twelve, the man dipping with Me into the bowl.
- “For the Son of Man is indeed departing, just as it’s *written about Him, but woe to that man through whom the Son of Man is betrayed. It would be better for him if that man wasn’t born.”
- And while they are eating, having taken bread and spoken a blessing, He broke it, and gave it to them, and said: “Take it, this is My body.”
- And having taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them and they all drank from it.
- And He told them: “This is My blood of the covenant, the blood poured out for the sake of many.
- “Amen I tell you that I definitely won’t drink of the fruit of the vine any longer, until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.”
- And having sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
The disciples will stumble
- And Jesus tells them: “You all will stumble [because of Me on this night], because it’s *written: “I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.”2quotation/allusion to Zechariah 13:7
- “But after I’m raised, I will go before you into Galilee.”
- But Peter was declaring to Him: “But I won’t, even if all others will stumble.”
- And Jesus tells him: “Amen I tell you that today on this night, before a rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.
- But he was vehemently saying: “If it’s necessary for me to die with you, I definitely won’t deny you!” And they all were saying the same thing too.
The Garden of Gethsemane
- And they go into a place whose name is Gethsemane, and He tells His disciples: “Sit here while I pray.”
- And He takes Peter, and James, and John with Him, and He began to be greatly distressed and troubled.
- And He tells them: “My soul is deeply grieved, even to death. Stay here and keep watch.”
- And having gone onwards a little way, He was falling on the ground and was praying that if it’s possible, the hour might pass away from Him.
- And He was saying: “Abba,3“Abba” is a Greek form of the Hebrew word for father. It is a term of greater closeness and familiarity than “father”, though the degree of closeness is widely debated. Some think “Papa” or “Daddy” is appropriate, while others say that’s is too familiar and prefer “Dad” or perhaps “Pa”. Some of the latter group prefer to render as an adjective and would translate it “dear father”. Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from Me, but not what I desire, but what you desire.”
- And He comes and finds them sleeping, and He says to Peter: “Simon, are you sleeping? Weren’t you strong enough to watch for one hour?”
- “Keep watch and pray so you won’t enter into temptation. The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak.”
- And having departed again He prayed, saying the same word.
- And having come again, He found them sleeping for their eyes were burdened, and they hadn’t known how they should answer Him.
- And He comes a third time and says to them: “Are you still sleeping and resting? That’s enough. The hour has come. Behold, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinful men.
- “Get up, we should go. Behold, the man betraying Me has drawn near.”
Jesus is arrested
- And immediately while He’s still speaking, Judas (one of the twelve) approaches, and with him a crowd armed with swords and clubs from the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders.
- Now, the man betraying Him had given them a sign, saying: “Whomever I kiss, He is the one. Seize Him and take Him away securely.
- And having come, he immediately approached Him and says: “Rabbi.” And he kissed Him.
- And they laid hands on Him and seized Him.
- But having drawn his sword, one of the men *standing nearby struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his ear.
- And answering, Jesus said to them: “Why did you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me, as you would against a violent robber?4“violent robber” is one word in Greek. It refers to someone who steals through force, as opposed to a burglar or thief who steals through stealth.
- “I was with you in the temple every day teaching and you didn’t seize Me. But this is happening so the scriptures might be fulfilled.”
- And having abandoned Him, all of them fled.
- And a young man was following Him *clothed only with a linen cloth on his naked body, and they seize him.
- But having abandoned the linen cloth, he fled naked.
Jesus before the Sanhedrin
- And they led Jesus away to where the high priest, and all the chief priests, and the elders, and the scribes assemble.
- And Peter followed Him from afar until he was within5Literally “into within” the courtyard of the high priest. And he was sitting with the synagogue attendants and warming himself at the fire.
- Now, the chief priests and the whole Sanhedrin6The Sanhedrin was the highest Jewish court of the day. were seeking testimony against Jesus to put Him to death, and they weren’t finding any.
- For many were testifying falsely against Him and their testimonies weren’t identical.
- And having stood, some men were testifying falsely against Him, saying:
- “We heard Him saying: ‘I will destroy this temple made with hands, and in three days I will build another not made with hands’.”
- And not even their testimony on this was identical.
- And having stood in their midst, the high priest questioned Jesus saying: “You don’t answer anything to what these men testify against you?”
- But He was keeping silent and didn’t answer anything. Again the high priest was questioning Him and says to Him: “Are you the Anointed, the Son of the Blessed One?”
- And Jesus said: “I Am. And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and coming with the clouds of heaven.”7quotation/allusion to Daniel 7:13
- And having torn his clothes, the high priest says: “Why would we still have need of witnesses?
- “You heard the blasphemy! How does it appear to you?” And all condemned Him to be worthy of death.
- And some began to spit on Him, and to blindfold His face, and to punch Him, and to tell Him: “Prophesy!” And the synagogue attendants received Him with slaps.
Peter denies Jesus
- And Peter being below in the courtyard, one of the high priest’s serving girls comes.
- And having seen Peter warming himself and having looked at him, she says: “You also were with Jesus the Nazarene.”
- But he denied it, saying: “I neither *know nor understand what you’re talking about.” And he went out to the vestibule, [and a rooster crowed].
- And having seen him, the serving girl began to say again to the men *standing nearby: “This man is one of them.”
- But he was denying it again. And after a little while, again the men *standing nearby were saying to Peter: “Truly you are one of them, for you’re even a Galilean, [and your speech resembles Galileans].”
- But he began to curse and to swear an oath: “I don’t *know this man of whom you’re speaking!”
- And immediately a rooster crowed for a second time. And Peter remembered the word Jesus told him that: “Before a rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times.” And having broken down, he was weeping.
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Mark Chapter 15
Jesus before Pilate
- And having immediately formed a council at dawn, the chief priests with the elders, and scribes and the whole Sanhedrin bound Jesus, carried Him away, and handed Him over to Pilate.
- And Pilate questioned Him: “Are you the King of the Jews?” And answering him, He says: “You said1“You said” is literally “You say” or “You are saying”. However, “you said” conveys the idomatic sense better in English it.”
- And the chief priests were accusing Him of many things.
- And Pilate was questioning Him again, saying: “You don’t answer anything? Look at how many things they’re accusing you of.”
- But Jesus no longer answered anything, so then Pilate began to marvel.
- Now at the festival, he would usually release one prisoner to them whom they were requesting.
- And there was one man named Barabbas who was *bound with his fellow rebels, who had committed murder in the rebellion.
- And having risen, the crowd began to ask him to do just as he usually was doing for them.
- But Pilate answered them saying: “Do you want me to release the King of the Jews for you?”
- For he was recognizing that the chief priests had handed Him over because of envy.
- But the chief priests stirred up the crowd so he might release Barabbas to them instead.
- And answering again, Pilate was saying to them: “Then what should I do to the One whom you call the King of the Jews?”
- And again they cried out: “Crucify Him!”
- But Pilate was saying to them: “For what evil that He did?” But they cried out “Crucify Him!” abundantly more.
- And Pilate – resolving to do what was acceptable to the crowd – released Barabbas to them. And having flogged Jesus, he handed Him over so He would be crucified.
Jesus is mocked and crucified
- Now, the soldiers led Him away into the palace (that is, the Praetorium) and assemble the whole cohort.2“cohort”. The cohort was a basic unit of the Roman military, which consisted of 480 soldiers plus 120 servants. A standard cohort was comprised of 6 “centuries”, which consisted of 80 men plus 20 servants. However, the first cohort in every Roman Legion was composed of five double strength centuries, or 800 soldiers plus 200 servants.
- And they clothe Him in purple, and having braided a crown of thorns, they put it on Him.
- And they began to greet Him: “Hail King of the Jews!”
- And they were hitting His head with a reed and were spitting on Him; and bending the knees, they were bowing down to Him.
- And when they had mocked Him, they stripped the purple robe off of Him and clothed Him in His [own] clothes. And they lead Him out so they might crucify Him.
- And they compel a man coming from the country and passing by – Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus – so that he would carry His cross.
- And they bring Him to Golgotha, the place which is translated: “Place of a Skull.”
- And they were offering Him wine *mixed with myrrh, but He didn’t take it.
- And after crucifying Him, they also distribute His clothes, casting a lot for them to see who should take what.
- Now it was the third hour3The third hour is approximately 9 in the morning. and they crucified Him.
- And there was a *written inscription of the charge against Him: “The King of the Jews”
- And they crucify two robbers with Him, one on His right hand and one on His left.
- [And the scripture was fulfilled, the one saying: “And He was counted with the lawless.”]4quotation to Isaiah 53:12
- And the men passing by were slandering Him, shaking their heads, and saying: “Aha! You’re the man destroying the temple and rebuilding it in three days.
- Having descended from the cross, save yourself.”
- In a similar way also, the chief priests with the scribes are mocking Him to one another and were saying: “He saved others; He isn’t able to save Himself.
- “The Anointed, the King of Israel! Let Him come down from the cross now so we might see and believe.” And the men who were *crucified with Him were insulting Him.
The death of Jesus
- And it having become the sixth hour,5The sixth hour is about noon darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour.6The ninth hour is approximately 3 in the afternoon
- And at the ninth hour, Jesus called out in a loud voice: “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?”, which is translated: “My God, My God, why did you abandon Me?”7quotation/allusion to Psalm 22:1
- And having heard this, some of the men *standing nearby were saying: “Behold, He calls for Elijah.”
- And having run up, and filled a sponge with vinegar, and wrapped it around a reed, one of them was giving Him a drink, saying: “Leave Him alone; we’ll see if Elijah comes to take Him down.”
- But having uttered a loud cry, Jesus breathed His last.
- And the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
- And having seen that He breathed His last this way, the centurion *standing opposite Him said: “Truly this man was God’s Son.”
- Now, there were also women watching from afar, among whom were also Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the Little and Joseph, and Salome.
- (Women who were following Him and were serving Him when He was in Galilee, and many other women came up with Him to Jerusalem.)
The burial of Jesus
- And it already having become evening, since it was the Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath),
- having come, Joseph of Arimathea – a prominent member of the Sanhedrin who himself was also awaiting the kingdom of God – boldly went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.
- But Pilate wondered if He already *died. And having summoned the centurion, he asked him if He already died.
- And having learned the answer from the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph.
- And having bought a fine linen cloth and taken Him down, he wrapped Him in the fine linen cloth and put Him in a tomb which was *cut out of a rock. And he rolled a stone onto the door of the tomb.
- Now, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joseph were watching where He was *laid.
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Mark Chapter 16
The empty tomb
- And the Sabbath having passed, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that having gone to the tomb, they might anoint Him.
- And they go to the tomb very early on the first day of the week, the sun having already risen.
- And they were saying among themselves: “Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?”
- And having looked up, they see that the stone has been rolled away (for it was exceedingly large).
- And having entered into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right *clothed with a white robe and they were alarmed.
- And he tells them: “Don’t be alarmed. You seek Jesus the Nazarene, the One who has been crucified. He was raised! He isn’t here! Behold, the place where they laid Him.
- “But go, tell His disciples and Peter that He is going before you into Galilee. You will see Him there, just as He told you.”
- And having gone out, they fled from the tomb, for trembling and amazement was gripping them. And they said nothing to anyone, for they were frightened.
The disputed “Longer ending” of Mark
Translator’s note1Modern scholarly consensus is that verses 9-20 were added to the Gospel of Mark at a very early date and weren’t original to Mark. To support this, they will point out that this passage isn’t present in the earliest copies of the New Testament, and that some early church fathers (such as Eusebius) explicitly reject it. Further, some manuscripts which include it suggest that it’s absent from even earlier manuscripts. The existence of the “intermediate ending” (see note on the following section) is also cited as evidence against it being original. The typical reason offered for the addition is because Mark ending at verse 8 seems unfinished and unsatisfying. On the other side, those who favor its inclusion will cite Irenaeus (circa ~180) who quotes it as scripture, and who is earlier than our earliest manuscripts. They will also point out that it’s present in the vast majority of manuscripts, including many early manuscripts.
- Now, having arisen early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons.
- Having gone, that woman reported it to the men who had been with Him, who were mourning and weeping.
- And having heard that He lives and was seen by her, those men disbelieved her.
- And after these things, He appeared in another form to two of them while they’re walking, traveling into the country.
- And having gone, those men reported it to the rest, and they didn’t believe them either.
- But later while they are reclining at the table, He appeared to the eleven and rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart because they didn’t believe the men who saw Him *risen [from the dead].
- And He told them: “Having gone into the entire world, proclaim the good news to all creation.
- “The man who believed and was baptized will be saved, but the man who disbelieved will be condemned.
- “Now, these signs will follow the men who believed: They will cast out demons in My name, they will speak new tongues,
- and they will pick up snakes [with their hands], and if they drink anything deadly, it definitely won’t hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick and they will be well.”
- Therefore after speaking to them, the Lord Jesus was indeed taken up into heaven and He sat down at the right hand of God.
- And having gone out, those men proclaimed everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the signs following them.
The highly disputed “intermediate ending” of Mark
Translator’s note2There is essentially no scholarly support for this “intermediate ending” being original to Mark, and the overwhelming vast majority of translations don’t include it. It has only been included here for completeness. This ending’s existence has been cited as evidence that Mark ended at verse 8. The reasoning is because if Mark ended at verse 20, then there would be no reason for this section to exist in the first place.
- [And they concisely proclaimed all these things which were *instructed to Peter and the men with him. And through them from east to west, Jesus Himself sent out the sacred and imperishable proclamation of the salvation of ages. Amen.]
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Luke Chapter 1
Luke’s preface
- Insomuch as many put their hand to compose a complete narrative concerning the matters which have been accomplished among us,
- just as the men who were eyewitnesses and servants of the word from the beginning delivered them to us;
- it also seemed good to me – having carefully *investigated all things from the beginning – to write them to you in consecutive order, noblest Theophilus,
- so you might know the reliability of the matters about which you were orally instructed.
John the Baptizer’s birth foretold
- In the days of King Herod, there was a Judean priest named Zechariah from Abijah’s division of priests, and his wife was from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.
- And both were righteous in the sight of God, walking blameless in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord.
- And there was no child for them because Elizabeth was barren and both of them were *advanced in their years.
- Now, it happened when he was to serve as a priest in the presence of God in the order of his division of priests
- according to the custom of the priesthood, he obtained by lot to burn incense after having entered into the temple of the Lord.
- And all the multitude of the people were praying outside at the hour of incense.
- And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, *standing to the right of the altar of incense.
- And having seen him, Zechariah was deeply shaken and fear fell upon him.
- And the angel told him: “Don’t fear Zechariah, because your prayer was heard and your wife Elizabeth will bear a son for you, and you shall call his name John.
- “And he will be a source of joy and ecstatic delight for you, and many will rejoice at his birth,
- “for he will be great in the Lord’s sight, and he definitely shouldn’t drink wine or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb.
- “And he will return many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God.
- “And he will go before Him in Elijah’s power and spirit to return the fathers’ hearts to the children,1quotation/allusion to Malachi4:5-6 and the disobedient to the prudence of the righteous, to make ready a people *prepared for the Lord.”
- And Zechariah said to the angel: “By what sign will I know this? For I’m an old man and my wife is *advanced in her years.
- And answering, the angel told him: “I am Gabriel who has stood before God, and I was sent to speak to you and to announce these glad tidings to you.
- “And behold, you will be silent and not able to speak until that day when these things happen, because you didn’t believe my words which will be fulfilled in their season.”
- And the people were waiting for Zechariah, and were marveling at the delay in his temple service.
- And having gone out, he wasn’t able to speak to them. And they recognized that he has seen a vision in the temple. And he was signing to them and was remaining mute.
- And it happened that when the days of his priestly service were fulfilled, he departed to his house.
- Now after these days, his wife Elizabeth conceived and was hiding herself for five months, saying:
- “Thus the Lord has done for me in the days in which He favorably regarded me, to cut off my disgrace among men.”
Jesus birth foretold
- Now, in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee which had the name Nazareth,
- to a virgin *betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, from the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary.
- And having come to her, he said: “Greetings, you have been given grace. The Lord is with you. [You have been blessed among women.]
- Yet she was perplexed and deeply shaken2“perplexed and deeply shaken” this is one word in Greek, which refers to inner agitation that produces confusion and troubles the person. by the statement, and was confusedly pondering what kind of greeting this may be.
- And the angel told her: “Don’t be frightened Mary, for you found grace with God.
- “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus.
- “He will be great, and will be called Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.
- “And He will rule over the house of Jacob through the ages, and there won’t be an end to His kingdom.”
- And Mary said to the angel: “How will this be? Since I’m not knowing a man intimately.”
- And answering, the angel told her: “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. And for this reason, the holy child born will be called the Son of God.
- “And behold your relative Elizabeth; she also has conceived a son in her old age. And this is the sixth month for the woman called ‘barren’,
- “because no word from God will be impossible.”
- And Mary said: “Behold, the Lord’s slave; may it happen to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
Mary visits Elizabeth
- And having arisen in those days, Mary travelled into the hill country with enthusiastic haste, into a city of Judah.
- And she entered into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.
- And it happened that when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby in her womb leapt. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit,
- and she called out with a loud outcry and said: “You are *blessed among women and *blessed is the fruit of your womb!
- “And from where was this honor bestowed on me, that the mother of my Lord might come to me?
- “For behold, when the voice of your greeting entered into my ears, the baby in my womb leapt in ecstatic delight.
- “And blessed is the woman who believed that there will be a fulfillment to the things which have been spoken to her from the Lord.”
- And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord,
- “and my spirit jumped for joy in God my savior,
- “because He looked with favor on the humiliation of His slave. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed,
- “because the Mighty One did great things for me, and holy is His name.
- “And His mercy lasts for generations and generations to the men fearing Him.3quotation/allusion to Psalm 103:17
- “He did a mighty work by His arm, He scattered those who were haughty in the reasoning of their heart.
- “He tore down rulers from thrones and raised up the humble.
- “He filled hungry men with good things, and sent away rich men empty.
- “He helped His servant boy Israel in remembrance of His mercy,
- “just as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed through the age.”
- And Mary stayed with her for about three months and then returned to her home.
John is born
- Now for Elizabeth, the time for her to give birth was completed and she bore a son.
- And her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord magnified His mercy with her, and they were rejoicing with4“rejoicing with” could also mean “congratulating”; either meaning or both could be intended. her.
- And it happened that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child. And they were calling him Zechariah after the name of his father.
- And answering, his mother said: “Absolutely not. Rather, he will be called John.”
- And they said to her: “There’s no one from your family who is called by this name.”
- And they were gesturing to his father to learn what he may want him to be called.
- And having requested a writing tablet, he wrote saying: “His name is John.” And they all marveled.
- And instantly his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he was speaking, blessing God.
- And fear came upon all the men neighboring them, and all these words were being discussed in the whole hill country of Judea.
- And all the men who heard it put it in their heart, saying: “So then, what will this child be?” For also, the Lord’s hand was with him.
Zechariah prophesies
- And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, saying:
- “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel because He looked after and made redemption5“redemption” this Greek word properly refers to paying the price needed to release someone from prison or debt, and especially the price paid to free a slave. for His people,
- “and He raised a horn of salvation for us in the house of His servant boy David,
- “just as He spoke through the mouth of His holy prophets from of old:
- “salvation from our enemies and from the hand of all the men hating us6“quotation/allusion to Psalm 106:10
- “to accomplish mercy with our fathers and to remember His holy covenant,
- “to grant us the oath that He swore to our father Abraham,
- “that having been rescued from the hand of our enemies, we would be able to serve Him without fear
- “in holiness and righteousness before Him all our days.
- “And you child, you will be called a prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare His ways,7quotation/allusion to Malachi 3:1
- “to offer knowledge of salvation to His people by the forgiveness of their sins.
- “through the compassionate tender mercies of our God, by which He will look after us like a sunrise from on high,
- “to illuminate the men in darkness and those sitting in the shadow of death,8quotation/allusion to Isaiah 9:2 to make straight our feet in the way of peace.”
- Now, the child was growing and was strengthening in spirit, and he was in the wilderness places until the day of his proclamation to Israel.
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Luke Chapter 2
Jesus is born
- Now in those days, it happened that an edict went out from Caesar Augustus to register all of the inhabited world.1“inhabited world” is one word in Greek, and is more literally “the world inhabited by Romans”. This Greek word originally referred to those who lived in Greece, excluding all others. Later – after they were absorbed into the Roman Empire – it came to mean those who lived in the Roman Empire, excluding those outside it. However, it’s occasionally used in a broader context to mean the entire inhabited world.
- This was the first registration that happened during Quirinius’s governing Syria.
- And all were going to be registered, each man to his own city.
- And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth into Judea, into the city of David which is called Bethlehem because of him being from David’s house and lineage,
- to register with Mary, the woman who was *betrothed to him, her being pregnant.
- And when they are there, it happened that the days for her to give birth were completed.
- And she gave birth to her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger because there wasn’t a place for them in the inn.
Shepherds and angels
- And some shepherds were in the same region, spending the night in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night.
- And an angel of the Lord stood over them, and the Lord’s glory shone around them, and they were frightened with great fear.
- And the angel told them: “Don’t fear, for behold; I am proclaiming good news to you of great joy which will be for all the people,
- “because a savior was born for you today in David’s city, who is the Anointed, the Lord.
- “And this will be the sign for you: you will find a baby *wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”
- And suddenly, a multitude of the heavenly army was with the angel, praising God and saying:
- “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among the men who please Him.2“who please Him” is literally “of His good pleasure” or “of His delight”, and such good pleasure is caused by living lives that are pleasing to Him. It should be noted that grammatically in Greek, the peace is only wished on those “who please Him”, and not on all men generally.
- And it happened that when the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds were saying to one another: “We should definitely go as far as Bethlehem and see this thing which *happened, which the Lord made known to us!”
- And having hastened, they went and found both Mary and Joseph, and also the baby lying in the manger.
- And having seen this, they made it known about the matter which was spoken to them concerning this child.
- And all the men who heard marveled concerning the things which were spoken to them by the shepherds.
- But Mary was keeping all these matters to herself, pondering them in her heart.
- And the shepherds went back glorifying and praising God on account of all the things which they heard and saw, just as it was told to them.
Jesus in the temple as an infant
- And when the eight days before His circumcision3quotation/allusion to Leviticus 12:3 were completed, then His name was called Jesus; the name He was called by the angel before His conception in the womb.
- And when the days of their purification were completed according to the law of Moses,4quotation/allusion to Leviticus 12:4-6 they brought Him up into Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord,
- (just as it’s *written in the Lord’s law that: “Every male opening a womb shall be called holy to the Lord“)5quotation/allusion to Numbers 3:13
- and to offer a sacrifice according to what was *spoken in the law of the Lord; a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.6quotation/allusion to Leviticus 12:8
- And behold, a man was in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. And this man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
- And it was *revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he wasn’t to see death before he saw the Lord’s Anointed.
- And led by the Spirit, he came into the temple when the parents of the child also brought Jesus to do for Him according to what was *customary under the law.
- And he welcomed Him into his arms, and blessed God, and said:
- “Master, now you are dismissing your slave in peace according to your word,
- “because my eyes saw your salvation
- “which you prepared before the face of all peoples;
- “a light for the revelation to the gentiles and the glory of your people, Israel.”
- And His father and mother were marveling on account of the things said about Him.
- And Simeon blessed them and told His mother Mary: “Behold, this One is appointed for the ruin and resurrection of many in Israel, and for a sign to be hostilely disputed.
- “And also, a large sword will go through your own soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.”
- And there was a prophetess; Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was greatly *advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years after her virginity ended.
- And she was a widow until 84 years old, who wasn’t departing from the temple, serving night and day with fastings and prayers.
- And having been present at that hour, she was giving thanks to God and was speaking about Him to all the men expectantly waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.
- And when they accomplished all things according to the Lord’s law, they returned to Galilee, into their city Nazareth.
Jesus in the temple as a boy
- Now, the child was growing and was becoming strong, being filled with wisdom, and God’s grace was upon Him.
- And His parents were traveling to Jerusalem every year for the feast of the Passover.
- And when He became twelve years old, they go up according to the custom of the feast.
- And having finished the days of the feast, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem during their return, but His parents didn’t know.
- And having thought Him to be in their caravan, they went a day’s journey and were carefully seeking Him among their relatives and acquaintances.
- And having not found Him, they returned to Jerusalem, carefully seeking Him.
- And it happened that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and questioning them.
- And all the men listening to Him were marveling on account of His understanding and answers.
- And having seen Him, they were dumbfounded. And His mother said to Him: “Child, why did you do this to us? Behold, your father and I were being tormented while we were seeking you.”
- And He said to them: “Why7Literally “because why” were you seeking Me? Hadn’t you known that it’s necessary for Me to be in My Father’s house?”
- And they didn’t understand the statement that He spoke to them.
- And He went down with them and came into Nazareth, and He was submitting Himself to them. And His mother was carefully keeping all these matters in her heart.
- And Jesus was advancing in wisdom, and maturity, and grace with God and men.
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Luke Chapter 3
John the Baptizer’s message
- Now, in the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar’s reign – with Pontius Pilate governing Judea and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and Philip his brother being tetrarch over the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias being tetrarch of Abilene –
- during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, God’s word came to Zechariah’s son John in the wilderness.
- And he went into all the region neighboring the Jordan River, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins,
- as it’s *written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet: “A voice crying in the wilderness: prepare the Lord’s way, make His paths straight.”
- “Every valley will be filled and every mountain and hill will be brought low; and the crooked will be straight, and the rough ways made into smooth ways.
- “And all flesh will see the salvation of God.”1quotation/allusion to Isaiah 40:3-5
- So he was telling the crowds traveling out to be baptized by him: “You offspring of vipers, who forewarned you to flee from the wrath about to come.
- “Therefore, produce fruit befitting repentance. And don’t begin to say in yourselves: ‘We have Abraham as a father’, for I tell you that God is able to raise up children for Abraham from these stones.
- “And also, the axe is already laid near the root of the trees. Therefore, every tree not producing good fruit is cut off and thrown into the fire.”
- And the crowds were questioning him, saying: “So what should we do?”
- And answering, he was telling them: “Let the man having two tunics share with the man not having one, and let the man having food do the same.”
