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Welcome! If you'd like to introduce yourself, this is the place.
Berean Patriot (admin)
Level 10
24 Posts
September 21, 2019 - 2:32 pm

Welcome to the BOS Bible forums!

This is the place to introduce yourself, so I'll start.

I'm the creator and initial translator for the BOS Bible. (I say "initial translator" because I expect many others will help me improve on the initial work) I've been looking up words Greek and Hebrew since my early teens, when I asked my dad to show me how to study the Bible. Eventually I started studying the original languages when merely using a lexicon wasn't good enough.

Few things are more important to me than Truth.  Therefore, I'm one of those annoying "doctrinal watchdogs" who doesn't tolerate false teaching very well. (gets me in trouble with church leaders sometimes...)  But while I ardently seek truth, I also try to do so in love and won't attack anyone for what he believes.

I run the website: BereanPatriot.com, and this website is an outgrowth of that one.  I started translating for several reasons, primarily because I wanted to learn the nuance that's lost in translation.  Secondarily, I wanted to double check various Bible translations to see how faithful they were.  I suggest my article: What's the Best Bible Translation?  And More Importantly, Why? to see both how I think about translation and which translations I think are are good.  (Spoiler: the ESV isn't one of them since it likes to change/remove God's words.  No joke.)

NOTE: On the forums I will usually use the English spelling of Greek words for a few reasons.  First, it allows everyone to read and participate more easily, and second a Greek keyboard is a pain, and so is copy/pasting.  I recommend others follow this convention as well, but it's certainly not necessary.

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