Matthew 28 – Shortcode

Jesus’ Resurrection
  1. And after the Sabbaths – it being dawn on the first day of the week – Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.
  2. And behold; a great earthquake happened.  For having descended from heaven and approached the tomb, an angel of the Lord rolled away the stone and was sitting on top of it.
  3. And his appearance was like lightning and his clothes were white as snow.
  4. And the men guarding the tomb trembled from fear of him and became like dead men.
  5. But answering, the angel told the women: “Don’t fear, for I *know that you seek Jesus, the man who has been crucified.”
  6. “He isn’t here, for He was raised from the dead, just as He said.  Come, see the place where He was lying.
  7. “And having gone quickly, tell His disciples that He was raised from the dead. And behold; He is going before you into Galilee; you will see Him there. Behold; I told you.”
  8. And having quickly gone away from the tomb with reverent fear and great joy, they ran to tell His disciples.
  9. And [also, as they were going to tell His disciples,] behold; Jesus met them, saying: “Rejoice!” And having approached Him, they bowed down at His feet and grabbed His feet.
  10. Then Jesus tells them: “Don’t fear.  Go, tell My brothers so they go into Galilee, and they will see Me there.”
The Soldiers’ Deception
  1. And while they’re leaving, behold; some of the guard went into the city and reported all the things which happened to the chief priests.
  2. And having been assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave the soldiers sufficient silver coins,
  3. saying: “Say that His disciples came by night and stole Him while we’re sleeping.”
  4. “And if this is heard by the governor, we will persuade him and will keep you out of trouble.”
  5. And having taken the silver coins, they did as they were instructed.  And this report was spread widely among the Jews up until the present day.
The Great Commission
  1. And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus directed them.
  2. And having seen Him, they bowed down at His feet.1“bowed down at… …feet” is one word in Greek, often translated “worship”. It comes from the Greek words: “pros” (meaning “towards”) and “kyneo” (meaning “to kiss”). It literally refers to bowing down on your hands and knees and kissing the ground in front of a superior or authority figure. Some Egyptian pictographs have the hand outstretched, as if to send the “kiss” toward the one being revered.  But some doubted.
  3. And having approached them, Jesus spoke to them saying: “All authority in heaven and on the earth was given to Me.
  4. So go2“Go” In Greek, this is a passive aorist participle.  However, when a passive aorist participle is followed by an imperative aorist verb (a command), the passive participle should be understood as a command of instrumentality.  That is, the participle is commanded so that the main imperative verb’s action can be accomplished.  Thus, the word “go” isn’t a focus in this verse; the entirety of the focus is on the following verb “disciple”.  See following note.  (Note: in some passages, the Holy Spirit inspired an aorist passive participle + an imperative in one place but inspired a double imperative in a parallel verse.  Examples include: Matt 28:7 + Mark 16:7, Matt 9:6 + Mark 2:11, and Mark 11:2 + Luke 19:30.)  disciple3“disciple” most translations translate it “make disciples” here.  However the Greek verb focuses on the process of raising current disciples up to maturity, not just creating new disciples. The word is used only four times in the Bible: Matthew 13:52, Matthew 27:57, Matthew 28:19, and Acts 14:21.  In each case, the focus is on raising disciples to maturity, not creating new disciples.  While it certainly can include the idea of turning non-disciples into disciples, that’s not the word’s primary focus. all the nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit
  5. and teaching them to observe all things, as many as I commanded you.  And behold: I’m with you on all days until the culmination of the age.