- And also, some tax collectors came to be baptized and they said to him: “Teacher, what should we do?”
- And he said to them: “Collect nothing more beyond the tax *prescribed for you to collect.”
- And also some men serving as soldiers were asking him, saying: “What should we also do?” And he told them: “You should extort or intimidate2“extort or intimidate” is one word in Greek which can mean either, thus both definitions were included. Further, “intimidate” would mean in the sense of using the threat of force to induce unlawful compliance. no man, nor should you falsely accuse or defraud3“falsely accuse or defraud” is one word in Greek which can mean either, thus both definitions were included. anyone. Also, be satisfied with your wages.”
- And the people are expectantly waiting, and all are reasoning in their hearts about John, whether or not he may be the Anointed.
- John answered, saying to all: “I indeed baptize you with water, but One mightier than I is coming; He whom I’m not worthy to untie the strap of His sandals. He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire.
- “He whose winnowing fork4“winnowing fork” is a literal translation of the Greek word here. A “winnowing fork” is used for “winnowing”. Winnowing is the process of separating the useful/edible grain from the useless chaff. Chaff is the husks and stem fragments of a grain plant that are useless for anything. You “winnow” by using a winnowing fork to throw the mixture up into the air. The wind blows away the lighter chaff, while the heavier grain falls back down to be collected. This process was done on a “threshing floor”, which had to be cleaned prior to use because food was prepared (winnowed) there. is in His hand to thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor and to gather His wheat into His barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire.”
- So exhorting them with many other things, he was proclaiming the good news to the people.
- But Herod the tetrarch, being convicted by him concerning Herodias (the wife of his brother) and concerning all the evils that Herod did,
- he also added this on top of all: he confined John in prison.
The baptism and genealogy of Jesus
- Now, it happened that among the baptisms of all the people, Jesus was also baptized. And while praying, heaven was opened
- and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came from heaven: “You are My beloved Son. In you I am well-pleased.”
- And Jesus was about thirty years old when beginning His ministry, being – as it was supposed – a son of Joseph, son of Heli,
- son of Matthat, son of Levi, son of Melchi, son of Jannai, son of Joseph,
- son of Mattathias, son of Amos, son of Nahum, son of Esli, son of Naggai,
- son of Maath, son of Mattathias, son of Semein, son of Joseph, son of Judah,
- son of Joanan, son of Rhesa, son of Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, son of Neri,
- son of Melchi, son of Addi, son of Cosam, son of Elmadam, son of Er,
- son of Joshua, son of Eliezer, son of Jorim, son of Matthat, son of Levi,
- son of Simeon, son of Judah, son of Joseph, son of Jonam, son of Eliakim,
- son of Melea, son of Menna, son of Mattatha, son of Nathan, son of David,
- son of Jesse, son of Obed, son of Boaz, son of Salmon, son of Nahshon,
- son of Amminadab, [son of Admin,] son of Ram,5“Ram” some of the manuscripts which “son of Admin” have “Arni” instead of Ram son of Hezron, son of Perez, son of Judah.
- son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, son of Terah, son of Nahor,
- son of Serug, son of Reu, son of Peleg, son of Herber, son of Shelah.
- son of Cainan, son of Arphaxad, son of Shem, son of Noah, son of Lamech,
- son of Methuselah, son of Enoch, son of Jared, son of Mahalaleel, son of Cainan,
- son of Enosh, son of Seth, son of Adam, son of God.
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Luke Chapter 4
The temptation of Jesus
- And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was being led by the Spirit into the wilderness
- for forty days, being tempted by the Accuser.1“Accuser” The Greek word used here is “διάβολος” (diabolos), and it’s the root of our English word “devil”. Much like “Christ” (see note on Matt 1:1) it isn’t a name but a descriptive title. And He ate nothing in those days, and having completed them, He hungered.
- And the Accuser said to Him: “If you are God’s Son, command this stone so it might become bread.”
- And Jesus answered to him: “It is *written that: Man shall not live on bread alone, [but on every word from God.]“2quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 8:3
- And having led Him [up to a high mountain], [the Accuser] showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a single moment of time.
- And the Accuser said to Him: “I will give authority over all this to you, and its glory, because it has been handed over to me and I could give it to whomever I desire.
- “Therefore, all this will be yours if you worship before me.”
- And answering, Jesus told him: “It is *written: You shall worship the Lord your God and you shall serve Him only.”3quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 10:20 and Deuteronomy 6:13[
- And he led Him to Jerusalem, and stood Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and told Him: “If you are God’s Son, throw yourself down from here.
- “For it is *written that: “He will give orders to His angels concerning you, to carefully guard you.”4quotation/allusion to Psalm 91:11
- Also, “They will raise you up on their hands, so you don’t ever strike your foot against a stone.”5quotation/allusion to Psalm 91:12
- And answering, Jesus told him: “It has been spoken: You shall not test the Lord your God.”6quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 6:16
- And having finished every temptation, the Accuser departed from Him until an opportune time.
Jesus is rejected in His hometown
- And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee and a report about Him went out into the whole neighboring region.
- And He was teaching in their synagogues, being esteemed by all.
- And He came to Nazareth where He was *raised. And according to His *custom, He entered into the synagogue on a Sabbath day7“Sabbath day” is literally “day of the Sabbaths” and stood up to read.
- And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to Him. And having unrolled the scroll, He found the place where it was *written:
- “The Lord’s Spirit is upon Me, because of which He anointed Me to proclaim the good news to the poor. He has sent Me [to heal the *crushed in heart], to proclaim a pardon to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind; to release the *oppressed with a pardon,
- “to proclaim a year of the Lord’s favor.”8quotation/allusion to Isaiah 61:1-2
- And having rolled up the scroll, He handed it to the synagogue attendant. He sat down and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixing on Him.
- And He began to say to them: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”
- And all were testifying about Him and were marveling at the graceful words coming from His mouth. And they were saying: “Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”9“Isn’t this Joseph’s son?”. The negation in this phrase is emphatic.
- And He said to them: “Doubtless you will quote this proverb to Me: Physician, heal yourself. Whatever we heard of that’s happening in Capernaum, also do it here in your hometown.”
- But He said: “Amen I tell you that no prophet is acceptable in his hometown.
- “But in truth I tell you that there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when heaven was shut up for three years and six months,10quotation/allusion to 1 Kings 17:1 when a great famine happened on all the land.
- “And Elijah was sent to none of them, but only to Zarephath of the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow. 11quotation/allusion to 1 Kings 17:9
- “And there were many lepers in Israel during the time of Elisha the prophet and not one of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.” 12quotation/allusion to 2 Kings 5:1-14
- And hearing these things, all in the synagogue were filled with rage.
- And having risen, they threw Him out of the city and led Him away as far as the ridge of the hill on which their city had been built, in order to throw Him over the cliff.
- But having walked through their midst, He was departing.
Jesus casts out a demon
- And He went down into Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and He was teaching them on the Sabbaths.
- And they were stunned by His teaching because His message was with authority.
- And a man having the spirit of an unclean demon was in the synagogue, and he cried out in a loud voice:
- “Ah!13“Ah!” An expression of surprise, fear, and sometimes indignation. What’s between us and you Jesus of Nazareth? Did you come to destroy us? I *know who you are: the Holy One of God!”
- And Jesus rebuked him, saying: “Be silent and come out of him.” And the demon having thrown him into their midst, it came out of him; not having injured him at all.
- And astonishment came upon all of them, and they were discussing with one another, saying: “What a word this is, because He commands the unclean spirits in authority and power, and they come out!”
- And a report about Him was spreading abroad into every area of the neighboring region.
Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law and many others
- And having risen from the synagogue, He entered into the house of Simon. Now, Simon’s mother-in-law was afflicted with a great fever, and they requested of Him concerning her.
- And having stood over her, He rebuked the fever and it left her. And having instantly arisen, she was serving them.
- And during the setting of the sun, all who had anyone sick with various diseases brought them to Him. And putting His hands on each one of them, He was healing them.
- And demons were also going out from many, crying out and saying: “You are the Son of God.” And rebuking them, He wasn’t allowing them to speak because they had known Him to be the Anointed.
- And having gone out when it became day, He traveled into a solitary place and the crowds were seeking Him. And they came to Him and were holding Him back so He wouldn’t depart from them.
- But He said to them: “It’s necessary for Me to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to other cities too, because I was sent on account of this.
- And He was proclaiming in the synagogues of Judea.
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Luke Chapter 5
Jesus calls Simon Peter
- Now, it happened during the crowd’s pressing on Him to also hear the word of God, that He was *standing beside the lake of Gennesaret.
- And He saw two boats *standing beside the lake. And having disembarked from them, the fishermen were washing the nets.
- And having embarked into one of the boats – which was Simon’s – He asked him to put out to sea a short distance from the land. And having sat down, He was teaching the crowds from the boat.
- And when He ceased speaking, He said to Simon: “Put out into the deep water and lower your nets for a catch.”
- And answering, Simon said: “Master, we caught nothing despite having exhausted ourselves working through the whole night. But on account of your word, I will lower the nets.”
- And having done this, they enclosed an enormous multitude of fishes, and their nets were tearing.
- And they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come assist them. And they came and filled both boats so they both almost began to sink.
- And having seen this, Simon Peter fell down before Jesus’s knees, saying: “Go away from me Lord, because I’m a sinful man.”
- For astonishment had gripped him and all the men with him on account of the catch of fish which they took,
- and James and John – the sons of Zebedee who were partners with Simon – were also likewise astonished. And Jesus said to Simon: “Don’t be frightened; from now on you will be catching men.”
- And having beached the boats on the land and left all of it behind, they followed Him.
Jesus heals a leper
- And it happened during His being in one of the cities that behold: there was a man full of leprosy. And having seen Jesus and fallen on his face, he begged Him saying: “Lord you are able to cleanse me if you want to.”
- And having extended His hand, He touched him, saying: “I want to; be cleansed.” And the leprosy immediately departed from him.
- And He instructed him to tell no one, but said: “Having departed, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifice concerning your cleansing, just as Moses commanded1quotation/allusion to Leviticus 14:1-32 for a testimony to them.
- But the report about Him was spreading more, and many crowds were coming together to hear Him and to be healed from their sicknesses.
- Yet He was withdrawing into the wilderness places and praying.
Jesus forgives sins and heals a paralyzed man
- And it happened during one of the days that He was teaching, that sitting nearby were some Pharisees and teachers of the law who were *coming from every village of Galilee, and Judea, and Jerusalem. And the Lord’s power was there for Him to heal.
- And behold: there are men carrying a man on a bed-mat who was *paralyzed, and they were seeking to carry him in and to put him before Him.
- And not having found a way they might carry him in because of the crowd, having gone up onto the roof, they lowered him with the bed-mat through the roofing tiles into the crowd’s midst before Jesus.
- And having seen their faith, He said: “Man, your sins have been forgiven you.”
- And the scribes and Pharisees began to reason, saying: “Who is this who speaks blasphemies? Who is able to forgive sins except God alone?”
- And having known their reasonings, answering Jesus said to them: “Why do you reason in your hearts?
- “Which is easier to say: ‘Your sins have been forgiven you’, or to say: ‘Rise and walk’?
- “But so you might *know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins–” He said to the *paralyzed man: “–I tell you: rise; and having picked up your bed-mat, go to your house.”
- And having instantly risen before them and having picked up the bed-mat on which he was lying, he departed to his house, glorifying God.
- And astonishment seized all, and they were glorifying God and were filled with reverent fear, saying: “We saw wonderfully strange things today.”
Jesus calls Levi (Matthew)
- And after these things, He went out and saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax collector’s booth and said to him: “Follow Me.”
- And having abandoned everything2“everything” is literally “all things“ and risen, he was following Him.
- And Levi made a great feast for Him in his house, and there was a large crowd of tax collectors and others who were reclining with them at the table.
- And the Pharisees and their scribes were grumbling at His disciples, saying: “Why are you eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners?”
- And answering, Jesus said to them: “The healthy men have no need of a physician, but the sick men do.
- “I haven’t come to call righteous men, but sinful men to repentance.”
- And they said to Him: “John’s disciples are frequently fasting and doing prayers, and the disciples of the Pharisees do likewise. But your disciples are eating and drinking.”
- And Jesus said to them: “You aren’t able to make the groomsmen3 “groomsmen” is literally “sons of the bridal chamber”. In that age, this referred to the men who helped the groom prepare whatever was needed for the wedding, especially the “bridal chamber” (honeymoon suite). The closest modern equivalent is groomsmen. fast while the bridegroom is with them, are you?
- “But the days will also come when the bridegroom was taken away from them; then they will fast in those days.”
- And He was also telling a parable to them: “Having torn a patch from a new garment, no one puts it on an old garment. And if he does otherwise, the new will also tear and the old garment won’t match the patch from the new.
- “And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. And if he does otherwise, the new wine will tear the wineskins and it will be spilled out, and the wineskins will be ruined.
- “But new wine must be put into new wineskins.
- “And having drunk the old wine, no one wants the new; for he says ‘The old is better’.”
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Luke Chapter 6
Lord of the Sabbath
- Now, it happened on a Sabbath that He went to pass through some grain fields and His disciples were picking and were eating the heads of grain, rubbing the kernels out of the husks in their hands.
- But some of the Pharisees said: “Why are you doing what isn’t lawful to do on the Sabbaths?”
- And answering them, Jesus said: “Did you not even read about this? About what David himself did when he hungered, he and the men with1“the men with” is literally: “the men being with” him?
- “How he entered into the house of God, and having taken the consecrated bread of the presence, he ate it and gave it to the men with him, bread which isn’t lawful to eat except for the priests only.”
- And He was telling them: “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.”
- Now, it happened on another Sabbath that He entered into the synagogue to teach there, and a man was there and his right hand was withered.
- And the scribes and Pharisees were watching Him closely to see if He heals on the Sabbath so they might find a charge to accuse Him.
- Yet He had known their reasonings and He told the man having the withered hand: “Rise and stand in the middle of the room.” And having risen, he stood there.
- And Jesus said to them: “I ask you if it’s lawful to do good on the Sabbath or to do evil? To save a life or to destroy it?”
- And having looked around at all of them, He told him: “Extend your hand.” And the man did, and his hand was restored.
- And they were filled with irrational rage and were discussing to one another what they may do to Jesus.
Choosing the Apostles
- Now, it happened in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray and was spending the whole night in prayer to God.
- And when it became day, He summoned His disciples and chose twelve from among them whom He also named as apostles:
- Simon (whom He also named Peter) and Andrew his brother; and James and John; and Philip and Bartholomew;
- And Matthew and Thomas; and James son of Alphaeus; and Simon, the man called a Zealot;
- And Judas son of James; and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor.
Blessings and cursings
- And having descended with them, He stood on a flat place. And there was a numerous crowd of His disciples and a numerous multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon
- who came to listen to Him and to be healed of their diseases, and the men troubled with unclean spirits were being cured.
- And everyone in the crowd was seeking to touch Him because power was coming out from Him and was healing all of them.
- And He, having lifted His eyes upon His disciples, He was saying: “Blessed are the poor because the kingdom of God is yours.
- “Blessed are the men hungering now because you will be filled. Blessed are the men weeping now because you will laugh
- “You are blessed when men hate you, and when they ostracize you, and disgrace and accuse2 “disgrace and accuse” is one word in Greek. It can mean either, but both definitions were included because they both fit the context and it seems likely that both were intended. you, and banish your name as evil on account of the Son of Man.
- “Rejoice in that day and jump for joy, for behold: your reward is numerous in heaven, for the forefathers were doing these things3“these things” is literally “them” to the prophets in the same manner.
- Moreover, woe to you rich men because you are receiving4“you are receiving” This Greek word contains the sense of receiving something because you are far away from something else. your comfort now.
- “Woe to you men who have satisfied yourselves now because you will hunger. Woe to men laughing now because you will mourn and you will weep.
- “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for the forefathers were doing these things5“these things” is literally “them” to the false prophets in the same manner.
Love your enemies
- “But I say to you men hearing this: ^Love your enemies, do good to the men hating you,
- “bless the men cursing you, pray for the men slandering you.
- “To the man striking you on the cheek, also offer the other cheek. And the man taking your cloak away from you, also don’t withhold your tunic.
- “Give to every man asking of you and don’t demand back from the man taking what’s yours.
- “And exactly as you desire that men would do to you, do the same to them.
- “And if you ^love the men ^loving you, what grace6“grace” The Greek word here is “χάρις” (charis), most often translated “grace” or “gift”. It was a technical term in the 1st century, referring to the Patronage system in place. The Patron (from “pater” = “father”) would give gifts or do favors (both called a charis) for someone. A charis was always given/done freely to anyone who would be grateful for it, and this person then became a “client” of the patron. The clients were expected to reciprocate by telling everyone what the patron had done, and offering their services to the patron whenever the patron needed them. This reciprocal act was also called “charis”, and the ones who reciprocated were “being faithful”. Both were done out of gratitude, not legal obligation. A client who wasn’t faithful and grateful probably wouldn’t receive any more charis from his patron, or any other patrons. The patron was responsible for taking care of all his clients, and making sure their needs were met. Christian Grace and Faith is well picture by this system. The Heavenly Patron (God the Father) freely gave a gift (Jesus’ blood), and the clients who accept it (Christians) are expected to “be faithful” out of gratitude. is it to you? For even sinful men ^love the men ^loving them.
- “For also, if you do good to the men doing good to you, what grace is it to you? Even sinful men do the same.
- “And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what grace is it to you? Even sinful men lend to sinners so they might recover back identical amounts.
- “Moreover, ^love your enemies, and do good to them, and lend without expecting interest and your reward will be numerous and you will be sons of the Most High, because He is benevolent towards the ungrateful and wicked.
- “Be merciful just as your Father is also merciful.
Don’t Judge
- “And don’t judge and you definitely won’t be judged, and don’t condemn and you definitely won’t be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.
- “Give and it will be given to you; they will give a good measure into your bosom, *pressed-down, *shaken to compact it, and overflowing. For by whichever measure you measure, it will be measured back to you.”
- And He also told a parable to them: “A blind man isn’t able to lead a blind man, is he? Won’t they both certainly fall into a pit?
- “A disciple isn’t above the teacher, yet everyone will be like his teacher when properly *prepared.
- “And why do you look at the splinter in your brother’s eye and not notice the log in your own eye?
- “How are you able to tell your brother: ‘Brother, allow me to cast out the splinter in your eye’ while you yourself aren’t seeing the log in your eye? You hypocrite; first cast out the log in your eye and then you will see clearly to take out the splinter in your brother’s eye.
Know them by their fruit
- “For there’s no lovely tree producing rotten fruit, nor again a rotten tree producing lovely fruit,
- “for each tree is known by its own fruit. For they don’t collect figs from brambles nor gather grapes from a thorn bush, do they?
- “The good man produces what’s good from the good treasure of his heart, and the wicked man produces what’s wicked from his wicked heart, for his mouth speaks from the overflow of his heart.
- “And why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord’, and don’t do what I say?
- “Every man coming to Me, and hearing My words, and doing them, I will show7“show” could also be translated “warn” or “forewarn” you whom he is like.
- “He is like a man building a house who dug, and excavated, and laid a foundation on a rock. And a flood having happened, the floodwater burst against that house and wasn’t strong enough to shake it because it was well *built.
- “But the man who heard and didn’t do it, he is like a man who built a house on earth without a foundation, against which the floodwater burst and it immediately fell, and the fracturing of that house became great.
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Luke Chapter 7
The centurion’s faith
- When He completed all His words in the hearing of the people, He entered into Capernaum.
- Now, a centurion’s slave who was precious to him was about to die, having a sickness.
- And having heard about Jesus, he sent some elders of the Jews to Him, pleading Him so that having come, He might save his slave.
- And having come near to Jesus, they were insistently begging Him, saying that: “The man to whom you will bestow this favor is worthy,
- “for he ^loves our nation and he built the synagogue for us.”
- And Jesus was going with them. And when He was already not far away from the house, the centurion sent friends saying to Him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I’m not worthy that you might enter in under my roof.
- “Therefore, neither did I deem myself worthy to come to you, but merely speak a word and let my servant be healed.
- “For I’m also a man appointed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this soldier: ‘Go’, and he goes; and to another: ‘Come’, and he comes; and to my slave: ‘Do this’, and he does it.
- And having heard these things, Jesus marveled at him. And having turned to the crowd following Him, He said: “I tell you, not even in Israel did I find such great faith.”
- And having returned to the house, the men who were sent found the slave healthy.
Raising a widow’s son from the dead
- And it happened on the next day that He traveled into a town called Nain and His disciples were traveling with Him, and a numerous crowd as well.
- And as He approached the gate of the town, also behold: a *dead man was being carried out for burial, the only son of his mother and she was a widow. And a considerable crowd from the town was with her.
- And having seen her, the Lord was moved with compassion on her and He told her: “Don’t weep.”
- And having approached, He touched the open coffin1“open coffin” is more literally a “bier”, which is a type of litter used in a funeral to transport dead bodies, or coffins with dead bodies in them and the men carrying it stood still. And He said: “Young man, I tell you, wake up.”2“wake up” could also be translated “rise” or “arise” since the word means all three.
- And the dead man sat up and began to talk, and He gave him to his mother.
- And reverent fear gripped all of them and they were glorifying God, saying that: “A great prophet was raised among us!” and that: “God looked after His people.”
- And this report about Him went out in the whole of Judea and to all the neighboring region.
John the Baptizer’s question
- And to John, his disciples reported concerning all these things.
- And having summoned two of his disciples, John sent them to the Lord, saying: “Are you the coming One,3“The Coming One” There are several Old Testament passages that the Jews believed referred to the messiah, which talk of Him “coming”. (For example, Psalm 118:26, Psalm 40:7-8, and Malachi 3:1). John was probably referring to Zechariah 9:9, which talks about the “coming King”, and in verse 11 speaks of setting prisoners free. Therefore, John was probably asking if Jesus was the messiah, and if so, if he would be freed. or are we looking for another?”
- And having come near to Him, the men said: “John the Baptizer sent us to you, saying: ” Are you the coming One, or are we looking for another?”
- (In that hour, He cured many from chronic diseases and torturous diseases, and evil spirits, and He freely graced many blind men to see.)
- And answering, He said to them: “Go report to John what you saw and heard. The blind are recovering sight, the lame are walking, the lepers are being cleansed, and the deaf are hearing, the dead are being raised, and the poor are being told the good news. 4Verse note: Jesus answered John’s question using a Jewish Rabbinic method called “remez” (or hint). Jesus quotes portions of Isaiah 35:5-6, (blind, lame, deaf), Isaiah 42:6-7 (blind again) and Isaiah 61:1 (good news). All three passages refer to the coming messiah/king, so Jesus was confirming that He was indeed Him. However, in all three passages Jesus left off a part about setting prisoners free. This was likely Jesus telling John that He was indeed the messiah, but also that John wouldn’t be set free. This last part explains the following verse.
- “And blessed is he who doesn’t stumble at Me.”
- And John’s messengers having departed, He began to speak to the crowds about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by wind?”
- “But what did you go out to see? A man *clothed in soft clothes? Behold, the men in glorious clothing and living in excessive luxury are in kingly houses.
- “But what did you go out to see? A prophet? I tell you, yes! And far more than a prophet.
- “This is he about whom it is *written: “Behold; I’m sending out My messenger before your face; he who will prepare your way before you.”
- “I tell you that among men born from women, no one is greater than John. Yet the least in the kingdom of God is greater than him.”
- (And all the people baptized with the baptism of John who heard this, even the tax collectors, declared God to be righteous,
- but the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected the counsel of God in themselves, not having been baptized by him.)
- “Therefore, to what will I compare the men of this generation? And to what are they similar?
- “They are similar to small children sitting in the marketplace and calling to one another, who are saying: “We played the flute for you and you didn’t dance. We cried out in mourning and you didn’t lament”.
- “For John the Baptizer *came neither eating bread nor drinking wine and you say he has a demon.
- “The Son of Man *came eating and drinking and you say: “behold, this man is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.
- “And wisdom was declared righteous by all her children.”
The parable of two debtors
- Now, one of the Pharisees was asking Him so He might eat with him. And having entered into the house of that Pharisee, He reclined at the table.5“recline” is literal. In ancient times, they laid down on a low table to eat. Thus, “reclining” in those days is similar to “sitting down” to share a meal today.
- And behold: there was a sinful woman who was living in the city. And she heard that He is reclining in the house of the Pharisee, so having taken an alabaster bottle of scented oil,
- and having stood behind Him next to His feet weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears and was wiping them with the hair on her head, and was kissing His feet, and was anointing them with the scented oil.
- And having seen this, the Pharisee who invited Him spoke inside himself saying: “If this man was really a prophet, He would know who and what kind of person the woman who’s touching Him is, because she is a sinner.”
- And answering, Jesus said to him: “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he says: “Teacher, say it.”
- “There were two debtors to a moneylender. The one debtor owed five hundred denarii and the other fifty.
- “With them not having money to pay, he forgave both their debts. Therefore, which of them will ^love him more?”
- Answering, Simon said: “I suppose that it’s whoever he forgave more.” And He told him: “You judged rightly.”
- And having turned to the woman, He was saying to Simon: “You see this woman? I entered into your house and you didn’t offer Me water on My feet, but she wet My feet with tears and wiped them with her hair.
- “You didn’t give Me a kiss, but she didn’t cease kissing My feet since I entered.
- “You didn’t anoint My head with oil, but she anointed My feet with scented oil.
- “I tell you that for this reason, her many sins have been forgiven because she ^loved much. But he to whom little is forgiven, he ^loves little.”
- And He told her: “Your sins have been forgiven.”
- And the men reclining at the table began to say inside themselves: “Who is this man who even forgives sins?”
- And He said to the woman: “Your faith has saved you, go in peace.”
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Luke Chapter 8
The women providing supplies
- And it happened in the time just after, that He also was traveling city-by-city and village-by-village, proclaiming and announcing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with Him;
- also some women who were *cured from evil spirits and infirmities, including Mary called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out;
- and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward; and Susanna; and many other women who were providing supplies1“were providing supplies” is one word in Greek, which normally has the connotation of: “to be a servant, attendant, domestic; to serve, wait upon;” (Thayer’s). When followed by the dative as it is here, it means: “to minister, i. e. supply food and the necessaries of life” (Thayer’s) to them from the things they owned.
The parable of the sower
- And with a numerous crowd gathering together and the men from the city traveling to Him, He spoke through a parable.
- “The man sowing seed went out to sow his seed. And in his sowing, some seed indeed fell beside the road, and it was trampled underfoot, and the birds of the air devoured it.
- And other seed fell on the rocky ground, and having sprouted, it was withered because of it not having moisture.
- And other seed fell in the midst of thorns, and having grown up with them, the thorns choked it.
- And other seed fell into the good ground, and having sprouted, it produced fruit a hundredfold.” After saying these things, He was calling out: “The man having ears to hear, let him hear.”
- And His disciples were asking Him: “What is the meaning of this parable?”
- And He said: “It was *given for you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God. But to the rest I speak in parables so that while seeing they don’t see, and while hearing they don’t understand.2Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 6:9 and Ezekiel 12:2
- “Now, this is the parable‘s meaning: The seed is the word of God.
- “And the seeds beside the road are the men who heard, then the Accuser comes and removes the word from their heart so that not having believed, they wouldn’t be saved.
- “And the seeds sown on the rock are men who welcome the word with joy when they hear it. And these men don’t have a root, men who believe for a season and fall away in a season of temptation or testing.3“temptation or testing” is one word in Greek that can mean either depending on the context, thus both were included because both are possible meanings in this context.
- “And what fell into the thorns, these are the men who heard, and while traveling through life are choked by anxieties, and wealth, and hedonistic pleasures of life, and they don’t come to maturity.
- “And what fell in the good ground, these are whoever heard the word in a noble and good heart, and they keep it, and they are bearing fruit in perseverance.
- “And no one who lit a lamp covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but he puts it on a lampstand so the men entering might see the light.
- “For nothing is hidden which won’t become revealed, nor secret which won’t definitely be known and come into the light.
- “Therefore, watch out how you listen. For whoever has, more will be given to him. And whoever doesn’t have, even what he seems to have will be taken away from him.”
Jesus’s mother and brothers
- Now, His mother and His brothers came to Him and they weren’t able to get to Him because of the crowd.
- And it was reported to Him: “Your mother and your brothers have been standing outside wanting to see you.”
- But answering, He told them: “My mother and My brothers are those men hearing the word of God and doing it.”
Jesus calms a storm
- And it happened on one of the days that He and His disciples also embarked into a boat, and He told them: “We should travel to the other side of the lake.” And they put out to sea.
- And during their sailing, He fell asleep. And a tempestuous windstorm came down to the lake, and the boat was filling with water, and they were in peril.
- And having approached Him, they woke Him, saying: “Master! Master! We are perishing!” And having woken up, He rebuked the wind and the surging of the water, and they ceased, and it became calm.
- And He told them: “Where is your faith?” And fearing, they marveled, saying to one another: “Who then is this, that He even gives orders to the winds and the water and they obey Him?”
Casting out Legion
- And they sailed down to the region of the Gerasenes, which is on the opposite shore from Galilee.
- And Him having gone out of the boat onto the land, a man from the city having many demons met Him. And this man didn’t wear clothing for a considerable time, and he wasn’t living in a house, but in the tombs.
- And having seen Jesus, he cried out, fell down before Him, and in a loud voice said: “What’s between me and you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I’m begging you, don’t torment me!”
- For He commanded the unclean spirit to go out of the man. For many times it had seized him, and he was being bound with manacles and kept in shackles. And breaking the chains, he was being driven into the desolate places by the demon.
- And Jesus asked him: “What is your name?” And he said: “Legion”, because many demons had entered into him.
- And they were pleading Him so He wouldn’t command them to depart into the abyss.
- Now, a considerable herd of pigs was there feeding at the mountain, and they pleaded Him so He might permit them to enter into them, and He permitted them.
- And having departed from the man, the demons entered into the pigs, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake, and the herd was drowned.
- And having seen what *happened, the men feeding the pigs fled and reported it to the city and to the nearby lands.
- And they went out to see what *happened, and they went to Jesus and found the man from whom the demons had departed sitting *clothed and in his right mind beside the feet of Jesus, and they were frightened.
- And the men who saw it reported to them how the demon-possessed man was saved.
- And the whole multitude neighboring the Gerasenes asked Him to depart from them because they were being seized with great fear. And having embarked into a boat, He returned.
- But the man from whom the demons had departed was begging Him to be brought with Him, but He sent him away, saying:
- “Return to your house and describe how much God did for you.” And he departed and went through the whole city proclaiming how much Jesus did for him.
- And at the time Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed Him, for they were all anticipating Him.
Raising Jairus’s daughter and healing the woman with a bloody flow
- And behold, a man whose name was Jairus came, and this man was a ruler of the synagogue. And having fallen beside the feet of Jesus, he was pleading Him to enter into his house
- because his only daughter was about twelve years old, and she was dying. And at the time He went to depart, the crowds were pressing in on Him.
- And there was a woman living with a bloody flow4 “bloody flow” is literal, almost certainly a reference to constant menstrual bleeding. This made her ceremonially unclean; see Leviticus 15:19-24. Additionally, what to do about menstrual bleeding that went on for an extended time was covered in Leviticus 15:25-30. for twelve years who spent her whole livelihood on physicians, but wasn’t able to be cured by anyone.
- Having approached from behind, she touched the tassel of His robe and her flow of blood instantly stopped.
- And Jesus said: “Which man touched Me?” But all were denying it. Peter said: “Master, the people are surrounding you and are pressing in, [and you say: “Which man touched Me?”.”]
- But Jesus said: “Someone touched Me, for I perceived that power *went out from Me.”
- And having seen that she didn’t escape notice, the woman came forward trembling. And having fallen down before Him, she explained in the sight of all the people the reason for which she touched Him, and how she was instantly healed.
- And He told her: “Daughter, your faith has healed you; depart in peace.”
- While He is still speaking, a man comes from the synagogue leader, saying that: “Your daughter has died; annoy the Teacher no longer.”
- But having heard, Jesus answered him: “Don’t fear, only believe and she will be saved.”
- And having gone into the house, He didn’t allow anyone to enter with Him except Peter, and John, and James, and the father of the child, and the mother.
- And all were weeping and were mourning for her, but He said: “Don’t weep, for she didn’t die, but is sleeping.”
- And they were ridiculing Him, *knowing that she died.
- And having gripped her hand, He called out, saying: “Child, arise.”
- And her spirit returned and she instantly stood up. And He instructed that something be given to her to eat.
- And her parents marveled, and He commanded them to tell no one what *happened.
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Luke Chapter 9
Sending out the Twelve
- And having called together the twelve, He gave them power and authority over all the demons and to cure diseases.
- And He sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
- And He said to them: “Take nothing for the journey; not even a staff, nor a traveler’s bag, nor bread, nor silver, nor are you to have two tunics apiece.
- “And whatever house you enter into, remain there, and depart from that place when you leave the city.”
- “And however many don’t welcome you, then while departing from that city, shake off its dust from your feet for a testimony against them.”
- And departing, they were traveling through the villages, proclaiming the good news and healing everywhere.
Herod hears of these things
- Now, Herod the tetrarch heard of all the things happening and he was thoroughly perplexed because it was said by some that John was raised from the dead,
- and by some that Elijah appeared, and by others that one of the ancient prophets rose up.
- And Herod said: “I myself beheaded John, but who is this about whom I hear such things?” And he was seeking to see Him.
Feeding the Five Thousand
- And having returned, the apostles described to Him how much they did. And having taken them with Himself, He retreated in private into a town called Bethsaida.
- And having known this, the crowds followed Him. And having welcomed them, He was talking to them about the kingdom of God, and He was healing the men having a need of healing.
- And as the day began to approach its end, the twelve approached and said to Him: “Dismiss the crowd so that having traveled into the surrounding villages and fields, they might lodge somewhere and might find provisions, because we’re in a desolate place here.
- But He told them: “You give them something to eat.” But they said: “There aren’t more than five loaves and two fish for us. Even if we traveled, we couldn’t buy food for every one of the people,1“the people” is literally “this people.” could we?”
- (For there were about five thousand men.) And He said to His disciples: “Make them recline to eat in dining groups of about fifty.
- And they did so, and made all of them recline.
- And having taken the five loaves and the two fish, He looked up to heaven, blessed them, and broke them into pieces. And He was giving them to the disciples to set them before the crowd.
- And they ate and all were satisfied, and the excess pieces were picked up by them, twelve baskets.
Jesus is the Anointed, the Son of God
- And it happened at the time He planned to be praying alone, the disciples were with Him, and He questioned them, saying: “Who do the common people declare Me to be?”
- And answering, they said: “Some say John the Baptizer, and others say Elijah, and others say that one of the ancient prophets rose up.”
- And He said to them: “But who do you declare Me to be?” And answering, Peter said: “The Anointed, the son of God.”
- And having severely warned them, He charged them to tell this to no one,
- having said that: “It’s necessary for the Son of Man2quotation/allusion to Daniel 7:13 to suffer many things, and to be rejected by the elders, and chief priests and scribes, and to be killed, and to be raised on the third day.
- And He was saying to all of them: “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take his cross every day, and follow Me.
- “For whoever wants to save his life will ruin it, but whoever ruins his life on account of Me, this man will save it.
- “For how3“How” is literally “what” does a man benefit if he gained the whole world, but ruined himself or suffered loss?
- “For whoever might be ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of this man when He comes in the glory of Himself, and the Father, and the holy angels.
- “And truly I tell you, some are *standing here who definitely won’t taste death until they see the kingdom of God.
The transfiguration
- Now, it happened after these sayings, about eight days later, that having taken Peter, and John, and James, He went up to the mountain to pray.
- And it happened during His praying that the appearance of His face became different and His clothing became a gleaming white.
- And behold, two men were talking with Him, (who were Moses and Elijah,
- who were seen in glory). They were speaking of His departure, which He was about to fulfill in Jerusalem.
- And Peter and the men with him were *burdened with sleep. But having fully awakened, they saw His glory and the two men *standing with Him.
- And it happened during their departure from Him, Peter said to Jesus: “Master, it’s good for us to be here. And let us make three tabernacles; one for you, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”, not *knowing what he’s saying.
- But while he’s saying these things, a cloud formed and it was overshadowing them. And they were frightened during their entering into the cloud.
- And a voice came from the cloud, saying: “This is My Son, the *chosen One; listen to Him.”
- And at the time the voice happened, Jesus was found alone. And they kept silent and reported nothing of what they *saw to anyone in those days.
Casting out a demon
- And it happened on the next day, with them having descended from the mountain, that a numerous crowd met Him.
- And behold, a man from the crowd shouted, saying: “Teacher, I’m begging you to look on my son with favor because he is my only son.
- “And behold, a spirit seizes him, and he unexpectedly cries out, and it makes him convulse with foaming, and it rarely departs from him, and only then with great difficulty,4“rarely departs… …and only then with great difficulty” is one word in Greek it indicates something that rarely happens because of the difficulty of it happening. while bruising him.”
- “And I begged your disciples so they might cast it out, and they weren’t able to.”
- And answering, Jesus said: “O, you unbelieving and *perverted generation; how long will I be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here.”
- And with him still approaching, the demon threw him down and made him convulse. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the boy, and gave him back to his father.
- And all were stunned on account of the majesty of God. And with all marveling on account of all the things that He did, He said to His disciples:
- “You disciples, let these words sink into your ears, for the Son of Man is about to be handed over5“handed over” could also be translated “betrayed” since the Greek word can mean either. into the hands of men.”
- But they weren’t knowing what this statement meant, and it was *veiled from them so that they wouldn’t understand it. And they were frightened to ask Him about this statement.
How to be a great disciple
- And an inward reasoning entered in among them about who may be greater among them.
- But *knowing the inward reasoning of their heart, Jesus took hold of a young child and set it beside Him.
- And He told them: “Whoever welcomes this child in My name welcomes Me. And whoever welcomes Me, welcomes the One who sent Me. For the man who is lesser among all of you, this man is great.”
- And answering, John said: “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we were hindering him because he doesn’t follow with us.”
- And Jesus said to him: “Don’t hinder that, for whoever isn’t against you is for you.”
The Samaritans reject Jesus
- And it happened during the time that the days to complete His ascension were near, He also set His face resolutely to travel into Jerusalem,
- and He sent messengers ahead of His face. And having traveled, they entered into a Samaritan village so as to prepare for Him.
- And the Samaritans didn’t welcome Him because His face was set on traveling into Jerusalem.
- And having seen this, the disciples James and John said: “Lord, is your desire that we should call fire to descend from heaven and to consume them?”
- And having turned around, He rebuked them [and said: “You don’t *know what kind of spirit you are,
- for the Son of Man didn’t come to destroy the lives of men, but to save.] And they traveled into another village.
The cost of following Jesus
- And during their traveling on the road, someone said to Him: “I will follow you wherever you go.”
- And Jesus told him: “The foxes have dens, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man doesn’t have a place where He could lay His head.
- And He said to another man: “Follow Me.” But he said: “Lord, first let me depart to bury my father.”
- But He told him: “Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but having departed, you publicly proclaim the kingdom of God.”
- And another also said: “I will follow you Lord. But first allow me to bid farewell to the men in my home.”
- But Jesus said to him: “No one who put his hand on the plow while also looking to the things behind him is fit for the kingdom of God.”
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Luke Chapter 10
Sending out the seventy-[two]
- And after these things, the Lord also appointed seventy-[two] other men and sent them up two-by-two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go.
- And He was saying to them: “The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the workmen are few, so plead that the Lord of the harvest would send workmen into His harvest.
- “Go; behold, I am sending you out like lambs in the midst of wolves.
- “Take neither money-purse, nor traveler’s bag, nor extra sandals, and greet no one on the way.
- “And whichever house you enter into, first say: “Peace to this house.”
- “And if there’s a son of peace, your peace will rest on him. And if otherwise, it will return to you.
- “And remain in that same house, eating and drinking the things provided by them, for the workman is worthy of his wages. Don’t move from house to house.
- “And whatever city you enter into and they welcome you, eat the things set before you.
- “And heal the sick in it and tell them: “The kingdom of God has drawn near to you.”
- “But whatever city you enter into and they don’t welcome you, then having gone out into its streets, say:
- “We’re wiping off even the dust from your city which clung to our feet as a testimony against you. Nevertheless, know this, that the kingdom of God has drawn near.”
- “I tell you that it will be more tolerable for Sodom in that day than for that city.
- “Woe to you Chorazin. Woe to you Bethsaida. For if the miracles which happened in you had happened in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth while also sitting in ashes.
- “Nevertheless, it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the judgement than for you.
- “And you, Capernaum, you won’t be exalted as far as heaven; you will descend as far as Hades.
- “The man hearing you hears Me, and the man rejecting you rejects Me, and the man rejecting Me rejects the One who sent Me.”
The seventy-[two] return
- And the seventy-[two] returned with joy, saying: “Lord, even the demons are submitted to us in your name!”
- And He told them: “I was watching Satan fall like lightning from the sky.”
- “Behold, I *gave authority to you to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over every power of the enemy, and that nothing could possibly1“nothing could possibly injure you” is more literally “nothing could definitely not injure you”. The word “possibly was added to keep the emphatic sense of the Greek. injure you.
- “Nevertheless, don’t rejoice in this, that the spirits are submitted to you. But rejoice that your names are *written in the heavens.”
- At the same hour, He rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said: “I profess to you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you concealed these things from the wise and intelligent and revealed them to little children. Yes Father, because it happening this way was pleasing in your sight.
- “All things were handed over to Me by My Father. And no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and no one knows who the Father is except the Son and those to whom the Son is resolved to reveal Him.
- And having turned to the disciples in private, He said: “Blessed are the eyes seeing what you’re seeing.”
- “For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you’re seeing, and didn’t see it; and they wanted to hear what you’re hearing, and didn’t hear it.
The Greatest commandment and Parable of the Good Samaritan
- And behold, an expert in the Mosaic Law stood up, intent on testing Him, saying: “Teacher, what thing — if I did it — will cause me to inherit the life of ages?”
- And He said to him: “What’s *written in the law? How do you read it?”
- And answering, he said: “You shall ^love the Lord your God from your whole heart, and in your whole soul, and in your whole strength, and in your whole mind; and you shall ^love your neighbor as yourself.”
- And He told him: “You answered rightly; do this and you will live.”
- But wanting to justify himself, he said to Jesus: “And who is my neighbor?”
- And having taken up the topic, Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell into the midst of bandits, who even stripped him of his clothes. And having inflicted wounds, they departed, having left him half dead.2“half dead”. According to the Mosaic Law, specifically Leviticus 21:1-3 priests were not allowed to touch dead bodies. Since the man was “half dead”, he likely would’ve appeared dead, which is likely why the priest and Levite both passed by without touching him. Since Jesus was talking to an expert in the Mosaic Law, the man would’ve known this.
- “And by coincidence, a priest was going down on that road. And having seen him, he passed by on the other side of the road.
- “And likewise also a Levite happened on the place. Having come and seen him, he passed by on the other side of the road.
- “And a traveling Samaritan came to him, and having seen him, was moved with compassion.
- “And having approached, he bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them. And having put him on his own beast of burden, he brought him into an inn and took care of him.
- “And having brought out two denarii on the next day, he gave them to the innkeeper and said: ‘Take care of him, and whatever you might spend in addition, I will repay you at my return.’
- “Which of these three do you suppose *became a neighbor of the man who fell into the midst of robbers?”
- And he said: “The man who acted with compassion with him.” And Jesus told him: “Go and you do likewise.”
Martha and Mary
- And in their traveling, He entered into a village and a woman named Martha welcomed Him [into her home].
- And a woman called Mary was a sister to this woman, who also sat at the feet of the Lord and was listening to His word.
- But Martha was being distracted concerning numerous service things. And having stood by Him, she said: “Lord, doesn’t it concern you that my sister deserted me to serve alone? So speak to her so she might cooperate in helping me.”
- And answering, the Lord told her: “Martha, Martha, you’re over-anxious and making a commotion about many things.
- “But little is more necessary than this one, for Mary chose the good portion which won’t be taken away from her.”
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Luke Chapter 11
The Lord’s prayer and persistence in prayer
- And it happened while He is at a place praying,1“while He is at a place praying” is more literally “during the time of Him to be in a place praying” when He ceased praying, one of His disciples said to Him: “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John also taught his disciples.”
- And He told them: “When you pray, say: ‘[Our] Father [in the heavens], let your name be sanctified, let your kingdom come, [let your will be done on earth, even as it is in heaven],
- “give us our daily bread each day,
- “and forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive every man indebted to us, and don’t lead us into temptation, [but rescue us from the evil one].”2“the evil one” or simply “evil”; either sense could be intended. However, for simply “evil”, a neuter construction is more likely, whereas these are masculine words here. This implies that “the evil one” is intended, but that definitely isn’t certain.
- And He said to them: “Who from among you will have a friend and will go to him at midnight and say to him: “Friend, lend me three loaves of bread,
- “since my friend came to me from a journey and I don’t have any food whatsoever I will set before him.”
- “And that man answering from within might say: “Don’t cause trouble for me. The door is already *shut and my children are with me in bed. I can’t rise to give you food.”
- “I tell you, even if he won’t give him something after rising because he’s his friend, nevertheless, he will give him as much as he needs after rising because of his bold and shameless persistence.3“bold and shameless persistence” is a single word in Greek.
- “And I tell you, ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.
- “For every man asking receives, and the man seeking finds, and to the man knocking, it will be opened.
- “And which father of you – when his son will ask for a fish – will he also give him a serpent instead of a fish?
- “Or also, if he will ask for an egg, will he give him a scorpion?
- “Therefore, if you — though being wicked — *know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to the men asking Him?”
A divided house
- And He was casting out a demon, and it was mute. And it happened with the demon having departed, the mute man spoke and the crowds marveled.
- But some of them said: “He casts out demons by Beelzebul,4From the Hebrew phrase “Baal Zebub” that translates as “lord of the flies”. It’s likely a play on words for the pagan Canaanite god Baal. One of his names was “Ba’al Zevul”, which roughly translates as “Lord of the exalted house”. Since “Ba’al Zevul” sounds very similar to “Baal Zebub”, it was likely a derogatory Hebrew nickname for the Canaanite god. Apparently, the title was later applied to an actual demon. There is some debate on whether Beelzebub is a nickname for Satan, or for another high ranking demon (see following note). the ruler5 “ruler” The Greek word here could mean the one of greatest authority, but it doesn’t have to. It means any “ruler”, not necessarily the one of highest authority. The traditional interpretation of this word in this verse is “prince”. of the demons.”
- And testing Him, others were seeking a miraculous sign from heaven from Him.
- And *knowing their thoughts, He told them: “Every kingdom divided against itself lays waste to itself, and a house divided against its own house falls.
- “And also, if Satan was divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? Because you’re saying of Me that I cast out demons by Beelzebul.
- “And if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons cast them out? Because of this, they will be your judges.
- “But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God came upon you.
- “When an *armed strong man guards his own house, his possessions are in peace.
- “But when a man stronger than him comes and conquers him, he takes away his full armor upon which he had trusted and divides his spoils of war.
- “The one not being with Me is against Me, and the one not assembling with Me, scatters.
- “When the unclean spirit departs from the man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest. And not finding rest, [then] it says: “I’ll return to my house from where I departed.
- “And having come, it finds it [vacant], *swept, and beautifully *decorated.
- “Then it travels and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself. And having entered in, they settle down there and the final state of that man becomes worse than the first state.”
- Now, it happened during His speaking these things, a woman from the crowd raised her voice and told Him: “Blessed is the womb which bore you, and the breasts from which you nursed.”
- But He said: “On the contrary, blessed are the men listening to the word of God and keeping it.”
This wicked generation
- And with the crowds being assembled around Him, He began to say: “This generation is a wicked generation! It seeks a sign, and a sign won’t be given to it except the sign of Jonah.
- “For just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites, in this way also, the Son of Man will be a sign to this generation.
- “The Queen of the South will be raised in the judgement with the men of this generation and will condemn them because she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and behold; someone greater than Solomon is here.
- “The men of Nineveh will stand up in the judgement with this generation and will condemn it because they repented at the proclamation of Jonah, and behold; someone greater than Jonah is here.
- “No one who lit a lamp puts it in a cellar nor under a basket, but on a lampstand so that the men entering might see the light.
- “The lamp of your body is your eye. When your eye isn’t warped,6“eye isn’t warped” According to some sources, this is an idiom which means “to be generous”, in the sense of giving to others/charity. This makes excellent sense when you consider the context. The phrase is literally “is not warped”, with “not warped” being a single Greek word that literally means “without folds” (Thayers). It carries a similar moral connotation of “upright”, in the sense of not being crooked, bent, evil, etc. While “isn’t folded” would be more literally correct, it would be confusing because we don’t associate “folding” with crooked morals. However, we do associate “warped” with them; hence the translation choice here. your whole body is also full of light. But when it’s evil,7 “it’s evil” according to some sources, and “evil eye” is an idiom which means “to be stingy”. i.e. hoarding your wealth in an unhealthy way. your body is also full of darkness.
- “Therefore watch out, lest the light in you is darkness.”
- “Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, not having any share in the dark, it will be entirely full of light, like when the shining lamp illuminates you.
What defiles a man
- And during the talk, a Pharisee asks Him if He would dine with him. And having entered into his house, He reclined at the table.
- And having seen that He didn’t wash first before dinner, the Pharisee marveled.
- And the Lord said to him: “Currently, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and the platter, but inwardly you’re full of robbery and wickedness.
- “You fools! Didn’t the One who made the outside also make the inside?
- “Moreover, give to charity from the inside and behold, all things are clean to you.
- “But woe to you, the Pharisees, because you tithe mint, and rue,8“rue” is garden plant used to flavor or garnish food. and every garden herb, and yet you overlook the justice and the ^love of God. But it was necessary to do these things, and not to neglect those.
- “Woe to you, the Pharisees, because you ^love the chief seat in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces.
- “Woe to you because you’re like unseen tombs, and the men walking on top of them don’t *know it.”
- And answering, one of the Mosaic Law experts tells Him: “Teacher, by saying these things, you’re also spitefully insulting us.”
- And He said: “And woe to you law experts, because you are burdening men with oppressive burdens and you yourselves don’t touch the burdens with one of your fingers.
- “Woe to you because you build the tombs of the prophets, but your fathers killed them.
- “Consequently, you are witnesses and join in approvingly with the works of your fathers, because they indeed killed them and you build the tombs.
- “Because of this, even the wisdom of God said: I’ll send prophets and apostles to them, and they will kill and persecute some of them,
- “so that the blood of all the prophets *poured out from the world’s foundation might be sought from this generation.
- “From Abel’s blood to Zechariah’s blood — the man who perished between the altar and the Lord’s house — yes I tell you, it will be sought from this generation.
- “Woe to you law experts because you removed the key of knowledge. You yourselves didn’t enter, and you hindered the men who are entering.”
- With Him having departed from there, the scribes and the Pharisees began to vehemently hold a hostile grudge and to interrogate Him concerning many things to trap Him in His words,9“to interrogate… …to trap Him in His words” is one word in Greek, and it has the additional nuance of attempting to do this by catching someone off guard in an attempt to get a less-than-ideal off-hand answer.
- waiting to ambush Him and hunting to entrap Him in something from His mouth.
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Luke Chapter 12
Fear and worry
- Meanwhile, an innumerable multitude of the crowd were gathered together so as to trample on one another, and He began first to speak to His disciples: “Guard yourselves from the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
- “And nothing is *covered up which won’t be uncovered, and nothing secret which won’t become known.
- “For this reason, as much as you said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what you said into the ear in secret rooms will be proclaimed on the rooftops.
- “And I tell you that My friends shouldn’t be frightened by the men killing the body, and after this1“this” is literally “these” or “these things“ not having anything further to do.
- “But I will warn you of whom you should be frightened of: Fear the One having authority to cast someone into the Valley of Hinnom2“Valley of Hinnom” is literal; see note on Matthew 5:22. after the killing. Yes I tell you, be frightened of Him.
- “Aren’t five sparrows sold for only two brass coins?3“brass coins” refers to an “assarion”. It was worth one tenth of a drachma. Not even one of them is *forgotten in God’s sight.
- “Moreover, even the hairs on your head are all *numbered. Don’t be frightened; you surpass the value of many sparrows.
- “And I tell you that every man who confessed Me in the sight of men, the Son of Man will also confess him in the sight of the angels of God.
- “But the man denying Me in the sight of men, he will be denied in the sight of the angels of God.
- “And every man who will speak a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him. But the man who blasphemed against the Holy Spirit won’t be forgiven.
- “And when they bring you before the synagogues, and the rulers, and the authorities, you shouldn’t be anxious about how or what your verbal defense should be, or what you should say,
- “for the Holy Spirit will instruct you what is necessary to say in that same hour.
Warning against covetousness
- “And one man from the crowd said to Him: “Teacher, tell my brother to divide his inheritance with me.”
- And He told him: “Man, who appointed Me a judge or arbitrator over you?
- And He said to them: “Watch out and keep yourselves from all covetousness, because for anyone, his life isn’t in the overflow of his possessions.
- And He told a parable to them, saying: “A rich man had a bountiful harvest from the ground.
- And he was reasoning inside himself, saying: “What should I do? Because I don’t have a place where I will store my crops.”4“crops” is literally “fruits”
- And he said: “I’ll do this: I’ll demolish my storehouses and will construct greater ones, and will gather all my goods and grain there.
- “And I will say to my soul: soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; refresh yourself, eat, drink, and be merry.”5“be merry” could also be translated “celebrate”, or “rejoice”
- But God said to him: “You fool! Your life is demanded of you this night. And what you prepared, to whom will it be given?”
- “The man treasuring up things for himself and not being rich toward God is like this.”
Don’t worry
- And He said to His disciples: “Because of this, I tell you: don’t worry about your life, what you might eat; nor about your body, what you might wear.
- “For the life is more than food and the body more than clothing.
- “Consider the ravens, that they don’t sow or reap, and for whom there isn’t a storeroom nor barn, and yet God feeds them. How much more do you surpass the birds in value?
- “And which of you is able to add an hour onto his lifespan by being anxious?
- “Therefore, if you’re not even able to affect the smallest thing, why are you worrying about the rest?
- “Consider the lilies and how they grow; they don’t exhaust themselves with work nor do they spin,6 Spinning is an ancient process of turning animal fibers (hair) into thread, which was then woven into fabric, which was made into clothes. Spinning was a very labor intensive process before modern machinery. but I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.
- “And, if God clothes the grass in the field like this — despite it being here today and tomorrow being thrown into a furnace — how much more will God clothe you, O you of little faith.
- “And you, don’t seek what you might eat and what you might drink, and don’t worry yourselves.
- “For the nations of the world eagerly seek all these things, but your Father *knows that you need these things.
- “Moreover, seek His kingdom and these things will be added to you.
- “Don’t be frightened little flock, because your Father was delighted to give you the kingdom.
- “Sell your possessions and give to charity; make money-purses for yourselves, ones not becoming obsolete, an unfailing treasury in the heavens where a thief doesn’t approach nor a moth destroy.
- “For where your treasure is, your heart will also be there.
Keep watch
- “Let your loins be *girded7“loins be *girded”. This is a cultural reference, referring to the process of tying a belt or rope around the waist to gather the long robes and prevent them from getting in the way of work. It figuratively came to mean getting ready for action or work. and your lamps be lit.
- “And you, be like men awaiting their own lord when he returns from the wedding feast so that when he comes and knocks, they can open for him immediately.
- “Blessed are those slaves whom the lord will find watching when he comes. Amen I tell you that he will gird himself and will have them recline. And having arrived, he will serve them.
- “And if he comes in the second watch, and if he comes in the third watch and finds them watching this way, blessed are those men.
- “But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief comes, [he would’ve watched and] he wouldn’t have allowed his house to be broken into.
- “And you, become ready because the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you aren’t supposing.”
- And Peter said: “Lord, are you telling this parable to us only, or also to all men?”
- And the Lord said: “Who then is the faithful and prudent steward whom the lord will appoint over his household, to give their ration of food at the appropriate time.
- “Blessed is that slave whom his lord will find acting in this manner when he comes.
- “Truly I tell you that he will appoint him over all his possessions.
- “But if that slave says in his heart: “My lord is delaying to come” and begins to beat the male servants and female servants, and both to eat and to drink, and to get drunk,
- “the lord of that slave will arrive on a day which he doesn’t anticipate, and at an hour which he doesn’t know, and he will cut him in two and will appoint his portion with the unbelievers.
- “And that slave — the man who knew the will of his lord and didn’t prepare or do according to his will — he will be flogged many times.
- But the man who didn’t know and did things deserving of floggings, he will be flogged only a few times. And every man to whom much was given, much will be sought from him. And someone to whom they entrusted much, they will demand abundantly more of him.
- “I came to cast fire upon the earth, and how I wish it was already kindled.
- “But I have a baptism to be baptized in, and how I’m constrained8“constrained’ could also be translated “afflicted” as the word can mean either. until it’s accomplished.
- “Do you suppose that I came to give peace in the land? I tell you: certainly not, but rather division.
- “For from now on, there will be five *divided in one house, three against two and two against three.
- “They will be divided: father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.”
- And He was also telling the crowds: “When you see a cloud springing up in the west, you immediately say that a rain shower is coming, and it happens this way.
- “And when a south wind is blowing, you say that there will be heat, and it happens.
- “Hypocrites! You *know to examine the appearance of the earth and sky, but how don’t you *know to examine this season?
- “And why don’t you also judge for yourselves what’s right?
- “For as you’re departing with your legal opponent to go before a ruler, while on the way, give an earnest effort to be *delivered from him, lest at some time he drags you to the judge, and the judge will hand you to the bailiff, and the bailiff will throw you into prison.
- “I tell you, you definitely won’t come out from that place until you repay even the last cent.9“cent” is literally “leptos”, which means “little” or “small”, and refers to a coin that was worth 1/128th of a denarius, which was the going rate for a day of unskilled labor.
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Luke Chapter 13
Repent or perish
- And some men were nearby at the same time, reporting to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.
- And answering, He told them: “Do you suppose that these Galileans were sinners more than all the Galileans because they *suffered these things?
- “I tell you, certainly not; but unless you repent, all of you will likewise perish.
- “Or those eighteen men on whom the tower of Siloam fell and killed them; do you suppose that they were debtors to sin1“debtors to sin” is one word in Greek, which primarily means “debtor”. However, it can also indicate someone who has a “debt to sin”; i.e., a sinner. This word is also used in Matthew 6:12, making the connection between debts and sin even more clear; see footnotes on that verse. more than all the men inhabiting Jerusalem?
- “I tell you, certainly not; but unless you repent, all of you will similarly perish.”
- And He was speaking this parable: “A man had a fig tree *planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and didn’t find any.
- “And he said to the gardener: Behold, from three years ago until now I come seeking fruit on this fig tree and don’t find any. Therefore cut it down, because why is it even wasting the ground?
- “And answering, he tells him: “Lord, leave it this year also until I dig around it and put manure around it.”
- “And if it indeed bears fruit in that time, it was merely delaying. But if otherwise, you will cut it down.”
Healing on the Sabbath
- And He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbaths.
- And behold, there was a woman having a spirit of weakness for 18 years. And she was bending over and not able to stand erect for the whole time.
- And having seen her, Jesus summoned her and told her: “Woman, you have been released from your weakness.”
- And He laid His hands on her, and she was instantly straightened, and she was glorifying God.
- And answering, the synagogue leader — being indignant because Jesus healed on the Sabbath — was telling the crowd: “There are six days in which it’s necessary to work. Therefore, be healed by coming on them, and not on the Sabbath day.”
- And the Lord answered him and said: “Hypocrites! On the Sabbath, doesn’t each of you release his ox or donkey from the feeding trough and lead it away to water it?
- “And this daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound — behold, for ten and eight years — wasn’t it necessary for her to be released from this bondage on the Sabbath day?”
- And after Him saying these things, all the men opposing Him were shamed, and everyone in the crowd was rejoicing at all the glorious things being done by Him.
- Therefore, He was saying: “To what is the kingdom of God similar? And to what will I compare it?”
- “It is similar to a mustard seed which a man took and threw into his own garden. And it grew, and became a tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches.”
- And again He said: “To what will I compare the kingdom of God?”
- “It’s similar to leaven, which having taken it, a woman hid in three measures of flour until the whole lump was leavened.”
Fight to enter the kingdom of God
- And He was passing through cities and villages, teaching and continuing His journey to Jerusalem.
- And one man said to Him: “Lord, are the men being saved few?” And He said to them:
- “Fight to enter in through the narrow door, because I tell you that many will seek to enter in and won’t be able,2“be able” could also be translated “be strong enough”. This is likely a parallel to the word “fight” at the beginning of the verse, which refers to military or athletic contest where strength and determination are key to success.
- “since the master of the house might be roused and might have shut the door, and you might begin to *stand outside and to knock at the door, saying: “Lord, open the door for us.” And answering, He will tell you: “I don’t *know you or where you’re from.”
- “Then you will begin to say: “We ate and drank in your presence and you taught in our streets.”
- “And He will speak, telling you: “I don’t *know you or where you’re from; depart from Me, all you workers without regard for God’s commands.”3 “without regard for God’s commands” is one word in Greek, and is more literally “ignorers of God’s law”. It’s a noun, and literally means “those who are without law”; i.e. those who – either by ignorance or by rebellion – don’t obey God’s (moral) law.
- “There will be wailing and grinding of teeth there when you see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you’re being thrown out.
- “And they will arrive from east and west, and from north and south, and they will recline at the table in the kingdom of God.
- “And behold: many are last who will be first, and many are first who will be last.”
- Some Pharisees approached in the same hour, telling Him: “Depart and travel away from here because Herod wants to kill you.”
- And He told them: “Depart and tell that fox: Behold, I cast out demons and accomplish healings today and tomorrow, and I’m perfected the third day.
- “Nevertheless, it’s necessary for Me to travel today, and tomorrow, and the following day, because it’s not permissible for a prophet to perish outside of Jerusalem.
- “Jerusalem, Jerusalem; the city slaying the prophets and stoning the men *sent to her. How often I wanted to gather your children the way that a hen gathers her own chicks under her wings, and you didn’t want that.
- “Behold, your house is abandoned to you alone. And I tell you: you definitely won’t see Me until the time will arrive when you say: *Blessed is the One coming in the Lord’s name.
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Luke Chapter 14
Healing Dropsy on the Sabbath
- And it happened during Him going into a house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees on a Sabbath to eat bread, that they were also watching Him closely.
- And behold, a man suffering with dropsy was there in His sight.
- And answering, Jesus spoke to the Mosaic Law experts and Pharisees, saying: “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath or not?”
- But they stayed silent. And having grabbed him, He healed him and then let go.
- And He said to them: “If a son or an ox of yours will fall into a pit,1a potential allusion to Deuteronomy 22:4, and/or Exodus 23:4-5. There might also be a slight connection to Exodus 23:12. which of you won’t also immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?”
- And they weren’t able to refute Him on these things.
Humbling, exalting, and the chief seats
- And observing how they were picking the chief seats, He was telling a parable to the men *invited, saying to them:
- “When you’re invited by someone to a wedding feast, don’t recline at the table in the chief seat, lest at some time someone more honorable than you is *invited by him,
- “and having come, the man who invited both you and him will tell you: “Give your place to this man”, and then you will begin to take the last place with shame.
- “But when you’re invited, go recline at the table in the last place so that when the man who *invited you comes, he will tell you: “Friend, come up higher.” Then there will be glory for you in the sight of all the men reclining at the table with you,
- “because every man exalting himself will be humbled, and the man humbling himself will be exalted.”
- And He was also telling the man who *invited Him: “When you make an early meal or a dinner, don’t invite your friends, nor your brothers, nor your kinsmen, nor wealthy neighbors, lest they also invite you at some time in response and it becomes a repayment for you.
- “But when you make a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind,
- “and you will be blessed because they have nothing to repay you, for it will be repaid to you in the resurrection of the righteous.”
The Parable of the Great Banquet
- And having heard these things, one of the men reclining at the table with Him said to Him: “Blessed is whoever will eat bread in the kingdom of God.”
- But He said to him: “A man was making a great banquet and invited many.
- “And he sent his slave at the hour of the banquet to tell the men *invited: “Come, because the banquet is now prepared.”
- “And with one voice, all began to make excuses. The first told him: “I bought a field and have a need to depart to see it. I’m asking you, consider me *excused.”
- And another said: “I bought five paired yokes of oxen and I’m going to test them. I’m asking you, consider me *excused.”
- “And another man said: “I married a wife and because of this, I’m not able to come.”
- “And having arrived, the slave reported these things to his master. Then having been provoked, the master of the house told his slave: “Quickly go out into the streets and alleys of the city, and bring the poor, and crippled, and blind, and lame in here.
- “And the slave said: “Lord, what you commanded has happened and there’s still room.”
- “And the lord told the slave: “Go out to the roads and hedges and compel them to enter in so that my house might be filled.
- “For I tell you that not one of those men *invited will taste my banquet.”
Calculate the cost
- And many crowds were traveling with Him, and having turned around, He said to them:
- “If anyone comes to Me and doesn’t comparatively hate his own father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and further, even his own life, he isn’t able to be My disciple.
- “Whoever doesn’t carry his own cross and come after Me isn’t able to be My disciple.
- “For which of you wanting to build a tower doesn’t sit down first and calculate the cost to see if he has enough for its completion?
- “Lest2“Lest” is literally “so that lest” having laid its foundation and not able to finish it, all the men seeing it might begin to mock him,
- “saying that: ‘This man began to build and wasn’t able to finish it.”
- “Or what king traveling to fight with another king in a war won’t first sit down and deliberate to see if he’s able to meet with his 10,000 men the king coming against him with 20,000 men?
- “And if otherwise, then having sent a delegation with him still being far away, he asks for peace.
- “Therefore, in this manner, every man of you who doesn’t forsake all of his own possessions isn’t able to be My disciple.
- “Therefore, salt is good; but if even the salt has become tasteless,3“become tasteless” is literally “become foolish”, as in “a fool is tasteless”. The double meaning here of foolish and tasteless is probably intended and demonstrates some clever wordplay on Jesus’ part. by what will it be seasoned?
- “It’s useful neither for soil nor for manure; they throw it out. The man having ears to hear, let him hear.”
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Luke Chapter 15
Seeking the lost
- Now, all the tax collectors and the sinners were approaching Him to listen to Him.
- And both the scribes and the Pharisees were grumbling, saying: “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”
- But He told this parable to them, saying:
- “Which man of you having a hundred sheep and having lost one of them doesn’t leave the 99 in the wilderness and go search on account of the *lost sheep until he finds it?
- “And having found it, he lays it on his shoulders rejoicing.
- “And having gone into the house, he summons his friends and his neighbors, saying to them: ‘Rejoice with me because I found my *lost sheep!’
- “I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner repenting than over 99 righteous men who have no need of repentance.
- “Or what woman having 10 drachmas1“drachmas” the plural of “drachma”, which was a Greek silver coin roughly equivalent to a day’s wage for unskilled labor, similar to a Roman denarius. — if she loses 1 drachma — doesn’t light a lamp and sweep the house, and search diligently until she finds it?
- “And having found it, she summons her friends and her neighbors, saying: ‘Rejoice with me because I found the drachma that I lost.’
- “I tell you that in the same way, there is joy in the sight of the angels of God over one sinner repenting.
The Prodigal Son
- And He said: “A man had two sons.
- “And the younger of them said to the father: ‘Father, give me the portion of the estate belonging to me.’ And the father distributed his livelihood to them.
- “And having gathered all his portion, the younger son departed after not many days into a distant land, and he squandered his estate there on recklessly extravagant living.
- “And having squandered all of his estate, a mighty famine happened throughout that land, and he began to lack food.
- “And having traveled, he was hired by one of the citizens of that land, and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs.
- “And he was yearning to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, and no one was giving them to him.
- “And having come to himself, he was saying: ‘How many of my father’s hired servants are overflowing with bread? But I’m perishing with hunger here.’
- ” ‘Having gotten up, I will travel to my father and I will tell him: ‘Father, I sinned against heaven and in your sight;
- ” ‘I’m no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’
- “And having gotten up, he went to his own father. And with him still far off, his father saw him and was moved with compassion. And having run to him, he fell on his neck and kissed him.
- “And the son said to him: ‘Father, I sinned against heaven and in your sight; I’m no longer worthy to be called your son; [make me like one of your hired servants]’
- “But the father said to his servants: “Quickly bring out my best robe and clothe him, and give him a ring for his hand, and sandals for his feet.
- ” ‘And bring the fattened calf, kill it, and having eaten, we should rejoice,’
- ” ‘because this son of mine was dead and came to life again; he was *lost and was found.’ And they began to rejoice.
- “Now, his elder son was in the field. And while coming back, he approached the house and heard music and dancing.
- “And having summoned one of the servant boys, he was asking what these things may be about.
- “And he told him: “Your brother is here, and your father killed the fattened calf because he received him in good health.
- “But he was angered and wasn’t willing to go in. And having gone outside, his father was admonishing him.
- “And answering, he told his father: “Behold, I’m slaving away for you for so many years now and I never neglected to obey your command, and yet you never gave me a young goat so I could rejoice with my friends.
- “But when this son of yours came — the one who devoured your livelihood with prostitutes — you killed the fattened calf for him!”
- “But he told him: “Son, you’re always with me, and all that’s mine is yours.
- “But to rejoice and to feast was necessary because this brother of yours was dead and came to life again; and he was *lost and was found.”
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Luke Chapter 16
Luke Chapter 17
Luke Chapter 18
Luke Chapter 19
Luke Chapter 20
Luke Chapter 21
Luke Chapter 22
Luke Chapter 23
Luke Chapter 24
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John Chapter 1
The Word
- In the beginning, the Word was existing;1The Greek verb translated “was existing” here and throughout the chapter is in the imperfect ‘tense’, indicating an ongoing action. It’s typically rendered “was” here, but that tends to indicate a past tense completed action, not an ongoing action. The difference is significant here, as the ongoing existence of the Word (Jesus) is central to the idea Him having no beginning. Further, the verb form here is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew verb in God’s “I Am” statement from Exodus 3:14. and the Word was existing with God and the Word was existing as God.
- He was existing in the beginning with God.
- All things came into existence through Him; and apart from Him, not even one thing that came into existence has come into existence.
- Life was existing in Him, and the life was existing as the light of men.
- And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness didn’t grasp it.
- Having been sent from God, a man came into existence; his name was John.
- He came as a witness so he might testify about the light, so all might believe through him.
- He wasn’t existing as the light, but came so he might witness about the light.
- The true light was existing, which illuminates every man coming into the world. 2John 1:9 verse note: This verse is interpreted differently, with some translations (such as KJV/NKJV) rendering it substantially similar to the BOS Bible, and many others rendering it something like this: “The true light, which illuminates every man, was coming into the world“. This second translation is less plausible because the participle “coming” is in the accusative masculine just like the Greek words “all” and “man”, while the word “light” is in the nominative neuter. The rules of Greek would thus seem to prohibit linking “coming” with “the light” because of gender and case disagreement. Further, the case, gender, and number match seems to clearly link “coming” with “every man”. Additionally, the verb “was existing” is very widely separated from “coming” with no linking mechanism between them.
- He was existing in the world, and the world came into existence through Him, and the world didn’t know Him.
- He came to His own, and His own didn’t receive Him.
- But as many as received Him, He gave them authority to become children of God: the men believing in His name,
- who were born not from blood, nor from fleshly desire, nor from man’s will, but from God.
- And the Word became flesh and encamped among us, and we gazed at His glory; glory as the only unique One3“only unique” The Greek word here doesn’t quite mean “only”; it means “only one in its class” or “unique of its kind.” Outside the Bible it has been used of the only legitimate heir of a monarch, as opposed to other children (often from concubines) who weren’t eligible to inherit. from the Father, full of grace and truth.
- John testifies about Him, and he has cried out saying: “This is He of whom I said: “The One coming after me *is before me, because He was existing before me.” “
- Because from His fullness we all received, even grace in exchange for grace.
- Because the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus the Anointed.
- No one has ever seen God at any time; the only unique God4“only unique” See note on verse 14. – the One existing in the bosom of the Father – He explained Him.
The Testimony of John
- And this is the testimony of John when the Jews from Jerusalem sent priests and Levites to him so they might ask him: “Who are you?”
- And he confessed, and didn’t deny, and he confessed that: “I’m not the Anointed.”
- And they asked him: “What then, are you Elijah?” And he says: “I’m not.” They asked: “Are you the prophet?” And he answered: “No.”
- Therefore they said to him: “Who are you? So we might give an answer to the men who sent us, what do you say about yourself?”
- He was declaring: “I’m a voice calling in the wilderness: “Make the Lord’s path straight“5Quotation/allusion to Isaiah 40:3 just as Isaiah the prophet said.”
- And those men were *sent by the Pharisees.
- And they asked him and said to him: “Why then do you baptize if you aren’t the Anointed, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?”
- John answered them saying: “I baptize in water; yet in your midst *stands He whom you don’t *know,
- “the One coming after me; He of whom I’m not worthy, even that I might untie the strap of His sandal.”
- These things took place in Bethany across the Jordan where John was baptizing.
- The next day, he sees Jesus coming to him and says: “Behold, the Lamb of God; the One taking away the sin of the world!”
- “It’s He about whom I said: “After me comes a man who *is before me because He was existing before me.”
- “And I hadn’t known Him, but I came baptizing with water so He might be revealed to Israel through this.”
- And John testified saying: “I have gazed at the Spirit descending like a dove from heaven and He remained on Him.”
- “And I hadn’t known Him, but the One who sent me to baptize in water, He told me: “He on whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining on Him; He is the One baptizing in the Holy Spirit.”
- “And I have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God.”
Jesus calls disciples
- The next day, John had been standing there again and two of his disciples were with him.
- And having seen Jesus walking, he says: “Behold the Lamb of God.”
- And the two disciples heard him speaking and followed Jesus.
- And Jesus – having turned and observed them following Him – He says to them: “What do you seek?” And they told Him: “Rabbi–” (which when translated means ‘teacher’) “–where are you staying?”
- He tells them: “Come and you will see.” Therefore, they went and saw where He is staying and they stayed with Him that day. It was about the tenth hour.
- Andrew (the brother of Simon Peter) was one of the two who heard from John and followed Him.
- He first finds his own brother Simon and says to him: “We have found the Messiah.” (Which is translated ‘the Anointed’)
- He led him to Jesus. Having looked at him, Jesus said: “You are Simon the son of John; you will be called Cephas.” (which means ‘Peter’)
- The next day, He wanted to depart into Galilee. And Jesus finds Philip and tells him: “Follow Me.”
- And Philip was from Bethsaida, from the city of Andrew and Peter.
- Philip finds Nathanael and tells him: “We have found He of whom Moses wrote in the law, and the prophets did too; Jesus from Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”
- And Nathanael told him: “Is anything good able to come from Nazareth?” Philip says to him: “Come and see.”
- Jesus saw Nathanael coming to Him and He says about him: “Behold, he’s truly an Israelite in whom there’s no deceit.”
- Nathanael says to Him: “From where do you know me?” Jesus answered and said to him: “Before Philip came to call you, while you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”
- Nathanael answered Him: “Rabbi, you are the Son of God. You are the King of Israel.”
- Jesus answered and said to him: “You believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than these.”
- And He tells him: “Amen, Amen I tell you all:6“you all” The Greek pronoun translated “you” here is plural. The word “all” was added to indicated this. You will see heaven *opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”
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John Chapter 2
Water to wine
- And the third day, a wedding happened in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there.
- And Jesus and His disciples were also invited to the wedding.
- And having run out of wine, the mother of Jesus tells Him: “They have no wine.”
- And Jesus tells her: “Woman, what’s that to Me and to you? My hour hasn’t come yet.”
- His mother tells the servants: “Do whatever He might tell you.”
- Now, six stone water jars for the ceremonial purification of the Jews were laying there, having space for two or three metretae.1“metretae” A unit of liquid measure equal to about 8.75 gallons or about 33 liters.
- Jesus tells them: “Fill the water jars with water.” And they filled them up to the top.
- And He tells them: “Now draw some out and carry it to the master of the feast.” And they carried it to him.
- Now, when the master of the feast tasted the water which has become wine and hadn’t known where it came from – but the servants who *drew the water had known – the master of the feast calls the bridegroom
- and tells him: “Every man sets out the good wine first, and when they’ve gotten drunk sets out the inferior wine. You have kept the good wine until now.”
- This – the beginning of His signs – Jesus did in Cana of Galilee; and He revealed His glory and His disciples believed in Him.
- After this He went down into Capernaum – He and His mother and His brothers and His disciples – and they remained there not many days.
Cleansing the temple and Passover
- And the Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
- And in the temple He found the men selling oxen, and sheep, and doves, and the moneychangers sitting there.
- And having made a whip of cords, He drove all of them out of the temple with both their sheep and oxen, and He poured out the moneychangers’ coins, and He overturned the tables.
- And He told the men selling doves: “Take these things away from here; don’t make My Father’s house a market house!”
- His disciples were reminded that it is *written: “The zeal of your house will consume Me.”2quotation/allusion to Psalm 69:9
- Therefore, the Jews answered and said to Him: “Because you do these things, what sign do you show us?”
- Jesus answered and said to them: “Destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days.”
- Therefore the Jews said: “This temple was built in forty and six years, and you will raise it up in three days?”
- (But He was speaking about the temple of His body.)
- Therefore when He was raised from the dead, His disciples were reminded that He was saying this, and they believed the scripture and the word which Jesus spoke.
- And while He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, many at the feast believed in His name after observing His signs that He was doing.
- But Jesus Himself wasn’t entrusting Himself to them because of His knowledge of all men,
- and because He had no need that someone might testify about a man, for He was knowing what was in the man.
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John Chapter 3
Nicodemus talks to Jesus
- Now, there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
- This man came to Him at night and said to Him: “Rabbi, we *know that you have come from God as a teacher, for no one is able to do these signs which you do unless God is with him.”
- Jesus answered and told him: “Amen, amen I tell you: unless someone was born from above, he isn’t able to see the kingdom of God.
- Nicodemus says to Him: “How is a man able to be born while being old? He isn’t able to enter into his mother’s womb a second time and to be born again, is he?”
- Jesus answered: “Amen, amen I tell you: unless someone was born of water and the Spirit, he isn’t able to enter into the kingdom of God.
- “What has been born from the flesh is flesh; and what has been born from the Spirit is spirit.
- “Don’t marvel that I told you ‘it’s necessary for you all to be born from above’.”
- “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound, but you don’t *know where it comes from and where it goes; it’s this way with every man who is *born from the Spirit.”
- Nicodemus answered and said to Him: “How are these things able to happen?”
- Jesus answered and told him: “You are the teacher of Israel and don’t know these things?”
- “Amen, amen I tell you that we speak of what we *know, and we testify of what we have seen, and you men aren’t receiving our testimony.
- “If I told you men about earthly things and you don’t believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things?
- “And no one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven; the Son of Man [the One who is in heaven].
- “And just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, in this way also, it’s necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up,
- “so every man believing in Him might have the life of ages.
- “For God ^loved the world in this way, that He gave His only unique Son, so that every man believing in Him might not perish, but might have the life of ages.
- “For God didn’t send the Son into the world so He might judge the world, but so the world might be saved through Him.
- “The man believing in Him isn’t judged, but the man not beliving has been judged already because he hasn’t believed in the name of the only unique Son of God.
- “And this is the judgement, that the light has come into the world, and men ^loved the darkness rather than the light, for their deeds were evil.
- “For every man practicing evil hates the light and doesn’t come to the light so that his works won’t be exposed.
- “But the man practicing the truth comes to the light so that his works that have been done in God might be revealed.
John testifies again
- After these things, Jesus and His disciples went into the land of Judea, and He was staying with them there and was baptizing.
- And John was also baptizing at Aenon near Salim because many waters were there, and many were arriving and were being baptized,
- for John wasn’t *thrown into prison yet.
- Therefore, a debate arose among John’s disciples with a Jew about cleansing.
- And they came to John and told him: “Rabbi, He who was with you across the Jordan, of whom you have testified, look: He baptizes and all are going to Him.”
- John answered and said: “A man isn’t able to receive [even one thing] unless it has been given to him from heaven.
- “You yourselves testify of me that I said: “I’m not the Anointed”, but that I have been sent before Him.
- “The man having the bride is a bridegroom, but the friend of the bridegroom (the man *standing and listening for him) rejoices with joy because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore, this joy of mine has been fulfilled.
- “It’s necessary for Him to increase, but for me to decrease.
- “The One coming from above is above all. The man from the earth is from the earth and speaks from the earth. The One coming from heaven is above all.
- “What He has seen and heard, of this He testifies and no one receives His testimony.
- “The man who received His testimony set his seal that God is true.
- “For He whom God sent speaks the words of God, for He doesn’t give the Spirit by measure.
- “The Father ^loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand.
- “The man believing in the Son has the life of ages, but the man disbelieving the Son won’t see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”
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John Chapter 4
The Samaritan woman
- Therefore, when Jesus knew that the Pharisees heard that Jesus makes and baptizes more disciples than John,
- (Although Jesus Himself wasn’t baptizing but His disciples were)
- He left Judea and departed again towards Galilee,
- and it was necessary for Him to pass through Samaria.
- Therefore, He comes to a city of Samaria called Sychar near the piece of land which Jacob gave to his son Joseph.
- And Jacob’s well was there, so *tired from the journey, Jesus was sitting wearily1“wearily” is literally “this way”, referring back to His state of tiredness from the journey on the well. It was about the sixth hour.
- A woman comes out of Samaria to draw water. Jesus tells her: “Give Me water to drink.”
- (For His disciples had departed into the city so they might buy food.)
- So the Samaritan woman says to Him: “How do you – being a Jew – ask to drink from me, being a Samaritan woman.” (For Jews don’t associate with Samaritans.)
- Jesus answered and told her: “If you had known the gift of God, and who is the One telling you: ‘Give Me water to drink’, you would’ve asked Him and He would’ve given you living water.”
- The woman tells Him: “Sir, you don’t even have a bucket and the well is deep, so from where do you get the living water?
- “You aren’t greater than our father Jacob who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, and his sons, and his livestock, are you?”
- Jesus answered and told her: “Every man drinking from this water will thirst again.”
- “But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him definitely won’t thirst through the age. But the water that I will give him will become a spring of water in him welling up into the life of ages.
- The woman tells Him: “Sir, give me this water so I won’t thirst nor travel here to draw water.”
- He tells her: “Go call your husband and come here.”
- The woman answered and told Him: “I don’t have a husband.” Jesus tells her: “You spoke rightly in saying: ‘I don’t have a husband’,
- “for you had five husbands; and he whom you have now isn’t your husband. You have spoken this truly.”
- The woman says to Him: “Sir, I see that you’re a prophet.
- “Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, and you Jews say that the place where it’s necessary to worship is in Jerusalem.”
- Jesus tells her: “Woman, believe Me that an hour comes when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.
- “You Samaritans worship what you haven’t known. We Jews worship what we have known, because salvation is from the Jews.
- “But an hour comes and now is when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father also seeks such men; the men worshipping Him.
- “God is Spirit, and it’s necessary for the men worshipping Him to worship in spirit and truth.
- The woman tells Him: “I *know that the Messiah2“Messiah” A Hebrew word which mean “anointed”, just as the Greek word “Χριστός” (christos, often transliterated as “Christ”) also means “anointed”. is coming; the One called the Anointed. When He comes, He will disclose all things to us.”
- Jesus tells her: “I – the One speaking to you – am He.”
- And His disciples came upon this and were marveling that He was speaking with a woman. Yet no one said “What do you seek?” or “Why do you speak with her?”
- Therefore the woman left her water jar, and departed into the city, and says to the men:
- “Come see a man who told me all things whatsoever that I did. Can He be the Anointed?”
- They went out of the city and were coming towards Him.
- In the meantime, the disciples were urging Him saying: “Rabbi, eat.”
- But He told them: “I have food to eat that you don’t *know about.”
- So the disciples were saying to one another: “No one brought Him something to eat, did they?”
- Jesus tells them: “My food is that I do the will of the One who sent Me and accomplish His work.
- “Don’t you say that it’s still four months and then the harvest comes? Behold, I tell you: lift up your eyes and observe the fields, because they are already white for the harvest.”
- “The man reaping receives a wage and collects fruit for the life of ages, so that the man sowing might rejoice together with the man reaping.
- “For in this the saying is true: “The man sowing is one, and the man reaping is another.”
- “I sent you to reap what you haven’t toiled for. Others have toiled for it, and you have entered into their labor.”
- And many of the Samaritans from that city believed in Him through the report of the woman testifying: “He told me all things whatsoever that I did.”
- So when the Samaritans came to Him they were asking Him to remain with them. And He remained there for two days,
- and many more believed because of His message.
- And they were telling the woman: “We no longer believe just because of your report, for we have heard and we *know that this truly is the savior of the world.”
Healing the royal official’s son
- And after the two days He went out from there into Galilee,
- for Jesus Himself testified that a prophet doesn’t have honor in His own hometown.
- So when He came into Galilee, the Galileans welcomed Him, having seen all the great things He did in Jerusalem at the feast, for they themselves also went to the feast.
- So He went to Cana of Galilee again (where He made the water into wine). And in Capernaum, there was a royal official whose son was sick.
- This man – having heard that Jesus arrives from Judea into Galilee – went to Him and was asking so He might come down and heal his son, for he was about to die.
- So Jesus told him: “If you men don’t see signs and wonders, you definitely won’t believe.”
- The royal official says to Him: “Sir, come down before my child dies.”
- Jesus tells him: “Go, your son lives.” The man believed the word that Jesus told him and was going away,
- and while he’s already going down, his slaves met him saying that his boy lives.
- So he inquired from them in what hour he got better. So they told him: “The fever left him yesterday at the seventh hour.”
- So the father knew that it had happened in that hour which Jesus told him: “Your son lives.” And he himself believed, and all his household.
- And again, this is the second sign Jesus did after having come from Judea into Galilee.
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John Chapter 5
The Bethesda pool healing
- A feast of the Jews was after these things, and Jesus went up into Jerusalem.
- Now, in Jerusalem near the sheep gate is a pool having five porches, the pool called Bethesda in Hebrew.
- A crowd of the men being sick were lying in these porches – the blind, the lame and the withered – [waiting for the water’s movement.
- For an angel was occasionally descending into the pool and stirring the water. Therefore, the man who entered first after the stirring of the water became well from whatever sickness he was being held by at that time.]
- And a man was there for thirty and eight years, having an infirmity in himself.
- Jesus – having seen him lying there and having known that he had already been there a long time – He says to him: “Do you want to become well?”
- The sick man answered Him: “Sir, I don’t have a man to help so that when the water is stirred, he might put me into the pool. And while I’m going by myself, another descends before me.”
- Jesus tells him: “Rise, pick up your bed mat, and walk.”
- And immediately the man became well, and picked up his bed mat, and was walking. But on that day it was the Sabbath,
- so the Jews were saying to the man who has been healed: “It’s the Sabbath, and it’s not lawful for you to pick up your bed mat.”
- But he answered them: “The man who made me well, that man told me ‘Pick up your bed mat and walk’.”
- So they asked him: “Who is the man who told you: ‘Pick up your bed mat and walk’?”
- But the man who was healed hadn’t known who it is, for Jesus slipped away in a crowd at that place.
- After these things, Jesus finds him in the temple and told him: “Behold, you have become well. Sin no more, so something worse doesn’t happen to you.”
- The man departed and reported to the Jews that Jesus is the man who made him well.
Jesus’ Deity
- And the Jews were persecuting Jesus because of this; because He was doing these things on the Sabbath.
- But Jesus answered them: “My Father works until now, and I work.”
- So the Jews were seeking to kill Him more because of this; because He was not only breaking the Sabbath, but also because He was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal to God.
- So Jesus answered and was telling them: “Amen, amen I tell you: the Son isn’t able to do anything from Himself unless it’s something He sees the Father doing. For whatever He does, likewise the Son also does these things.
- “For the Father loves the Son, and shows all things to Him that He Himself does. And He will show Him greater works than these so you might marvel.
- “For just as the Father raises the dead and gives life, in this way also the Son gives life to whom He wills.
- “For neither does the Father judge anyone, but He has given all judgement to the Son,
- “so they all might honor the Son just as they honor the Father. The man not honoring the Son doesn’t honor the Father, the One who sent Him.
- “Amen, amen I tell you, that the man hearing My message and believing the One who sent Me has the life of ages, and he doesn’t go into judgement but has passed from death into life.
- “Amen, amen I tell you that an hour is coming – and now is – when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and the men who heard it will live.
- “For just as the Father has life in Himself, in this way also He gave life to the Son, to have it in Himself.
- “And He gave Him authority to make judgement because He is the Son of Man.
- “Don’t marvel at this, because an hour is coming in which all the men in the tombs will hear His voice,
- “and they will come out: the men who did good into the resurrection of life, but the men who practiced evil into the resurrection of judgement.
- “I’m able to do nothing from Myself. I judge just as I hear, and My judgement is righteous because I don’t seek My will, but the will of the One who sent Me.
Testimony about Jesus
- “If I testify about Myself, My testimony isn’t considered true.
- “It’s another man testifying about Me, and I *know that the testimony which he testifies about Me is true.
- “You men have sent for John, and he has testified of the truth.
- “And the testimony I receive isn’t from man, but I say these things so you might be saved.
- “That man was the lamp burning and shining, and you wanted to greatly rejoice in his light for a time.
- “But I have testimony greater than John’s. For the works which the Father has given to Me so I might accomplish them; these same works that I do testify about Me that the Father has sent Me.
- “And the One who sent Me, the Father, He has testified about Me, and you haven’t ever heard His voice nor seen His form.
- “And you don’t have His word remaining in you because you don’t believe Him whom He sent.
- “You examine the scriptures because you think you have the life of ages in them; and these scriptures are the ones testifying about Me.
- “And you aren’t willing to come to Me so you might have life.
- “I don’t receive glory from men.
- “But I *know you; that you don’t have the ^love of God in yourselves.
- “I have come in the name of My Father and you don’t receive Me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive that man.
- “How are you able to believe while receiving glory from one another, and you don’t seek the glory that’s from the only God?
- “Don’t think that I will prosecute you to the Father. There is one prosecuting you: Moses, in whom you have hoped.
- “For if you believed Moses you would believe in Me, for he wrote about Me.
- “And if you don’t believe his writings, how will you believe My words?”
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John Chapter 6
Feeding five thousand
- After these things, Jesus departed to the other side of the Sea of Galilee (also called Tiberias).
- And a great crowd was following Him because they were observing the signs that He was doing on the sick men.
- And Jesus went up to the mountain and was sitting there with His disciples.
- And the Passover – the feast of the Jews – was near.
- So having lifted up His eyes, and having seen that a great crowd is coming to Him, Jesus tells Philip: “Where might we buy bread so these men might eat?”
- (And He was saying this to test him, for He had known what He was intending to do.)
- Philip answered Him: “Two hundred denarii1“denarii” is the plural of denarius, which was a 1st century coin that was the standard wage for a day’s worth of unskilled labor. worth of loaves aren’t enough for them, so that each might receive a little piece.”
- One of His disciples – Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter – tells Him:
- “There’s a little boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But what are those for so many?”
- Jesus said: “Make the men recline to eat.” And there was much grass in the place, so the men reclined. Their number was about five thousand.
- Therefore Jesus took the bread, and having given thanks He distributed it to the men reclining, and He did likewise with the fish, distributing as much as they were wanting.
- And when they were satisfied, He tells His disciples: “Collect the pieces which remain so that nothing might perish.”
- So they collected them and filled twelve baskets of pieces from the five loaves of barley which remained from the men who had eaten.
- So having seen that sign He did, the men were saying: “This is truly the prophet coming into the world.”
- So Jesus – having known that they intend to come and to seize Him so they might make Him king – went back to the mountain again, by Himself alone.
- Now, when it became evening His disciples went down to the sea.
- And having entered into a boat, they were going across the sea to Capernaum. And it had already become dark and Jesus hadn’t come to them.
- And the sea was being stirred by a great wind blowing.
- Therefore, having rowed about twenty-five or thirty stadia,2a “stadia” is ~606 English feet, which is ~185 meters. they see Jesus walking on the sea3quotation/allusion to Job 9:8 and Job 38:16 and coming near the boat, and they were frightened.
- But He tells them: “I Am;4“I Am” the Greek construction here is identical to John 8:58, where Jesus proclaims His Deity. However, it could also be translated “it is I”, which is more common. This is possibly a reference several Old Testament passages, primarily Exodus 3:14 where God appears to Moses and reveals His name is “I Am”. don’t fear.”
- Therefore they were willing to receive Him into the boat. And immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.
The bread of life
- The next day, the crowd that was *standing on the other side of the sea saw that there was no other boat except one, and that Jesus didn’t embark into the boat with His disciples, but His disciples departed alone.
- But other boats came from Tiberias, near the place where they ate the bread after the Lord gave thanks.
- So when the crowd saw that Jesus isn’t there, nor His disciples, they themselves embarked in the boats and came to Capernaum seeking Jesus.
- And having found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him: “Rabbi, when did you *come here?”
- Jesus answered and told them: “Amen, amen I tell you: you seek Me not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the bread and were satisfied.
- “Don’t work for the perishing food, but for the food remaining into the life of ages, which the Son of Man will give to you. For God the Father set a seal on Him.”
- So they said to Him: “What might we do, so we work the works of God?”
- Jesus answered and told them: “This is the work of God: that you believe in Him whom He sent.”
- So they said to Him: “Then what sign do you do so we might see and believe you? What work do you do?
- “Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, just as it’s *written: He gave them bread from heaven to eat.”5quotation/allusion to Psalm78:24
- So Jesus told them: “Amen, amen I tell you: Moses didn’t *give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven.
- “For the bread of God is the One coming down from heaven and giving life to the world.”
- So they said to Him: “Sir, always give us this bread.”
- Jesus told them: “I am the bread of life. The man coming to Me definitely won’t hunger, and the man believing in Me definitely won’t ever thirst.”
- “But I told you that you have also seen Me and yet you don’t believe.
- “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the man coming to Me I definitely won’t cast out,
- “because I have come down from heaven; not so I might do My will, but the will of the One who sent Me.
- And this is the will of the One who sent Me: that of all that He has given Me, I lose none of it; but will raise it up at the last day.
- “For this is the will of My Father: that every man gazing at the Son and believing in Him should have the life of ages, and I will raise him up at the last day.”
- So the Jews were grumbling about Him because He said “I am the bread which came down from heaven.”
- And they were saying: “Isn’t this Jesus? The son of Joseph, whose father and mother we *know? How does He now say ‘I have come down from heaven’?”
- Jesus answered and told them: “Don’t grumble with one another.
- “No one is able to come to Me unless the Father – the One who sent Me – draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.
- “It is *written in the prophets: ‘And they will all be instructed of God.’6quotation/allusion to Isaiah 54:13 Every man who heard from the Father and learned comes to Me.
- “Not that anyone has seen the Father except the One from the God; He has seen the Father.
- “Amen, amen I tell you: the man believing has the life of ages.
- “I am the bread of life.
- “Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness and they died.
- “This is the bread coming down from heaven, so that anyone might eat of it and not die.
- “I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live through the age. And the bread that I also will give – My flesh – is life for the sake of the world.”
- So the Jews were arguing with one another, saying: “How is this man able to give us His flesh to eat?”
- So Jesus told them: “Amen, amen I tell you: unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you don’t have life in yourselves.”
- “The man chewing My flesh and drinking My blood has the life of ages, and I will raise him up at the last day.
- “For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink.
- “The man chewing My flesh and drinking My blood remains in Me and I in him.
- “Just as the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so also the man chewing on Me will also live because of Me.
- “This is the bread which came down from heaven, and not as the fathers ate and died; the man chewing this bread will live through the age.”
- He said these things while teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum.
- So having heard this, many of His disciples said: “This is a hard message; who is able to hear it?”
- And Jesus, *knowing in Himself that His disciples grumble about this, He told them: “Does this offend you?
- “So, what if you see the Son of Man ascending to where He was before?
- “It’s the Spirit giving life; the flesh benefits nothing. The words that I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life.
- “But there are some of you who don’t believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning who the men not believing are, and who is the man who will betray Him.
- And He was saying: “Because of this, I have told you that no one is able to come to Me unless it has been given to him by the Father.
- From this, many of His disciples departed to go back home, and were walking with Him no longer.
- So Jesus said to the twelve: “Don’t you also want to leave?”
- Simon Peter answered Him: “Lord, to whom will we go? You have the words of the life of ages,
- “and we *believe and *know that you are the Holy One of God.”
- Jesus answered them: “Didn’t I choose you, the twelve? And one of you is a devil.”
- And He was speaking of Judas, son of Simon Iscariot, one of the twelve; for he was intending to betray Him.
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John Chapter 7
The Feast of Tabernacles
- And Jesus was walking in Galilee after these events, for He wasn’t wanting to walk in Judea because the Jews there were seeking to kill Him.
- Now, the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was near.
- So His brothers told Him: “Depart from here and go into Judea, so your disciples there will also see your works that you do.
- “For no one does something in secret if he himself seeks to be known in public. If you do these things, show yourself to the world.”
- (For not even His brothers were believing in Him.)
- So Jesus tells them: “My time isn’t come yet; but your time is always ideal.
- “The world isn’t able to hate you, but it hates Me because I testify about it that its works are evil.
- “You go up to the feast; I’m not going up to this feast now because My time hasn’t been completed yet.”
- And having said these things to them, He remained in Galilee.
- But when His brothers went up to the feast, then He also went up. Not openly, but as in secret.
- Therefore, the Jews were seeking Him at the feast and were saying “Where is He?”
- And there was much grumbling about Him in the crowds. Indeed, some were saying: “He’s good.” But others were saying: “No, but He misleads the people.”
- Yet no one was speaking about Him openly for fear of the Jews.
Jesus teaching
- And it already being midway through the feast, Jesus went up into the temple and was teaching.
- Therefore the Jews were marveling, saying: “How does this man *know the scriptures, not having studied?”
- So Jesus answered and told them: “My teaching isn’t Mine, but from the One who sent Me.”
- “If someone wants to do His will, he will know about this teaching; whether it’s from God or if I speak from Myself.
- “The man speaking from himself seeks his own glory. But the One seeking the glory of the One who sent Him; He is true, and unrighteousness isn’t in Him.1quotation/allusion to Psalm 92:15
- “Hasn’t Moses given you the law, and not one of you keeps the law. Why do you seek to kill Me?”
- The crowd answered: “You have a demon; who seeks to kill you?”
- Jesus answered and told them: “I did one work and you all marvel.
- “Moses has given you circumcision because of this, and on the Sabbath you circumcise a man (not that it’s from Moses, but from the fathers.)
- “If a man receives circumcision on Sabbath so the law of Moses might not be broken, why are you angry with Me because I made the whole man healthy on the Sabbath?”
- “Don’t judge according to outward appearance, but judge with a righteous judgement.
The People’s reaction
- Therefore, some of the inhabitants of Jerusalem were saying: “Isn’t this the man whom they are seeking to kill?
- “And look, He speaks openly and they say nothing to Him; not ever. Have the rulers truly recognized that this is the Anointed?
- “But we *know where this man is from. But when the Anointed comes, no one knows where He is from.”
- So Jesus cried out in the temple, teaching and saying: “You *know Me and you *know where I’m from. And I haven’t come from Myself, but the One who sent Me is true, He whom you don’t *know.
- “I *know Him because I’m from Him, and He sent Me.”
- Therefore they were seeking to seize Him, and no one laid a hand on Him because His hour hadn’t come yet.
- And many of the crowd believed in Him and were saying: “When the Anointed comes, He won’t do more of the signs which this man did, will He?”
- The Pharisees heard the crowd whispering these things about Him, and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers so they might seize Him.
- So Jesus said: “I’m still with you for a short time, and then I go to the One who sent Me.
- “You will seek Me and won’t find Me; and where I am, you aren’t able to come.”
- So the Jews said to themselves: “Where is He about to go that we won’t find Him? He isn’t about to travel into the Dispersion2“The Dispersion” refers to the Jews who were spread across – i.e. dispersed – throughout the Roman Empire. among the Greeks and to teach the Greeks is He?
- “What’s this word that He spoke: ‘You will seek Me and won’t find Me, and where I am you aren’t able to come’?”
The last day of the feast
- Now, on the last day — the great day of the feast — Jesus had stood and he cried out saying: “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.
- “The man believing in Me will be just as the scripture said: “Streams of living water will flow out from his inner man.”3“inner man” This Greek word literally refers to organs in the abdominal cavity, like the stomach and the womb. It metaphorically refers to the “inner man”
- (And He said this about the Spirit, whom the men who believed in Him were about to receive, for the Spirit wasn’t given yet, because Jesus wasn’t glorified yet.)
- So having heard these words, some from the crowd were saying: “This is truly the Prophet.”
- Others were saying: “This is the Anointed.” And others were saying: “No, for can the Anointed come out of Galilee?
- “Didn’t the scripture say that the Anointed comes from the seed of David and from Bethlehem, the town where David was from?”
- Therefore, a schism happened in the crowd because of Him.
- And some of them were wanting to seize Him, but no one laid hands on Him.
- Therefore, the officers came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to those officers: “Why didn’t you bring Him?”
- The officers answered: “A man never spoke like this; [not as this man speaks.]”
- So the Pharisees answered them: “Have you also been misled?
- “None of the rulers believed in Him, or any of the Pharisees, did they?
- “But this crowd not knowing the law is accursed.”
- Nicodemus – the man who formerly came to Him – being one of them, he says to them:
- “Our law doesn’t judge a man unless it first hears from him and knows what he does, does it?”
- They answered and told him: “Aren’t you also from Galilee? Search the scriptures and see that the prophet isn’t raised out of Galilee.”
- [
Note: To read John 7:53-8:11 (the story of the woman caught in adultery, which most scholars believe wasn’t written by John) click here; link opens in new tab.
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John Chapter 8
Note: to read John 7:53-8:11 (the story of the woman caught in adultery, which most scholars believe wasn’t written by John) click here; link opens in new tab.
Jesus and testimony
- Therefore, Jesus spoke to them again saying: “I am the light of the world. The man following Me definitely won’t walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.”
- So the Pharisees told Him: “You testify about yourself; your testimony isn’t true.”
- Jesus answered and told them: “Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is true because I *know where I came from and where I’m going. But you don’t *know where I come from or where I’m going.
- “You judge according to the flesh; I don’t judge anyone.
- “But even if I judge, My judgement is true because I’m not alone, but it’s I and the Father who sent Me.
- “And even in your law it is *written that the testimony of two men is true.1quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 19:15
- I am the One testifying about Myself, and the Father who sent Me also testifies about Me.”
- So they were saying to Him: “Where is your Father?” Jesus answered: “You haven’t known Me nor My Father. If you had known Me, you would’ve also known My Father.”
- He spoke these words in the treasury while teaching in the temple, and no one seized Him because His hour hadn’t come yet.
From below and from above
- So again He told them: “I depart and you will seek Me, and you will die in your sin. Where I depart to, you aren’t able to come.”
- So the Jews were saying: “He won’t kill Himself, will He? Because He says ‘Where I depart to, you aren’t able to come’.”
- And He was telling them: “You are from below, I am from above. You are from this world, I am not from this world.
- “Therefore I told you that you will die in your sins, for if you don’t believe that I am,2“I am” Many translations reader this “I am He” here, with the “He” referring to Jesus being the Anointed (messiah). However, the word “He” is not found in the text. It’s an interpretation which is supported by the context, but still an interpretation and by no means certain. you will die in your sins.”
- Therefore, they were saying to Him: “Who are you?” Jesus told them: “I’m telling you that, even from the beginning.”
- “I have many things to say and to judge concerning you. But the One who sent Me is true, and what I heard from Him, I speak these things to the world.”
- (They didn’t understand that He was speaking to them about the Father)
- So Jesus told them: “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am,3“I am” see previous note, on verse 24. and that I do nothing from Myself. But I speak these things just as the Father taught Me.
- “And the One who sent Me is with Me. He didn’t leave Me alone because I always do what’s pleasing to Him.”
- Through Him speaking these things, many believed in Him.
Of which father?
- So Jesus was saying to the Jews who have believed in Him: “If you remain in My word, you’re truly My disciples.
- And you will know the truth, and the truth will free you.”
- They answered to Him: “We’re Abraham’s seed, and we *served as slaves to no one at any time. How do you say that ‘You will become free’?”
- Jesus answered them: “Amen, amen I tell you that every man practicing sin is a slave of sin.
- “And the slave doesn’t remain in the house through the age; the son remains through the age.
- “So if the Son frees you, you will truly be free.”
- “I *know that you are Abraham’s seed, but you seek to kill Me because My word isn’t making a place in you.
- “I speak what I have seen with the Father. Therefore, you also do what you heard from your father.”
- They answered and told Him: “Our father is Abraham.” Jesus tells them: “If you are Abraham’s children, you should be doing the works of Abraham.”
- “But now you seek to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham didn’t do this.
- “You do the works of your father.” So they told Him: “We haven’t been born from fornication; we have one Father; God.”
- Jesus told them: “If God was your Father, you would ^love Me, for I came from God and am here, for I haven’t even come of My own initiative, but He sent Me.
- “Why don’t you understand My speech? Because you aren’t able to hear My word.
- “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the cravings of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he wasn’t standing in the truth because there isn’t truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks it from his own initiative because he’s a liar, and the father of lying.
- “And you don’t believe Me because I speak the truth.
- “Who from among you convicts Me of sin? If I speak the truth, why don’t you believe Me?
- “The man who is of God hears the words of God. You don’t hear because of this, because you aren’t of God.”
I Am
- The Jews answered and told Him: “Don’t we rightly say that you’re a Samaritan and have a demon?”
- Jesus answered. “I don’t have a demon, but I honor My Father and you dishonor Me.
- “And I don’t seek My glory, there is One seeking it and judging.
- “Amen, amen I tell you: if someone keeps My word, he definitely won’t see death through the age.”
- Therefore the Jews told Him: “Now we *know that you have a demon. Abraham died, and the prophets too; and yet you say: ‘if someone keeps My word, he definitely won’t taste death through the age’.
- “You aren’t greater than our father Abraham who died, are you? And the prophets died too. Whom do you make yourself out to be?”
- Jesus answered: “If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing. My Father is the One glorifying Me; He of whom you say: ‘He is our God’.
- “And you don’t *know Him, but I *know Him. And I say that if I don’t *know Him, I will be like you men: a liar. But I *know Him and keep His word.
- “Your father Abraham jumped for joy that he might see My day, and he saw it and rejoiced.”
- Therefore, the Jews said to Him: “You don’t have fifty years yet, and you have seen Abraham?”
- Jesus told them: “Amen, amen I tell you: before Abraham was, I Am.”4quotation/allusion to Exodus 3:14
- Therefore, they picked up stones so they might throw them at Him. But Jesus was hidden and went out of the temple [going through their midst and was departing this way].
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John Chapter 9
Jesus heals a man who was born blind
- And while passing by, He saw a man who was blind from birth.1“Blind from birth” The 1st century Jews believed that there were four miracles that only the Messiah would be able to perform. (1) Cleansing leprosy. The Jews believed that leprosy was the result of sin, based on Numbers 12:9-10 and 2 Chronicles 26:19-20. Since only God could forgive sin (what they believed was the cause of leprosy) then only God or Messiah could cleanse a leper. (2) Casting out a mute demon. The Jewish exorcists had success in casting out demons, but first needed to know the demon’s name. Thus if the demon-possessed man couldn’t speak, the demon couldn’t be cast out except by God Himself. (3) Raising the dead after three days. The Jews believed that a dead person’s spirit remained near the body for three days, and afterward decay set in and the spirit departed. Thus, only God would be able to heal a person dead for longer than 3 days. (4) Healing a man born with birth defects. They believed birth defects were caused by sin based on a faulty interpretation of Exodus 34:7 (while ignoring the whole of Ezekiel 18, which repudiates this idea thoroughly.) Since only God can forgive sin, they believed that only God or Messiah could heal a man born with birth defects.
- And His disciples asked Him a question, saying: “Rabbi, who sinned; this man or his parents that he was born blind?”
- Jesus answered: “Neither this man sinned, nor his parents; but this happened so the works of God might be revealed in him.
- “It’s necessary for us to work the works of the One who sent Me as long as it’s day; night is coming when no one is able to work.
- “While I’m in the world, I’m the light of the world.”
- Having said these things, He spat on the ground, and made mud from the spit, and spread the mud on the man’s eyes.
- And He told him: “Go wash in the pool of Siloam” (which is translated ‘*sent’). So he went away, and washed, and came back seeing.
- So the neighbors and the men observing him before – that he was a beggar – they were saying: “Isn’t this the man usually sitting and begging?”
- Others were saying: “It’s him.” Others were saying: “No, but he’s similar to him.” That man was saying: “I am him.”
- So they were saying to him: “So how were your eyes opened?”
- That man answered: “The man called Jesus made mud and spread it on my eyes, and He told me ‘Go to the pool of Siloam and wash’. So having gone and washed, I recovered my sight.”
- And they said to him: “Where is this man?” He says: “I don’t *know.”
The Pharisees interrogate the man
- They bring him – the formerly blind man – to the Pharisees.
- (Now, the day on which Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes was a Sabbath.)
- So the Pharisees also were asking him again how he received sight. And he told them: “He put mud on my eyes, and I washed, and now I see.”
- So some of the Pharisees were saying: “This man isn’t from God because He doesn’t keep the Sabbath.” But others were saying: “How is a sinful man able to do such signs?” And there was a schism among them.
- So they again say to the blind man: “What do you say about Him, since He opened your eyes?” And he said: “He is a prophet.”
- So the Jews didn’t believe it about him – that he was blind and received sight – until they summoned the parents of the man who received sight.
- And they asked them saying: “Is this your son, of whom you say that he was born blind? So how does he see now?”
- So his parents answered and said: “We *know that this is our son, and that he was born blind.
- “But how he sees now, we don’t *know. Or who opened his eyes, we don’t *know. Ask him; he has reached maturity. He will speak about himself.”
- His parents said these things because they were fearing the Jews, for the Jews had already agreed that if someone confessed Him as the Anointed, he would become expelled from the synagogue.
- His parents said: “he has reached maturity; ask him” because of this.
- So they summoned the man who was previously blind a second time and told him: “Give glory to God by testifying honestly:2“Give glory to God” is an idiom that means to place someone under and oath to tell the truth. The Pharisees were commanding the man not to lie because doing so would dishonor God, while telling the truth would give glory to God. The phrase “by testifying honestly” was added to make the idiom clear. we *know that this man is a sinner.”
- Then that man answered: “If He is a sinner, I don’t *know. I do *know one thing: that while formerly being blind, now I see.”
- So they said to him: “What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?”
- He answered them: “I already told you and you didn’t listen. Why do you want to hear it again? You don’t want to become His disciples too, do you?”
- And they insulted him and said: “You are a disciple of that man, but we are disciples of Moses.
- “We *know that God has spoken to Moses, but we don’t *know where this man is from.”
- The man answered and told them: “That is indeed a marvelous thing; that He opened my eyes and you don’t *know where He is from.”
- “We *know that God doesn’t hear sinners. But if someone is God-fearing and does His will, He hears him.
- “From the world’s beginning, it was never heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man *born blind.
- “Unless this man was from God, He would be able to do nothing.”
- They answered and told him: “You were born entirely in sins, and you teach us?” And they cast him out.
Jesus talks to the man
- Jesus heard that they cast him out, and having found him, He said: “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
- He answered and said: “And who is He Lord, so I might believe in Him?”
- Jesus told him: “You have also seen Him, and He is the One speaking with you.”
- And he was declaring: “I believe Lord.” And he bowed down before3“bowed down before” is one word in Greek, often translated “worship”. It comes from the Greek words: “pros” (meaning “towards”) and “kyneo” (meaning “to kiss”). It literally refers to bowing down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground in front of a superior or authority figure. Some Egyptian pictographs have the hand outstretched, as if to send the “kiss” toward the one being revered. Him.
- And Jesus said: “I came into this world for judgement, so that the men not seeing might see; and the men seeing might become blind.”
- The Pharisees who are with Him heard of these things and they said to Him: “We aren’t also blind, are we?”
- Jesus told them: “If you were blind, you wouldn’t have sin. But since you now say ‘We see’, your sin remains.”
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John Chapter 10
The good shepherd
- “Amen, amen I tell you: the man not entering into the sheep-fold through the door but climbing in another way, that man is a thief and a robber.
- “But the man entering in through the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
- “The doorkeeper opens for him, and the sheep hear his voice, and he summons his own sheep by name and leads them out.
- “When he ushers all his own sheep out, he travels ahead of them and the sheep follow him because they *know his voice.
- “And they definitely won’t follow a stranger, but will flee from him because they haven’t known the voice of strangers.”
- Jesus told them this metaphor, but those men didn’t know what it was that He was telling them.
- So again Jesus told them: “Amen, amen I tell you: I am the door of the sheep.
- “All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep didn’t listen to them.
- “I am the door. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. And he will enter in and will go out and will find pasture.
- “The thief doesn’t come unless it’s so he might steal, and kill, and destroy. I came so they might have life, and have it abundantly.
- “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sake of the sheep.
- “And the hired servant – who not being the shepherd, the sheep aren’t his own – sees the wolf coming, and abandons the sheep, and flees. And the wolf seizes them and scatters them,
- “because he’s a hired servant and he doesn’t care about the sheep.
- “I am the good shepherd, and I know My own, and My own know Me.
- “Just as the Father knows Me, I also know the Father, and I lay down My life for the sake of the sheep.
- “And I have other sheep which aren’t from this fold. It’s necessary for Me to bring those also, and they will hear My voice, and they will become one flock under one shepherd.
- “The Father ^loves Me because of this; because I lay down My life so I might take it again.
- “No one takes it away from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and have authority to take it again. I received this command from My Father.”
- A schism happened again among the Jews because of these words.
- And many of them were saying: “He has a demon and speaks like a madman; why are you listening to Him?”
- Others were saying: “These words aren’t those of a demon-possessed man. A demon isn’t able to open blind men’s eyes, is it?”
- This happened at the time of the Feast of Dedication1“Feast of Dedication” is another name for Hanukkah. in Jerusalem. It was winter.
I and the Father are One
- And Jesus was walking in the temple in the Colonnade of Solomon,
- So the Jews surrounded Him and were saying to Him: “How long are you keeping our souls in suspense? Tell us plainly if you are the Anointed.”
- Jesus answered them: “I told you and you don’t believe. The works that I do in My Father’s name, these testify about Me.2Jesus had just healed a man born blind; see note on John 9:1
- “But you don’t believe because you aren’t of My sheep.
- “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
- “And I give them the life of ages, and they definitely won’t perish through the age, and no one will snatch them from My hand.3quotation/allusion to Deuteronomy 32:39
- “My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them from the Father’s hand.
- “I and the Father, we are one.”
- So the Jews again picked up stones so they might stone Him.
- Jesus answered them: “I showed you many noble works from the Father; for which of these works are you stoning Me?”
- The Jews answered Him: “We don’t stone you for a noble work, but for blasphemy, and because you – being a man – make yourself God.”
- Jesus answered them: “Isn’t it *written in your law: ‘I said you are gods‘.4quotation/allusion to Psalms 82:6
- “If He called those men gods – to whom the word of God came – and the scripture isn’t able to be annulled,
- “why do you say ‘you blaspheme’ about Him whom the Father made holy and sent into the world? Because I said I’m the Son of God?”
- “If I don’t do the works of My Father, don’t believe Me.”
- “But if I do, then even if you don’t believe Me, believe the works, so you might know and might understand that the Father is in Me and I’m in the Father.
- Therefore they were seeking to seize Him again, but He went out of their hand.
- And He again departed across the Jordan to the place where John was first baptizing, and He remained there.
- And many came to Him and were saying: “John indeed did nothing for a sign, but as much as John said about this man, all of it was true!”
- And many believed in Him there.
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John Chapter 11
Lazarus dies
- Now a man was sick; Lazarus from Bethany, from the village of Mary and Martha her sister.
- (And Mary, whose brother Lazarus was sick, was the woman who anointed the Lord with scented oil and wiped His feet with her hair.)
- So the sisters sent word to Him saying: “Behold Lord, he whom you love is sick.”
- But having heard this, Jesus said: “This sickness isn’t leading to death, but for the sake of God’s glory, so the Son of God might be glorified through it.”
- (And Jesus ^loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.)
- So when He heard that Lazarus is sick, He then remained in the place that He was staying two more days.
- Then after that, He tells the disciples: “Let us go into Judea again.”
- The disciples tell Him: “Rabbi, the Jews were seeking to stone you just now, and you go there again?”
- Jesus answered: “Aren’t there twelve hours of the day? If someone walks in the day he doesn’t stumble because he sees this world’s light.
- “But if someone walks in the night, he stumbles because the light isn’t in him.”
- He said these things, and after that tells them: “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I go so I might wake him up.”
- So His disciples said: “Lord, he will be healed if he has fallen asleep.”
- And Jesus had spoken about his death, but those men thought that He speaks about a restful sleep.
- So Jesus then told them plainly: “Lazarus died.”
- “And I rejoice that I wasn’t there for your sake, so you might believe. But let us go to him.”
- So Thomas (called “the twin”) told his fellow disciples: “Let us go too, so we might die with Him.”
- So having arrived, Jesus found him already having four days in the tomb.
Lazarus is raised
- And Bethany was near Jerusalem, about fifteen stadia1“fifteen stadia”. “Stadia” is the plural of “stadium”, which is a unit of distance equal to 607 feet. Thus, fifteen stadia is 9105 feet or 1.72 miles, placing Bethany at just under two miles from Jerusalem. away.
- Now, many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary so they might comfort them concerning their brother.
- So when Martha heard that Jesus is coming, she met Him, but Mary was sitting in the house.
- So Martha told Jesus: “Lord, if you were here, my brother wouldn’t have died.
- “But even now, I *know that whatever you ask God, God will give it to you.”
- Jesus tells her: “Your brother will rise.”
- Martha tells Him: “I *know that he will rise in the resurrection at the last day.”
- Jesus told her: “I am the resurrection and the life. The man believing in Me will live even if he dies.”
- “And every man living and believing in Me definitely won’t die through the age. Do you believe this?”
- She tells Him: “Yes Lord; I *believe that you are the Anointed; the Son of God, the One coming into the world.
- And having said this, she departed and called her sister Mary privately, saying: “The Teacher is coming and He is summoning you.”
- And when that woman heard, she quickly stood and was going to Him.
- And Jesus hadn’t yet come into the village, but was still at the place where Martha met Him.
- So having seen that Mary quickly stood and went out, the Jews being with her in the house and comforting her followed her, thinking that she goes to the tomb so she might weep there.
- So when Mary came to where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at His feet, telling Him: “Lord, if you were here, my brother wouldn’t have died.”
- Therefore, when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He was indignant in His spirit and agitated in Himself.
- And He said: “Where have you laid him?” They tell Him: “Lord, come and see.”
- Jesus wept.
- So the Jews were saying: “See how He loved him.”
- But some of them said: “Wasn’t this man able to open the eyes of the blind man? He’s able to do that, so also this man shouldn’t have died.”
- So again being indignant in Himself, Jesus comes to the tomb. Now, it was a cave and a stone was lying against it.
- Jesus says: “Remove the stone.” Martha, the sister of the man who has died, tells Him: “Lord, he must already stink, for it’s been four days.”
- Jesus tells her: “Didn’t I tell you that if you believed you will see the glory of God?”
- So they removed the stone. And Jesus lifted His eyes up and said: “Father, I thank you that you heard Me.
- “And I had known that you always hear Me, but I said it because of the crowd *standing around, so they might believe that you sent Me.”
- And having said these things, He cried out in a loud voice: “Lazarus, come out!”
- The man who was *dead came out, *bound feet and hands with graveclothes,2“graveclothes” usually strips of linen cloth wound around the body. and his head had been wrapped with a head cloth. Jesus tells them: “Unbind him and allow him to go.”
- So many of the Jews who came to Mary and observed what He did believed in Him.
- But some of them departed to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus did.
The Pharisees plot against Jesus. Again.
- So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered a council together and were saying: “What should we do, because this man does many signs.”
- “If we allow Him to continue this way, all will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take both our place and the nation away.”
- But one of them – Caiaphas, being the high priest that year – told them: “You don’t *know anything.
- “Nor do you consider that it’s more profitable for you that one man might die for the sake of the people, and not have the whole nation perish.”
- And he didn’t say this from himself, but being the high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was intending to die for the sake of the nation.
- And not only for the sake of the nation, but also so He might assemble together into one the children of God who have been dispersed.
- So they took counsel from that day on so they might kill Him.
- So Jesus was no longer walking openly among the Jews, but departed from that place into the region near the wilderness, into a city named Ephraim. And He remained there with the disciples.
- Now, the Passover of the Jews was drawing near, and many went up to Jerusalem from the region before the Passover so they might purify themselves.
- So they were seeking Jesus, and while *standing with one another in the temple were saying: “What do you think? That He definitely won’t come to the feast?”
- And the chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that if anyone knew where He is, he should report it so that they might arrest Him.
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John Chapter 12
Mary Anoints Jesus’ feet.
- So six days before the Passover, Jesus came into Bethany where Lazarus was, whom Jesus raised from the dead.
- So they made a dinner for Him there, and Martha was serving, and Lazarus was one of the men reclining1“reclining” In the 1st century, they didn’t sit at a table. Rather, they laid down with their feet sticking out. at the table with Him.
- So having taken a litra2“Litra” a Roman pound, approximately equal to 12 ounces or 328 grams of very expensive scented oil of pure nard,3“nard” also called ‘spikenard’ is the plant Nardostachys jatamansi, which grows on subalpine zones of the Himalayas. The oil extracted from the plant is very fragrant, and various parts of the plant have medicinal use as well. Mary anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the scent of the oil.
- But Judas Iscariot – one of His disciples and the man about to betray Him – says:
- “Why wasn’t this scented oil sold for three hundred denarii4“denarii” is the plural of denarius, which was the going rate for a day’s worth of manual labor. Thus, 300 denarii was approximately a year’s worth of wages, since they only worked six days a week, the seventh being the Sabbath. and the money given to the poor?”
- But he said this not because he was caring about the poor, but because he was a thief. And having the moneybag, he was taking the money put into it.
- So Jesus said: “Permit her, so she might keep it for the day of My burial.
- “For you always have the poor with you, but you don’t always have Me.”
- So a great crowd of the Jews learned that He is there and they came; not only because of Jesus, but also so they might see Lazarus whom He raised from the dead.
- And the chief priests took counsel so they might also kill Lazarus,
- because many of the Jews were leaving and were believing in Jesus because of him.
The Triumphal Entry
- The next day – having heard that Jesus is coming to Jerusalem – the great crowd who came to the feast
- took palm tree branches and went out for a meeting with Him. And they were shouting: “Hosanna! *Blessed is the One coming in the name of the Lord,5quotation/allusion to Psalm 118:26 and the King of Israel!”
- And having found a young donkey, Jesus sat on it; just as it is *written:
- “Don’t fear daughter of Zion. Behold, your King comes sitting on a donkey’s colt.”6quotation/allusion to Zechariah 9:9
- His disciples didn’t understand these things at first. But when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were *written of Him, and that they did these things to Him.
- So the crowd being with Him when He called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead was testifying.
- And the crowd met Him because of this, because they heard He had done this sign.
- So the Pharisees said to themselves: “You see that you don’t benefit anything. Behold, the world went after Him.”
The hour has come
- Now, some of the men going up to Jerusalem so they might worship at the feast were Greeks.
- So these men came to Philip (the man from Bethsaida of Galilee) and they were asking him, saying: “Sir, we want to see Jesus.”
- Philip goes and tells Andrew; Andrew and Philip go and tell Jesus.
- and Jesus answers them, saying: “The hour has come so the Son of Man might be glorified.
- “Amen, amen I tell you: unless a wheat seed which fell into the ground dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.
- “The man loving his life loses it, and the man hating his life in this world will keep it for the life of ages.
- “If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me. And where I am, My servant will be there also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
- “My soul is *troubled now, and what might I say? ‘Father save Me from this hour?’ But I came because of this; for this hour.
- “Father, glorify your name.” Therefore a voice came from heaven: “I both glorified it and will glorify it again.”
- So the crowd *stood, and having heard it was saying: “It *was thunder.” Others were saying “An angel has spoken to Him.”
- Jesus answered and said: “This voice hasn’t come for My sake, but for your sake.”
- “Judgement is now in this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out.
- “And if I’m lifted up7“lifted up”, this is an idiom referring to crucifixion from the earth, I will draw8“draw” this Greek word could also be translated “drag”, as that’s a more common usage in the New Testament. all men to Myself.”
- And He was saying this, indicating what sort of death He was about to die.
- So the crowd answered Him: “We heard from the law that the Anointed remains through the age, and how do you say that it’s necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?”
- So Jesus told them: “The light is still with you a short time. Walk while you have the light so darkness might not seize you. And the man walking in the darkness doesn’t *know where he goes.
- “Believe in the light while you have the light, so you might become sons of light.” Jesus said these things and, having departed, He was hidden from them.
The people’s unbelief
- But despite Him *doing so many signs in front of them, they weren’t believing in Him,
- so the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which said: “Lord, who believed our report? And to whom was the Lord’s arm revealed?“9quotation/allusion to Isaiah 53:1
- They weren’t able to believe because of this, because again Isaiah said:
- “He has blinded their eyes and He hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes and understand with their heart, and turn, and I will heal them.”10quotation/allusion to Isaiah 6:10
- Isaiah said these things because he saw His glory and spoke about Him.
- But nevertheless, even of the rulers many believed in Him. But they weren’t confessing Him because of the Pharisees, so they wouldn’t become expelled from the synagogue.
- For they ^loved the glory of men more than the glory of God.
- And Jesus cried out and said: “The man believing in Me doesn’t believe in Me, but in the One who sent Me.
- “And the man seeing Me sees the One who sent Me.
- “I am a light which has come into the world, so that every man believing in Me might not remain in darkness.
- “And if someone hears My words and doesn’t keep them, I don’t judge him; for I didn’t come so I might judge the world, but so I might save the world.
- “The man rejecting Me and not receiving My words has one judging him: the word which I spoke. That will judge him on the last day,
- “because I didn’t speak from Myself, but the One who sent Me – the Father Himself – has given Me a commandment about what I should say and what I should speak.
- “And I *know that His commandment is the life of ages. So what I speak, I speak this way, just as the Father has spoken to Me.”
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John Chapter 13
Washing the disciples’ feet
- And before the feast of the Passover, Jesus *knew that His hour had come, that He would depart from this world to the Father, having ^loved His own who were in the world; He ^loved them to the end.
- And while dinner is happening, the Accuser had already *put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot (son of Simon) so he might betray Him.
- *Knowing that the Father gave all things into His hands, and that He came from God and departs to God,
- He rises from dinner and sets His outer garments down. And having taken a towel, He girded Himself.1“girded Himself”. This is a cultural reference, referring to the process of tying a belt or rope around the waist to gather the long robes and prevent them from getting in the way of work. It figuratively came to mean getting ready for action or work.
- Afterwards, He pours water into the washing basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was *girded.
- So He comes to Simon Peter who says to Him: “Lord, do you wash my feet?”
- Jesus answered and told him: “You don’t *perceive what I’m doing now, but you will understand after these things.”
- Peter tells Him: “You definitely won’t wash my feet through the age.” Jesus answered him: “If I don’t wash you, you don’t have a share with Me.”
- Simon Peter tells Him: “Lord, don’t only wash my feet, but also my hands and my head.”
- Jesus tells him: “The man who has bathed doesn’t have a need to wash anything except the feet, but is wholly clean. And you men are clean, but not all of you.”
- (For He had known the man betraying Him; because of this He said: “Not all of you are clean.”)
- So when He had washed their feet, and taken His outer garments, and reclined at the table again, He said to them: “Do you know what I have done for you?
- “You call Me teacher and Lord, and you speak rightly for I am.
- “So if I – the Lord and teacher – washed your feet, you also are obligated to wash one another’s feet.
- “For I gave you an example so that just as I did to you, you also should do.
- “Amen, amen I tell you: a slave isn’t greater than his master, nor a messenger greater than the man who sent him.
- “If you *know these things, you are blessed if you do them.
Judas’ betrayal predicted
- “I don’t speak about all of you – I *know whom I chose – but this is happening so the scripture might be fulfilled: ‘The man eating My bread raised his heel against Me.’2Quotation/allusion to Psalm 41:9
- “I tell you of this now before it happens, so when it happens you might believe that I Am.”3quotation/allusion to Exodus 3:14
- “Amen, amen I tell you: the man receiving someone I sent receives Me. And the man receiving Me receives the One who sent Me.”
- Having said these things, Jesus was agitated in spirit, and He testified and said: “Amen, amen I tell you that one of you will betray Me.”
- The disciples were looking at one another, being perplexed about whom He speaks.
- One of His disciples was reclining in the bosom of Jesus; he whom Jesus ^loved.
- Therefore, Simon Peter gestures to him [and tells him] to ask: “Who is it that He speaks about?”
- So that man, having thus leaned on the chest of Jesus, he says to Him: “Lord, who is it?”
- So Jesus answers: “That man is he to whom I will dip the morsel and will give it to him.” So having dipped the morsel, He takes it and gives it to Judas, son of Simon Iscariot.
- And after taking the morsel, then Satan entered into that man. So Jesus tells him: “What you do, do faster.”
- And none of the men reclining at the table knew why He said this to him.
- For since Judas was holding the moneybag, some were supposing that Jesus tells him: “Buy what we have need of for the feast”, or that he should give something to the poor.
- So having received the morsel, that man immediately went out, and it was night.
Peter’s denial predicted
- So when he went out, Jesus says: “The Son of Man is glorified now, and God is glorified in Him.”
- “If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and will glorify Him immediately.
- “Little children, I’m still with you for a short time. You will seek Me, and just as I told the Jews, I also tell you now: ‘Where I go, you aren’t able to come’.
- “I give a new commandment to you, that you should ^love one another. Just as I ^loved you, so also you should ^love one another.
- “All will know that you are My disciples by this: if you have ^love among one another.”
- Simon Peter says to Him: “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus answered him: “Where I go, you aren’t able to follow Me now. But you will follow later.”
- Peter says to Him: “Lord, why am I not able to follow you now? I will lay down my life for your sake.”
- Jesus answers: “You will lay down your life for Me? Amen, amen I tell you that the rooster definitely won’t crow until you will deny Me three times.
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John Chapter 14
- “Don’t let your heart be shaken. You believe in God; also believe in Me.1“You believe in God, also believe in Me” The Greek here is slightly ambiguous, since the verb “believe” here (repeated twice in the this clause) in both cases could either be indicative (statement of fact = “you believe”) or imperative (a command = “believe”). Additionally though less probably, either instance could be interrogative (question = “do you believe?”). Thus it could be translated one of 9 ways, and all are equally valid. Here are the four most likely meanings: (1) “Believe in God and believe in Me” (both imperative) (2) “You believe in God; also believe in Me.” (first indicative, second imperative) (3) “Do you believe in God? Also believe in Me.” (first interrogative, second imperative) (4) “You believe in God and you believe in Me.” (both indicative)
- “There are many dwellings in My Father’s house, and I would have told you if there weren’t because I’m going to prepare a place for you.
- “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will bring you to Myself, so you also might be where I am.
- “And you *know the way to the place I go.”
- Thomas says to Him: “Lord, we don’t *know where you’re going; how are we able to *know the way?”
- Jesus tells him: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
- “If you men had known Me, you had known My Father also; from now on, you know Him and have seen Him.”
- Philip says to Him: “Lord, show us the Father and that is satisfying for us.”
- Jesus tells him: “I’m with you men for so much time and you haven’t known Me Philip? The man who has seen Me has seen the Father; how do you say ‘show us the Father’?
- “Don’t you believe that I’m in the Father and the Father is in Me? The words that I speak to you I don’t speak from Myself, but the Father dwelling in Me does His works.
- “Believe Me that I’m in the Father and the Father is in Me. But if not, believe because of the works themselves.
- “Amen, amen I tell you: the man believing in Me, that man will also do the works that I do. And he will do greater works than these because I’m going to the Father.
- “And whatever you ask in My name, I will do it so the Father might be glorified in the Son.
- “If you ask Me something in My name, I will do it.
Another Advocate, the Holy Spirit
- “If you ^love Me, you will keep My commandments,
- “and I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate,2“Advocate” this Greek word as a legal term for a lawyer in NT times, and thus also has the idea of an advisor. In the widest sense, it was also a general term for one who offers aid. so He might be with you through the age.
- “He is the Spirit of truth whom the world isn’t able to receive because it doesn’t see Him nor know Him. You know Him because He dwells with you and will be in you.
- “I won’t leave you as orphans; I am coming to you.
- “There’s still a short time, and then the world no longer sees Me; but you see Me. Because I live, you also will live.
- “In that day you will know that I’m in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
- “The man having My commandments and keeping them, that is the man ^loving Me. And the man ^loving Me will be ^loved by My Father; and I will ^love him and will reveal Myself to him.”
- Judas (not Iscariot) says to Him: “Lord, and what has happened that you are about to reveal yourself to us and not to the world?”
- Jesus answered and told him: “If anyone ^loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will ^love him, and We will go to him and will make Our dwelling with him.
- “The man not ^loving Me doesn’t keep My words. And the word that you hear isn’t Mine, but it’s from the Father who sent Me.
- “I have told you these things while remaining with you.
- “But the Advocate – the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name – He will teach you all things and will remind you of all things that I told you.
- “I leave you peace; I give you My peace, I don’t give to you as the world gives. Don’t be shaken in your heart nor be fearfully timid.
- “You heard that I told you: ‘I am departing and am coming to you’. If you ^loved Me, you would’ve rejoiced that I am going to the Father because the Father is greater than I.
- “And now I have told you before it happens, so when it happens you might believe.
- “I won’t speak with you much longer, for the ruler of the world is coming and he doesn’t have anything in Me.
- “But so the world might know that I ^love the Father, and just as the Father commanded Me, I do it this way. Rise, so we might go from here.”
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John Chapter 15
Vines and branches
- “I am the true vine and My Father is the vinegrower.
- “Every branch that’s in Me but not bearing fruit, He removes it. And every branch bearing fruit, He cleans it by pruning1“cleans… …by pruning” is one word in Greek, which means to clean something by purging it of anything unclean, and was thus applied to pruning. so it might bear more fruit.
- “You are already clean because of the word that I have spoken to you.
- “Remain in Me, and I in you. Just as the branch isn’t able to bear fruit from itself if it doesn’t remain in the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in Me.
- I am the vine, you are the branches. The man remaining in Me and I in him; this man bears much fruit because without Me you are able to do nothing.
- “If someone doesn’t remain in Me, he was cast out like a branch and was withered. And they collect them and cast them into the fire and they’re burned.2“they’re burned” is literally “it’s burned” (singular), referring to the branch (singular) in the first half of the verse.
- “If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you desire and it will happen for you.
- “My Father is glorified in this, that you might bear much fruit, and you will become My disciples.
Love one another
- “Just as the Father ^loved Me, I also ^loved you; remain in My ^love.
- “If you keep My commandments you will remain in My ^love, just as I have kept the commandments of My Father and I remain in His ^love.
- “I have told you these things so My joy might be in you, and your joy might be full.
- “This is My commandment, that you should ^love one another just as I ^loved you.
- “No one has greater ^love than this: that someone lays down his life for his friends.
- “You are My friends if you do what I command you.
- “I call you slaves no longer, because a slave doesn’t *know what his master is doing. But I *call you friends because I declared to you all things that I heard from My Father.
- “You didn’t choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you, so you might go and bear fruit and your fruit might remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He might give you.
- “These things I command you so you might ^love one another.
The world will hate you
- “If the world hates you, you know that it *hated Me before you.
- “If you were of the world, the world would love its own. But because you aren’t of the world, but I chose you from the world, the world hates you because of this.
- “Remember the word that I told you: A slave isn’t greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will also keep yours.
- “But they will do all these things to you because of My name, because they haven’t known the One who sent Me.
- “If I hadn’t come and spoken to them, they wouldn’t have sin. But now they don’t have an excuse for their sin.
- “The man hating Me also hates My Father.
- “If I hadn’t done works among them that no other did, they wouldn’t have sin. But now they have both seen and hated both Me and My Father.
- “But this happened so the word *written in their law might be fulfilled: “They hated Me without cause.”3quotation/allusion to Psalm 69:4 and/or Psalm 35:19
- “When the Advocate whom I will send to you from the Father comes – the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father – He will testify about Me.
- “And you also testify, because you are with Me from the beginning.”
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John Chapter 16
The Spirit will come
- “I have said these things to you so you might not stumble.
- “They will make you exiles from the synagogue, but an hour is coming that every man who kills you does so because he thinks it’s to offer a service to God.
- “And they will do these things because they didn’t know the Father nor Me.
- “But I have said these things to you so that when their hour comes, you remember that I said them to you. And I didn’t say these things to you from the beginning because I was with you.
- “And now I’m going to the One who sent Me, and none of you asks Me: Where are you going?
- “But grief has filled your heart because I have told you these things.
- “But I tell you the truth: It’s better for you that I go away. For if I don’t go away, the Helper definitely won’t come to you. Yet if I go, I will send Him to you.
- “And having come, He will convict the world about sin, and about righteousness, and about judgement.
- “About sin because they don’t believe in Me.
- “And about righteousness because I’m going away to the Father, and then you see Me no more.”
- “And about judgement because the ruler of this world has been judged.
- “Yet I have many things to tell you, but you aren’t able to bear them now.
- “But when He – the Spirit of truth – comes, He will lead you into all truth. For He won’t speak from Himself, but He will speak whatever He hears; and He will report to you the things that are coming.
- “He will glorify Me, because He will take from what’s Mine and will report it to you.
- “All things whatsoever that the Father has are Mine. Because of this, I said that He takes from what’s Mine and will report it to you.
Coming and departing
- “A little longer and then you see Me no longer. And a little longer again and then you will see Me [because I’m going away to the Father].”
- So some of His disciples said to one another: “What’s this that He’s telling us: ‘a little longer and then you don’t see Me’, and ‘a little longer again and then you will see Me’, and ‘because I’m going away to the Father’?”
- So they were saying: “What is this that He’s saying: ‘A little longer‘? We don’t *know what He’s saying.”
- Jesus knew that they were wanting to ask Him, and He told them: “Are you inquiring with one another about this because I said: ‘A little longer and then you don’t see Me’, and ‘a little longer again and then you will see Me.’?
- “Amen, amen I tell you that you will weep and you will mourn, but the world will rejoice. You will be grieved, but your grief will become joy.
- “The woman has pain when she gives birth because her hour came. But when she birthed the child, she remembers the tribulation no longer because of her joy that a man was born into the world.
- “So you also have grief now; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you.
- “And in that day, you won’t ask Me anything.1” you won’t ask Me anything” could also be translated ” you won’t question Me about anything” the difference is small, but potentially significant. Amen, amen I tell you: anything you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.
- “Until now, you asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive so your joy might be *full.
- “I have spoken these things to you in parables. An hour is coming when I will speak to you in parables no more, but will report plainly about the Father to you.
- “In that day you will ask in My name, and I don’t tell you that I will ask the Father concerning you,
- “for the Father Himself loves you because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came out from God.
- “I came out from the Father and have come into the world. I am leaving the world again and departing to the Father.”
- His disciples say: “Behold, you speak in plainness now and speak nothing in a parable.
- “We now *know that you *know all things, and you have no need that you should ask anyone. We believe in this: that you came out from God.”
- Jesus answered them: “Now do you believe?
- “Behold, an hour is coming and has come that you will be scattered – each to his own – and leave Me alone. And yet I’m not alone because the Father is with Me.
- “I have spoken these things to you so you might have peace in Me. You have tribulation in the world, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
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John Chapter 17
Glorify the Son
- Jesus said these things, and having lifted up His eyes to heaven He said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son so the Son might glorify you.
- “Just as you gave Him authority over all flesh, so He might give the life of ages to all them whom you have given to Him.
- “And this is the life of ages: that they might know you – the only true God – and He whom you sent: Jesus the Anointed.
- “I glorified you on the earth, having accomplished the work that you have given Me, so I might do it.
- “And now you Father; glorify Me with yourself, with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.
- “I revealed your name to the men whom you gave Me out of the world. They were yours, and you gave them to Me, and they have kept your word.
- “Now they have known that all things – as many as you have given Me – are of you,
- “because the words that you gave to Me, I have given to them. And they received them and truly knew that I came out from you, and they believed that you sent Me.
- “I ask concerning them. I don’t ask concerning the world, but concerning whom you have given Me, because they are yours.
- “And all My things are yours, and your things Mine; and I have been glorified in them.
- “And I’m in the world no longer, and yet they are in the world, and I am going to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given to Me, so they might be one just as We are one.
- “When I was with them, I was keeping them in your name, which you have given to Me. And I guarded them, and none of them perished except the son of ruin, so the scripture might be fulfilled.
- “But now I’m going to you, and I say these things in the world so they might have My joy which has been completed in themselves.
- “I have given them your word, and the world hated them because they aren’t of the world, just as I’m not of the world.
- “I don’t ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from evil.1“evil” could also be translated “the evil one“, since the Greek construction is slightly ambiguous.
- “They aren’t of the world, just as I’m not of the world.
- “Make them holy by the truth; your word is truth.
- “Just as you sent Me into the world, I also sent them into the world.
- “And I make Myself holy for their sake, so they also might be *made holy in truth.
- “And I ask not only for these men, but also for the men believing in Me through their word,
- “so all might be one; just as you Father are in Me and I in you, so also they might be in Us, so the world might believe that you sent Me.
- “And the glory that you have given Me, I have given to them so they might be one, just as We are one.”
- “I in them and you in Me, so they might have been perfected into one, so the world might know that you sent Me and ^loved them just as you ^loved Me.
- “Father, I desire that where I am, those whom you have given to Me might also be with Me; so they might observe My glory which you have given to Me because you ^loved Me before the foundation of the world.
- “Righteous Father, even though the world didn’t know you, yet I knew you, and these men knew that you sent Me.
- “And I made your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the ^love with which you ^loved Me might be in them, and I in them.”
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John Chapter 18
Jesus is arrested
- Having said these things, Jesus went out with His disciples across the winter-stream1“winter-stream” refers to a river that only flows in the Middle Eastern equivalent of winter, which can also have heavy rain in addition to snow. Large amounts of water can flow through it during the winter period of heavy rains, but it’s dry most of the rest of the year. of Kidron where a garden was, into which He and His disciples entered.
- And, Judas – the man betraying Him – had also known the place because Jesus often gathered there with His disciples.
- So Judas, having received the cohort and officers from the chief priests and from the Pharisees, goes there with torches, and lanterns, and weapons.
- So *knowing all things coming upon Him, Jesus also went out and says to them: “Whom do you seek?”
- They answered Him: “Jesus the Nazarene.” He tells them: “I Am.” (And Judas – the man betraying Him – had also been standing with them.)
- So as He told them: “I Am.”, they drew back and fell to the ground.
- So He questioned them again: “Whom do you seek?” And they answered: “Jesus the Nazarene.”
- Jesus answered: “I told you that I Am. So if you seek Me, allow these men to depart.”
- This happened so the word which He spoke might be fulfilled that: “Of those whom you have given to Me, I lost not one of them.”
- So having a sword, Simon Peter unsheathed it and struck the slave of the high priest, and cut off his right ear, and name of the slave was Malchus.
- So Jesus told Peter: “Put the sword into its scabbard. The cup that the Father has given Me, won’t I certainly drink it?”
- So the cohort, and the commander, and the Jewish officers seized Jesus and bound Him,
- and they led Him to Annas first, for he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was the high priest that year.
- And, Caiaphas was the man who counseled the Jews that it’s profitable for one man to die for the sake of the people.
Peter’s first denial
- Now, Simon Peter and another disciple were following Jesus. And since that disciple was an acquaintance of the high priest, he also entered with Jesus into the courtyard of the high priest,
- but Peter had stood outside at the door. So the other disciple (who was an acquaintance of the high priest) went out and spoke to the doorkeeper and brought Peter in.
- So the servant girl who was the doorkeeper says to Peter: “Aren’t you also one of this man’s disciples?” He says: “I’m not.”
- Now, having *made a bed of coals because it was cold, the officers and the slaves had stood near it and they were warming themselves. And Peter also was *standing with them and warming himself.
Jesus before the high priest
- So the high priest questioned Jesus about His disciples and about His teaching.
- Jesus answered him: “I have spoken with open boldness to the world. I always taught in the synagogue and in the temple where all the Jews assemble, and spoke nothing in secret.
- “Why do you question Me? Question the men who have heard what I spoke to them. Behold, they *know what I said.”
- And with Him having said these things, one of the officers *standing there gave Jesus a slap after saying: “You answer the high priest this way?”
- Jesus answered him: “If I spoke evil, testify about the evil. But if I spoke rightly, why do you strike Me?”
- So Annas sent Him *bound to Caiaphas the high priest.
Peter’s second and third denials
- Now, Simon Peter was *standing and warming himself. So they said to him: “Aren’t you also one of His disciples?” He denied it and said: “I’m not.”
- One of the high priest’s slaves – being a relative of the man whose ear Peter cut off – says: “Didn’t I see you in the garden with Him?”
- So Peter denied it again, and immediately a rooster crowed.
Jesus before Pilate
- So they lead Jesus from Caiaphas into the Praetorium. Now, it was early and they didn’t enter into the Praetorium so they wouldn’t be defiled, but might eat the Passover.
- So Pilate went out to them and says: “What accusation are you bringing against this man?”
- They answered and told him: “If He wasn’t doing evil, we wouldn’t have delivered Him to you.”
- So Pilate told them: “You take Him and judge Him according to your law.” The Jews said to him: “It’s not lawful for us to kill anyone.”
- (This happened so the word of Jesus which He spoke might be fulfilled, signifying what sort of death He was about to die.)
- So Pilate entered into the Praetorium again and called Jesus and said to Him: “Are you the King of the Jews?”
- Jesus answered: “Do you say this from yourself, or did others tell you this about Me?”
- Pilate answered: “I’m not a Jew, am I? Your nation and the chief priests delivered you to me; what did you do?”
- Jesus answered: “My kingdom isn’t of this world. If My kingdom was of this world, My subordinates would have been fighting so I wouldn’t be handed over to the Jews. But presently, My kingdom isn’t of this place.
- So Pilate said to Him: “Then you are a king?” Jesus answered: “You say that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world: so I might testify to the truth. Every man who is of the truth hears My voice.
- Pilate says to Him: “What is truth?” And having said this again, he went out to the Jews and tells them: “I find nothing guilty in Him.
- “But it’s a custom with you that I release one prisoner to you at the Passover. So, do you intend that I release the King of the Jews to you?”
- So they cried out again saying: “Not this man, but Barabbas.” (And Barabbas was a violent robber.)
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John Chapter 19
Jesus is mocked and sentenced
- So, then Pilate took Jesus and flogged Him.
- And having woven a crown of thorns, the soldiers put it on His head and clothed Him in a purple robe.
- And they were going to Him and were saying: “Hail, the King of the Jews!” and were giving Him slaps.
- And Pilate went out to the Jews again and tells them: “Behold, I bring Him out to you so you might know that I find nothing guilty in Him.”
- So Jesus went out wearing the thorny crown and the purple robe, and he tells them: “Behold the man.”
- So when they saw Him, the chief priests and the officers cried out saying: “Crucify! Crucify!” Pilate tells them: “Take Him and crucify Him yourselves, for I find no guilt in Him.”
- The Jews answered him: “We have a law, and according to the law He ought to die because He made Himself out to be God’s Son.
- So when Pilate heard this statement, he feared even more.
- And he went into the Praetorium again and says to Jesus: “Where are you from?” But Jesus didn’t give him an answer.
- So Pilate says to Him: “You don’t speak to me? Don’t you *know that I have authority to release you, and I have authority to crucify you?”
- Jesus answered him: “You wouldn’t have any authority over Me unless it has been given to you from above. Because of this, the man who delivered Me to you has a greater sin.”
- From this, Pilate was seeking to release Him, but the Jews cried out saying: “If you release this man, you aren’t a friend of Caesar. Every man making himself out to be a king contradicts Caesar.”
- So having heard these words, Pilate brought Jesus out and sat down on the judgement seat at a place called The Stone Pavement, and in Hebrew: Gabbatha.
- Now, it was the Day of Preparation for the Passover, and it was about the sixth hour. And he tells the Jews: “Behold your king!”
- So they cried out: “Away! Away with Him! Crucify Him!” Pilate says to them: “Should I crucify your king?” The chief priests answered: “We have no king except Caesar.”
Jesus is crucified
- So then he handed Him over to them so He might be crucified. So they took Jesus,
- and carrying His own cross, He went out to the area called “Place of a Skull”, which in Hebrew is called ‘Golgotha’,
- where they crucified Him and two others with Him, one on one side and one on the other side, and Jesus in between.
- And Pilate also wrote a placard and put it on the cross, and it was *written: “Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.”
- So many of the Jews read this placard because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and it was *written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek.
- So the chief priests of the Jews were saying to Pilate: “Don’t write ‘the King of the Jews’, but instead write that: ‘this man said: I’m King of the Jews’.”
- Pilate answered: “I have written what I have written.”
- So when the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took His garments and His tunic and made four portions, one portion for each soldier. But the tunic was seamless from the top down, woven entirely throughout.
- So they said to one another: “We shouldn’t tear it, but we should cast lots for it to decide whose it will be.” This happened so the scripture might be fulfilled, the one saying: “They divided My garments among themselves, and they cast a lot for My clothing.”1quotation/allusion to Psalm 22:18 So the soldiers indeed did these things.
- Now, His mother had been standing by Jesus’ cross, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.
- So having seen His mother and the disciple whom He ^loved *standing there, Jesus says to His mother: “Woman, behold your son.”
- Next He says to the disciple: “Behold your mother.” And from that hour on, the disciple took her into his own household.
Jesus’ death and burial
- After this, *knowing that all things were already *accomplished so the scripture might be fulfilled, Jesus says: “I thirst.”
- A vessel full of sour wine was lying nearby, so having put a sponge filled with sour wine on a hyssop stalk, they brought it to His mouth.
- So when Jesus took the sour wine, He said: “It has been finished!” And having bowed His head, He handed over His spirit.
- So since it was a Sabbath Preparation Day, and so that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a great holy day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and they might be taken away.
- So the soldiers came and indeed broke the legs of the first man, and the other man who was crucified with Him.
- But having come to Jesus, they didn’t break His legs when they saw that He already *died.
- But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.
- And the man who has seen this has testified, and his testimony is true. And that man *knows that he is speaking the truth, so you also might believe,
- for these things took place so the scripture might be fulfilled: “Not a bone of His will be broken.”2quotation/allusion to Psalm 34:20, and also tangentially to Exodus 12:46 and Numbers 9:12
- And again another scripture says: “They will see Him whom they pierced.”3quotation/allusion to Zechariah 12:10
- And after these things, Joseph from Arimathea – being a disciple of Jesus, but *concealing this because of the fear of the Jews – asked Pilate so he might take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate allowed it. So he came and took away His body.
- And Nicodemus – the man who first came to Him at night – also came bearing a mixture of myrrh and aloe, about 100 litras.4“litras” is the plural of litra, which was a Roman pound. It’s approximately equivalent to twelve ounces, or 327.5 grams.
- So they took the body of Jesus and bound it in linen wrappings with the spices, as is the custom for the Jews to prepare a body for burial.
- Now, at the place where He was crucified was a garden, and in the garden was a new tomb in which no one has ever been laid.
- So they laid Jesus there because of the Preparation Day of the Jews, because the tomb was near.
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John Chapter 20
The empty tomb
- Now, on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb early, with it still being dark, and she sees that the stone has been removed from the tomb.
- So she runs and comes to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved and she tells them: “They took the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t *know where they put Him.”
- So Peter and the other disciple went out and were going to the tomb.
- And the two were running together, and the other disciple ran ahead faster than Peter and came to the tomb first.
- And having stooped down, he sees the linen wrappings lying there, yet he didn’t enter.
- So Simon Peter also comes following him, and he entered into the tomb and observes the linen wrappings lying there,
- and the head cloth (which was on His head) not lying with the linen wrappings, but *folded separately in another place.
- So the other disciple – the one who came to the tomb first – then also entered and saw and believed,
- for they hadn’t yet understood the scripture, that it’s necessary for Him to rise from the dead.
- So the disciples departed again to their own homes.
- But Mary had stood at the tomb, weeping outside. So as she was weeping, she stooped down into the tomb,
- and she sees two angels in white sitting – one at the head and one at the feet – where the body of Jesus had been lying.
- And those angels say to her: “Woman, why are you weeping?” She tells them: “Because they took my Lord, and I don’t *know where they put Him.”
- Having said these things, she turned back around and sees Jesus *standing there, and she hadn’t known that it’s Jesus.
- Jesus says to her: “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Thinking that He’s the gardener, she tells Him: “Sir, if you carried Him away, tell me where you put Him and I will take Him away.”
- Jesus says to her: “Mary.” Having turned, that woman says to Him in Hebrew: “Rabboni?” (which means: “teacher”)
- Jesus tells her: “Don’t cling to Me, for I haven’t yet ascended to the Father. But go to My brothers and tell them: ‘I’m ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God’.”
- Mary Magdalene goes to the disciples, announcing that “I have seen the Lord!” and those things He told her.
Jesus appears to the disciples
- So it being evening that same day (the first of the week) and the doors having been *shut where the disciples were because of the fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst. And He tells them: “Peace be with you.”
- And having said this, He showed both His hands and His side to them. So having seen the Lord, the disciples rejoiced.
- So Jesus told them again: “Peace be with you. Just as the Father has sent Me out, I also send you.”
- And having said this, He breathed on them and tells them: “Receive the Holy Spirit.
- “If you forgive someone’s sins, they have been forgiven them. If you retain someone’s sins, they have been retained.”
- But Thomas (one of the twelve, the man called “Didymus”) wasn’t with them when Jesus came.
- So the other disciples were telling him: “We have seen the Lord!” But he told them: “Unless I see the mark of the nails in His hands, and put my finger into the mark of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I definitely won’t believe.”
- And after eight days, His disciples were inside again and Thomas was with them. Jesus comes despite the *shut doors, and He stood in their midst and said: “Peace be with you.”
- Next He tells Thomas: “Bring your finger here and see My hands, and bring your hand and put it into My side; and don’t be unbelieving, but believing.
- Thomas answered and said to Him: “My Lord and my God.”
- Jesus tells him: “You have believed because you have seen Me; blessed are the men who didn’t see and yet believed.”
- So indeed, Jesus also did many other signs in His disciples’ presence which haven’t been written in this book.
- But these have been written so you might believe that Jesus is the Anointed, the Son of God, and that by believing you might have life in His name.
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John Chapter 21
The 3rd appearance of Jesus
- After these things, Jesus revealed Himself to the disciples again at the Sea of Tiberias, and He revealed Himself this way:
- Simon Peter, and Thomas (the man called Didymus), and Nathanael the man from Cana of Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others from His disciples were together.
- Simon Peter tells them: “I’m going to fish.” They say to him: “We’re also coming with you.” They went out and embarked into the boat, and they caught nothing on that night.
- And it having become morning already, Jesus stood at the shore, yet the disciples hadn’t known that it’s Jesus.
- So Jesus says to them: “Children, don’t you have any fish?” They answered Him: “No.”
- And He told them: “Throw the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find fish.” So they threw it, and they were no longer able to drag it in from the plethora of fish.
- So that disciple whom Jesus ^loved says to Peter: “It’s the Lord!” So having heard that it’s the Lord, Simon Peter put on his outer tunic (for he was stripped for work) and threw himself into the sea.
- And the other disciples in the boat came dragging the net with the fish, for they weren’t far from the land, but about 200 cubits1“cubits”, the plural of “cubit”, which is about 18 inches, or about 46 centimeters. Thus, 200 cubits is about 300 feet. away.
- So when they disembarked onto the land, they see a coal-fire lying there, and fish placed on it, and bread.
- Jesus tells them: “Bring some of the fish which you caught just now.”
- So Simon Peter went up and pulled the net full of large fish to the land; 153 fish, and despite being so many, the net wasn’t torn.
- Jesus tells them: “Come, eat breakfast.” But none of the disciples dared to ask Him “Who are you?”, *knowing that it’s the Lord.
- Jesus comes and takes the bread and gives it to them, and He does likewise with the fish.
- This was already the third time Jesus was revealed to the disciples after having been raised from the dead.
Jesus, Peter, and John
- So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus says to Simon Peter: “Simon son of John, do you ^love Me more than these men?” He tells Him: “Yes Lord, you *know that I love2“love” The Greek word here is “φιλέω” (phileó), and it denotes warm feelings of affection, friendship and kinship, or a great fondness for someone or something. The contrast with “ἀγαπάω” (agapaó) used earlier in this verse can be adequately understood as a heart/head difference. Thus, agapaó is the “love” based on the will, choice and the mind; whereas phileó is the “love” based on emotions, feelings, and the heart. you.” He says to him: “Feed My lambs.”
- He says to him again for a second time: “Simon son of John, do you ^love Me?” He tells Him: “Yes Lord, you *know that I love you.” He says to him: “Shepherd My sheep.”
- He says to him the third time: “Simon son of John, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because the third time He said to him: “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him: “Lord, you *know all things. You know that I love you.” Jesus tells him: “Feed My sheep.
- “Amen, amen I tell you: when you were younger, you were girding yourself3“girding yourself” is a cultural reference, referring to the process of tying a belt or rope around the waist to gather their long robes and prevent them from getting in the way of work. It can also carry the connotation of clothing yourself. It figuratively came to mean getting ready for action or work. and were walking where you were wanting. But when you grow old, you will reach out your hands and another will gird you and will bring you where you don’t desire.
- And He said this, signifying by what kind of death he will glorify God. And having said this, He tells him: “Follow Me.”
- Having turned, Peter sees the disciple whom Jesus ^loved following (who also reclined at the supper on His chest and said: “Lord, who is the man betraying you?”)
- So having seen that man, Peter says to Jesus: “Lord, and what about this man?”
- Jesus tells him: “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”
- So this saying went out among the brothers, that this disciple doesn’t die. But Jesus didn’t tell him that he doesn’t die, but only: “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you?”
- This is the disciple testifying about these things, and the man who wrote these things, and we *know that his testimony is true.
- Now, there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if every one would be written, I think not even the world itself would have space for the books that would be written.
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Paul’s Epistles
Romans Chapter 1
- Paul, a slave of Jesus the Anointed, called to be an apostle and *set apart for God’s gospel
- which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy scriptures,
- concerning His Son, the One who was born from the seed of David according to the flesh,
- the One who was declared God’s Son in power according to the Spirit of holiness by His resurrection from the dead; Jesus the Anointed, our Lord.
- through whom we received grace and apostleship for the obedience of faith in all the gentiles for His name’s sake,
- including in you, who are also called to be of Jesus the Anointed.
- To all the men in Rome who are beloved by God and called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Anointed Lord Jesus.
Paul and the Gospel
- First, I indeed thank my God through Jesus the Anointed for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in the whole world.
- For God, whom I serve in my spirit by the gospel of His Son, is my witness of how unceasingly I make mention of you,
- always imploring in my prayers that somehow now at last by the will of God, I will successfully travel to come to you
- For I long to see you so I might impart some spiritual gift to you, for you to be strengthened.
- And that is, I wish to be encouraged together among you through each other’s faith, both your faith and mine.
- And brothers, I don’t want you to be ignorant that I frequently purposed to come to you (and was hindered until now), so I might have some fruit among you also, even as among the rest of the gentiles.
- I’m indebted to both Greeks and barbarians; to both wise and foolish.
- Thus for me, I’m also ready to preach the gospel to you, the men in Rome.
- For I’m not ashamed of the gospel, for it’s the power of God for salvation to every man believing, both to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
- For God’s righteousness is revealed in it from faith to faith, just as it is *written: “And the righteous shall live by faith.”1quotation/allusion to Habakkuk 2:4
God’s wrath upon unrighteousness
- For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, the men suppressing the truth by unrighteousness.
- because what’s known of God is obvious among them, for God revealed it to them.
- For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes – both His eternal power and divine nature – are clearly seen, being understood by the created things for them to be without excuse,
- because while having known God, they didn’t glorify Him as God or thank Him, but they became futile in their reasoning and their foolish heart was darkened.
- Though professing to be wise, they became fools.
- And they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into a likeness of the image of corruptible man, and birds, and four-legged animals, and creeping things.2“creeping things” is one word in Greek, which can refer to reptiles, especially snakes.
- Therefore, God handed them over to the cravings of their hearts; to impurity, to disgrace their bodies among them,
- who changed the truth of God into a lie, and reverently feared and served the creation instead of the One who created it, who is blessed through the ages. Amen.
- Because of this, God handed their men3“their men” is more literally “them” in the masculine form. However, since gender matters to this verse, “their men” was chosen to avoid readers misinterpreting “them” as applying to both genders. It should be noted that the word “their” in the later phrase “their females” is also masculine. over to disgraceful, depraved passions; for both they and4“both they and” is a single word in Greek which properly means “both and”. It’s a less common conjugation, though is used seven times in Romans 1, every time with the meaning of “both and”. The antecedent for the “both” part is clearly the men in the first clause, thus “they” was added for clarity. their females exchanged the natural use of intercourse5“use of intercourse” is one word in Greek. It should be noted that the Greek word χρῆσις (chrésis) refers specifically to intercourse, which requires penetration by the male. While this verse is typically translated and interpreted to apply to female homosexuality, that is impossible because χρῆσις requires a male’s involvement. Without a male, it isn’t χρῆσις. There is no instance in all of Greek literature where χρῆσις is applied to female homosexuality. The early church fathers applied this verse not to female homosexuality, but to sodomy, which requires a male penetrating another person (male or female). Thus the “natural use of intercourse” (vaginal intercourse) is contrasted with sodomy, which is “close beside but contrary to nature”. The “female homosexuality” interpretation of this verse arose primarily after the church began to use a Latin translation of the Bible instead of the original Greek, and thus the specificity of χρῆσις was lost in translation. for the one that’s close beside but contrary to6“close beside but contrary to” is one word in Greek. It’s the Greek word “παρά” (para) which is the root of our word parallel. The primary meaning is “close beside”, but when followed by a word in the Greek accusative case – which it is here – it also gains the nuance of being “contrary to”. nature.
- And doing the same thing, the males both rejected the natural use of the female and were inflamed in their lust for one another; males in7“in” is literal, almost certainly a reference to the sodomy that homosexual males engage in. males, bringing about their shame and receiving in themselves the recompense that was proper for their error.
- And as they didn’t see fit to have recognition of God, God handed them over to a depraved mind to do improper things;
- *filling themselves with all unrighteousness, depravity, covetousness, wickedness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malevolence, secret slanderers;
- slanderous, abhorring God, violent, arrogant, boasters, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,
- without understanding, covenant-breakers, without familial affection, and without mercy.
- Men who, while having known the righteous judgement and ordinance of God – that the men practicing such things are worthy of death – not only do them, but also join in approvingly with the men practicing them.
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Romans Chapter 2
God’s righteous, impartial judgement
- Therefore, you O man are inexcusable, every man of you who’s judging. For by what you judge the other man, you condemn yourself; for you man who’s judging practice the same things.
- Yet we *know that the judgement of God is based on truth upon the men practicing such things.
- And consider this O man; you man judging the men practicing such things (even while doing them yourself), do you think that you will escape the judgement of God?
- Or do you scorn the richness of His benevolence, and forbearance, and patience, not knowing that the benevolence of God leads you to repentance.
- And according to your hardness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath and the revelation of the righteous judgement of God,
- who will repay to each according to his deeds.1quotation/allusion to Psalm 62:12
- To the men who by endurance in good work are seeking glory, and honor, and incorruptibility: the life of ages2“life of ages” is literal, and captures the duration as well as the quality of the life, which the traditional interpretation of “eternal life” doesn’t. The word translated “ages” (αἰώνιον) is the adjective form of the Greek word “αἰών” (aion), which is used – for example – in Matthew 24:3 “what are the signs of your coming and the end of the age?”
- But to the men of selfish ambition and men disobeying the truth (also being persuaded of unrighteousness): anger and wrath.
- Tribulation and anguish will come upon the soul of every man practicing wickedness, both the Jew first and then the Greek.
- But glory, and honor, and peace to every man practicing good; both to the Jew first and also to the Greek,
- for there’s no partiality with God.
Obedience matters, not circumcision
- For as many as sinned without the law will also perish without the law. And as many as sinned with the law will be judged by the law.
- For the hearers of the law aren’t righteous with God, but the doers of the law will be proved righteous –
- (For when the gentiles not having the law do the things of the law by nature, these men not having the law are a law to themselves,
- who clearly demonstrate the work of the law written in their hearts, witnessing together with their conscience, and between one another, their thoughts accusing or even defending them.
- – on that day when God judges the hidden things of men through Jesus the Anointed according to my gospel.
- But if you bear the name of ‘Jew’, and rely on the law, and boast in God,
- and you know His will, and you examine the things to prove what is excellent, being taught from the law,
- and you are *confident in yourself to be both a guide of blind men and a light of men in darkness;
- a strict schoolmaster of foolish men, a teacher of immature men, having the embodiment of knowledge and of the truth in the law;
- therefore, you man teaching another, don’t you teach yourself? You man preaching not to steal, do you steal?
- You man saying not to have sex with another man’s wife,3“have sex with another man’s wife” is one word in the Greek, typically translated “commit adultery”. However, the Greek word (and Hebrew too) is more limited in scope than our English word adultery. In English, “adultery” means illicit sex between a married person – man or woman – and someone who isn’t their spouse. In Greek (and Hebrew also), it meant “a man having sex with another man’s wife”. A married man having sex with an unmarried woman was called fornication. do you have sex with another man’s wife? You man detesting idols, do you rob temples?
- You who boast in the law, do you dishonor God through a deliberate violation of the law?
- For: “God’s name is blasphemed among the gentiles because of you“4quotation/allusion to Ezekiel 36:20 just as it is *written.
- For circumcision indeed benefits you if you practice the law. But if you are a deliberate violator of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision.
- Therefore, if the uncircumcised man keeps the ordinances of the law, won’t his uncircumcision be considered as circumcision?
- And the uncircumcised man by birth who’s fulfilling the law will judge you to be a deliberate violator of the law through the letter of the law and circumcision.
- For the one with the outward appearance of a Jew isn’t a Jew, nor the one with the outward circumcision in the flesh,
- but the man who’s a Jew internally is a Jew; who also has circumcision of the heart in spirit, not in the letter, whose approval isn’t from men, but from God.
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Romans Chapter 3
God is righteous
- Then what is the advantage of the Jew? Or what is the benefit of the circumcision?
- Much in every way. For indeed, it’s primarily that they were entrusted with the oracles of God.
- For what if some disbelieved? Their unbelief won’t nullify the faithfulness of God, will it?
- May it never be! But let God be true though every man is a liar; just as it is *written: “that you might be made righteous in your words, and will prevail when you’re to be judged.”1quotation/allusion to Psalm 51:4
- But if our unrighteousness proves God’s righteousness, what will we say: is God – the One inflicting wrath – unrighteous? (I speak as a man might.)
- May it never be! Otherwise, how will God judge the world?
- But if the truth of God overflowed for His glory by my lie, why am I also still judged as a sinner?
- And why not say: “Let us do evil so good might come”? Just as we’re blasphemously charged with saying and as some men report us to say, men whose condemnation is just.
No man is righteous
- What then, are we better? Not at all! For we previously brought an accusation against both Jews and Greeks that all are under sin.
- Just as it is *written: “There is none righteous, not even one.
- “There is no man understanding, there is no man seeking God.
- “All turned away; together they became like worthless spoiled milk.2” they became like worthless spoiled milk” is one word in Greek, originally referring to milk that had spoiled, and thus was worthless and good for nothing. Thus, this word also has the connotation of being corrupt/spoiled/ruined. There is no man doing good; there isn’t even one.”3quotation/allusion to Psalm 14:1-3
- “Their throat is a *open grave, their tongues were continually deceiving.”4quotation/allusion to Psalm 5:9 “The venom of asps5an “asp” is a highly poisonous snake who’s venom is very often fatal when left untreated. Further, the venom works quickly, making it even more dangerous. is under their lips;”6quotation/allusion to Psalm 140:3
- “whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.”7quotation/allusion to Psalm 10:7
- “Their feet are swift to spill blood,
- “complete ruin and misery are in their ways,
- “and they didn’t know the way of peace.”8quotation/allusion to Isaiah 59:7-8
- “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”9quotation/allusion to Psalm 36:1
- Yet we have known that whatever the law says, it speaks to the men under the law so that every mouth might be stopped, and all the world might be brought to trial, being guilty10“might be brought to trial, being guilty” is one word in Greek. It refers to bringing someone who is guilty to trial to answer for their crimes. It can also refer to the sentence of the condemned. before God.
- Therefore, no flesh will be made righteous in His sight by the works of the law, for through the law comes knowledge of sin.
Righteousness from God through Jesus
- But now, the righteousness of God has been made known apart from the law, being testified of by the law and the prophets;
- even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus the Anointed for all the men believing, for there’s no distinction,
- for all sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
- being made righteous by His freely given grace through the repurchase payment11“repurchase payment” is one word in Greek, typically translated “redemption”. It properly refers to the price paid to “buy back” something that had been lost. in Jesus the Anointed,
- whom God set forth as a mercy seat12“mercy seat” is one word in Greek, usually translated “propitiation” here. The only other place this word is used is in Hebrews 9:5, where it is universally agreed to refer to the “mercy seat”, or the lid of the Ark of the Covenant. In the Septuagint, this word was used almost exclusively for the Ark’s lid. Thus, Paul’s use of the word here was likely intended to tie Jesus’s work back to the Old Testament sacrificial system, and especially the “Day of Reconciliation/Atonement” in Leviticus 16. Specifically, it’s likely a reference to the sin offering which was sprinkled on the mercy seat on that day, since Jesus is called a sin offering in other passages. through faith in His blood for a demonstration of His righteousness in the forbearance of God through the overlooking of sins previously *committed,
- for the demonstration of His righteousness in the present season, for Him to be righteous and also making righteous the man whose faith is in Jesus.
- Where then is the boasting? It was excluded. Through what law? Of works? Certainly not! But through the law of faith.
- For we consider a man to be made righteous by faith apart from the works of the law.
- Or is God only the God of the Jews? Isn’t He also God of the gentiles? Yes! Of the gentiles too,
- since there’s indeed one God who will make the circumcision righteous by faith and the uncircumcision righteous through the same faith.
- Then, do we nullify the law through faith? May it never be! Instead, we establish the law.
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Romans Chapter 4
Righteousness from works vs faith
- Therefore, what will we say that Abraham has discovered? (Who is our father according to the flesh.)
- For if Abraham was made righteous by works, he has a reason to boast (but not to God).
- For what does the scripture say: “And Abraham believed God and that was credited to him as righteousness.”1quotation/allusion to Genesis 15:6
- Now, to the man working, his wage isn’t credited as grace but as what’s owed.
- But to the man not working, but believing on the One making the ungodly righteous, his faith is credited as righteousness,
- Just as David also speaks of how blessed is the man for whom God credits righteousness apart from works:
- “Blessed are the men whose lawless deeds were forgiven, and whose sins were covered;
- “blessed is the man to whom the Lord definitely won’t take into account his sin.”2quotation/allusion to Psalm 32:1
- Then, is this blessing only on the circumcision, or also on the uncircumcision? (For we say faith was credited to Abraham as righteousness.)3quotation/allusion to Genesis 15:6
- Then how was it credited? While being in circumcision or in uncircumcision? Not while in circumcision, but while in uncircumcision.
- And he received the sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness of the faith he had while in uncircumcision, for him to be the father of all the men believing while in uncircumcision, for it to be credited to them as righteousness also.
- And the father of circumcision isn’t only father to the men of circumcision, but also to the men walking in the footsteps of the faith of our father Abraham while in uncircumcision.
Through faith, not law
- For the promise for him to be an heir of the world wasn’t given to Abraham or his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.
- For if the men of the law are heirs, faith has been made void and the promise has been nullified.
- For the law brings about wrath; but where there’s no law, there’s no deliberate sin either.
- Therefore, it’s from faith so that it’s by grace, for all the seed to be certain of the promise; not only to the seed of the law, but also to the seed of Abraham’s faith, who is the father of us all.
- Just as it is *written: “I have established you as a father of many nations.”4quotation/allusion to Genesis 17:5 He believed before God, the One giving life to the dead and calling the things not existing like things that do exist.
- With hope against hope, Abraham believed the promise for him to become the father of many nations, according to what has been spoken: “So will your seed be.”5quotation/allusion to Genesis 15:5
- And not having been weak in faith, he considered his own body as [already] *dying (being about one hundred years old) and the deadness of Sarah’s womb.
- But he didn’t doubt the promise of God in unbelief, but was strengthened by faith; having given glory to God
- and having been fully convinced that what God has promised, He is also able to do.
- And therefore: “It was credited to him as righteousness.”6quotation/allusion to Genesis 15:6
- Yet it wasn’t written that “it was credited to him” because of him alone,
- but also because of us (to whom it’s about to be credited); to the men believing on the One who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead,
- who was handed over because of our missteps7“missteps”. The Greek word used here doesn’t quite mean “sin”. It’s the word “παράπτωμα” (paraptóma) and carries the connotation of a “slip-up” with the strong implication – but not certainty – that it was unintentional., and was raised for the sake of us being made righteous.
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Romans Chapter 5
Peace with God
- Therefore, having been made righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord, Jesus the Anointed.
- Through whom we also *have access by faith into this grace in which we *stand, and we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.
- And not only that, but we also rejoice in tribulations; *knowing that tribulation produces endurance,
- and endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.
- And hope doesn’t make us ashamed because the ^love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit; the One who was given to us.
- For with us still being weak, the Anointed died for the sake of the ungodly at the opportune time.
- For rarely will someone die for the sake of a righteous man, though for the sake of a good man perhaps someone might even dare to die.
- But God is proving His own ^love for us, because with us still being sinners, the Anointed died for our sake.
- Therefore, having now been made righteous by His blood, how much more will we be saved from wrath through Him!
- For if we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son while being enemies, then having been reconciled, how much more will we be saved by His life!
- And not only this, but we’re also rejoicing in God through our Lord, Jesus the Anointed, through whom we now received reconciliation.
Death through Adam’s sin, life through Jesus’ righteousness
- Because of this, just as sin entered into the world through one man, and death through sin, so also death spread to all men, because all sinned.
- For sin was in the world until the law, but sin isn’t charged to an account when there isn’t a law.
- But regardless, death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over the men who didn’t sin in the likeness of the deliberate sin of Adam, who is a type of the One about to come.
- But the gift of grace isn’t like the misstep.1“misstep”. The Greek word used here doesn’t quite mean “sin”. It’s the word “παράπτωμα” (paraptóma) and carries the connotation of a “slip-up” with the strong implication – but not certainty – that it was unintentional. For if the many died by one man’s misstep, so also the grace of God and the gift by the grace of One man – Jesus the Anointed – overflowed much more to the many.
- And the gift isn’t like what came through the one who sinned. For indeed, the judgement from one resulted in a sentence of punishment, but the gift of grace from many missteps resulted in our being made righteous.
- For if death reigned through the one misstep of the one, how much more will the men receiving the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus the Anointed!
- So therefore, just as a sentence of punishment came to all men through one misstep, so also, being made righteous in life came to all men through one righteous deed.
- For just as the many were made sinners through the disobedience of one man, so also the many will be made righteous through the obedience of One man.
- And the law entered so the misstep might abound. But where sin abounded, grace super-abounded,
- so just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to the life of ages2“life of ages” is literal, and captures the duration as well as the quality of the life, which the traditional interpretation of “eternal life” doesn’t. The word translated “ages” (αἰώνιον) is the adjective form of the Greek word “αἰών” (aion), which is used – for example – in Matthew 24:3 “what are the signs of your coming and the end of the age?” through Jesus the Anointed our Lord.
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Romans Chapter 6
Dead to sin, Alive to the Anointed
- Therefore, what will we say? Might we continue in sin so grace might abound?
- May it never be! How will we who died to sin still live in it?
- Or do you not know that as many as were baptized into Jesus the Anointed were baptized into His death?
- Therefore, we were buried with Him through baptism into death, so just as the Anointed was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we might also walk in newness of life.
- For if we have become united with the likeness of His death, we will certainly also be in the likeness of His resurrection,
- knowing this: that our old man was crucified with Him, so the body of sin might be nullified, to enslave us to sin no longer.
- For the man who died has been absolved from sin.
- And if we died with the Anointed, we believe that we will also live with Him,
- *knowing that the Anointed (having been raised from the dead) no longer dies; death no longer has authority over Him.
- For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God.
- And you likewise must consider yourselves to be indeed dead to sin, but alive to God in Jesus the Anointed.
- Therefore, don’t let sin reign in your mortal body in order to obey its cravings,
- nor present your parts to sin as tools of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as alive from the dead, and your parts as tools of righteousness to God.
- For sin won’t have authority over you, for you aren’t under the law, but under grace.
Sin into death, obedience into righteousness
- What then, should we sin because we aren’t under the law but under grace? May it never be!
- Don’t you *know that whoever you present yourselves to as slaves for obedience, you are slaves to him whom you obey? (Whether of sin into death or of obedience into righteousness.)
- But grace be to God because while you were formerly slaves of sin, yet you became obedient from the heart to the pattern of teaching to which you were delivered,
- and having been freed from sin, you were enslaved to righteousness.
- I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your parts as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness resulting in more lawlessness, so now present your parts as slaves to righteousness leading into becoming holy.
- For when you were slaves of sin, you were free from righteousness.
- Therefore, what fruit did you have then on account of the things about which you’re now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.
- But presently – having been freed from sin and having been made slaves to God – you have your fruit for becoming holy, and the end is the life of ages.1“life of ages” is literal, and captures the duration as well as the quality of the life, which the traditional interpretation of “eternal life” doesn’t. The word translated “ages” (αἰώνιον) is the adjective form of the Greek word “αἰών” (aion), which is used – for example – in Matthew 24:3 “what are the signs of your coming and the end of the age?”
- For the wages of sin is death, but God’s gift of grace is the life of ages2“life of ages” see previous note. in Jesus the Anointed, our Lord.
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Romans Chapter 7
The law, sin, and death
- Or don’t you know brothers – for I speak to men knowing the law – that the law has authority over a man for as long as the time he lives?
- For the married woman is *bound by law to her husband while he’s living. But if the husband dies, she is *severed from the law concerning the husband.
- So then, if she becomes joined to another man while her husband is living, she will publicly be called an adulteress. But she is free from the law if the husband dies, so she’s not an adulteress though having become joined to another man.
- So then my brothers, you also were made dead to the law through the body of the Anointed for you to become1“become” this word can also be mean to be born. joined to another, to the One who was raised from the dead so we might bear fruit to God.
- For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions aroused through the law were working in our limbs to bear fruit to death.
- But now, we were severed from the law, having died to what we were bound by in order for us to serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.
- Then what will we say? Is the law sin? May it never be! But I didn’t recognize sin except through the law, for I hadn’t even been aware of covetousness except the law was saying: “You shall not covet.”2quotation/allusion to Exodus 20:17 and Deuteronomy 5:21
- But having taken an opportunity through the commandment, sin produced all sort of covetousness in me; for apart from the law, sin is dead.
- Yet I once was alive apart from the law; but having come, the commandment revived the sin and I died.
- And the commandment that was to result in life for me, this was found to result in death.
- For having taken an opportunity through the commandment, sin thoroughly deceived me and through it put me to death.
- So then the law is indeed holy; and the commandment holy, and righteous, and good.
Desiring to do good but not doing it
- Therefore, did something good become death to me? May it never be! But it was sin – so it might be revealed as sin – working out death in me through what’s good so sin might become sinful beyond excess through the commandment.
- For we *know that the law is spiritual but I’m fleshly, having been *sold under sin’s authority.
- For I don’t understand what I do. For what I desire, this I don’t do. But what I hate, this I do.
- But if what I don’t desire, this I do; I agree with the law that the law is good.
- And now I no longer do it, but the sin dwelling in me.
- For I *know that good doesn’t dwell in me (that is, in my flesh). For the desire to do good is present in me, but the doing of good isn’t.
- For I don’t do the good that I desire, but the evil that I don’t desire, this I practice.
- And if what I don’t desire, this I do; it’s no longer I who do it, but the sin dwelling in me.
- Therefore, through the law I find the principle that evil is present in me, me the man desiring to do good,
- for I delight in the law of God according to the inward man.
- But I see another law in my limbs, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner to the law of sin existing in my limbs.
- What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from the body of this death?
- But grace be to God through Jesus the Anointed our Lord! So then, I myself indeed serve God’s law with my mind, but sin’s law with my flesh.
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Romans Chapter 8
Walking in Flesh vs Spirit
- Therefore, there is now no sentence of punishment to the men in Jesus the Anointed [who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.]1This textual variant is disputed, with the majority of manuscripts supporting its inclusion, but the earliest manuscripts supporting its omission. The exact same words occur in verse 4. It possible that scribes copie